Surviving Healthcare
Surviving Healthcare Podcast
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -1:30:58


We are in a hall of mirrors, and to survive, we must learn what is essential and what is secondary. Our friends are dying all around us.

The audio above is my interview on Christian Elliot’s podcast. Subscribe to him at

For new readers: HERE are links to download my CV, ebooks, the best recent posts, and instructions on searching my archives. Also, HERE are links to purchase OSR, DMSO, and chlorine dioxide products, where to find them, and links to my posts. Please review Judas Dentistry; the direct link is HERE. I need your help because a passel of mercury-intoxicated dentists are giving me one-star reviews. Finally, if you have a good story or are an expert who wants to be interviewed, please contact me at

How to preserve yourself mentally in our dystopian world

CJ Hopkins writes:

We are bombarded, on a moment-by-moment basis, by contradictory narratives, facts, fiction, baseless accusations, insinuations, official and unofficial propaganda, exaggerations, distortions, and bald-faced lies. Who has the time and energy to try to sift through the billion bits of bullshit blowing ceaselessly into our brains like random detritus swept up in some omnidirectional idiot wind?

The keys to coping with it all are KISS (keeping it simple, stupid) and aggressively jettisoning the extraneous. I ranked the following by importance.

1. Avoid stress

If your psychological state is compromised, so is your ability to learn and survive. Your priority must be cultivating relationships and moving through the world peacefully by avoiding media and practicing spirituality. Psyops designed to threaten and dishearten us are everywhere.

To cultivate calm and perspective, I memorize passages from Marcus Aurelius (Meditations, 170 AD):

Bad luck borne nobly is good luck.

Don't become disgusted with yourself, lose patience, or give up if you sometimes fail to act as your philosophy dictates. But after each setback, return to reason and be content if most of your acts are worthy of a good man.

Only a fool or a stranger on this planet will be surprised by anything in this life.

Jettison your cargo of opinion, and you are saved. Who prevents you from doing this?

Are my guiding principles healthy and robust? On this hangs everything. The rest, whether I can control it or not, is but smoke and the grey ashes of the dead.

These passages and many others echo through my head as I face stress and inevitable setbacks. They tell me to stay focused, remember my life is short, and be patient with the people around me.

I like Long’s translation, but there are others.

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2. Ignore a lot

Though we try to ignore politics and the lies about world events, enough of it gets through to disturb us. Once I understand the outlines of a story—for example, that the FDA, CDC, NIH, DOD, DARPA, and other government criminals are conspiring to kill us—I avoid reading more details about their history or latest crimes. I must stay focused.

3. How to judge people

A legal maxim describes the first principle of this: “Fraud vitiates everything.” This means that if someone lies about something or uses false information they pass off as true, then the presumption is that any information derived from that is untrue (US v Throckmorton). Judges do this, and you must do it as you judge behavior.

I think of this as flipping a switch on people—if someone lies to you, ghost them. Many (most?) influential people have sold out. For example, Sasha Latypova describes recent events surrounding Robert Malone here, and my description of Todd Callender is here. Ben Goldacre seems to have also joined the legions on the dark side.

Cicero wrote, “Nothing is so strongly fortified that it cannot be taken with money.” Psychopaths and narcissistic jackasses are often charming but have no walls protecting their nonexistent integrity.

How to preserve yourself physically

“Vaccines” explain over 95 percent of our health problems.

The Control Group Study proved beyond any doubt that the key to survival is avoiding them. It showed that the chronic disease rate for the 900,000 US citizens who never had any vax is 2.5 percent. For the rest of us, it is 60 percent. This explains why doctors are seeing their patients drop dead, get turbo cancer, have early Alzheimer’s, or meet some other awful fate.

The Study determined that the likelihood of all this happening by chance alone was infinitesimally small—a virtually invisible statistical “p” value. These numbers are “significant” at .05, which says there was only a one-in-twenty chance that the result could have been produced by chance. The Control Group Study’s far smaller p-value proves its conclusions are indisputable. Those who understand this do not need to listen to more mechanistic idiocy explaining vaccines to understand their evil.

Lying or fabricating a vaxxed certificate is a risk, but nothing compared to getting injected with God knows what by some asshole in a white coat. Never allow yourself to be jabbed with anything again unless it is life or death. All vaccines are poison; read Turtles All the Way Down and Dissolving Illusions for more. Moreover, the provenance and, therefore, safety of every single pharma medicine is in doubt. Psychopaths run these companies.

People are resilient unless they are stabbed with poisons. All other health variables in this post—taken together—are dwarfed by vaccine risks, which are ten to 100 times more consequential. This puts lesser issues like EMF or even nutrition into perspective. Things like the obesity epidemic or rising rates of cancer or other diseases are symptoms and not primary causes of the disaster. I decided to worry less about them and focus on vaccines.

Before I describe other risks, Mark Kennard explains toxic thresholds in this two-minute video. It is why people tolerate something for a while and then suddenly get sick. It is why some people are affected by shedding: they are already ill but have not reached the symptomatic threshold until they get another exposure to the spike protein. It is why my mercury amalgams never made me sick until my late sixties. This is why some people tolerate root canals' inflammatory and infectious effects with few symptoms for decades.

Youth makes up for a lot, but we are more vulnerable as we age. The corollary is that it is better never to have exposures than treat them later. We are in such a toxic environment that avoidance is nearly impossible. Chlorine dioxide allows us to remove toxins such as glyphosate, pesticides, pollutants, and heavy metals early or late.

More risks

My post, Almost Everything Scares Me These Days (November 2023), lays out other issues. Purposeful iodine deficiency, encouragement of terrible diets consisting of seed oils and unsaturated fats, and sedentary lifestyles are a few. Medical abuses include but are hardly limited to all statins, psych drugs (Butchered by “Healthcare”), root canals, and mercury amalgams (Judas Dentistry). Other risks are opioids, aluminum exposure, fluoride water poisoning, other prescriptions, all radiation oncology treatments but one, and nearly all chemotherapies (Butchered by “Healthcare”).

Dental amalgams are destructive because of their mercury. Root canals are because they continually seed the body with bacteria. When people are exposed to mercury and other toxins from vaccines, it often pushes the victims over their toxic threshold, so they get sick. Despite these dental risks damaging over half the Western population, no increase in mortality or decline in live births was seen until the Covid vax rollout. For perspective, see Craig Pardekooper’s work describing Pfizer’s dose-fatality studies used to test the jab poisons.

To inactivate mercury, see THIS or THIS post about Boyd Haley’s heavy metal chelator. For aluminum, use silica water as described HERE and HERE.

Still other health problems include vegan diets (see Hormone Secrets), Lyme disease (a manufactured bioweapon), sunscreen promotion and sun exposure suppression, sugar and poisonous artificial sweeteners such as aspartame (Nutrasweet), and glyphosate herbicide exposure through wheat consumption. Finally, heedless industrial pollution with everything from DDT to the promiscuous use of unimaginably filthy jet fuel rife with metals and God knows what else. This last could be cleaned up, but psychopaths are in charge.


Affordable cures that work in order of importance

I have learned enough about chlorine dioxide and DMSO to realize that these treatments alone could replace most conventional healthcare. Physicians cannot use or discuss them for fear that their medical boards will revoke their licenses, but this makes little difference, for we do not need doctors now.

The medical specialties of ENT, oncology, internal medicine, ophthalmology, dermatology, and others should go the way of the dodo bird to be replaced by lay practitioners who know the protocols. They can be trained in a week.

CD requires no degree, license, or ridiculous pretense of doctoring or physician superiority. Just buy the dropper bottles, mix the contents, dilute them in a liter, and drink them over six to eight hours. You can cure your metastatic pancreatic cancer, spike protein illness, glyphosate “intoxication,” and a lot else that ails you.

If you Herx, cut your drop number by half or less. Trust how you feel. Minor problems like Covid or malaria are cured in a few days, and major health issues often resolve in a month or less.

Chlorine dioxide requires some study, but your life is worth it. I linked CD and DMSO writeups in the first paragraph of this post. I now take 12 drops per bottle of chlorine dioxide (MMS) over eight hours every other day. I do not try it on an empty stomach. I am contemplating reducing my dose further or going back to CDS for a period to see if I tolerate it better.


Avoid chicken, pork, wheat, and sugar, particularly the ubiquitous and addictive high fructose corn syrup. This causes fatty liver, cardiovascular disease, and weight gain. Never use seed and synthetic oils such as canola (same link), which eliminates eating out. Instead, focus on getting enough healthy saturated fat. Butter from grass-fed sources or beef drippings is best. This last is often discarded and can be obtained cheaply.

Beef is the best protein source because commercially grown chickens and pigs are fed toxic soy and seed oil. Eggs, however, seem to be protected and have healthy fats and protein. Feedlot cattle have problematic diets but have multiple stomachs that detoxify a lot. Fears are developing about the mRNA that the psychopaths are injecting into cows, but how much is absorbed into our guts is unclear.

Untouched cows are still available. Wyoming ranchers are fighting to continue their production, and sources like my friend Frank in California still supply free-range, unvaccinated beef. It tastes fantastic.

A pure carnivore diet has merit but may adversely affect the gut microbiome. I tolerated this poorly, and after a three-month trial, I quit.

Bioidentical hormone replacement

This is vital for seniors but is subject to the same negative psyops we see for everything else. Estrogen and progesterone help women, and testosterone, DHEA, and melatonin improve the lives of both sexes. Testosterone is often used as a sole treatment for either sex. It works for women because it metabolizes to estrogen.

Oral or injectable is the only way hormones work effectively. The exception is testosterone, which works using creams and is ineffective orally. Subcutaneous pellets give consistent blood levels but require an annoying minor surgery every few months.

Hormone blood testing is the gold standard; salivary or hair analysis is unhelpful for the reasons I reported in Hormone Secrets. The American College of Gynecology endorses prescribing hormones for menopausal women without testing. This is better than avoiding hormones because of your fears or the laboratory expense. Dosing should be adjusted based on symptom optimization rather than strictly on levels, and the most common problem is underdosing.

With few caveats, hormones are so harmless that they should be over-the-counter. Read Hormone Secrets or Unbekoming’s excellent summary if you have not gotten the memo.

Supplements in order of importance

Vitamin D is more critical than all else on the list together. It prevents many diseases and decreases all-cause mortality. Use the 50,000 IU capsules, and do not fear taking too much; levels somewhat above 100 mg/dl are good for you. Henry Lahore’s is the best information source. Sun exposure helps, but most do not live in the tropics and cannot get enough. Measure your levels.

Magnesium deficiency is nearly universal. Doses of several grams daily are reasonable. Consider taking it until you get diarrhea. Magnesium will not hurt you, and you will learn what you tolerate. Costco magnesium oxalate makes your bowels work but only about five percent is absorbed. Magnesium glycinate or bis-glycinate is far better utilized.

Vitamin C has similar gut reactions as magnesium, and the dose is similar. If you do not get diarrhea, you may need more. It is second only to the first two in importance. Stay away from it during the hours you take chlorine dioxide, for they inactivate each other.

K2 is critical.

Iodine can cure glandular cancers such as breast and prostate if you take several hundred milligrams a day. The only risk is that it potentially agitates you. The rest of us should take at least 50 mg daily. It is available as Iodoral pills or liquid. Deficiency is nearly universal, especially in the Midwest, except for heavy fish eaters who live on the coasts. They have to worry about mercury toxicity. Many people immediately feel better when they start taking iodine.

Selenium deficiency is also widespread; the dose is 200-400 micrograms daily, and the higher amounts harmlessly aid detox. Eating three Costco Brazil nuts daily works, and you will enjoy it. I pig out on them some days and sometimes forget it.

Boron has many merits, including improved sexuality. Deficiency is widespread. It is the cheapest supplement, and a daily dose of ¼ teaspoons of Borax detergent in a liter of water for men and 1/8 teaspoon for women supplies all your needs. It is safer than table salt. Read the post to become comfortable taking it.

Zinc aids vital processes. The maintenance dose is 25 mg daily, but if you are sick or have never taken it, 50 mg daily for a couple of weeks may help.

CoQ is worth an honorable mention. I use the Costco 300 mg capsule. Some recommend taking many times that dose, particularly for those with Parkinson’s.

How do you handle all those damn pills?

Many, such as DHEA, melatonin, pregnenolone, magnesium, vitamin C, CoQ, and others, are available as pure, inexpensive powders from,, and other sources. Iodine can be liquid, such as Lugos’s or nascent. This is taken from a dropper bottle. All these can be used in smoothies.

If you still tolerate them poorly, take them every other or every third day. I have a sensitive stomach, so I take half the above list every other day and after my largest meal. I also take chlorine dioxide every other day but am considering reducing my dose further. This is not an exact science, so you should see what works. Raw milk, raw kefir, and fermented yogurt supplement the gut microbiome and can improve an upset stomach.

What helps sleep?

I struggle with this and wake up early every morning, writing in my head.

Magnesium glycinate or bis-glycinate in multi-gram doses helps. Be careful, or you could s*** the bed! Magnesium oxide does not improve sleep.

Some people love CBD oil, which contains a little THC. The dose varies from one drop to a dropper. I will post about this soon.

DMSO is reputed to help. I notice it if I take a tablespoon at bedtime in a glass of water.

Melatonin helps sleep a little. Among many other virtues, it also prevents cancer metastases. I use 200 mg or more, but it does not keep me asleep. After six weeks, I am getting used to the funky feeling I get if I try to get up and use the bathroom. My tolerance is improving, and 95 percent of people can take it chronically without issues.

Parkinson’s patients know constipation.

Treat it with magnesium oxalate or sulfate. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) also helps. These are available as cheap, pure powders from and other sources. Do not be afraid to take several grams daily, and adjust your dose as needed.

I also drink a quart or two of water every morning and more throughout the day. I eat prunes and fiber-rich vegetables after soaking them in chlorine dioxide to remove herbicides and pesticides. The formula for this is linked in the paragraph at the top.

Epic constipation ended my trial of the carnivore diet. You might do better if you drink enough water and eat enough fat.

What decreases inflammation the most?

Real medicine is based on terrain theory, which says that if you improve your body, your diseases will be curtailed. Cutting inflammation can eliminate many cancers, infectious diseases, neurological diseases, “autoimmune” disorders, and more.

First, ask yourself the paramount health question, “What is in my mouth?” If you have loose teeth, dental amalgams, root canals, or other oral problems, prioritize these. Use only IAOMT dentists (Judas Dentistry). Then consider the following:

Although I tried or am currently using everything on the list below, until I took DMSO orally, I noticed nothing. When a supplement saves people from traumatic paralysis by decreasing spinal cord swelling, look no further for an arthritis cure. Chlorine dioxide (CD) is second best but also important.

Other strategies besides CD and DMSO include fasting or time-restricted eating, the carnivore diet, DHEA, melatonin, boron, and magnesium. Low-dose naltrexone also helps. Boron seems to have saved most Israelis from arthritis. It is ubiquitous in their soil, particularly in the Dead Sea area.

NSAIDS and cortisone-type steroids help inflammation but damage the healing process and occasionally cause death. If you are taking Pharma immunosuppressants such as methotrexate or azathioprine, you should reevaluate your approach. These drugs reduce the body's immune response, making fighting infections and diseases harder. They cause cancer and a whole host of other mortal dangers.

Aspirin has many virtues besides relieving pain and inflammation. Multiple grams can be safely taken every 24 hours. It is a fantastic drug that increases one's time on earth, prevents cancer, and a lot more, but big Pharma destroyed its credibility. Since their goal is to injure us and profit despite any damage to us, they instead promote killer Tylenol and its toxic relatives.

Here is an example of how you can benefit from knowing inflammation. If an orthopedist says you have “bone on bone” on your X-ray or MRI and need a joint replacement, think twice. It is a sales pitch for lucrative surgery. They have a hammer, and people are nails to them. Symptomatology is barely related to anatomy, and many people who have imaging studies showing horrible degenerative joint disease are asymptomatic. Master your inflammation, and you will be, too.

Aurelius always gets the last word for me:

In typical Stoic fashion, Epictetus continually warned his students not to confuse theoretical learning with wisdom and to avoid petty arguments, hairsplitting, or wasting time on abstract academic topics.

Editor: Jim Arnold

Go over this again and use the links to review any vital information you missed. Also, remember that the search box at the top of this page (little magnifying glass icon) can link you to all posts containing the topic of your choice. Studying it all seems critical, but I know many of you are working and do not have much time to read. Last, how about a belated Christmas gift of a few subscribers? Type their emails below, please.

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Parting shot #1: those who influenced me most in 2024

They all tutored me and were generous with their time. In rough order:

Polymath Paul Sansonetti. He is my feed to the outside world and has supplied many ideas and references. He is even brighter and better informed than the others on this list. He forced me to change my mind about many issues.

Curious Outlier: the author of and a tremendous contributor.

Unbecoming. He is one of the best substack authors I have followed this year. He donated hours to help me, and I learned more from him than from any other source except the above two.

Jim Arnold of Liar’s World Substack has been archiving information for 15 years against the day when today’s Library of Alexandria burns. He has definitive references and, better yet, can find them. Thanks for telling me when my ideas stink!

Elizabeth Cronin is the sharpest editor I have ever worked with. She makes me do intellectual pushups every time she corrects my posts. I expect to see more of her margin comments in red next year.

Michelle Herman is an absolute samurai about chlorine dioxide.

Kerri Rivera: the foremost world authority on autism treatment.

Boyd Haley: the foremost world authority on mercury toxicity.

Engineer George: my friend who brings his superior analytical skills to our party.

A few others who I likely forgot or who must remain anonymous.

Some fell off our speedboat and drowned:

CH, my climbing mentor, took the vax against my advice and had a massive stroke, rendering him permanently mute. His friends still take him climbing on a top rope.

DJ, my Zion climbing buddy. His closest friends believe he was murdered by his wife for his money. She cremated him immediately and litigated with other heirs. He ignored our earlier advice to ghost her. I guess he later did.

George Allen died slowly of colon cancer at 45, years before I learned how to save him with chlorine dioxide. I spoke to him several days a week during his illness, including on his last day.

Robert Morgan, co-author of Hormone Secrets, refused Western medical care for his cardiac disease and died of a sudden heart attack. I went to Houston and spent a week with him shortly before this happened. Even if he had gotten angioplasties and bypass surgeries, he knew his chances of doing well were slim. He was a cardiac care nurse who understood what a hoax conventional care was.

RIP dudes. I love you still.

Parting shot #2:

Why did the psychopaths turn off the Google search algorithm, which can swing vote counts by ten to twenty percent, and let Trump win? Robert Epstein is the world authority on this. HERE and HERE are two podcasts about how the algorithms are manipulated.

Jim Arnold told me: “THEY know that they have a tiger by the tail, and some are intimidated. WE know that the situation is unpredictable and that our enemies, while sophisticated, are not unbeatable. The parasites seem to have realized they were about to kill or seriously injure the host. If this happened, they would have nothing left to feed on.”

This is optimistic.

Parting shot #3: More chlorine dioxide testimonials

From Telegram channel


"Testimony about opioid withdrawal using CDS: My son was addicted to opioids for over twenty years, first heroin and then fentanyl. Attempts to help him withdraw always failed because my son has a history of severe psychosis and withdrawal would cause seizures and psychosis, among other things. When the fentanyl became terribly harmful to him, I tried using suboxone, but it backfired and caused him to wake up screaming in the middle of the night, waking up all the neighbors. We were threatened with eviction if it happened again. But when my son overdosed and I barely was able to save him, we knew he had to quit no matter what. I had no one to advise me, but I was super desperate and started him on a course of withdrawal using potent doses of CDS (100ppm) every hour all day long and into the night. I was just winging it, "flying by the seat of my pants" as they say. Right away I could see that it was working. For one thing he was far more clear minded. It was remarkable. Psychotic tendencies would start to manifest and then they would just dissolve. This pulse went on for about a week and then he pretty much stabilized, and we knew we had won. Thank God! I now have him on doses only about five or six times a day, for maintenance. Of course, I'm not recommending that anyone use such strong doses, but I can tell you from direct experience that it causes no harm, and in my son's case was hugely beneficial. It saved his sanity and his life. With gratitude and blessings from my heart, Susanne."



"...My partner is doing a taper from opioid painkillers using CDS. Drops one pill each day. 5 days ago it was 12 pills, today it was 7. 6 more days til my partner breaks free of this addiction.

So far there has been no diarrhea, no nausea, no restless legs, no fatigue, no irritability, no anxiety, no insomnia. The only small sign of withdrawal I noticed was a slight watery eye and runny nose for about half an hour cuz we fell asleep and missed 2 doses in the 8 hourly protocol.

To start I put 1ml CDS in 100ml distilled water for the first 2 days. Then increased the dose by 0.5ml of CDS in 100ml of distilled water each day. Today was 3ml CDS, tomorrow will be 3.5ml CDS.

I have to say even though there is still 6 more days to go, and then a few days after to make sure the withdrawal period has subsided, I am absolutely astounded.

In the 4 years I have been with my partner, we have been actively trying to get her off this poison. She attended a local Drug and Alcohol Team who put her first on buprenorphine and then after 6 months switched to methadone.

I have never seen her make such a rapid drop in her daily intake of opioid painkillers with no withdrawal symptoms ever before...

These 6 days have been absolute plain sailing and I am extremely confident that the remaining days will be just the same.

So if you or anyone you know suffers from opioid addiction, CDS does really work to almost completely eliminate withdrawal symptoms, to allow that person to get their life back sooner than they thought possible...”

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