I received an email from a reader that illustrates several points. First, please put all comments in the comment section. I can defend myself publicly and, if necessary, apologize for inaccuracies.

KK writes:

So you can’t disagree with someone without completely throwing them under the bus? RW Malone? Seriously? This discredits your impact and authority greatly. Give me a break. I have been reading all his stuff since the begining of the plandemic and followed his development, which has been amazing. He has proven his integrity over and over and over. You greatly discredit yourself with that ridiculous assertion.

My response:

Well K---, you go against the sophisticated consensus.

When I first read Malone, I commented about some of his inconsistencies (to put it kindly) and a swarm of "supporters" threatened me with lawsuits.

When he sued the Breggins, it became clear he was an op. Their documentation about the matter was comprehensive and convincing.

More recently, a lot has come out about him that Sasha Latypova has exhaustively documented. She is the most credible source on Substack.

If you are sincere about your interest, search her Substack for "Malone."

Best wishes, Robert

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Jan 4Edited

The stuff about "controlled opposition" gets on my nerves of late. Serves to divide us.

On balance, I see his contribution as positive.

Suing the Bregginses was a mistake. He appears to be a hothead.

If you see inconsistencies, tell us. What has he done that upset you? Has he sold someone you know a lame horse on the sly? I would prefer if you would not just throw him under the bus with innuendo here on your blog.

Edit to clarify: what I meant is that if Malone has done something to you personally, I would want to know about it. Or done something that has affected you negatively, even if it had not been directed at you.

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Have you ever seen this? Allegedly this dentist was attacked for criticism of amalgams.

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I am a huge fan Dr. Yoho! Thank you for your contribution to humanity. I need to spend a week rereading your posts and start practicing what you preach. A vascular surgeon asked me why I thought we are seeing an increase in internal iliac aneurysms... seriously dude? 🤦🏻‍♀️😒🙄 must be nice living in lala land. I'd ghost him, but I have to pay my bills 😸.

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The vax is the independent variable. We have to pound this over and over.

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THEY BOTH FOLLOW THE SAME PATH, HIV, OPIOIDS, FLU AND COVID. I suspect we can add Andrew Kolodney too. EVIL MEN.

Ex-CDC director says "possible" US created viruses in China


Representative Brad Wenstrup, an Ohio Republican who chairs the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, wrote opening page of the report: "The possibility that COVID-19 emerged because of a laboratory or research related accident is not a conspiracy theory."

CDC Can't Substantiate COVID Vaccine Ingredient Claims



Flu "Vaccines" Are Neither Safe nor Effective


(The Exposé)—The Pandermrix influenza vaccine was associated with a 1,400% increase in narcolepsy risk and was eventually pulled from the market due to its link with narcolepsy and cataplexy.

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Dr. Yoho and your other colleagues that I have discovered on Substack this past year, have done more to save our lives than 100,000 conventional "doctors".

I wish that I had discovered your work regarding the sociopaths who call themselves dentists, much earlier in my life because they have been the cause of virtually ALL of my current health problems. Without going into the details, I am ready to have all my teeth removed and get removable dentures.

I am a 74 year old woman in otherwise good health except for my teeth and I try to follow the advice that I find online from docs like yourself, Midwestern Doctor, et al.

Right now I have a big hole in my mouth under my top front tooth that is part of a permanent bridge. This tooth had a root canal years ago, then the root started to rot and get infected. There was also a metal post that was removed when I went for a root amputation about 6 months ago. The "dentist" who did that procedure filled the space with bone graft compound, what kind he doesn't know!

The bone graft material fell out leaving me with this hole that I am trying to get filled with some kind of filling like resin, synthetic bone graft, anything.

The fixed bridge is like having a big Cadillac in my mouth with all the root canals, metal, porcelain, etc. However, it will cost me $40 grand to have it removed and replaced which I cannot afford to do, nor do I want to put myself in the hands of these sociopathic "dentists" for the year it will take to do it.

For now all I want is for someone to fill the hole and just leave me the hell alone after that.

I think that dentists are WAY WoRSE than the fake doctors and I have done much better since I stopped going.

My husband has not been so lucky. He is 77 and he went for the jabs against my advice. He gets medical care from the VA so of course they have pushed jabs on him including MRnA and flu shots. He was strong and healthy into his 70s till he got the CVD jabs that almost killed him. Literally. I have told him NO MORE SHOTS but he won't listen.

SO now he's been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and is on medication for that and for diabetes.

I blame it all on the fake Docs who run the system. They have all forgotten "First do no harm".

God bless you Dr. Yoho for sharing your knowledge with us. I look forward to reading your books and essays.

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respond to this post by email and I will tell you what I would do

be sure you have read and understand Judas Dentistry first

the answers are all there

I agree with you but there is a cheaper ways out of your dark woods

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You're a good man.

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Thanks very much. What's the best email address to contact you?

Also, do you know of any good dentists or doctors in Westchester county, NY?

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Sure would like to know what a ballpark dose of chorine dioxide is for adults. Everyone is unique and responds differently, because of a multitude of variables. However, what is a good starting point? I read several confusing suggestions. Not sure where to start. I always try something new before giving to my clients, and learn how to administer to benefit each one the most.

Also, where can I get a clean, high grade source of CD? Please don't tell me Amazon, as some of their sources are questionable, to say the least.

I get pharmaceutical quality DMSO from pharmadmso.com

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Please see the links in the paragraph at the top of every one of my posts. It is confusing, and the people who need it most Herx and must take very small initial doses.

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I make my own. It is easy to do and very cost effective. I use Prescribed for Life products. They are in Texas and family owned. https://prescribedforlife.com/

The instructions are at https://theuniversalantidote.com/

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You can also get it from PatriotSupply.com. Maybe 4Patriots.com. Google chlorine dioxide, places should come up.

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KV Labs dor CDS.

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Agent 131711 shows that all supplements are industrial poison waste from China.

Especially Vitamin D. I take the sun and salmon. How can you get the sun in those pills?

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Our dear agent is a limited hangout. Anyone who credits him is another limited hangout or .... kind of a dummy. sorry to be so blunt. Fraud vitiates all, and he hates ivermectin too.

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Yup I unsubscribed from that wackadoodle after a couple of months

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Me too.

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Too much that we ingest comes from China. The US must break its dependency on China and India.

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Yes I follow him too, still not sure which of these different people I follow is legit and which is trying to lead me in the wrong direction. So much info and disinfo, like the vitamin d debate, I still don’t know. But I did read somewhere that eating an egg is like taking a multivitamin and that made me feel better, something simple I can add in. Plus I think I always believed in butter and healthy fats instead of margarine.

Side note blueberries very healthy. As for extras, I think moringa is good, ashawaganda, ginseng, Ginko- we may need to think plant medicines not so much vitamins (if the vitamins are made in another country and questionable etc).

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there is no vitamin D debate

see vitamindwiki.com and subscribe

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"Side note blueberries very healthy."

20 years ago, my mother was diagnosed with the "incurable" type of macular degeneration which 75% of folks who are diagnosed with the disease suffer with.

I did a little research and recommended that she add organic spinach & blueberries to her diet. Plus a lutein & zeaxanthin supplement. (Not even the highest dosage available which is 20 mg vs 6 or 10.)

2 years later: her Macular Degeneration had disappeared.

Just saying. 😉

Her optometrist and my Don's opthalmologist "She never had it then..."

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high dose melatonin cures it too see my post

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Yup. To quote one doctor who is somewhat in the know, "There are no specific dis-eases, there are only specific symptomologies".

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I love this recommendation.

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Ashgawanda is a calming soothing herb. In the Ayurvedic tradition.

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Amazing Polly did a very good exposè on the posers, the “narrative network”.

Potassium citrate to balance Mg has helped me, as well as learning and using basic homeopathy.

Forgiveness is huge, as the bitterness toward the weak-minded and complicit will consume you.

Thanks for your work, doc.

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Great quote:

Cicero wrote, “Nothing is so strongly fortified that it cannot be taken with money.”

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No MSM ever, eliminate all big pharma drugs, ignore the doomsayers, ignore the DC swamp, use cash, and stay out of digital prisons.

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True story doc.

Shine on. 💎

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I have been a user of Bio Identical HRT (made by a compounding pharmacy) since I was in my early 50’s. I am now 72.

I started using them in menopause, after I had my last menstrual cycle. You mention that “oral or injectable is the only way hormones work effectively”. What is the basis of that statement?

Mine are a combination of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, are compounded in a cream form, applied to the genitals once a day. This is one medication I would NEVER stop using. There have been times when my “prescription lapsed” and I was without them for a matter of days. I felt it for sure, with aches and pains and a foggy brain. I have never let that happen again!

I credit using them for over 20 years, for remaining youthful (both in thought and physicality), and having a desire for sexual intimacy (with the right partner). I can’t imagine women who have not had the good fortune to have a physician or practitioner who did not prescribe some type of bio identical hormone therapy for them. They don’t know what they are missing!

And this goes for men as well. They could benefit from testosterone supplementation, also. It could be “low T” that’s contributing to now what seems has become an “epidemic” of ED in older men. Then you throw in prescription drug use and lifestyle/diet choices of older men, which is not helping either!

(As an aside I looked into the ‘side effects’ of the more common ED meds like Cialis and Viagra. They are bad! As a conscious woman I would never want my partner/husband to use these medications! I would look into the source of what is the likely cause(s) of it and work on it from that angle.) 😉💓

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read Hormone Secrets for explanations and complete ref

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I see that that is a book that you wrote. Though I am 100% in favor of bio identical HRT for both women and men, (made by a compounding pharmacy) I am not in favor of HGH. I think that it’s not as good as it appears to be and in some cases leads to the eventual decline of a person’s health and or death.

The physician who prescribed my HRT years ago was a family practice physician who converted his ‘practice’ to a ‘concierge type of practice’ treating people’s (men and women) hormonal imbalances. He was the one who diagnosed my ‘Hashimoto’s thyroiditis’ and started me on bio identical HRT.

He also was prescribing HGH to his patients and treating himself with HGH, as well. It eventually lead to a serious decline in his health and eventually led to his death when he was in his 60’s. I saw him not long before he passed away, when he was getting IV infusion treatments at my Primary Care Doctor’s office. I was getting an IV infusion of glutathione, Vitamin C, and Hydrogen Peroxide for a flu bug I was trying to fight off. He was lying in a recliner on the opposite side of the room, and I barely recognized him, only when he spoke did I recognize him. It was so sad, because he was a vibrant guy, a dancer, and he declined to but a shadow of his former self.

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Nice to "see you" again Lupita! ❤️

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not causal

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I’m with you! Love my compounded E and P creams. T did nothing for me except make me grow a few hairs on my face, so I stopped that. I like the flexibility in terms of dosage of the creams. The pellets you are stuck with that dose for 3-4 months. It’s also way more expensive and painful! Pills are metabolized through the liver. And that is why I prefer the creams. At 63 I’ve never had a hot flash or urine leakage and my skin looks at least ten years younger.

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the creams do not improve cardiovascular mortality; the oral does. See my book

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Yes the cream is easy to use. And no need for processing through the liver, like a pill. And I’m not into giving myself an injection!

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your paranoia is well founded but orals are best

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After hearing again about DMSO for joints I thought I would try a teaspoon in water in the evenings. I discovered that DMSO is apparently used as a diuretic, something I definitely need to avoid before bed. I can attest to the diuretic effect. I also get to sleep on the couch when I take it in the evenings. I am going to try it in the mornings now and see how it works. Thanks for another helpful article.

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Good conversation. I hope 2025 bill find us moving in the direction of more free and open discussions like this.

I would like to try a very weak solution of Chlorine dioxide that I sip on low and slow, life once or twice a week Really need to read up more.

Kind of low-bar motivation these days. Just working on not falling and maintaining independent living situation. Exercise and eating right not highest priority but I am doing better.

I know exactly what symptom I would observe as the proof to me that that regime is working. I have an autoimmune condition of my eyes of the "itis" kind. If the symptoms show up further apart, I know the chlorine dioxide is working. The mention of "inflammatory syndrome" term caught my attention. Sounds like what I have and it sounds like a vague, not very definite "diagnosis."


Wanted to share a brief important note from Dr. Mike Yeadon and a video of Canadian scientist Dennis Rancourt on the "COVID-19 illusion". Both of these PhD researchers and scientists have the same spirit as Dr. Yoho and so I feel that these links are not off topic.



Dr Mike Yeadon

"I believe there’s a vital piece of important context which we have a duty to impress upon readers.

That is that there was nothing spreading, no pandemic, no public health emergency preceding the declaration by WHO of a pandemic.

This was unquestionably known to both the manufacturers of the injections, whether pharma, contract manufacturers or the DoD, as well as to national authorities, long before the fraudulent, faked regulatory authorisations of the injections. " SNIP


Here is Dr. Dennis Rancourt video.


1:44:17 video runtime


Bible verse I have been thinking about lately.

Mathew 6:34

Douay-Rheims Bible

Be not therefore solicitous for to morrow; for the morrow will be solicitous for itself. Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof.


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Which "itis"?

My Pfizered son was diagnosed with Necrotizing Scleritis in February of '24

He's currently on: Prednisone, self injects Methotrexate into his stomach, and is now also injecting himself "biological" called Amjevita. Weaning from high dose prednisone.

He is only 27 years old. Has suffered so many health issues, and gained a tremendous amount of weight, since being Pfizered in late '21.

"No one knows" why he suddenly developed this eye disease which nearly cost him his left eye.

"Rheumatoid Arthritis."

His specialists (opthalmologist & rheumatologist) are both stumped.

Only their pharmaceutical drug prescriptions, causing many side effects, keep his disease "at bay"...

He ignores any and all my links to possible alternative therapies.

I'm absolutely heartbroken for my son but there's nothing more I can do now, other than love him from afar, and continue to wish for him the best possible outcome moving forward in his fight to "maintain" his chronic autoimmune disease.

Sadly, I've had to abandon my fervent quest to help my son, as he clearly wants no part of my help.

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don't give up

I have similar but less serious situation with my kids

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Ty for sharing. How difficult this must be for you. In time, he may come around. Best.

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200 mg of melatonin?? Usually I think it comes 3 mg or 5 mg tablets. I find 3-6 mgs is lots. If I take 10 mg sometimes I wake up drowsy. I am wondering if their were typos in the amounts listed in your article. (Maybe 2mg tablet?) (That’s just my psa to review the amounts for all things and do some due diligence.) Also ashawaganda is supposed to help balance horomones, if anyone wants to try it, I hear good things.

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read the whole melatonin post linked above

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I take 10 mg a night and it barely helps me sleep 3 to 4 hours.

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Try Selenium 400 mg. I find it works better, and has other uses your body needs. It comes as 200 mg, but I require the 400 mg.

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Valerian root? 5mg of melatonin has me up at 4am.

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I ran out of GABA and haven't gone to get more. (Too lazy to get out in the cold. 😂) I seem to be sleeping just as well without it as with it.

I wake up around 3 or 4 lots of nights. I've seen that that might be related to liver or kidney problems. `\_(•_•)_/`

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Or smart readers collecting data??? I've heard that too.

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What's a smart reader?

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In the US (maybe other places too?) they're the remote accessible electric meters on homes. When the data is collected apparently it causes a surge in EMF and people have noticed disruption in sleep.

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I get 20mg melatonin and take 40-60 or more every night. It has anti-cancer properties and is a great antioxidant. I wonder if it should be taken away from CD like Vit C?

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take your supps 2 hours after finishing CD for the day

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If you have thyroid issues stay away from ashwaganda! From my experience.

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I'm Hypo, and just thought it a reaction. It didn't like my body.

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What was your experience? I have taken it on occasion and it helped my mood with nothing odd happening to me.

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Oh really? I had not read anything about that, and since some of my family members have had thyroid issues I do want to look into this, thank you for sharing your experience w Ashagawanda. Can I ask how much you were taking, and how you noticed an issue?

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I don't remember the dose. I have hashimotos - so I swing between hyper and hypo. It made me feel super hyper ie. Anxious. Not fun.

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WHAT? You take a "TABLESPOON" of DSMO at bedtime? I take a 1/2 TEASPOON and wonder if its too much!

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some only take a few drops

both doses are reasonable

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It's an old game.


"Chaos, Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties"

Tom O'Neill

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I am wondering, Doc, why you say not to take MMS on an empty stomach. Lots of people are recommending to take it away from food, and I have been thinking of adding it to my next fast (3-4 days).

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best on an empty stomach yes but I have a sensitive stomach

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