Surviving Healthcare
Surviving Healthcare Podcast
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -1:10:26


Although many are strong enough to function well with hormones artificially blocked by birth control pills or eliminated by menopause, they are compromised. Here are the solutions.
Yoho resources: HERE are links to download my CV, ebooks, the best recent posts, and instructions on searching my archives. Also, HERE are links to purchase OSR, DMSO, chlorine dioxide products, and more. Please review Judas Dentistry; the direct link is HERE. I need your help because a passel of mercury-intoxicated dentists are giving me one-star reviews. Finally, if you have a good story or are an expert who wants to be interviewed, don't hesitate to contact me at I am also available for podcasts for my subscriber Substackers; email me by replying to a post. I will repost the session on my platform to get you readers.

If women didn't exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning. —Aristotle Onassis

Chris Williamson’s brilliant interview with Dr. Hill is on the masthead, and the video is HERE. I subscribed to Chris.

NB: Men are also hormonally influenced, notably by women’s reactions to them, but this essay is not about men. Read Hormone Secrets to learn more. The link is a free download.

Table of Contents

A: Younger Women by Polymath Paul Sansonetti

B: Live Well After Menopause by Robert Yoho

A: Younger Women by Polymath Paul Sansonetti

Dr. Sarah Hill’s superb interview: Your Brain on Birth Control

Hill explains that the Pill blunts women’s healthy responses and how this suppresses men’s testosterone and damages their psychology, motivation, and sexuality. She explains how this distorts relationships and culture. For example, she says, “If you can get laid while living in your Mom’s basement eating Cheetos, why would you do anything different?” She also cites research that shows elevated male testosterone levels when they are exposed to fertile women or other factors such as guns. (!)

To understand this post, either listen to her interview above or download and read my summary:



You can follow Hill’s thinking on YouTube.

The Pill is ruinous to women's health.

The diagram below shows their wondrous hormonal cycle. Preventing ovulation by plastering potent synthetic estrogen and progesterone all over this delicate balance is damaging. Complete menopause, when all levels flatline to nearly zero, has related consequences if hormones are not replaced; see part B.

In some formulations, the Pill lowers women’s testosterone by as much as 90-95%, which is why it can make their skin look better. Acne is partly caused by oxidized hormones pushed out through the skin.

On the Pill, women are less sexual, more obsessed with safety, and less confident.

The following is from Since the site seems to have been suppressed, I retrieved it from the Wayback Machine. (Read how to use this—it is useful.)

When most girls are prescribed the birth control pill it's done flippantly and with little information. Before I delve into the numerous risks of short and long term hormonal birth control use, I would like to credit the pill with regulating periods, alleviating cramping and acne, preventing unwanted pregnancy, and reducing the risk of ovarian cancer. [Here are the risks:]

1. Cancer

2. Blood clots

3. Autoimmune disease

3. Heart Attacks & Strokes

4. Fertility Problems

5. Depletion of Nutrients

6. Decreased Bone Density

7. Gallbladder Disease

8. Poor Milk Production

9. Impaired sex drive & decreased sexual enjoyment

10. Depression, PMS and Severe Mood Swings

11. Impaired Muscle Growth

12. Less Desirable to Men

13. Impaired Partner Selection

14. High Blood Pressure

15. Yeast Infections, Candida Prevalence, & Vaginitis

16. Nausea

17. Trouble Sleeping

18. For more risks, details, and the references, see this link.

Women have many contraception options besides the Pill

The withdrawal method involves pulling out a few seconds early and masturbating to orgasm. With typical use, about 18% of couples who use withdrawal will become pregnant within the first year, compared to 17% of couples who use male condoms. With practice, withdrawal can be 96% effective.

Withdrawal doesn't protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Some say it reduces sexual pleasure.

Things you can do to make the withdrawal method more effective include:

  • Using spermicide, a gel or cream that kills sperm

  • Using a barrier method like male condoms

  • Using a birth control app like Natural Cycles or fertility monitors to avoid fertile periods

  • Use lambskin condoms or diaphragms during the fertility window

The copper IUD, invented in 1967, is the queen of safe female birth control and provides effective contraception for at least ten years. The US cash price has been jacked up to $1800, but it is inexpensive if you can commute to Mexico. Big Pharma has made efforts to discredit it by emphasizing perforation and other complications—nothing is totally safe—but what they hate about it is that it is cheap.

Other IUDs, such as Skyla, contain hormones. Avoid them!

Mild testicular heating is a safe, effective, and reversible contraceptive method for men that involves strapping the testicles close to the body. Alternatively, men who use a hot tub for a week also decrease their fertility. Unlike a vasectomy, these are reversible and do not cause auto-immune issues.

Fertility monitors can be used in reverse. If you get pregnant, you can take a test and then do this plan C:

An array of websites [make two pills available]—mifepristone and misoprostol—that will induce a miscarriage when used in the first trimester of pregnancy and possibly even later. The so-called self-managed abortion is therefore an option at least six weeks further into a pregnancy than the controversial new Texas law’s six-week “heartbeat” cutoff for an abortion at a clinic. Though people in other states have several websites to choose from, Texans can visit Aid Access, a website that provides the pills for $105 or less based on income.

Semen may have antidepressant properties.

It contains chemicals that may help with mood, including serotonin, oxytocin, melatonin, estrogen, and prostaglandins: 

- Serotonin: An antidepressant 

- Oxytocin: Promotes social bonding 

- Melatonin: Improves sleep quality 

- Estrogen and prostaglandins: Linked to lower levels of depression 

- Some studies have found that women who have sex without condoms are less depressed than those who use condoms. 

- One study found that women who always used condoms had higher depressive symptoms and suicide attempts than those who didn't. 

- Another study found that the longer the time since the last sex, the more depressed women who never or sometimes used condoms became. 

- The antidepressant properties of semen may promote bonding between sexual partners.


  • Nearly every other country considers the fetus to be legally a person for criminal, wrongful death, and inheritance purposes.

  • We charge working-class women as much as 1500$ for a drug-induced abortion when the actual cost is about 50$ retail.

  • We take tax money from people who are morally opposed to abortion.

  • Abortions increase the chances of pelvic inflammatory disease and decrease the production of normal female hormones. The adverse effects on women’s emotional status are well documented. Second and subsequent abortions progressively damage fertility.

  • Although we don't need more marginal parents, we are killing viable babies with late-term abortions. The only countries that allow this are China, North Korea, Vietnam, and the good old USA.

  • Yoho comment: While I view abortions as unfortunate, I have twice benefitted from liberal abortion laws and do not share Paul’s blanket “right to life” views.

The “dangers of back-alley abortions” was a lie used to spread fear and promote the Pill.

The Abortion Movement Started With Deceit

by Dr. Bernard Nathanson, from The BMJ

'We fed the public a line of deceit, dishonesty, a fabrication of
statistics and figures. We succeeded [in breaking down the laws limiting
abortions] because the time was right and the news media cooperated. We
sensationalized the effects of illegal abortions, and fabricated polls
which indicated that 85% of the public favoured unrestricted abortion,
when we knew it was only 5%. We unashamedly lied, and yet our statements
were quoted [by the media] as though they had been written in law.'
(quoted in John Powell, Abortion: the silent Holocaust. Tabor, Allen,
Texas. 1981.)

The statistics of maternal mortality due to self-induced abortion
were grossly exaggerated. Dr Nathanson writes:

'How many deaths were we talking about when abortion was illegal? In
NARAL (National Association for Repeal of Abortion Laws) we generally
emphasized the drama of the individual case, not the mass statistics, but
when we spoke of the latter it was always 5,000 to 10,000 a year. I
confess that I knew the figures were totally false, But in the "morality"
of our revolution, it was a useful figure, widely accepted, so why go out
of our way to correct it with honest statistics?' The official figures of
maternal death due to illegal abortion before abortion was legalised was
160. Dr Nathanson estimates the actual figure to be around 500 maternal
deaths per year. (Bernard Nathanson, Richard Ostling. Aborting America.
Pinnacle Books. New York 1979.)

In a speech he said about his attempts to legalise abortion:

'There was only silence from the opposition. We fed a line of deceit,
of dishonesty, of fabrication of statistics and figures; we coddled,
caressed, and stroked the press. (...) We were calling ourselves pro-
abortionists and pro-choice. In fact we were abortifiers: those who like

In February of 1971, I organized and ran the Center for Reproductive
and Sexual Health, another amusing euphemism for an abortion clinic. It
was not just an abortion clinic. It was the abortion clinic. It was in New
York, and curiously, it was established and fed by the Clergy Consultation
Service, an organisation of twelve hundred Protestant Ministers and Jewish
Rabbis who took it upon themselves to funnel through 60,000 young women in
the space of 19 months that I ran it. The Clergy Consultation Service -
I'd never known that clergymen were actively involved in abortion before,
but my eyes were opened. ... It was a $5 million-a-year business. Think
now how many handicapped children could be helped, how much cancer
research could be done, how many operations of a decent sort could be
carried out on poor people with that kind of money!'

Reference: The Risks of Clandestine Abortions are Low, by Scott Smith, a Catholic attorney, author, and theologian.

Globalists pushed the Pill.

They are irrationally obsessed with the myth of overpopulation—or, more likely, obsessed with weakening and killing us so they can dominate. This is Robert Zubrin’s analysis from The New Atlantis:

There is a single ideological current running through a seemingly disparate collection of noxious modern political and scientific movements, ranging from militarism, imperialism, racism, xenophobia, and radical environmentalism, to socialism, Nazism, and totalitarian communism. This is the ideology of antihumanism: the belief that the human race is a horde of vermin whose unconstrained aspirations and appetites endanger the natural order, and that tyrannical measures are necessary to constrain humanity. The founding prophet of modern antihumanism is Thomas Malthus (1766-1834), who offered a pseudoscientific basis for the idea that human reproduction always outruns available resources. Following this pessimistic and inaccurate assessment of the capacity of human ingenuity to develop new resources, Malthus advocated oppressive policies that led to the starvation of millions in India and Ireland.

While Malthus’s argument that human population growth invariably leads to famine and poverty is plainly at odds with the historical evidence, which shows global living standards rising with population growth, it nonetheless persisted and even gained strength among intellectuals and political leaders in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Its most pernicious manifestation in recent decades has been the doctrine of population control, famously advocated by ecologist Paul Ehrlich, whose bestselling 1968 antihumanist tract The Population Bomb has served as the bible of neo-Malthusianism. In this book, Ehrlich warned of overpopulation and advocated that the American government adopt stringent population control measures, both domestically and for the Third World countries that received American foreign aid.

The leftwing countries that entirely ban cross-sex hormones for minors include Denmark, Finland, and Sweden. In our satanic U.S.A., these seem closer to mandatory at the end of 2024. Lots of people are squeamish about chemically castrating pedophiles, but we've been doing the same thing to the majority of our young women for 50+ years with nary a quibble.

Leftists are obsessed with the fact that women can get pregnant from rape but constantly stump for gun control measures that make it more likely. Jessica Valenti is an example. In 1987, the first year Florida passed "shall issue" concealed carry laws, rape in Miami was cut in half.

Finally, AIDS is a fraud used to push these agendas. See RFK, Jr.’s analysis in The Real Anthony Fauci. The situation was manufactured to make people afraid of sex and cut the population.

Fatal Misconception: The Struggle to Control World Population by Matthew Connelly

This book tells the reasons the pill and abortions are promoted. This is the book blurb:

Fatal Misconception is the disturbing story of our quest to remake humanity by policing national borders and breeding better people. As the population of the world doubled once, and then again, well-meaning people concluded that only population control could preserve the “quality of life.” This movement eventually spanned the globe and carried out a series of astonishing experiments, from banning Asian immigration to paying poor people to be sterilized.

Supported by affluent countries, foundations, and non-governmental organizations, the population control movement experimented with ways to limit population growth. But it had to contend with the Catholic Church’s ban on contraception and nationalist leaders who warned of “race suicide.” The ensuing struggle caused untold suffering for those caught in the middle—particularly women and children. It culminated in the horrors of sterilization camps in India and the one-child policy in China.

Matthew Connelly offers the first global history of a movement that changed how people regard their children and ultimately the face of humankind. It was the most ambitious social engineering project of the twentieth century, one that continues to alarm the global community. Though promoted as a way to lift people out of poverty—perhaps even to save the earth—family planning became a means to plan other people‘s families.

With its transnational scope and exhaustive research into such archives as Planned Parenthood and the newly opened Vatican Secret Archives, Connelly’s withering critique uncovers the cost inflicted by a humanitarian movement gone terribly awry and urges renewed commitment to the reproductive rights of all people.


Major editing credit: Jim Arnold of Liar’s World Substack

B: Live Well After Menopause by Robert Yoho

Excerpted from Hormone Secrets.

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Women with ideal hormone levels glow like her.

Menopause information is everywhere—good, bad, and confusing. Many authorities call this unpleasant syndrome “natural” and recommend ignoring it. But hormones significantly improve women’s health and menopause symptoms.

June is 49: She started estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone eight weeks ago: Hey, doing well on my hormones. About two months in now. My energy is up, as is my sex drive and my enjoyment of it. My muscle tone and skin look great, and some old friends I gathered with on the East coast last week accused me of having an aging painting of myself in a closet somewhere. I’m still having hot flashes at night and wonder if I should adjust my estrogen up some? My reply was: Increase your estradiol to two mg each morning. We may decide to increase your progesterone and will check your levels on your next office visit.

How the female reproductive system works:

Young women start with hundreds of ova or eggs. In each cycle, the uterus is prepared for a potential baby, and one ovum is used. As women mature, usually in their mid-40s, the eggs run low, and periods become irregular. After the eggs are gone, the cycles stop, but some hormone production persists if the ovaries are not cut out.

This is the “change of life.” Progesterone levels typically fall, and estrogen production continues. Some women get depression, anxiety, irritability, and sleep disturbance. Other symptoms include bloating, acne, breast tenderness, and heavy, irregular menstrual periods.

At about age 50, women “fall off a hormonal cliff.” As all their hormones decline, full menopause develops. Many are miserable and have intense hot flashes. After a few last irregular periods, they are in complete menopause, defined as a year without a menstrual cycle. Their symptoms are usually more dramatic and unpleasant than men’s at the same age and often more severe than any pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) they had earlier in their lives.

For the first several years, most women need only progesterone. Estrogen and other hormones should be added as menstrual periods slow and stop. Estradiol has the most potent effect on hot flashes. Testosterone improves strength, alertness, and sexuality and helps with bladder and vaginal symptoms. Since it transforms into estrogen, it protects the heart in both sexes. Patients who want simplicity or are on a tight budget sometimes use it as the sole therapy.

Janice, 64, watched her husband die of lung cancer two years ago after a three-year illness and has been “out of gas” ever since. She said she was “done with men,” so she flew to Los Angeles to have her breast implants taken out. Because Janice had fatigue, depression, anxiety, and no interest in sex, I discussed menopause therapy with her. She agreed to try. So I wrote a prescription for estradiol and progesterone and placed a testosterone pellet. Janice called four months later—she had a new boyfriend and felt great. She is returning to have her implants replaced.

Yoho 2025 note: I wrote this chapter before I understood breast implant illness. I wrote about it HERE.

Hormone supplementation slows and may prevent:

✪ Alzheimer’s disease (AD).

✪ Heart disease.

✪ Fatigue, depression, sleep disturbance, anxiety, and irritability.

✪ Bone loss, osteoporosis, and increased chance of fractures.

✪ Skin problems include thinning, wrinkling, itching, sagging, easy injury, and loss of elasticity.

✪ Thinning of joint cartilage. Tooth loss and gum disease.

✪ Vaginal area difficulties: dry, thin, and inelastic.

✪ Spontaneous urination during coughing or lifting.

✪ Sexual decline, including painful sex.

Linda is a 63-year-old registered nurse: Testosterone makes me feel sexy and gives me an overall feeling of well-being. My strength and muscle tone improve, especially when I exercise. When I was younger, I got a little aggressive when I used it, but now I am either OK with aggression, or maybe it does not happen. I have paranoia and anxiety when I do not take progesterone, even though I'm not an anxious person. I sometimes get a little depressed, and extra progesterone helps this. I take from one to three of the 200 mg capsules daily, which mellows me out. With estradiol, my ability to remember improves, and I sleep better. I'm less tired. I've tried different doses and know what works best for me.

Many women have prodigious emotional strength.

They continue to function well and look attractive despite severe symptoms. It shocks my wife and me when our questionnaire reveals how miserable they are. Many admit that they feel as if the entire world is against them. Others say they are hanging on by their fingernails. Some give up and stop trying.

Many women are convinced their angst is situational or even existential rather than simply because of hormonal deficiency. They are wrong—progesterone, estradiol, and testosterone improve or cure these symptoms. Many women get complete relief using testosterone alone. DHEA, vitamin D, and melatonin are also often helpful.

Do not read this paragraph if you are politically correct. Women who have been keeping up often think they know more than I do about hormones. So I ask my patients if they want to feel better and leave it at that. I never try to persuade anyone to start therapy because leading this horse to water is all I can do. Arguing with them about whether they are thirsty is like arguing with Germans—you just piss everyone off. (Since I am German, I get a pass on this.)

Janice, 51 years old: My marriage was disintegrating. I hated everyone around me, and I felt terrible. But I got on the hormones, and they saved me. I am trying to repair all the damage I did.

Women are the precious glue holding families together. Their proper functioning and positive feelings are everyone’s bedrock. My wife, Judy Yoho, believes that menopause is the most common cause of divorce for couples over 45 years old and that this therapy saves many marriages. She developed this opinion while interviewing thousands of women in our practice.

Total hysterectomies with ovary removal crash young women into menopause.

They have violent hormonal withdrawal with severe hot flashes. Sexual interest declines or vanishes. The risks of stroke, fracture, heart disease, memory loss, eye deterioration, and even death increase. Immediate replacement is critical. Their situation differs from ordinary menopause, where the ovaries are intact and still partly functioning.

Patsy is a 45-year-old accountant: I had my hysterectomy [with ovary removal] ten years ago when my daughter was only six years old. I didn’t get on hormone replacement until last year. I thought about my life and wrote my daughter an apology letter about the way I treated her. I was just so depressed and anxious. Progesterone has been the biggest relief. I feel human again.

Cutting out the ovaries and uterus together pays better and is a more straightforward procedure for the surgeon than only removing the uterus. Doctors sell them to patients with remarks like, “You will no longer have to worry about cancer if we cut your ovaries out.” My wife and I fell for this line. But when a young woman has her ovaries removed, the premature menopause symptoms are horrific, and the risks of medical problems, including heart disease, increase dramatically. Ovarian cancer is a terrible disease, but it is so rare that allowing a gynecologist to castrate you to prevent it makes no sense.

Women who use estrogen get less Alzheimer’s disease, and some studies say it is 80 percent preventive.

But this robust scientific support is unknown to the mainstream. The current standard is to wait until after the disease has advanced, then use toxic, heavily promoted, fantastically expensive patent drugs. Even the academics who are paid to study these understand they are dubious.

AD is tragic and epidemic. Eleven percent of those over 65 have it, and it kills more people than breast and prostate cancer combined. Sixty-seven percent of Medicare long-term care payments are related to Alzheimer’s, more than $250 billion a year—it is the most expensive disease in US healthcare. Our patients are being criminally mistreated.

A similar literature underpins the beneficial effects of growth hormone and testosterone for Alzheimer’s and other diseases of the aging brain for both sexes.

Appendix C has over 50 citations supporting all this. Stop here and spend two minutes scanning them. If you understand this story, the rest of the book will be transparent and credible. Properly referencing every hormone subject would have required dozens of books.

Postscript for 2025: Proper hormone supplementation yields results nearly as good as having intact ovaries, and I am convinced it increases lifespan. I hate to break it to you, but if you do not understand hormones and how to direct your doctors, they are less likely to help you. Study Hormone Secrets as if your health and sanity depend on them; in many cases, they do. The key is listening to your body—how you feel—above any “provider’s” advice.

Aurelius wrote, “Let come what may to those affected by outward circumstance. They will always find something to complain about. For myself, if I choose not to view whatever happens as evil, no harm will come to me. And I can so choose.” This is easier if your hormones are balanced.

Half of us have these problems, and the other half have related ones. Please send this post to anyone who is either a man or a woman. Put their emails in the box below. Everything I write is free, but I welcome any support I am offered. ❤️❤️

Sharing this is a way to thank us for doing all this work.


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