Surviving Healthcare
Surviving Healthcare Podcast
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I describe Protocol 1000, which was designed to treat acute illness.
Yoho resources: HERE are links to download my CV, ebooks, the best recent posts, and instructions on searching my archives. Also, HERE are links to purchase OSR, DMSO, and chlorine dioxide products, where to find them, and more. Please review Judas Dentistry; the direct link is HERE. I need your help because a passel of mercury-intoxicated dentists are giving me one-star reviews. Finally, if you have a good story or are an expert who wants to be interviewed, don't hesitate to contact me at I am also available for podcasts anytime for my subscribers; email me by replying to a post. I will repost the session on my platform if we do well.

HERE is the original post, and this is what happened to Curious right after you got the email:

Thanks for subscribing to his Substack. Curious is a brilliant, original contributor who has worked for years on his chlorine dioxide projects entirely without pay. This series is from his website, To master CD, download his two summary documents and study them in your spare time:

3.12MB ∙ PDF file
The Universal Antidote Interactive Reference Guidebook 2nd Ed 2022
2.21MB ∙ PDF file

Note: This is for educational purposes. This is not medical advice, and I am not telling you what you should do. Every person is or should be in control of their health despite what the current medical establishment would like you to believe.

Protocol 1000 is the general protocol used for most illness situations after completing the Starting Procedure.

This protocol has an MMS1 starting regimen of 1 drop every hour for 8 hours daily. As with the Starting Procedure, a daily bottle can be made up beforehand.

Prepare an all-day bottle of MMS1 with eight drops in 1 liter of water. See the graphic above to prepare eight drops of MMS1. (If the taste is too strong, use a larger container and add more water.)

Step 1
Activate eight drops of MMS/sodium chlorite (with eight drops of activator) in a small cup or shot glass. Let this stand for 30 seconds. When they mix, the drops will turn yellow and have a chlorine-like smell. Now, you have MMS1.

Step 2
After 30 seconds, add a small amount of water to the cup and then pour this into the water in the 1-liter All-Day bottle.

Step 3
Replace the lid on the liter of diluted MMS1 solution.

Step 4
Gently shake to mix MMS1 into one liter of water. You have made the All-Day Bottle for day one of Protocol 1000.

Step 5
Take 120 ml (4 oz.) once every hour.

Depending on your goal, this protocol can be followed for one day to three weeks. The drops can be increased or decreased according to the three golden rules. (For most protocols, the highest hourly dosage is three drops.)

If using for longer than three weeks, other considerations should be taken into account. Some of these are discussed in my free training course.

Review of Principles and Rules

MMS Low and Slow Principle

This principle states that you start with a very low dose and increase slowly. It specifically applies to newbies who do not know how Chlorine Dioxide will react with their bodies.

Three Golden Rules of MMS

A few important rules need to be learned before starting. These are called the Three Golden Rules.

Rule #1 (No Change Rule)

If your symptoms are improving, do not change anything. Continue with what you are doing.

Rule #2 (Reduce Rule)

If you are feeling worse (with prolonged nausea or diarrhea), reduce your intake by 50%, but keep taking it.

Rule #3 (Increase Rule)

Not getting better and not getting worse? If there are no signs of improvement, go to the subsequent increase in dosage or go to the next level up of protocol. (The highest hourly dosage is still three drops for most protocols)

In the next and final post in this fast-track series, we will discuss protocol 1000-F.

If you have not watched The Universal Antidote Documentary, I would encourage you to do that. It will give you a solid background on chlorine dioxide (ClO2) and what it can do. In the documentary, I share what I learned from a three-year investigation into this substance and answer questions like: Is ClO2 safe? How effective is ClO2? And what kinds of conditions can ClO2 treat?

Where to buy Chlorine Dioxide Water Purification Kits

Since chlorine dioxide can be sold legally as a water purifier, you can readily find water purification kits on Amazon and at many online retailers. You only need to ensure that the water purification kit you purchase comes with two bottles. One solution bottle is 25-28% sodium chlorite, and one is 4%-5% HCL or 50% citric acid. (Yoho: citric acid is less well tolerated.)

The search phrase “chlorine dioxide water purification kit” on Amazon should return a good list of kits.

Here are some examples of what the kits will look like.

How to make enough sodium chlorite to supply your city for a year

(Yoho addition to this post.)

Go to your local swimming pool supply company and buy a gallon of muriatic acid for around $10. True Value Hardware also has it. This is a high concentration of hydrochloric acid used for transport, typically 30 to 35 percent. You will dilute it to four to five percent, which is optimal for the home manufacture of chlorine dioxide. It should be clear.

Then, call local chemical supply companies or search online for sodium chlorite flakes. An entire barrel costs a few hundred dollars, but you do not need that much. It is typically 80 percent pure, with harmless sodium chloride (salt) making up the other 20 percent. Internet sources are listed in the Universal Antidote materials, which you should download above. The flakes are freely available in every country.

Then, study the instructions in the downloadable guides for diluting the muriatic acid and putting the sodium chlorite into a liquid solution. I reproduced the directions HERE as well. Do not forget to pour the acid into water rather than the reverse. You can figure out the amounts for dilution by asking how to solve the problem online or using the tables in Curious’s instructions. To dilute the acid to five percent, you need six parts water to one part 35 percent acid.

Always use safety glasses and work outside if you can. Do not worry about the purity of your stock solutions. The amount consumed in each dose is minuscule and harmless. Use glass measuring cups from your kitchen. Some people use digital scales, but this degree of exactitude is unnecessary.

And there you have it—a lifetime supply for you, your friends, and your family—for the ones who want to live, anyway.

Outlier’s concluding comments

I am releasing this Substack series for those who want to learn more about Chlorine Dioxide and become experts in this substance.

I’m sorry, but I cannot open public comments here on Substack. If you have questions, consider a paid subscription, or you can join the Telegram private chat group. It’s free.

You're currently a free subscriber to Curious’s Substack. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription.

Jim Humble’s basic information about MMS:

Eating While On Your MMS Protocol

MMS doses should not be taken right at mealtimes. While on the protocols, it is best to plan your meals around your dosing. Space out the MMS dose and meals by 20 to 30 minutes from the time you take your dose. For example, if you take your MMS dose at 8:00 am, breakfast could be at 8:30 am, and your next dose at 9:00 am. Your breakfast should be small and take no longer than 15 minutes. Likewise if you take an MMS dose at 12 noon, lunch could be at 12:30 pm and so on.

During the hours you are on the protocol, it is best to try and eat smaller meals and/or snacks, as opposed to very large meals. (Don't get me wrong, you can eat while taking MMS, just avoid the larger meals during the hours you are taking your doses.) There are a variety of ways this can be done—adjust according to your daily routine.

For example, if you start your protocol fairly early in the morning, say at 8:00 am, eight hours later would be 3:00 pm, which would be the time of your last dose. If you have had smaller meals or snacks during this eight hour dosing period, and you finish your last dose at 3:00 pm, this means that by 5:00 pm, or later if you prefer, you could have your large meal of the day.

Some people prefer to start their dosing later in the day, so that they are free in the morning hours to drink orange juice, or their cup of coffee or tea.

Example: If a person starts their dosing at 3:00 pm for example, their last dose would be at 10:00 pm if on the eight hour protocol. This means that before 1:00 pm they can have their coffee, tea or orange juice— things which are not compatible with MMS, at least 2 hours before starting the protocol.

The idea is to adjust your dosing to fit your needs and schedule—see what works for you, but do keep in mind these important rules:

* Do not take an MMS dose with your meals, space out food consumption and your MMS dose by 20-30 minutes.

* During the hours you are actually taking your MMS doses, try not to eat big “feast” types of meals, but rather eat smaller meals and/or snacks.

* Do not eat or drink things that neutralize MMS during your dosing hours.

Nutritional Supplements and the HRP (Health Recovery Plan)

There are two basic reasons for doing the HRP (Health Recovery Plan):

1. The main reason is to eradicate a disease and recover your health.

2. Possibly equally important, is for cleansing purposes, to detox and thus get rid of poisons in the body, which can then help clear up a number of health problems both small and large.

If you have a disease of most any kind then the decision is simple. What you want to do is eliminate the disease. When someone is sick, and especially if they are seriously sick, it is a good time for the person to stop and examine various things such as their diet and lifestyle. Eating right, exercising right and living right all contribute to good health. While good nutrition is important for the body to get well, when someone is on the protocols described in this book, it can actually be helpful to avoid taking extra supplements, and then build up nutrition again when the person has completed the protocol. This is because pathogens also feed on good nutrition, so in a sense, if you are taking nutritional supplements while on the protocols, you are building up with one hand and tearing down with another. In addition, some nutritional supplements neutralize MMS.

This is especially true with cancer, and any number of major diseases, (such as Lyme, Hepatitis A, B, C, HIV/AIDS, MRSA, and the list goes on and on). When you begin these protocols, it is not the time to simultaneously be building up with an increase of extra nutrition, because cancer cells for example, and other pathogens, can feed off good nutrition.

You don’t want to do anything to encourage the cancer or other disease to live longer or grow. The idea is to starve and kill the disease, not give it more to thrive on. There are just about as many theories in this day and age as there are people. But our observations indicate that it is best to use MMS to kill the cancer cells/disease while not promoting any special nutritional boosts for the body. Then, once the disease is eliminated, one can build up the immune system through good nutrition—it is a step by step process. Detox first before introducing any new nutritional foods.

We have seen that those who follow the protocols as outlined in this book have much better chance of getting well by far, than by following most other theories today. So, if a person has a major disease, it is very important while on these protocols to avoid supplements for a time, in order to allow the pathogens to die off, with the possible exception of taking a probiotic that provides the stomach with some natural microorganisms that can help aid digestion. Otherwise, I suggest that one focus on eradicating the disease first, before taking supplements.

If you do not have a major disease but want to cleanse from various toxins and heavy metals, and eliminate other things such as skin problems, achy joints, various nagging irritations, and a myriad of other ailments that are not necessarily life threatening, then you may begin supplementation any time after the first week on the protocol if you believe that they will be of benefit to you.

Anytime you are taking vitamins and supplements while dosing with MMS, always be sure to separate the times of taking these from the times you take your MMS doses, by at least two hours. It goes without saying, that if you start taking vitamins and supplements, do avoid synthetic and artificial products. It’s always best to try and eat nutritious whole foods.

A fundamental principle of MMS is that hitting the pathogens every hour does not give pathogens

time to regroup and build back up, but instead, being constantly hit without a chance to regroup, they die off.

Do’s When Taking or Using MMS:

* Be diligent to take your dose consecutively, every hour on the hour. For example, while on an eight-hour protocol, do not break up your dosing hours such as four hours in the morning, then a three hour break, then four more hours.

Don’ts When Taking or Using MMS:

* Avoid drinking alcohol, coffee, decaffeinated coffee, caffeinated drinks, tea (black, green and many herbal teas) milk, orange juice, or any drinks with added Vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

Notes: Lemon juice, though it is citrus, is much more acidic than MMS and has no negative effect on it. Orange juice however, in addition to being high in Vitamin C, contains substances other than Vitamin C which are not compatible with MMS.

While tea is on this list of “don’ts” there are some (not all) herbal teas that are compatible with MMS. Use the test strip method described in my book on page 139 to be sure what is and is not compatible. Or do a Google search on "high anti-oxident herbal teas".

* Do not take foods or supplements that are particularly high in antioxidants such as Moringa, as these things cancel out the effectiveness of MMS.

* While on a particular protocol it is better to wait until you finish your MMS doses for the day before consuming the above items, or take them first thing in the morning, then wait two hours before starting your MMS dosing. Space them out by at least 2 hours after your last daily dose, or two hours before starting your daily dosing.

* When handling MMS, do not put MMS down the drain if you have a septic tank, as MMS will kill the flora in your tank and this can cause it to quit working.

* It is very important that you never use MMS (sodium chlorite solution) without mixing it with citric acid, HCl, or another proven food-grade acid to activate it.

This could create a very bad problem (see note below). Once MMS is activated, you must mix it with water before consuming or applying it to the skin (the amount of water you add varies according to the protocol).

There is only one exception to this rule and that is using inactivated MMS on a burn, see page 111 in Jim Humble's book.

Note: There are some who advocate using only sodium chlorite and then let the stomach acid do the activation. While this method can bring good results sometimes, overall, I do not suggest this approach. One reason being, people differ in the amount of stomach acid they produce at any given time, resulting in unpredictable results.

Another reason is because sodium chlorite is, when inactivated; highly alkaline (pH 13) which is considered highly corrosive and it can leach metal into the human system. In some cases where an individual has certain types of stents (most of the stents going to the heart are stainless steel), or other metal parts in their bodies, inactivated MMS (sodium chlorite) passing over or through

these metal parts could leach some heavy metal into the blood causing heavy metal poisoning. Actually, such a small amount of leaching would not cause immediate problems, but over a year or more it could lead to a great many problems.

We do not sell anything on this website. However, we do recommend a couple websites that have consistently supplied and provided high quality products and sacraments that are reasonably priced. And their personal support is outstanding.

* For Genesis 2 Church sacraments (MMS1, MMS2, etc.) you can order at

* For comparable Jim Humble water purification products (WPS1, WPS2, etc.) order at

Curious has been generous with his time and tutored me so I could inform you. Sign up for his posts, drag your friends over, and sign them up for my work.

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