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Perspectives on aluminum toxicity in three parts:
Chris Exley, PhD, the “Aluminum Man,” is the foremost academic authority.
Dennis Crouse, PhD, wrote a book about how aluminum causes Alzheimer’s and describes how to make silica water to eliminate it. His interview is at the top.
Mark Kennard, my good dude in New Zealand, has an aluminum allergy that makes him highly sensitive. He is a case study of how silica water can help.
1. Chris Exley’s aluminum book
Imagine You Are An Aluminum Atom: Discussions With Mr. Aluminum (2020) by Christopher Exley is a beautifully written and well-documented book that discusses the relationship between silica-rich mineral water and aluminum toxicity. The author presents his research journey spanning several decades, focusing on how silica-rich mineral water can help remove aluminum from living organisms.
Here is a summary of Chapter 9, "A Silica-Rich Mineral Water Keeps Aluminum at Bay.” Exley describes aluminum toxicity and its mitigation using silica-rich mineral water. His research journey began with his early work studying aluminum in salmon, where he discovered that silica could protect against aluminum's harmful effects. This led to implications for human health, particularly concerning neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer's disease.
The toxicity of aluminum in aquatic environments was the subject of Exley’s undergraduate research. He observed how aluminum at concentrations permitted under European Union law could kill young salmon within forty-eight hours. He wrote, "Only after eighteen hours do the fish show any obvious signs of distress. Their movements, within the confines of an experimental tank, begin to appear spasmodic, even frantic, as if searching for sanctuary from the poison." Then they died.
Exley also describes how silica-rich mineral water helps remove aluminum from the body. He explains that biologically available silicic acid silica follows water across the human gut into the blood. When its concentration is sufficiently high, it binds with aluminum hydroxide to form hydroxy aluminosilicates, which the kidney can remove.
His initial experiments with salmon led to human trials that focused on Alzheimer's patients. Drinking silica-rich mineral water produced clinical improvements.
One study involved Alzheimer's disease patients drinking up to 1.5 liters of Spritzer silica water daily for twelve weeks. The results were remarkable: "Just twelve weeks of drinking up to 1.5 l/day of Spritzer resulted in three of the fifteen participants with Alzheimer's disease having significantly improved cognitive abilities. Cognitive function in the remaining twelve participants remained unaltered after the twelve weeks of the trial."
The author also describes interactions with the Volvic Water Corporation and its parent company, Danone. They initially showed interest but later withdrew support, possibly due to aluminum's presence in their products and packaging and the aluminum industry's adverse influence. This led Exley to a partnership with Spritzer, a Malaysian company, and eventually the creation of Acilis, a UK silica-rich mineral water brand.
Exley believes that natural silica-rich mineral water works, but supplements do not. He warns against attempts to create homemade silica-rich water: "Unless water is made or bottled under conditions that have been proven to be biologically safe, you cannot produce drinking water safe for human consumption."
After carefully reading the chapter, Mark Kennard (substack HERE) and I disbelieve Exley’s claim that you cannot make silica water at home. E is a giant, but he hard-sells commercial brands, and we speculate he is financially influenced to promote them. Mark wrote me:
It just doesn’t come across right does it? All of a sudden, he gives no reason for something when giving reasons has been his life’s work. If there was a valid reason, he would have documented it. He wouldn’t have been able to help himself because that’s what he’s always done, and he would automatically put the reason without thinking about it. When you read what Exley wrote, you can feel him pause.
Exley says daily consumption of about one liter of mineral water with silica content above 30 mg/L (when labeled as silica) or 14 mg/L (when labeled as silicic acid or silica) rids the body of aluminum. He says this is not a "detox" therapy but a "philosophy for living in the Aluminum Age."
By now, multiple published studies, including work in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, prove that silica-rich mineral water reduces aluminum body burden. Exley notes success not only with Alzheimer's disease but also with multiple sclerosis, autism, epilepsy, and vaccine injury.
This chapter shows that silica-rich mineral water prevents and treats aluminum exposure. Regular consumption is a simple yet effective way to manage this, particularly for neurodegenerative conditions.
Exley has been suppressed—he lost his academic appointments and research funding. This improves his credibility.
I recommend you read the whole book, but here is the chapter:
And HERE is a summary of the book by Unbekoming.
Exley’s description of aluminum toxicity from my 2023 post:
Why should we be concerned that we are accumulating aluminum in our bodies as we age? The answer is that while the aluminum industry has long perpetuated the myth that aluminum is benign, nontoxic, and even safe, nothing could be further from the truth.
In fact, there are few more biologically reactive metals than aluminum. The biologically reactive form of aluminum is its free metal ion, known as Al”3+(aq). Aluminum is bound strongly by oxygen-based functional groups in biochemistry; one example would be the phosphate groups in ATP—the energy currency of our body. Essentially, aluminum (as Al”3+(aq)) is so reactive that we expend energy simply coping with its presence in our body. If there wasn’t any aluminum in our body, all of us would have so much more natural energy.
If feeling a little more tired than usual was the only repercussion from our body burden of aluminum, we might tolerate this state of affairs in exchange for all of the advantages of modernity brought about by the Aluminum Age. However, what happens to our brain cells and our neurons, which are struggling to cope with burgeoning amounts of aluminum? I have written elsewhere about neurons’ role as the longest-lived cells of the human body; with their biochemical advantages, neurons can be viewed as “an ostensibly immortal cell line” that has enabled human beings to live longer.3 Unfortunately, the lifespan of neurons also predisposes them to a lifetime accumulation of aluminum. With constant exposure to aluminum, can we tolerate the early loss (death) of this important immortal cell line?
When aluminum loads exceed the body’s excretory capacity, they form deposits and accumulate in tissues. In Alzheimer’s disease, aluminum accumulates in brain tissue to an extent that the brain’s coping mechanisms begin to fail. Think of your brain aluminum burden (while you still can) as a catalyst of the aging process that is bringing about age-related and eventually catastrophic changes in brain chemistry, well ahead of what should be your normal longevity.4 At a time when we are all living longer, and some dream of living forever, it is noticeable that advancing age is not ushering in better health. We may be living longer—but we are living unwell. In the Aluminum Age, it would seem all but futile to aspire to a healthy older age.
I have highlighted the role of aluminum in Alzheimer’s disease, but aluminum is everywhere throughout the body and is more than capable of contributing to most chronic diseases, including diabetes, autoimmunity, multiple sclerosis and other neurological conditions. To many, it seems fanciful to suggest that human exposure to aluminum is the number-one threat to human health in the twenty-first century, but thirty-five years of thinking about and researching aluminum at the highest level tell me otherwise.5
Ordinarily, I am somewhat of a skeptic when I am alerted to new health issues purportedly associated with human exposure to aluminum. One recent example would be aluminum and autism. While various studies suggested a link between aluminum and autism—primarily via the aluminum adjuvants in vaccines—at first, I could not easily see a biological mechanism to support such a link. We knew that the accumulation of aluminum in brain tissue toward a toxic threshold occurred over a period of decades, so how might this relate to autism in infants? We had to test this link. We did so by obtaining brain tissues from individuals who had died with a diagnosis of autism. We then measured how much aluminum was in the brain and, significantly, where any aluminum was located in the brain.
The rest, as they say, is history. To summarize, we found extraordinarily high amounts of aluminum in autism brain tissue, and we made the unique observation that the aluminum was associated with a variety of inflammatory (non-neuronal) cells originating both in the brain (for example, the microglia) and outside of the brain (such as lymphocytes).6 The latter provided a mechanism to link aluminum adjuvants to the rapid accumulation of aluminum in brain tissue and, potentially, to autism. Our data—hard science—on aluminum and autism changed my mind; I now had to consider that aluminum could play a role in autism and that aluminum administered as adjuvants in vaccines could be a significant contributing factor.7 I am now, apparently, an “anti-vaxxer,” as they say—simply for following the science.
2. Dr. Dennis Crouse makes silica water in his kitchen
Dr. Dennis Crouse's dear mother was losing her memory. So he studied Alzheimer's disease (AD) for over a decade and wrote Prevent Alzheimer's, Autism and Stroke: With 7-Supplements, 7-Lifestyle Choices, and a Dissolved Mineral (2016).
Dr. Crouse majored in biochemistry at Harvard College and has a Ph.D. in chemistry from Harvard University. His YouTube videos at the end of this post may be the easiest way for most of us to understand silica supplementation.
Crouse proves that aluminum causes Alzheimer's (AD)
When Alois Alzheimer first described AD in 1906, it was rare. Now, a third of US citizens over 80 have it. After diagnosis, their lifespan is only three to nine years. Here are some critical studies from Dr. Crouse's book:
The increase in AD precisely matches the rise in aluminum use:
Above: The residential drinking water history was collected for 600 people over the ten years before their deaths. Some developed Alzheimer's, and others did not. The study correlated the dosage of aluminum with the incidence of Alzheimer's.
A lot of US drinking water is treated with alum, which dissolves aluminum into our tap water and increases AD by 7.6 times (last line above). Crouse writes:
Over half the alum-treated drinking water in the USA contains over 100 ppb of aluminum. In the seven largest epidemiology studies, aluminum over 100 ppb has been linked to an elevated risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Fortunately, this exposure can be reduced by filtering.
Crouse shows evidence that aluminum exposure shortens lifespans and causes many other diseases besides AD. These include atherosclerosis, heart disease, autism, multiple sclerosis (MS), osteoporosis, Parkinson's disease (PD), seizures, and many cancers. It also decreases male fertility.
The "aluminum age" is a health disaster.
Aluminium began to be widely used in the late 1800s. It is now in drinking water, food, colored candy, pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and even inhaled air.
Dr. Crouse:
Chronic use of aluminum-containing pharmaceuticals and cookware can be the largest source of bioavailable aluminum. The largest acute source of bioavailable aluminum is from the adjuvant in vaccines. Yoho: for our children, vaccine sources dwarf all others.
Chronic aluminum exposure produces a gradual onset of many diseases and, eventually, death. The exponential increase in autism and Alzheimer's disease over the last 80 years cannot be explained by genetics. The U.S. Alzheimer's Association and the US aluminum industry, led by big Pharma with their vaccines, are covering it all up. Exley's research was "canceled" by the aluminum cartel.
Crouse writes,
Those countries, such as Sweden, Iceland, and Finland, that schedule no aluminum-containing vaccinations from birth to 3 months have less than half the ASD prevalence compared to the UK and the USA, where babies are given aluminum-containing vaccinations from birth to 2 months of age. In addition, a positive correlation was found between autism prevalence and childhood vaccination uptake across the US population.
Many health issues can be boiled down to silica and aluminum exposure—the former improves health, and the latter destroys it.
Aluminum and silica are independent variables for human well-being and longevity. Independent variables are the prime movers influencing dependent variables, which change because of independent variables. These are my words, not Dr. Crouse’s, but he agreed with the idea during the interview.
This is an enormous claim. Crouse makes a strong case for it in Silica Water, the Secret of Healthy Longevity in the Aluminum Age (2018), then supplies comprehensive proof in Finding a Cause and Potential Cures for Alzheimer's Disease: Climbing the Ladder of AD Causation (2022). This section summarizes some of his data.
Oxygen (46 percent), silicon (28 percent), and aluminum (8 percent) together make up over half of the Earth's crust. However, the human body has only dealt with aluminum in the last century and has little resistance to its toxicity.
To avoid aluminum, Dr. Crouse recommends the following lifestyle choices.
Trash your aluminum cookware. It dissolves the metal into your food. Substitute glass, stainless, cast iron, or enamel-coated pots instead. Test them by trying to scratch them with a key. If it makes a mark, they are aluminum.
Never drink from aluminum beverage cans, even though they are claimed to be enamel-coated. Use glass instead. And those little juice boxes are lined with aluminum-based film.
Testing canned goods with a magnet will tell you if they are aluminum, which isn't magnetic.
Colored food, candies, and vitamins are aluminum sources. For medications, if the ingredient list says "Aluminum lake" or "FD&C," it is no good.
Use no antacids except calcium carbonate. Others are aluminum-based. Yoho comment: avoid any medications that you cannot live without, including over-the-counter ones.
Avoid baking powder! It has contained aluminum since 1900, and even the brands claiming to be aluminum-free are contaminated. It is used to make pickles, pancakes, muffins, and waffles. Instead, use old-fashioned cream of tarter baking powder, which has no aluminum. Alternatively, you can make baking powder using Crouse's recipe in his book or on the internet.
Trash all aluminum antiperspirants. They have been linked to Alzheimer's, and many have deceptive labeling. The ones that contain no aluminum are Arm and Hammer Essentials, Tom's of Maine, and Schmidt's. A natural alternative is to moisten a small amount of aluminum-free baking soda in your palm and use that.
Filter your drinking water for aluminum. Reverse osmosis systems such as Culligan and distillation systems like Costco work well. Most filters also remove silica, but you can replace that; see the next section.
Avoid processed foods. These contain far more aluminum on average than unprocessed foods.
Mothers must make their own infant formula to avoid poisoning their babies with the aluminum in commercial baby food.
Quit smoking. Two packs a day doubles the risk of AD. Cigarettes and marijuana have lots of aluminum, and when you smoke, you put it straight into your brain.
Avoid having more than one or two alcoholic drinks a day.
Eat the right foods. Whole grains, vegetables, beer (averages 65 ppm), and bananas are sources of silica.
Sleep properly
Oatmeal porridge contains some silica.
Harmless silica water prevents and treats AD and many other diseases.
It binds aluminum and forces its urinary elimination from the body. Hundreds of studies show improvement in many diseases when silica water is used. Fiji, for example, has a silica concentration of 146 parts per million (ppm). Other brands include Langkawi Pure (133 ppm) and Volvic (51 ppm).
As Dr. Crouse describes in his video and article HERE, silica water can also be made inexpensively at home from tap water. This is valuable information, and I've included it in a PDF for you to save in the event his website is taken down:
Crouse writes:
Drinking silica water (i.e., OSA) facilitates the excretion of aluminum resulting in lower levels of fasting glucose, glycated hemoglobin, and triglycerides in the blood and less BMI, waist circumference, and cardiovascular disease…
The best evidence that AD [Alzheimer’s disease] can be prevented is comparing the AD rate in countries with high orthosilicic acid [solubilized silicon] levels in their drinking water, such as Singapore and Malaysia, with countries with low levels of orthosilicic acid in their drinking water, such as the US and Iceland.
With comparable life expectancy and higher orthosilicic acid in their drinking water, people who live in Malaysia and Singapore have a much lower death rate due to AD. Since orthosilicic acid facilitates the excretion of aluminum by the kidneys, there is evidence that lowering aluminum will prevent AD.
Crouse's other recommended treatments and prevention for aluminum toxicity include:
Vitamin D. Cod liver oil is a great source.
Taurine, vitamin K2, CoQ, vitamin B12, and alpha-linolenic acid. Animal foods are the best food sources.
Exercise and perspire. Saunas help, too.
Here are two of Dr. Crouse’s many success stories:
His mother was diagnosed with moderate (stage 4) AD: “A year later, I started her on a liter of Fiji water daily. Before this, she couldn't remember her brother and sister's names, struggled with cooking, had issues driving, and wouldn't talk on the phone for more than 5 minutes. Now, she corrects herself when she says the wrong word, is cooking again, driving again, and talks on the phone all the time. But most importantly, she is happy! She now has only mild (stage 3) AD.”
She used aluminum pots and pans, but her cheap coffee maker was the primary culprit. Crouse bought her a fancy one with a steel heating element that would not poison her.
Crouse tells another story: “The Fiji Water has been removing aluminum from my brain for almost five months. I can drive and go shopping by myself again and also do memory block video puzzles. My scores have been more than triple since starting detoxing.”
Examples of diseases affected by aluminum but improved by silica
Multiple Sclerosis:
Compared with those without MS, people with relapsing-remitting MS have 7-fold more aluminum and people with secondary progressive MS have 2.6-fold more aluminum in their urine on average. Also, people with MS have much higher than normal concentrations of accumulated aluminum in their brains. Silica-rich drinking water has been shown to increase aluminum excretion in the urine by 2.5-fold in those with MS.
The incidence rate of PD is correlated with increasing worldwide aluminum production… Aluminum levels are higher in the [substantia nigra, SN] region of the brain in people with PD as compared to people without PD. Aluminum alters the metabolism of levodopa resulting in the inhibition of neuromelanin (NM) production and ultimately lowering NM levels by 50% in the SN region of PD patients allowing aluminum to cause oxidative damage to the SN region.
People living in the Okinawan longevity region have 40% fewer hip fractures than those in the U.S.A. This is most likely due to higher levels of [silicon] in the Okinawan drinking water.
And you will look younger:
Restoring or maintaining a youthful appearance as you approach 100 years of life is a goal that can best be achieved on a diet that includes supplemental [silicon]. This is because silicon is an essential element required for metabolism of connective tissue that makes skin, hair, and nails. Youthful skin appears soft and smooth... [silicon] both activates enzymes that cross-link collage and is incorporated into structural proteins as a cross-linker. This adds strength and elasticity to your body’s structural proteins…
Crouse concludes:
The primary reason for taking supplemental silica is to decrease the accumulated aluminum burden of your body’s organs. This will lower the risk of diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, atherosclerosis, stroke, cancer, multiple sclerosis, and seizures leading to greater longevity. In addition, supplemental silica may allow the brain to heal from aluminum accumulation and also provide healing from autism and improve male fertility.
Crouse makes silica water at home
His parents drink Fiji water, however. Dr. Crouse says that if everyone did this, it would be unsustainable. His video shows how he makes this water for about five cents a gallon. He calls it “Silicade.” In the final step of this simple process, he filters the water with a Brita pour-through pitcher system using filter number OB03. This process removes all aluminum from his tap water. If you have a reverse osmosis water purifier like Culligan, your system already removes aluminum, but Dr. Crouse still recommends filtering just to be safe. HERE is the recipe from his website.
Added after publication from the comments:
I am Laurie, Dennis‘s wife and Dennis has tested the Brita filter and found it removes 98.5% of aluminum from water. When developing the recipe for Silicade he tested many filters. He needed a filter that would remove the aluminum, but would keep the OSA(silica). The Brita standard/original filter is the one that qualified.
When I studied all this, I wondered if there was an easy way to add a concentrate to a gallon of water. I also wondered, “Why not use higher concentrations or simply take a pill?” I learned that silicon in water is limited by solubility. Above 200 ppm, silicon comes out of the solution, and super-saturated mixes like this might produce kidney stones. Pills have the same theoretical issue.
For references, see the original posts.
3. Mark Kennard is a “canary in the coal mine” for aluminum.
He has multiple metal allergies, which makes him far more symptomatic after small exposures than simple toxicity would. Using Crouse's video instructions, he makes “Silicaid” silica water to treat his aluminum toxicity. His symptoms have improved. He has a Substack article about this HERE. He also wrote:
I have had aluminum sensitivity for 39 years. It causes me to have ADHD-type symptoms. This happened when I was younger as I got vaccines, but more recently, I developed a bad memory when exposed.
When this happened, I removed all my aluminum-containing dental fillings and replaced them with metal-free ceramics. The ADHD symptoms disappeared, but I was still left with a noticeably declining memory.
Then, in 2019, I had a titanium alloy orthopedic implant placed and had an allergic reaction to it. When it was removed, my symptoms vanished.
The surgery resulted in a second problem. During the original procedure, the surgeon accidentally hit a blood vessel while drilling a hole in my vertebra. He stopped the bleeding with Stryker-brand Cortoss aluminum-based bone cement. It is not supposed to be used for that purpose because as it cures, it expands, causing tiny fractures that push bone cement into the blood. After the surgery, the surgeon told me he did not have the skills to remove the bone cement and that I’d have to go overseas to do it.
Yoho: Butchered by “Healthcare” describes the Stryker company. They operate like a Pharma company.
Cortoss had been pulled from our New Zealand medical formulary and was not supposed to have been used in 2019.
While I was replacing my dental work, I decided to try Fiji silica water to lower the amount of aluminum/alumina in my body. Twelve liters of Fiji water costs $70NZD, which is expensive. Luckily, it only took me three boxes of 12 x 1-liter bottles to improve my memory. I drank a liter a day as Exley suggested.
It helped. I had a productive cough that resolved while using the Fiji, but I developed vertical lines on my fingernails. I thought it was a small price to pay for my improvement.
So I stopped drinking Fiji water, hoping the vertical lines meant I had therapeutic levels of silica. I thought I’d likely continue to get the benefits for a while. As the months went by, the vertical lines started to disappear. At the same time, my cough returned but my memory was fine.
Dr. Yoho sent me silica from the US to make my own silica water. (Yoho: it was the least I could do. Mark was involved in the chain of events that saved my wife’s life.) I added magnesium and calcium as per Dennis Crouse’s recipe. He calls the result “Silicaid.”
My best friend tried silica water at the same time. Both of us had weak urinary streams due to prostate enlargment that improved.
Learn more about Mark in Judas Dentistry and from his Substack HERE.
I have comments that I will include here:
You ask why in my book I do not go into detail as to why I do not endorse the product made by DC. In the first instance it is out of politeness towards DC. I have communicated with him for a very long time and long before he wrote any of his books or came up with his recipe. DC used my science to write his work and in the main he has referenced my science. However, for my research I had to make hundreds of litres of silicic acid in the laboratory and at no time did I ever consider drinking this product. Mainly because I could not be sure that it was free of all possible biological contaminants such as viruses or bacteria.
I questioned DC and his wife Laurie about their recipe for making silicic acid and asked for data relating to its silicic acid content. This was never provided though they did send me a sample of the silicate salt they used in its preparation. What they sent me was insoluble in water whereas the sodium silicate I used to prepare silicic acid is highly soluble up to 56mg/L silicon. DC claims I believe that boiling his salt produces silicic acid but without providing independent (preferably peer-reviewed) evidence that this is the case. My worry is that DC's product is actually silica glass and not silicic acid but without data I cannot be sure. However, DC has never provided any clinical data that drinking his product results in the removal of aluminium from the blood via the kidney. This would be the definitive proof that his product contained silicic acid. I cannot therefore endorse a homemade product for which their is neither proof of content or efficacy. I also worry about its safety for human consumption.
As for your comment about me receiving money from makers of silicon-rich mineral waters. I have never received a penny though I did help Rex Garratt set up Acilis in the UK.
If you had taken the time to look through the many comments on this subject on my substack you would find much of what is written above. Please do your homework before casting your aspersions.
Dennis Crouse’s response:
Hi Robert,
My only comments are that I spent some time testing different silicates evaluating their yield of conversion to OSA before selecting the one I sent to Chris and use to make Silicade. Yes it is not very soluble in room temperature water and must be boiled for 30 seconds to dissolve 99.5% of it in water. The procedure I developed for making Silicade is described in detail in Chapter 6 of my book "Silica Water the Secret of Healthy Longevity in the Aluminum Age". The safety of drinking OSA and handling silicates is described in Chapter 7 of this book. The Silicade made by my procedure was analyzed for OSA by a standard procedure: Coradin's Silicomolybdic Blue Spectrophotometric Analysis that is specific for OSA. This procedure is described in detail in Appendix IV of the same book. My wife and I have been drinking 3 to 4 cups a day of Silicade since 2014 when I developed the recipe. We are both in our 70's and have a very low body burden of aluminum for our age, as measured by total 24 hour urinary aluminum excretion. We are both in excellent health.
I appreciate everyone that I reference in my books, including Chris, as they all allowed me to safely help my mother to live to 97 and avoid end-stage Alzheimer's. I only hope others by following the Crouse Protocol, that includes drinking an OSA rich water, such as Silicade, will avoid end-stage Alzheimer's as did my mother.
Thanks for emailing me Chris's comments.
Thanks to Engineer George for bringing this issue back to my attention for my personal health. I had forgotten how important and effective silica water was.
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