Surviving Healthcare
Surviving Healthcare Podcast
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After Mark committed to living his life for others, his life became a wondrous international adventure, but he went to prison for five years rather than abandon his quest.
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HERE is the Rumble video link, and HERE is my other post about Mark. If you are not familiar with him, read that first. As of the interview's recording, Grenon had been released after serving four years and two months of a five-year sentence. Grenon’s sons Jonathan and Jordan are still being held in federal prison.

Mark Grenon speaks: A First-Hand Account of the Chlorine Dioxide (CD) Movement.

Yoho note: You will miss out if you do not listen to the audio. It was one of my best interviews.

Mark Grenon was one of the four pioneers of the global chlorine dioxide movement. The other three are Jim Humble, who invented and perfected oral CD; Kerri Rivera, who proved it could cure autism; and Andreas Kalcker, who popularized an alternative type, "chlorine dioxide solution" (CDS).

The conversation traces Grenon's remarkable journey from his early days as a medical missionary through his collaboration with Jim Humble, the development of a worldwide health ministry, and his fraudulent imprisonment.

Grenon was a medical missionary for over three decades across four continents before discovering CD. In the Dominican Republic, he describes building "a three-story dormitory that could comfortably house, shower, and with a kitchen that could feed 60 people." It served as both a medical facility and a hurricane shelter.

Mark starts his story by telling about his nearly fatal poisoning at one of his chlorine dioxide training seminars. He was saved by people who immediately poured chlorine dioxide solution down his throat. What could have been his death became yet another story about chlorine dioxide’s effectiveness. His immediate recovery proved that NASA was right when they called it “the universal antidote.”

Despite having no formal medical training, Grenon developed practical medical skills through hands-on training with visiting surgical teams and became an experienced surgical technician. He recalls medical interns asking, "So, Mark, where did you attend medical school?" This practical experience would later prove crucial in his ability to evaluate and implement alternative health protocols.

Grenon and his children contracted MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), a severe infection resistant to antibiotics. He said, "I had a boil between my legs about the size of a baseball, and I could hardly walk it hurt so bad. My son had one in his armpit. My other son had one in the back of his leg." After exhausting all the available pharmaceutical options, including Rocephin, cephalexin, injectables, and time-release injectables, the surgeons recommended amputation. His son said, "Dad, I'll go see Jesus before you cut off my leg." So Grenon searched for alternatives.

When he discovered Jim Humble's book, he initially thought it was snake oil, but after a few weeks, he and his sons were cured. This initial skepticism, followed by successful personal experience, became a pattern he would later observe in others approaching chlorine dioxide treatments.

After his success with MRSA, Grenon worked with Jim Humble to document cases, refine applications, and develop treatment protocols. Their collaboration led to significant innovations, including combining chlorine dioxide with DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) to enhance tissue penetration. They transitioned from individual experimentation to systematic protocol development.

The two developed a comprehensive training program, including a 120-page syllabus, a workbook, and 40 instructional videos for seminars. It was designed to be accessible yet thorough, allowing people to "teach yourself, so you can take a test at the end and let us know what you're doing."

Grenon decided to operate the group under a religious structure. He explains, "I said, Jim, let's call it Genesis 2, a second beginning. But this second beginning will be a pure health restoration for the world." This became strategically valuable, as demonstrated in England, where police came to break up a training session. When they discovered it was a church, they respected the religious status and left Grennon’s group alone.

Their first seminar was in the Dominican Republic. It drew 45 participants from 15 countries, and between 2010 and 2020, the organization conducted 63 workshops across 19 countries. Grenon said they visited New Zealand, Australia, Europe, and six African countries. The movement grew to include leaders like Kerry Rivera, who became their authority on treating autism after her success with her child.

During the COVID-19 scamdemic:

The FDA issued cease-and-desist letters to approximately 700 organizations that promoted chlorine dioxide. Grenon's group stood almost alone in refusing to comply. He explains their reasoning: "We have the Constitution, we have freedom of speech, and the best gift that God has given all of man is free will. We have the right to put anything we want into our bodies.”

Captured in Colombia

Grennon was arrested and imprisoned in Colombia for two years before being extradited to the US. Even while incarcerated in Colombia, he continued his mission, helping fellow inmates with health issues. He describes setting up "a table... 40 to 50 men every day coming by... doing the chlorine dioxide protocols." Support from wealthy inmates ensured his ability to continue his work even within the prison system.

In the Colombian prison.

Throughout our interview, Grenon articulates a sophisticated critique of the legal system that prosecuted him. He says that administrative courts lack constitutional authority, stating they are "an administrative judge in a corporation" who "don't have to give an oath or affirmation to uphold the Constitution because they don't use the Constitution." This understanding informed his legal strategy, although it did not prevent his conviction. Mark’s lawyer recently filed an appeal for his sons based on these issues because they are serving a longer term and are still in prison.

Chlorine dioxide is effective.

Grenon cited thousands of documented cures he presented in his weekly broadcasts before they were ripped off the air. He said, "When I was arrested in 2020, I still had 1100 testimonies I hadn't used." He describes successful treatments for conditions ranging from cancer to MRSA, malaria, dengue fever, diabetes, and various chronic conditions.

Mark also tells the story of a secretive NASA scientist who visited a chlorine dioxide water treatment plant in Nigeria. People who drank water downstream were cured of health problems, but when the local authorities found out, they closed the plant to suppress the information. It was the first report of oral chlorine dioxide curing disease, and this man was in contact with Jim Humble before he discovered that sodium chlorite cured malaria during his trip to South America.

The Grenons spearheaded the global chlorine dioxide health movement from 2010 to 2020. It started with individual experimentation and developed into organized protocols, from local application to international reach and from informal networks to structured training programs. COVID-19 brought both increased attention and intensified scrutiny. Since the FDA and DOJ silenced the Grenons, many people have died unnecessarily.

Mark needs your help to secure his sons’ release.

Some of their children were born during their fathers' incarceration and had never seen them.

Grenon is actively seeking pardons and working to rebuild his organization's communication networks after the seizure of their digital infrastructure, including websites, mailing lists, and social media presence.

Mark’s resources are limited. Even his Social Security benefits were taken from him. Please purchase his books HERE, and you can donate to the Grenons HERE.

Mark says to write to the Trump administration and enclose this letter:

Letter To Pres
29.5KB ∙ PDF file

I suggest referencing this post about Mr. Grenon (URL above) and my other one HERE.

Comment: I think Trump will pardon the Grenon family because they and he have both been victims of the weaponized legal system.

If you are unsure what to do to help, read the article linked below. Best wishes and thanks. ❤️❤️

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To learn how to help me without spending money, read THIS.

Parting Shot #1: Chlorine dioxide is catching fire.

RFK, Jr. mentioned it in his confirmation hearing:

Parting Shot #2: Dr. Seneff’s previously unreleased chapter about chlorine dioxide.

When Stephanie Seneff wrote Toxic Legacy, How the Weedkiller Glyphosate Is Destroying Our Health and the Environment (2021), she included a chapter on chlorine dioxide, but it did not make it past the cutting board. I'm pleased to be able to provide you with an updated version here.

Dr. Seneff has received four degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): a bachelor of science (BS) in biophysics, a master's (MS) in Electrical Engineering (EE), and a doctorate (PhD) in electrical engineering and computer science. She is a senior research scientist at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL).

Toxic Legacy has 342 five-star reviews on Amazon.

The following is used with permission. Before you read the following, learn how chlorine dioxide destroys glyphosate in Dr. Seneff’s interview HERE. A summary of this book and her work by is HERE.

The Chlorine Dioxide Controversy, by Stephanie Seneff

Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS), also referred to as Miracle/Master Mineral Solution or the chlorine dioxide (CD) protocol, has become a popular alternative medicine treatment for various disease conditions despite the fact that the mainstream medical establishment has come down very hard against it. It is made by mixing 28% sodium chlorite solution with an acid such as citric acid. To say that it is controversial would be an understatement. Jim Humble, originally trained as an aerospace engineer, is the person most responsible for bringing to light the special benefits of CD/MMS. He was using MMS as a water-treatment solution while on a gold mining expedition in South America, and he serendipitously discovered that it quickly restored health to victims of malaria. Thus, it appears that it is able to strengthen the immune cell response to infection. Intrigued by this success story, he became completely committed to sharing his discovery with the world, and to further exploring its benefits in treating other diseases. This became for him a lifetime obsession.

On the first page of one of his books on MMS [1], Jim Humble ”humbly” claims that MMS is recommended as a treatment for a wide range of diseases, including “cancer, diabetes, hepatitis A, B, C, Lyme disease, MRSA, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, HIV/AIDS, malaria, autism, infections of all kinds, arthritis, acid reflux, kidney or liver disease, aches and pains, allergies, urinary tract infections, digestive problems, high blood pressure, obesity, parasites, tumors and cysts, depression, sinus problems, eye disease, ear infections, dengue fever, skin problems, dental issues, problems with prostate (high PSA), erectile dysfunction, and many others.” Many of these diseases have been linked to glyphosate exposure.

Kerri Rivera is the mother of an autistic child who, like many other parents of autistic children, was desperate to find a way to improve her child’s autistic symptoms. She spent over a million dollars trying to find a treatment that would work to heal her son. She was sufficiently impressed with the improvements she witnessed following MMS treatment that she decided to become actively involved in promoting the idea that it might be useful for autism.

Kerri has developed a protocol to treat autism that includes various nutritional supplements, such as chondroitin sulfate and vitamin D, and a modified ketogenic diet, eliminating gluten and casein. The protocol can also include anti-parasitic medications, humic and fulvic acid, black seed oil, digestive enzymes, binders, thyroid supplements, an ionic foot bath, and hyperbaric oxygen. But she believes that an essential aspect of her protocol is the idea of frequent tiny doses of MMS throughout the day.

Kerri uses a questionnaire called the Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC) as a metric of progress [2]. A high score means more severe autism, and a score under 10 indicates that the child is not autistic. She has helped thousands of children, and over 500 of them have had their autism completely reversed through her therapy (score under 10). Some of her patients have parents who refuse to use chlorine dioxide due to the controversy surrounding it, but none of them have had their autism successfully reversed. Predictably, the mainstream media has tried hard to discredit her work, and her book, “Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism,” was removed from Amazon [3]. Kerri released a new book in 2024, which is available at several bookseller sites, including Amazon [4]. I am unaware of other practitioners who have achieved such dramatic results, and she maintains that chlorine dioxide is the key to her success. She refers to CD as an ”inexpensive, broad-spectrum, gentle anti-pathogenic.”

A one-hour and fifty-minute documentary published in 2021 on the Brighteon channel provides compelling evidence that chlorine dioxide is a powerful treatment option for many infectious diseases and is especially effective for treating COVID-19 [5]. The documentary was also released on YouTube, and it stayed up for several years but has now been taken down.

1. Ozone and Chlorine Dioxide: Possible Mechanisms

Paracelsus presciently wrote in the 1500s: “The body possesses the high art of wrecking but also restoring health ...Poison is in everything, and no thing is without poison. The dosage makes it either a poison or a remedy.” This is an apt remark regarding ozone therapy and chlorine dioxide therapy (miracle mineral solution (MMS). Both ozone and chlorine dioxide are oxidizing agents and, as such, can cause oxidative damage. However, both are also powerful antimicrobial agents and, perhaps more importantly, both are able to break down glyphosate nonenzymatically [6, 7]. Both are commonly used in water treatment plants as disinfectants, and this is very fortunate from the standpoint of glyphosate contamination because I suspect we would have had a much bigger problem with glyphosate exposure through the water supply if this was not the case. Chlorine dioxide can be purchased without prescription to purify lake water or river water for safe drinking while camping in the wilderness.

Glyphosate was likely an important contributor to the catastrophic failure of the water supply in Flint, Michigan, where dangerously high levels of lead were found in the drinking water. This occurred during a period when the water supply was temporarily diverted to a river source, and the river ran through agricultural areas where glyphosate was routinely used on GMO crops. A water treatment plant that had been in disrepair was hastily brought back into action before it had been properly refurbished. I suspect this meant that significant levels of glyphosate remained in the water. Glyphosate was first patented as a pipe-cleaning chemical due to its ability to strip metals from pipes. Although this has not been properly researched and therefore remains speculative, I believe it is possible that there were high levels of glyphosate in the water that ran through the lead pipes supplying water to Flint, and this caused much more of the lead to be stripped off of the pipes into the water.

Alternative medicine specialists are finding ozone therapy to be useful in treating infected wounds, as well as a number of difficult diseases, such as circulatory disorders, geriatric conditions, macular degeneration, viral diseases, rheumatism/arthritis, cancer, SARS, and AIDS [8]. Ozone has been used in medicine for at least 150 years, but likely because, like chlorine dioxide, it is inexpensive and not patentable. The medical establishment likes to play up the risks and play down the benefits.

The medical establishment maintains that chlorine dioxide, a simple, inexpensive, non-patentable molecule, is a dangerous substance that should never be used in medicine. However, this is a gross exaggeration. Oxygen is also highly reactive, but that does not mean we advise people not to breathe. Chlorine dioxide has very different chemical properties than pure chlorine. Chlorine reacts with organic matter to produce highly toxic chlorinated products, whereas chlorine dioxide does not. On the other hand, chlorine dioxide preferentially oxidizes sulfur in sulfur-containing molecules [9]. This could be highly beneficial in overcoming deficiencies in sulfite oxidase due either to genetic defects or toxic chemical exposures such as glyphosate. It breaks down into hypochlorite and superoxide, both of which are common oxidizing agents produced by immune cells in their fight against pathogens. Thus, it enables immune cells to be more effective in fighting pathogens in the gut.

Hypochlorite reacts with the sulfur-containing amino acid taurine to produce taurine chloramine. Taurine is generally considered to be inert, but taurine chloramine is capable of getting oxidized to sulfate. Thus, it is possible that chlorine dioxide enhances the bioavailability of sulfate in the body through this mechanism. Chlorine is superior to chlorine dioxide in breaking down glyphosate, but chlorine is definitely too toxic to take medicinally. Chlorine dioxide may also be a source of chloride to help the stomach maintain an acid pH. In my book Toxic Legacy, I have discussed the possibility that glyphosate disrupts chloride channels due to substitution for a highly conserved glycine residue at the squeeze point [10]. The parietal cells in the stomach release hydrochloric acid through chloride channels to maintain acidity. Insufficient stomach acid results in impaired ability to metabolize proteins, leading to autoimmune disease.

2. Comparing Chlorine Dioxide with Antipsychotics

Risperidone (brand name Risperdal) is an atypical antipsychotic drug prescribed to treat aggressiveness and irritability associated with schizophrenia and mania associated with bipolar disorder. In 2006, the drug was approved for use to treat similar symptoms associated with autism. Its manufacturer, Johnson & Johnson, is now facing over 13,000 lawsuits based on severe side effects of Risperdal. Most striking is its ability to induce the growth of breasts in males (gynecomastia), but it also causes an increased risk of hyperglycemia and diabetes, seizures, and tardive dyskinesia, among other things. Elderly patients are at increased risk of cerebrovascular events, stroke, and death. A lawsuit in Philadelphia led to a jury decision to award the plaintiff, Nicholas Murray, $8 billion, including punitive damages [11]. This award was later slashed to $5.8 million by a Pennsylvania judge [12]. Nicholas has autism, and he was initially prescribed Risperdal to treat sleep disorder in 2003. More recently, J&J settled thousands of lawsuits brought by men who claimed that Risperdal caused them to develop breast tissue at the cost of $800 million in legal expenses [13].

Risperidone and aripiprazole (Abilify), both atypical antipsychotics, are the only drugs approved for treating the symptoms of autism. I downloaded data available from the FDA’s Drug Adverse Event Reporting System(FAERS) website, just for the year 2017, to compare the side effects of these antipsychotic drugs compared to chlorine dioxide. Just in this year, there were 22,759 events where risperidone was listed as the primary drug responsible for their actions and 10,736 events where Abilify was listed as primary. There were only three cases where chlorine dioxide was mentioned at all, as one of the drugs being taken, and it was never listed as primary.

I gathered more detailed information for risperidone, focusing just on Q4 of 2017. In just three months, from October to December of 2017, there were 3216 cases where gynaecomastia (enlarged breasts in a male) was reported, 450 cases reporting weight gain, 75 cases of galactorrhoea (excessive or inappropriate production of milk), 69 attempted suicides, of which 29 were successful, 37 cases with fatigue, 20 involving cardiac or respiratory arrest, 20 reporting tachycardia, 19 cases of neuroleptic malignant syndrome (a life-threatening reaction), 19 cases of acute kidney injury, and 15 cases of coma.

These antipsychotic drugs are being widely prescribed to autistic children. A study published in 2013 involving over 33,000 children with autism found that 64% of them had been prescribed at least one psychotropic medication, with 35%taking more than one psych drug concurrently [14]. The hype in the media arguing against chlorine dioxide is way out of line in the face of these adverse reactions to pharmaceutical drugs commonly prescribed for autism.


[1] Jim Humble. MMS Health Recovery Guidebook. James V. Humble Publisher. 2016.

[2] Shreyas Mahapatra et al. Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC) Norms: A ”Growth Chart” for ATEC Score Changes as a Function of Age. Children (Basel). 2018 Feb 16;5(2):25.

[3] Kerri Rivera and Kimberly McDaniel. Healing the Symptoms Known As Autism. Kerri Rivera, 2013.

[4] Kerri Rivera. Autism CD Protocol...and Other Autoimmune Disorders. Indy Pub, 2024.

[5] Curious Human Productions. The Universal Antidote Documentary. January 30, 2021. [last accessed February 14, 2025]

[6] M´arcia Regina Assalin et al. Studies on Degradation of Glyphosate by Several Oxidative Chemical Processes: Ozonation, Photolysis and Heterogeneous Photocatalysis. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B. 2009; 45(1): 89-94.

[7] Akbar Mehrsheikh et al. Investigation of the Mechanism of Chlorination of Glyphosate and Glycine in Water. WaterResearch 40 (2006) 3003-3014.

[8] A. M. Elvis and J. S. Ekta Ozone Therapy: A Clinical Review. J Nat Sci Biol Med. 2011 Jan-Jun; 2(1): 6670.

[9] Alexander V Kutchin et al. Studies on Oxidative Transformations of Thiols, Sulfides, and Alcohols in the Presence of Chlorine Dioxide. Pure and Applied Chemistry 2011; 89: 10.

[10] S. Seneff. Toxic Legacy: How the Weedkiller Glyphosate is Destroying Our Health and the Environment. Chelsea Green Publishers. White River Junction, VT. July 1, 2021.

[11] Jane Mundy. Has J&J Lost Its Way? October 25, 2019, 12:45 PM. 23155.html [last accessed February 14, 2025]

[12] Jonathan Stempel. Judge slashes $8 billion Risperdal award against Johnson & Johnson to $6.8 million. January 17, 2020. pharmaceuticals/judge-slashes-8-billion-risperdal-award-against-johnson-johnson-to-68- milli-idUSKBN1ZG292/ [last accessed February 14, 2025]

[13] Reuters. J&J settles most Risperdal lawsuits, with $800 million in expenses. October 31, 2021. most-risperdal-lawsuits-with-800-million-expenses-2021-10-30/ [last accessed February 14, 2025]

[14] Donna Spencer et al. Psychotropic Medication Use and Polypharmacy in Children With Autism SpectrumDisorders. Pediatrics 2013; 132(5):833840.


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