Surviving Healthcare
Surviving Healthcare Podcast
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -15:17


I wish, ha. I did clear $1800 in the first few weeks but give all profits to charities promoting chlorine dioxide (CD). If you get involved, you can keep whatever you make.

When I fell into supporting commercial chlorine dioxide products, I was not expecting a windfall. My policy is, “I am not a nonprofit; I am a no-profit. I give what I make here to Freedom Movement charities and send all net Amazon funds to my Amazon Ads contractor.” But I started receiving emails like this several times a day:

My Frontier dashboard from yesterday:

Why is CD important? 

Chlorine dioxide is Kryptonite against Rockefeller “healthcare.” It cures Lyme, Covid, and even potentially vaccine-injury autism. It helps “long Covid,” which is primarily due to vaccines. It destroys glyphosate and may even help detoxify graphene oxide.

Commercial CD products are “gateway drugs” to general CD use. FrontierPharm’s mouthwash, nail fungus solution, and Snoot! Nasal spray make chlorine dioxide easy to use and removes the guesswork. They are safe, powerful, and effective. HERE is the Rumble link to my interview with company founders Valerie Alliger-Bograd and Michelle Herman. If doctors used CD, they could more effectively treat infections and myriad other inflammatory and neurological diseases. If ordinary people used it, they would need doctors rarely. If I had known about it while practicing, I would have been a better physician. I hope I would have considered quitting cosmetic surgery to spread the word.

Here is the deal for these MLMs 

When you click either affiliate link (#1 or #2 below) and buy mouthwash, toothpaste, Snoot! Spray or other products, you get a five percent discount, and I get a commission. You have my promise that I will give whatever I get to people and charities that promote chlorine dioxide use. 

If you click #3 and #4 below and join the MLMs, you will get commissions from those you refer. It costs nothing for you or them.

  1. My affiliate link HERE takes you to the Frontier website to buy the products.

  2. THIS ONE is for the Snoot! Spray products.

  3. If you want to help spread the word and make money, join the Frontier MLM program HERE.

  4. Snoot!’s MLM is HERE.

After you fill out the application forms to become an affiliate, in less than a day you will be sent a link to your dashboard. There, you will find special website access links to send to your friends or use on your written announcements. These will give you credit for their orders, and they will get the introductory discount. You can also make a personal code that does the same thing to use when you podcast or do other speaking. Mine, for example, are at the bottom of the second image above.

How to make your profits grow

The essential first step is to put all your contacts on a database so you can email them. Without this, you are helpless. Although there are other platforms, I like Substack. I wrote a post with step-by-step instructions about how to start yours HERE. I have another essay about improving your writing HERE

You likely have thousands of contacts. Copy them from your phone, put them in a CSV file, then upload them into your Substack database. This is perfectly legal, and there are instructions on the Substack website. 

To tell your readers the story, I recommend you first repost my chlorine dioxide essay (HERE) that explains the whole thing. Simply copy and paste this as a new episode. Since the story is complex and requires study to believe it, consider leaving it intact, but you have my permission to cut it up any way you want.

When I repost, I always put a few comments in italics at the start. Crediting the author and linking him* is good etiquette. You might write something like this:

Hello, Sally Smith here. You are on my phone’s contact list, so I am sending you the first issue of my newsletter. I hope you enjoy it, but if you decide to unsubscribe, go to the very bottom and click the button. I respect your privacy and will never discover you were too busy to read my writing. 

I occasionally supplement my writing by reposting other authors’ work. The following is a critical story by Dr. Robert Yoho from THIS LINK. It might save your life. 

Then, paste the essay, work on your title, and click send.

That should get your readers’ attention. Write another post in a week or so telling them about these MLMs and how they can make money. Alternatively, copy and paste my follow-up posts from HERE or HERE. You might grow faster if you also promise to give your proceeds to chlorine dioxide charities. 

*Using that he/she nonsense perverts the wonderful differences between the sexes.

Rescue Yourself

This is the Epilogue to Judas Dentistry. You may copy and send your fans this or any of my other posts or book chapters.

No one is coming to save any of us. We must research as if our lives depend on it, for they do. We will only survive if we use all our wits, cunning, and thinking flexibility. See you around the study hall. Warning: I have a bad habit of wasting other students’ time during my breaks.

Using chlorine dioxide to treat disease is heavily suppressed

The prohibitions against making claims are akin to the rules chiropractors face. In many states, they are forbidden to say that they treat or cure and can only state that they support good health. To comply with laws like these, Snoot! Spray is marketed as a “nose cleanser,” and the Frontier products are for external use only. 

Legal note for you: If you join the Frontier or the Snoot! Spray group, never say their products treat or cure disease. Val, Michelle, and their companies make no therapeutic claims.

CD is an old, well-known compound that cannot be patented and is inexpensive to make. It offers no hope of substantial corporate profits, so there is no incentive to study it in the ways Rockefeller Medicine claims is required. But thousands of success stories are evidence that it works. As you learn about CD, remember what Pierre Kory said, “A thousand anecdotes become data.” I call them proof.

I am in a multi-decade battle to the death with the nail fungus I caught from my climbing shoes. Once a week, I use a Dremel tool to grind it down and apply the ointment du jour. Nothing has worked. I have been unwilling to take oral antifungals for fear they would damage my brain and liver. Fluconazole is fluoridated, for God’s sake. 

Until recently, I assumed my infestation would outlive me. But Frontier Pharma’s product is turning the tide, and I am hoping to watch my fellow traveler die before my eyes. I am enjoying poisoning it. 

I have friends with mouth problems, and they say that Frontier’s mouthwash is helping them. Val gets grateful phone calls about this every week.

Valerie and Michelle are far from rich and nearly abandoned their business in frustration two years ago. Their company faces the same growth problems as any startup—how does it bootstrap and grow? Frontier and Snoot recently started affiliate sales with multilevel marketing (MLM) capacity. This incentivizes the small but vocal group who understands CD to sell it. Growth rather than short-term profit is the goal.

Most MLMs require an upfront “investment” and then sell humdrum or nearly useless household products. Frontier Pharm and Snoot! have no purchase requirement, minimum order, or “starter package.”

I joined and made $1800 in the first three weeks, and this is growing. I give away every penny to groups that support and educate people about chlorine dioxide. CD is unique—it is virtually unknown and works phenomenally well. The big corporations stand against it, for it threatens their revenues. Val and Michelle have had to listen to their lies about chlorine dioxide being bleach for years.


Michelle Herman,; Owner and President.

Valerie Alliger-Bograd, Owner and President of Frontier Pharmaceutical, Inc.,, O: 631-367-3400

Learn how to make chlorine dioxide solution (CDS) in your kitchen

The following videos show a method of dissolving pure CD in water popularized by Andreas Kalcker:

✪ HERE ( by Christian Elliot from



✪ HERE is how to make a quart at a time conveniently.

The process happens inside a sealed jar or bottle surrounded by water. The CD gas that is produced saturates the water. The solution will last many months in a sealed, refrigerated brown bottle.

Jim Humble invented a way to make a closely related but stronger preparation, dilute sodium chlorite (NaClO2) solution. Sodium chlorite 22.5 percent is mixed with an “acid activator.*” A minute later, it is ready to dilute and consume. Although this is effective and most people tolerate it well, it has an unpleasant taste and can occasionally cause stomach upset, diarrhea, and, rarely, vomiting. However, it is more effective than CDS against autism and likely other severe conditions such as Lyme. People over 50 should avoid problems by sticking with CDS.

Humble created confusion by inventing multiple names for his creation. He called the above “Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS)” and Kalcker’s pure CDS “activated MMS.”

*Four percent hydrochloric acid is best, but alternatively, lemon juice, lime juice, or vinegar (5% acetic acid) may be used. Citric acid 50% works but causes more side effects unless you are making CD solution as above. THIS LINK may be more than you need to know about Humble’s invention.

See my Substack article HERE for more.

To obtain ingredients:

✪ Buy pre-made CDS solution for “water purification” HERE

✪ For $200 or less, you can get half gallons of sodium chlorite 22.5% and hydrochloric acid 4% from chemical companies selling on Ebay and elsewhere. You can make enough CDS or CD for your entire neighborhood for years.

✪ A simple manufacturing method using a tablet added to a base solution is HERE.

✪ Amazon sells small amounts of these ingredients in dropper bottles, but many links seem to have been censored. HERE is one that still works.

To finish reading or to copy the whole chapter, download Judas Dentistry HERE.

Since I retired, I give no specific medical advice. This information is for general education only. If you have health problems, find an experienced, licensed provider to treat you. By now, I have concluded that you need both an MD and someone who knows alternative medicine. But never check your critical thinking abilities at the door—do your research and participate in your care.

Chlorine dioxide is the most important story that I have covered. Read my original post about it again if you do not understand this yet. And if you have any friends left after you explain the MLM, send them over to this Substack. No upfront “investment” is required!

Parting shot #1

Polymath Paul approves of my conversion to “moon denier.” I reported this HERE in my Dave Payette interview.

Paul says, “Lower the friction on your readers by giving them the best references. Be sure their source is not the straw man appearing when they Google it.” He recommends:

  • Wagging the Moon Doggie by McGowan

  • American Moon by Mazzucvo is the best video documentary. It is long, but nobody debunks the ideas as thoroughly:

Parting shot #2

Michelle told me she wanted to give her international customers some love. Overseas orders have shipping costs of about $35. She told me she would put together a discount for you if you buy a special package of products from the Frontier website. This includes her Snoot! Spray. Give her a week, and email her at the address above if the bundled products proposal does not appear.

Errata: Kerri Rivera says that the dose of methylene blue for Parkinson’s is 25 drops (not milligrams) of the liquid orally twice daily, dissolved in water. This is a dropper and a quarter—1.25 milliliters for most dropper bottles. No food should be taken for an hour before or after. 

Discussion about this episode

Congrats on becoming a moon denier and thanks for your persistence on CD... you're getting through to me. Enjoying your work as always, currently from the Far East. Best.

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Thanks for continuing the discussion on CD and CDS. My fridge lost power so my first batch for insurance is gone. Will have to start over once I recover from my broken foot.

Please let us know if Methylene Blue helps with Parkinsons.

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Will do !

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I did get a dig on Fluoride in, and Smart Meters.

An Amish Farmer is raided and Arrested by our government for selling Organic Food.

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I was very interested in CD and agree jim humble made it very confusing. Excited to try these products.

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Just bought some snoot to try it . If it works then I’ll promote it. I have post nasal drip that causes mucus to build in my throat . I hack 2-3 times a day . Antihistamines , nor Flonase helps . I can breathe with doing my Neti pot but it doesn’t stop the back drainage.

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Wonder why there is no Dry Eye product? Since the FDA removed Similasan an all-natural Dry Eye drop, I've not found an acceptable OTC. The 1st Restasis caused an eye infection. I told the Cornea doc I didn't want it, she was pushy, you have white spots on the cornea, and Tricare Life covered the cost. 1 drop proved reading the insert info was valuable. And I'm not trying the new one.

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Yes the ‘recall’ that Similisan was basically ‘forced to do’ on it’s products is disconcerting. (With a track record of 0 problems with their eye drops.) I used their eye drops for years. ALL OTC eye drops, for the most part, use propylene glycol as the ‘humectant’ in them....that 💩 is super bad for you. It’s one of the ingredients in antifreeze and in the C*V*D Jabs.

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Most of them are oily and blur your vision, or burn your eyes, Similisan plain was replaced By iVIZA same company, twice the cost, and doesn't work as well or as long. Having had Cataract surgery, then Lasic to repair the one cornea the surgeon messed up, and correct the wrong lens he used, my eyes are very dry, add in the hours of reading on the computer makes it worse. Has a eye infection to 1 drop of Restasis. Not getting me to try the new script one.

'‘humectant’ in them....that 💩 is super bad for you. It’s one of the ingredients in antifreeze and in the C*V*D Jabs.' no wonder they burn your eyes.

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This might sound weird but try putting a drop or 2 of organic castor oil on your eyelids and even a bit under your eye. My acupuncturist told me about this and it worked wonders for me.

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I agree…the Similisan drops were excellent…you could even find them at Walmart! The tyranny of the FDA runs rampant. They approve the EUA mRNA Jabs then mess with a company like Similisan whose products won’t hurt you, in fact help you! It’s all f**ked up!

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Have you heard of www.

They sell chlorine dioxide tablets. I’m not sure how the tablets fit into the whole idea of usage here. Maybe you could shed some light on it.

I’m doing more research on the topic thanks to you.

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OMG! This is a total God moment. Somehow I got led to this Substack. I just joined Safrax as an affiliate. I was able to switch to a chlorine dioxide hot tub this week. Yes! Now when I sit in the hot tub I'm not soaking in toxins.

Robert, I am going to join under you for the Snoot & Frontier Pharm (I already use their toothpaste).

I am also going to send this link to the Safrax guys and see if they would be interested in doing their affiliate program (which they just started) which they just started. This was meant to be.

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Your humor, humility and using yourself as the experimental guinea pig gives me (as I am sure many others) the nudge to “just do it”! God bless you and yours and the cure for your Parkinsons, my sweet big brother from another mother!

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Wow another

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I finally viewed the Frontier Pharm interview on Rumble and it was REALLY interesting! This is not my area (obviously) but the idea of drinking something that has antibiotic properties - won’t that mess up the good biome we have inside?

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this is absolutely not a problem; see the complete CD post from my archives

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Hey Doc,

First, thanks for all the info you linked to in both of your CDS articles.

I'll turn to you (or anyone on here) for a question I cannot get an answer to. Maybe you know?

Just to try/get started with CDS/MMS, I purchased a premade CDS solution from

I have viewed many vids (15?) and read much more. But I would like to know what the dilution rate is (for per day/per liter) for the PREMADE CDS solution I bought. I think this premade is a different dilution ratio than if I had made it myself . Presently, I 'guessed' and have been using 8 drops of the above solution in a liter of water.

From here on out, I'll make my own

Thanks for any help.

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And does everyone know that we shouldn't be drinking any coffee/tea/milk or alcohol, taking no supplements (esp Vit C and antioxidents) and eating no citrus fruits for the 8 - 10 hours that we are taking this solution...daily. You can, but only 2 hours before or 2 hours after the 8-10 is finished. Sooo, that means up to 14 hours a day you can't ingest or drink the above. Wow.

I'm only thinking out loud here. I'd bet 95% or our population won't be able to stick with the above for long?

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That is all unnecessary. I have been on CDS for 2 years and I drink coffee all morning and wine every night.

CDS is an oxidant, so you just want to avoid antioxidants like vitamin C for one hour.

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Two points.

1) Antioxidants: It's not just Vit C that is an antioxidant.

Coffee is high in antioxidants. As are: teas, milk, nuts/seeds, all fruit (esp. citrus), all fruit juices, many vegetables, many supplements, some meds etc etc.

In their "Ultimate Guide To CDS" PDF, they list all the foods/drinks/meds that should be avoided for 1-2 hours before & after taking the daily doses. The list is long - almost inhuman. Those are not my words. I'll find the page, I think, and post it here.

2) Having said that, I do agree with you, overall. I'm now on week 6 or so of MMS1 / CDS and Protocol 1. And I somewhat, maybe severely, question their MUST AVOID recommendations. I can tell it's 'working' (good and bad) even while taking some of their MUST AVOID foods/drinks - soon before, during, soon after taking daily doses.

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Yes, I'm half French so I cannot go without my coffee and whole milk in the morning and my wine every evening. C'est la vie.

But after drinking CDS for 2 years now, I don't look at it as taking "doses" anymore. I look at it as just drinking water. I keep a one liter bottle in the fridge and every time I pass through the kitchen for lunch or on a coffee or bathroom break or what-have-you, I take a sip. My goal is to finish the one liter throughout the day.

In addition to that, I make silica water. Here is my recipe, which I modified from Dennis Crouse's recipe:

If I drink 1 liter of CDS water and 2-3 liters of silica water per day (which I use to make coffee, herbal tea, and soda and sparkling water with my Soda Stream,) I only need 5 hours of sleep. I know, amazing.

I get 21 hours per week back.

However, if I skip either the CDS or the silica water, or if I don't drink enough silica water, I need 8 hours a night.

I think (my theory) the CDS helps me absorb the silica. If you read Dennis Crouse's book, Silica Water the Secret of Healthy Longevity in the Aluminum Age, he explains the science of the "blue zones" -- it's not a Mediterranean diet -- it's silica!

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Gosh, your info/website is good. Just read most of your website and watched his short video on how to make.

Good stuff, Maynard. Thank you. Since I don't do many/any other sups besides drinking *My Beautiful Bleach* and a bit of vit D, silica will be my next task. I want to learn more about CDS/MMS1 before I add anything else. But silica will be it. Seems easy enough to make. But if I have any questions when I start, I'll hit you up on this board/here?


Have you ever looked into "Protocol 1"? which is taking ONLY the sodium chlorite without the activator. Dropping 1-5 drops in a 1 liter of water and sipping all day. I tried that this weekend, and it is potent; yet nobody talks about it. IF interested and if you have the "Ultimate Guide to CDS" PDF (its free), go to page 147. It's a short/easy read; and very interesting comments from the author about this protocol.

Again, good stuff you posted. I'm glad you did.

One last thing. Normally I'm a VERY Humble Guy, uberly so. But I'm going to go out on a limb and show you how brilliant/genius-like I am, ok?

I'm going to take a wild guess and say you p*e a lot and often EVERY day. :-) Yes? 4 liters of CDS & SILICA + wine + coffee and other stuff. You're a healthy bro'ette. Good job. Proud of you. I see an Olympic Gold Medal coming your way in the near future?

And your "Google Search" thing on your website cracked me up (or, maybe I cried? Disgusted me? Got mad?, actually all the above) "Can men get pregnant" OMG! :-) Holy Smokes, we've gone off the damn deep end. No doubt about it. The poor, poor kids that are being raised in this insane milieu.

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"My Beautiful Bleach" LOL!!!

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Where do I get the "Ultimate Guide to CDS" PDF? Not sure if I have it or not.

I do make sodium chlorite water for my kids and pets.

Dogs and cats have 10x more hydrochloric acid than humans so they don't need the actual CDS.

And in an ideal world, if we had adequate stomach acid, we also could just drink sodium chlorite water -- which is just salt water that is electrified -- with a current (waves) -- hmmm like ocean water -- almost like God designed us to be this way!

This explains why people got cancer when they were taking antacids. It lowers stomach acid -- allows parasites to thrive.

I don't pee a lot. My 2-4 liters of silica water for the day includes 1 liter of CDS water, and 1-3 liters of water in the form of coffee, tea, water and homemade soda. That's total.

Now if I could make my own wine or buy wine with high silica, that would be heaven.

I don't know what you are talking about re: the "can men get pregnant" thing. Shrugs. Yes, crazy times indeed.

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Here is the link to the free "Ultimate Guide to CDS":

If this doesn't work for you, get back to me. For some reason, some folks can't download from this link; most can. If not, I have another link I will send. Too late to be searching for it now.

re: "I don't know what you are talking about re: the "can men get pregnant" thing. Shrugs. Yes, crazy times indeed."

Funny! :-) here. Your website correct? 1/4 of the way down.

copy/paste of the above. I can't copy/paste the whole thing. But .. :

" But suffice it to say, anything Google tells you should not be trusted.

"If you think you can still trust Google, type in "can men get pregnant" or "can a man have babies."

Not your words?

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Mar 20
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I didn't continue with Proto 1. I can't remember how many days I tried it but I went back to CDS (or MMS1) for another month or so. Wanted to finish that and then try other things, such as Proto 1. I'm going to try that again, this time for a month or two, in the near future. If you have time, tell me how you're doing on Proto 1. Also, your thoughts about CDS & MMS1 ? Compare the 3, again, only if you have time.

One last 'thing' I ran into. I started spraying CDS onto a large part of my body. I used a 2 oz spray bottle mixed 50/50 ratio CDS/distilled water. All face, ears, neck, elbows to tips of fingers and legs from mid thigh to mid calf (for severe knee injuries and multiple massive operations/damage).

Wow. When I combined the above with drinking CDS or MMS1, it was too much. Way too much. This stunned me. Sooo, just to experiment I quit all CDS/MMS1 via gut and for 4 days, 3 x a day, I'd only do the transdermal (skin) route. I honestly think the absorption via skin is equal to, maybe more potent than, via the gut.

So the next 2 ways I have ahead of me is:

1) trying the MMS way (only sodium chlorite with no activator) for at least a month this time; not just 7-10 days. On it's own. No other CDS/MMS1.

2) Doing another month only spraying it on large part of my skin 2-3 x a day. If you can try this way, do it and let me know if possible ... it shocked me how potent it was.

I'm wondering if people who just can't take CDS via their gut, might be able to try the transdermal route, bypassing their gut, with less severe side-effects?

Do you know how to make the spray on / transdermal CDS?

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Lucky me, I found it quickly in my notes.

From .. "The Ultimate Guide to Chlorine Dioxide" Page 143.

And many other sources say the same. But for now, the Bible of MMS/CDS is below.

"Things that neutrolize the potency of Chlorine Dioxide. copy/paste:


• Alcohol, coffee & certain teas

• Nuts, Fruits

• Vegetables that are high in antioxidants

• Juice with added vitamin-C or ascorbic acid

• Any other foods high in antioxidants

• Orange juice (and other strong citrus juices)

• Mineral supplements

• Vitamin supplements

• Time-Release Supplements

• Coconut Juice, Dairy Products, Chocolate (Cacao)

• Hydrogen Gas and Water (Medicinal"

And other foods/drinks if you can believe it. I don't drink coffee/teas/cokes etc , since forever, but seeing as how 93% of the adult population is addicted to coffee/teas/cokes, I have a hard time believing their words. Many people have been helped by CDS and the majority of them take many or even most of their "AVOID list". They literally cannot stop drinking coffee/tea for 10 hours a day.

Me? I can't stop drinking whole milk for 10 hours or so during the day. I have always drank milk from the time I get up to bed. Nor apples/bananas/avacados blah blah.

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I could not get the link "HERE is how to make a quart at a time conveniently." to work. The three links list above it were fine.

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DARN THING was on YouTube sorry.

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someone passed it to me; If anyone finds a new one, let me know via email

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allllllll 100% spot-on-TRUE!!!! <3. have i told you lately how much i wuv you!!!!!

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can't beat an endorsement like this!

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Same. I’ve had great success with CD and methylene blue now for about two years.

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I just started methylene blue but have been on CD for 3 weeks.

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Good job!!$$$$

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Love it. Please pass on my thanks to Polymath Paul. The moon video is top notch stuff and goes through the arguments very thoroughly.

My advice to Dave Payette is to make sure if you're going to provide an example of evidence, you need to provide the full argument chain of any evidence you raise.

If you simply provide the start of the argument (i.e. the Van Allen Belts would kill anyone going through it) that is not sufficient, because there are several very valid counter argument to it if the context remains so simple. The full argument is that there are probably paths through the Van Allen Belt that would not kill the astronauts, but we know some of the launches did not take those paths. We also know it is being raised by NASA today as a challenge we have not yet addressed.

If you simply say, the Van Allen Belts would have killed the astronauts, that argument is not anywhere near sufficient. Same applies for the moon rocks argument, and the same applies to the laser reflector etc. On their own, all of these have very strong and valid counter arguments, and only the full evidence chain and context can nullify the counter arguments.

When someone brings me a simple argument that is easily countered I either think they haven't done their homework, or I think they're trying to deceive me.

The folks in that video clearly did their homework, they laid out the full chain of evidence and counter arguments clearly. And I'm only halfway through.

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methylene blue has dangerous interactions with more than one hundred medications according to

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look at the FLCCC website, which debunks this. In doses of .5 mg/kg/d to 2 mg/kg/d it is safe indeed. is a Cabal website.

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I'll look. Last time I visited their site I didn't see anything about M Blue.


My question is how safe with what for who.

The day after I used CDS for the first time my urine was a tin color.

I was thinking that was the heavy metals.

I used it as a mouth wash also.

I wanted to use it as an eye rinse but was un shure how much to dilute it.

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m blue post is next stay tuned

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hold off on that

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Wow. I thought the dosage for methylene blue was ½ mg per kg of body weight. 25 drops twice a day is a lot unless you are mighty big! I understood less is better when it comes to dosage. I’ve been using it daily for almost 2 years and found out about this compound through a biology professor at the University of Texas named Francisco Garza-Lima. He discovered the improved cognition MB provided in nursing home patients being treated for UTI. I can testify I do NOT require a list for the grocery store anymore (smile). Our litany of health improvement is long. After overpaying on Amazon, I now order the pharmaceutical grade powder and mix our own.

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yes it seems like a lot to me too and I will post verification with Kerri the next time I speak to her

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I just remembered the medical term - hormesis (haha, the MB kicked in).

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.5 mg/kg/day to 2 mg/kg/day is the recommended range for lower doses.

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Okidoke, and I thank you for the clarification on upper limit. I recommend putting the drops in a Vitamin C drink. Within 15 minutes the solution is clear. Remember this should you splash it on your clothes. Ascorbic acid will remove the stain. Obvious I have been using for a while (smile). Better hair, skin and nails are a side note. No spring chicken - 69. Very apparent oxygen saturation at 7,000 feet. No huffing and puffing!

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You are awesome. Thank you.

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Are products such as Aquatabs beneficial? I have some which I never used for camping... is this the same chemical as CD?

Thank you.

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There are CD camping products that are the same, but this does not contain 2 products like CD

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Thanks, therefore the benefits will me minimal, if any... thank you!

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I'm so excited!

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Dr Yoho or the ladies from Frontier, have you ever mixed the Nail-It (for Nail Fungus) with DMSO? I would like to try it but I’m not sure what the recipe would be. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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I purchased the Snoot nasal cleanser a while ago. I recently got it out to try. When I mix up equal parts of the solution, the liquid remains clear. What does that mean? Is it not making chlorine dioxide? The box says it expires 4/25. Thanks

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Hey Robert, totally unrelated to this post, but have you seen this:

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