Surviving Healthcare
Surviving Healthcare Podcast
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -24:32


Some have IQs as high as 170 and are masters of their fields. Because they are so bright and see beyond their peers, they often believe their judgment is flawless.
NEW RESOURCE: YOHO'S APOCALYPSE ALMANAC is your source for practical information and fashionable accessories for surviving the zombie war. The good doctor has personally tested everything. HERE are links to download my CV, ebooks, the best recent posts, and instructions on searching my archives.

I call this “the smartest guy in the room syndrome.” “The fallacy of experts” is closely related. They think all problems are informed by their narrow expertise, which gives them the license to opine boorishly about everything else. Neurosurgeons are a prime example of both, and I find them intolerable.

For example, most intelligent people have no idea that our Library of Alexandria is burning. Google is being progressively perverted; see Robert Epstein’s work about search engine manipulation HERE. US government agencies such as the CIA are turning Wikipedia into lies. Matt Taibbi adds:

It has become infuriatingly difficult to find the basic information audiences need to make decisions on their own. News institutions like the New York Times, search engines like Google, and “crowdsourced” sites like Wikipedia routinely avoid linking to root documents. A last straw for me was the parade of news stories last week that didn’t direct readers to video or a transcript of J.D. Vance’s speech in Munich.

Despite this catastrophe, my friends think that society’s arsonists are a "conspiracy theory." The CIA invented this term to convince normies that Oswald killed JFK. These files are declassified; hopefully, we will soon learn the truth.

For those who have missed a few memos, here is once again evidence that globalist zombies exist and are working to dishearten, damage, and even kill us when they can.

Read Cassandra’s Memo's description of the psychopathic mind in the chapter below, and you will get it. Then, return to the following links if you dare to face the truth.

The personal advantage of paying attention here is that you can identify and avoid the psychopaths you contact.

Definition: Sociopath is the newer, gentler, and more politically correct term for psychopath. It is less accurate and descriptive than the original.

In the Company of Psychopaths

Gates, Schwab, Soros, Fauci, Trudeau, Pelosi, the Chinese leaders, and a few thousand others get an "A" on the psychopath test. —Jim Arnold of Liar’s World Substack

These transnational criminals live to cheat, defraud, and blackmail. Many are killers. They do not contribute to those around them or society, and fair value exchange is foreign to them. They crave power and wealth, but this is secondary to their primary motivation—damaging others. Lies, conspiracies, and intimidation are their trademarks.

Today's agendas are so dark that they could only have been conceived and carried out by psychopaths. Their stated plan is "ending overpopulation,” but this supposed problem is already solved. Global birth rates are crashing, and demographics prove that our numbers will peak and decline within a few decades. The Earth's people are mostly fed, and their economic situation is improving.

So why the fraud? Population reduction is killing and destruction for its own sake, which is what psychopaths hunger for. Normal humans have trouble conceiving of such evil, see this behavior as irrational, and dismiss these people as crazy or "psychotic." This is inaccurate. Psychopaths see reality but have no "operating system" of human love, ethics, and sympathetic feelings.

With this in mind, our world-gone-mad and all the lies make sense. The primary goal of the following schemes is to harm people.

  • Covid is a purpose-built bioweapon developed to damage and kill us. The Covid “vaccine” injections are a second attack. The “elites” continue to conceal treatments that would have halted the pandemic. See Part 3, The Covid and Vax Disasters.

  • Promoting “transgender” (TG) behavior using drugs and surgery turns this improbable condition into a lifelong agony rather than a temporary adolescent rebellion. The medicines kill fertility, suppress orgasms, and destroy normal development. Forty percent of transgenders attempt suicide. The psychopaths are sponsoring marketing claiming that TGs are cousins of our gays and lesbians (reference HERE). But most gays and lesbians refuse to be identified with it. See Part 7.

  • Psychopaths are grooming pedophilia by bringing drag queens into elementary schools.

  • They are embezzling our money using money printing. It is the most massive financial crime in history, and their motive is economic collapse. See the interview with Edward Dowd in Part 11.

  • They are inciting war.

  • They have thrown open our borders to foreign predators. This encourages human trafficking and the onslaught of devastating narcotics.

  • For decades, psychopaths have promoted harmful prescription drugs that destroy health and cause violence, suicide, and insanity. Psych drugs are the worst, but there are many others. See Butchered by “Healthcare” and Parts 3 through 8 of Cassandra’s Memo.

  • They pay incentives to hospitals for the mistreatment and killing of Covid patients. See Part 4, Hospitals Have Become Contract Killers.

  • Racism and social strife are promoted by ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, the election of false prosecutors, and the “defund the police” propaganda. See the Reality Inversion chapter in Part 2.

  • One of the conspirator’s goals is to forbid gun carry by private citizens. This 2nd Amendment right promotes security and combats crime. See the guns chapter in Part 11, Lawyers, Guns, and Money.

  • The psychopaths claim “carbon is bad for the earth” and global warming will kill us all. These theories are precisely the opposite of the truth and have become a false religion. These lies are used to decrease energy use and, therefore, worldwide food production to starve “carbon-based life forms”—people. Even if these theories were true, nuclear energy could safely and opulently support our food and water production. It is carbon neutral and would be cheap at scale, but they are suppressing it. See Part 9 of Cassandra’s Memo, Climatology.

  • They call this the “Great Reset.” The plan is to destroy our rule of law, social fabric, and the United States itself. Their goal is an economic crash and then a totalitarian government.

  • Free countries are the most creative and productive, so not even psychopaths can explain how the Chinese system or a financial collapse would make them wealthier. But the whole thing makes sense to them because their primary goal is not money. They want to torture, destroy, and control. Since they are sadists, they enjoy the process.

  • Psychopaths use a strategy called “gaslighting” (Part 2). This is lying, terrorizing, and intimidating to alter their victims’ perceived reality. Ordinary people who cannot imagine basing their lives on falsehoods have trouble understanding what is happening.

  • The “conspiracy theory” phrase convinces some of our best thinkers to dismiss current reality as improbable (Part 2). Many have been hoodwinked into exhaustive, repeated attempts to explain how it all could have happened. The academic controversies they debate are trivial—they are splitting hairs when they should be trying to figure out how to put the criminals down. The actual battle is against lies and censors.

To fathom today’s reality, consider the creatures who surrounded Hitler. The most skilled members of this species are rarely captured and seldom examined forensically. The Nuremberg Trial defendants were an exception. Although these animals imitated human behavior, they had no morals, feelings, or genuine relationships. The key to understanding today's events is to realize that thousands of these brutes now walk among us. Due to unprecedented disparities of wealth and power, they may be gaining the upper hand.

Lower-functioning psychopaths are similar structurally but possess less guile and intelligence. Since they have more trouble concealing their intentions and behavior, they are sometimes captured, imprisoned, and studied. They occasionally get herded where they belong—into the justice system’s insect-killing jar. The insights from collecting these specimens provide inferences about their cousins, the corporate and political leaders. Although these deviants have been studied and observed, our knowledge about them is imperfect.

Robert Hare compiled the Psychopath Test. Its diagnostic value is weak, but true sociopaths live on the other side of a bright line. Those around them—the variants—have a spectrum of the following traits.

  • Glibness/superficial charm

  • Grandiose sense of self-worth

  • Pathological lying

  • Conning/manipulative

  • Lack of remorse or guilt

  • Shallow affect

  • Callous/lack of empathy

  • Failure to accept responsibility for own actions

  • Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom

  • Parasitic lifestyle

  • Poor behavioral controls

  • Promiscuous sexual behavior (Example: Epstein and associates’ pedophilia.)

  • Lack of realistic, long-term goals

  • Impulsivity

  • Irresponsibility

  • Juvenile delinquency

  • Early behavior problems

  • Revocation of conditional release (violation of the terms of release from a psych facility, typically with reincarceration)

  • Criminal versatility

  • Many short-term marital relationships

The titles of three popular books describe these monsters well: Snakes in Suits (2006, Paul Babiak and Robert D. Hare), Without Conscience (1993, Robert Hare), and The Mask of Sanity (1941, Hervey M. Cleckley). The most comprehensive source is Political Ponerology (1984) by Andrzej Łobaczewski. He says that psychopaths, conspiring in networks, have significant political and economic power. Their banality and seeming normalcy defy easy identification even by experts.

Łobaczewski writes, "[Sociopaths] learn to recognize each other in a crowd… sometimes in childhood. They become conscious of being different from the people surrounding them.” He says that they view the rest of us as almost another species.

They know truth, honor, and decency but do not think these apply to them. They cheat, break promises, and revile the non-psychopaths. They use fear, lies, and concealment as weapons. They covet possessions and power and feel they have the right to them because they can take them. They plagiarize, swindle, and extort. The fruits obtained this way are sweeter for them than those earned through honest labor.

These degenerates have no conscience, do not feel others' pain, and use their traits to reap benefits and pull strings. They learn that their personalities traumatize others and use this to their advantage. Those who know nothing about them are the most easily deceived and manipulated.

When government leaders and business CEOs are psychopaths, their immorality infects those around them. Conscienceless people create an environment where greed, deception, and even violence become the norm. Weaker individuals model them to survive. Although these followers may not be “genetic” or total psychopaths, they turn into "effective" psychopaths.

Robert D. Hare describes them, “Psychopaths have a narcissistic and grossly inflated view of their self-worth and importance, a truly astounding egocentricity and sense of entitlement, and see themselves as the center of the universe, as superior beings who are justified in living according to their own rules.

Complete psychopaths use their knowledge of ordinary people's sensitivities to manipulate them. They may fake empathy yet remain aloof and calculating. Some use tears or shouting to whiplash their victims' emotions.

We do not know their thoughts, but their actions reveal them. Incessant lying, or a stark mismatch between words and actions, is the easiest way to spot them. This strategy is successful because most of us have trouble believing that anyone does this routinely. Normal people may struggle with their mental health as they deal with this.

The central mystery is how these vermin could have gained so much control. Łobaczewski believes “essential," or total psychopaths, are about 1% of the population. When other related syndromes are considered, the core group might be about 6 percent. He believed that the most pathological personalities are the most likely to develop positions of power.

The next tier, about 12 percent, is healthier but has been damaged by long-term exposure to the leaders. Working together, these groups conspire to subdue and control the rest of the population. Media control can lead the masses to believe almost any far-fetched idea. Ordinary people mostly follow whoever seems to be in charge.

Psychopathic regimes find compliant scientists, support their academic degrees and achievements, and advance them into leadership. These obliging tools know their work is monitored for proper ideology and that their handlers would destroy them if they stepped out of line. See RFK Jr.’s book The Real Anthony Fauci for many examples.

These degenerates conceal themselves using politics and ideology. Left, right, center, socialist, democratic, communist, Democrat, and Republican are meaningless deceptions to them. When all political parties serve the same monsters, it erodes social structures and has cancerous effects on nations. Only a few people understand this and speak out.

Since legal and political systems developed partly under the influence of psychopaths, these structures may be insufficient to control them. Many observers believe substantial secret governments have always existed, even when the recognized system is virtuous. For example, the Warren Commission asked us to believe the improbable story that a second lone actor immediately assassinated JFK's killer. The records of this event are still being concealed:

One of the new documents related to a still-classified covert operation — still classified nearly 60 years later — that had been approved by senior CIA officials three months before Kennedy’s death, suggesting the agency employed Kennedy’s assassin Lee Harvey Oswald for intelligence purposes just weeks before the shooting.

In other words, Oswald worked for the CIA — AT LEAST up to three weeks before the killing.

The CIA has never acknowledged its link to Oswald before, not at the time or in all the decades after, not during Democrat nor Republican administrations. You would think they might have mentioned that tiny fact if they had nothing to hide. They might have useful intel on Oswald and his relationships in their CIA employee files, information that might have helped at the time.

John F. Kennedy was on the point of exposing some of this, as he expressed in THIS speech. It is likely the reason he was murdered.

Here are what check psychopaths

  • A bigger psychopath

  • Fear of prosecution and punishment

  • Exposure and ostracism

  • The absolute refusal to submit to their control regardless of the consequences

  • Death

How can anyone say no? Millions took to the streets before the invasion of Iraq, but it did not matter because the leaders did not care. They controlled the military and the media, which was used to paint dissenters as traitors. This happened recently to those who did not consent to the jab or comply with the lockdowns.

If every normal person refused to lift a hand to further these agendas, the system would grind to a halt. But that can only happen when everyone is miserable enough that the pain psychopaths can inflict pales compared to current conditions. It might also occur when there is general knowledge about the world being created for our children.

We must learn to spot psychopaths, speak up, and never be dominated. We must refuse to be conned or used. Giving in to anything they suggest is a mistake, for it emboldens them.

Today's criminals realize they have committed multiple capital crimes. They also know they are a tiny minority. Let us hope that enough remains of our will, courts, and tattered constitution to save us.


  • For a bibliography and more, see the TMI (too much information) section of Cassandra’s Memo, Chapter 55 in Part 13.

  • The core reference for this chapter is Silvia Cattori's 2008 review of Political Ponerology HERE. This lengthy book is the most complete source about psychopaths, but I found it impenetrable.

  • I wrote other posts about this subject:





Research, insight, and editing credit for this article: Jim Arnold of Liar’s World Substack.

This is a repost, but 30,000 more readers have joined us since I first published it.

This post is dedicated to two dear friends who undoubtedly are the smartest guys in any room. Their blind spot is that since they are fine people, they have trouble believing that evil like this walks the earth.

Psychopaths are so foreign that most of us do not think much about them. I know— I also deny reality when it becomes too painful. If you thought this post was valuable, put your friends’ emails below.

Sharing gets me readers, and I appreciate it. And I live for your comments.


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To help me without spending money, see THIS POST.

Parting shot

Many brilliant people are infatuated with Perplexity, an AI search engine that translates Google results into excellent finished prose. They do not seem to understand that Google is GIGO, garbage-in-garbage-out. Here is a Perplexity result demonstrating the problem:

The recommended daily dose of iodine varies depending on age and life stage:

  • Adults (19+ years): 150 mcg123

  • Pregnant women: 220-250 mcg134

  • Breastfeeding women: 290 mcg134

  • Teenagers (14-18 years): 150 mcg23

  • Children (9-13 years): 120 mcg23

  • Children (1-8 years): 90 mcg23

  • Infants (7-12 months): 130 mcg3

  • Infants (0-6 months): 110 mcg3

It's important not to exceed the Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) of 1,100 mcg daily for adults, as excessive iodine intake may cause thyroid dysfunction14. Pregnant and lactating women, infants, the elderly, and individuals with preexisting thyroid conditions are particularly susceptible to adverse effects from excess iodine intake.

My iodine post cites credible references, proving the proper dose is 50 to several hundred milligrams daily.

How do you cope with Google’s censorship?

  • Use Perplexity, but read carefully and accept nothing without proof

  • Know your sources, and if they are caught in a lie, ignore all subsequent content

  • Judge the character of authors and take this into account

  • Use Yandex as needed. It is a more reliable search engine, but it still picks up US-based garbage

  • Triangulate your sources with ones you already trust

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