methylene blue has dangerous interactions with more than one hundred medications according to
look at the FLCCC website, which debunks this. In doses of .5 mg/kg/d to 2 mg/kg/d it is safe indeed. is a Cabal website.
I'll look. Last time I visited their site I didn't see anything about M Blue.
My question is how safe with what for who.
The day after I used CDS for the first time my urine was a tin color.
I was thinking that was the heavy metals.
I used it as a mouth wash also.
I wanted to use it as an eye rinse but was un shure how much to dilute it.
m blue post is next stay tuned
hold off on that
methylene blue has dangerous interactions with more than one hundred medications according to
look at the FLCCC website, which debunks this. In doses of .5 mg/kg/d to 2 mg/kg/d it is safe indeed. is a Cabal website.
I'll look. Last time I visited their site I didn't see anything about M Blue.
My question is how safe with what for who.
The day after I used CDS for the first time my urine was a tin color.
I was thinking that was the heavy metals.
I used it as a mouth wash also.
I wanted to use it as an eye rinse but was un shure how much to dilute it.
m blue post is next stay tuned
hold off on that