I have viewed many vids (15?) and read much more. But I would like to know what the dilution rate is (for per day/per liter) for the PREMADE CDS solution I bought. I think this premade is a different dilution ratio than if I had made it myself . Presently, I 'guessed' and have been using 8 drops of the above solution in a liter of water.
And does everyone know that we shouldn't be drinking any coffee/tea/milk or alcohol, taking no supplements (esp Vit C and antioxidents) and eating no citrus fruits for the 8 - 10 hours that we are taking this solution...daily. You can, but only 2 hours before or 2 hours after the 8-10 is finished. Sooo, that means up to 14 hours a day you can't ingest or drink the above. Wow.
I'm only thinking out loud here. I'd bet 95% or our population won't be able to stick with the above for long?
1) Antioxidants: It's not just Vit C that is an antioxidant.
Coffee is high in antioxidants. As are: teas, milk, nuts/seeds, all fruit (esp. citrus), all fruit juices, many vegetables, many supplements, some meds etc etc.
In their "Ultimate Guide To CDS" PDF, they list all the foods/drinks/meds that should be avoided for 1-2 hours before & after taking the daily doses. The list is long - almost inhuman. Those are not my words. I'll find the page, I think, and post it here.
2) Having said that, I do agree with you, overall. I'm now on week 6 or so of MMS1 / CDS and Protocol 1. And I somewhat, maybe severely, question their MUST AVOID recommendations. I can tell it's 'working' (good and bad) even while taking some of their MUST AVOID foods/drinks - soon before, during, soon after taking daily doses.
Yes, I'm half French so I cannot go without my coffee and whole milk in the morning and my wine every evening. C'est la vie.
But after drinking CDS for 2 years now, I don't look at it as taking "doses" anymore. I look at it as just drinking water. I keep a one liter bottle in the fridge and every time I pass through the kitchen for lunch or on a coffee or bathroom break or what-have-you, I take a sip. My goal is to finish the one liter throughout the day.
If I drink 1 liter of CDS water and 2-3 liters of silica water per day (which I use to make coffee, herbal tea, and soda and sparkling water with my Soda Stream,) I only need 5 hours of sleep. I know, amazing.
I get 21 hours per week back.
However, if I skip either the CDS or the silica water, or if I don't drink enough silica water, I need 8 hours a night.
I think (my theory) the CDS helps me absorb the silica. If you read Dennis Crouse's book, Silica Water the Secret of Healthy Longevity in the Aluminum Age, he explains the science of the "blue zones" -- it's not a Mediterranean diet -- it's silica!
Gosh, your info/website is good. Just read most of your website and watched his short video on how to make.
Good stuff, Maynard. Thank you. Since I don't do many/any other sups besides drinking *My Beautiful Bleach* and a bit of vit D, silica will be my next task. I want to learn more about CDS/MMS1 before I add anything else. But silica will be it. Seems easy enough to make. But if I have any questions when I start, I'll hit you up on this board/here?
Have you ever looked into "Protocol 1"? which is taking ONLY the sodium chlorite without the activator. Dropping 1-5 drops in a 1 liter of water and sipping all day. I tried that this weekend, and it is potent; yet nobody talks about it. IF interested and if you have the "Ultimate Guide to CDS" PDF (its free), go to page 147. It's a short/easy read; and very interesting comments from the author about this protocol.
Again, good stuff you posted. I'm glad you did.
One last thing. Normally I'm a VERY Humble Guy, uberly so. But I'm going to go out on a limb and show you how brilliant/genius-like I am, ok?
I'm going to take a wild guess and say you p*e a lot and often EVERY day. :-) Yes? 4 liters of CDS & SILICA + wine + coffee and other stuff. You're a healthy bro'ette. Good job. Proud of you. I see an Olympic Gold Medal coming your way in the near future?
And your "Google Search" thing on your website cracked me up (or, maybe I cried? Disgusted me? Got mad?, actually all the above) "Can men get pregnant" OMG! :-) Holy Smokes, we've gone off the damn deep end. No doubt about it. The poor, poor kids that are being raised in this insane milieu.
Dogs and cats have 10x more hydrochloric acid than humans so they don't need the actual CDS.
And in an ideal world, if we had adequate stomach acid, we also could just drink sodium chlorite water -- which is just salt water that is electrified -- with a current (waves) -- hmmm like ocean water -- almost like God designed us to be this way!
This explains why people got cancer when they were taking antacids. It lowers stomach acid -- allows parasites to thrive.
I don't pee a lot. My 2-4 liters of silica water for the day includes 1 liter of CDS water, and 1-3 liters of water in the form of coffee, tea, water and homemade soda. That's total.
Now if I could make my own wine or buy wine with high silica, that would be heaven.
I don't know what you are talking about re: the "can men get pregnant" thing. Shrugs. Yes, crazy times indeed.
If this doesn't work for you, get back to me. For some reason, some folks can't download from this link; most can. If not, I have another link I will send. Too late to be searching for it now.
re: "I don't know what you are talking about re: the "can men get pregnant" thing. Shrugs. Yes, crazy times indeed."
Oh sorry I don't remember everything I write LOL -- I wrote that years ago! I don't go back and reread.
And thank you for the link. I do have that but it's good to have it again. I want to review it and also include it as a link in my upcoming online course.
And if you can find time, check Protocol 1, using un-activated MMS, starting on page 146. Amazing that most overlook this. Easier, cheaper, more potent & using only 1-5 drops of the sodium chlorite & 1 liter of water.
I didn't continue with Proto 1. I can't remember how many days I tried it but I went back to CDS (or MMS1) for another month or so. Wanted to finish that and then try other things, such as Proto 1. I'm going to try that again, this time for a month or two, in the near future. If you have time, tell me how you're doing on Proto 1. Also, your thoughts about CDS & MMS1 ? Compare the 3, again, only if you have time.
One last 'thing' I ran into. I started spraying CDS onto a large part of my body. I used a 2 oz spray bottle mixed 50/50 ratio CDS/distilled water. All face, ears, neck, elbows to tips of fingers and legs from mid thigh to mid calf (for severe knee injuries and multiple massive operations/damage).
Wow. When I combined the above with drinking CDS or MMS1, it was too much. Way too much. This stunned me. Sooo, just to experiment I quit all CDS/MMS1 via gut and for 4 days, 3 x a day, I'd only do the transdermal (skin) route. I honestly think the absorption via skin is equal to, maybe more potent than, via the gut.
So the next 2 ways I have ahead of me is:
1) trying the MMS way (only sodium chlorite with no activator) for at least a month this time; not just 7-10 days. On it's own. No other CDS/MMS1.
2) Doing another month only spraying it on large part of my skin 2-3 x a day. If you can try this way, do it and let me know if possible ... it shocked me how potent it was.
I'm wondering if people who just can't take CDS via their gut, might be able to try the transdermal route, bypassing their gut, with less severe side-effects?
Do you know how to make the spray on / transdermal CDS?
And other foods/drinks if you can believe it. I don't drink coffee/teas/cokes etc , since forever, but seeing as how 93% of the adult population is addicted to coffee/teas/cokes, I have a hard time believing their words. Many people have been helped by CDS and the majority of them take many or even most of their "AVOID list". They literally cannot stop drinking coffee/tea for 10 hours a day.
Me? I can't stop drinking whole milk for 10 hours or so during the day. I have always drank milk from the time I get up to bed. Nor apples/bananas/avacados blah blah.
Hey Doc,
First, thanks for all the info you linked to in both of your CDS articles.
I'll turn to you (or anyone on here) for a question I cannot get an answer to. Maybe you know?
Just to try/get started with CDS/MMS, I purchased a premade CDS solution from https://waterpureworld.com/product/cds
I have viewed many vids (15?) and read much more. But I would like to know what the dilution rate is (for per day/per liter) for the PREMADE CDS solution I bought. I think this premade is a different dilution ratio than if I had made it myself . Presently, I 'guessed' and have been using 8 drops of the above solution in a liter of water.
From here on out, I'll make my own
Thanks for any help.
And does everyone know that we shouldn't be drinking any coffee/tea/milk or alcohol, taking no supplements (esp Vit C and antioxidents) and eating no citrus fruits for the 8 - 10 hours that we are taking this solution...daily. You can, but only 2 hours before or 2 hours after the 8-10 is finished. Sooo, that means up to 14 hours a day you can't ingest or drink the above. Wow.
I'm only thinking out loud here. I'd bet 95% or our population won't be able to stick with the above for long?
That is all unnecessary. I have been on CDS for 2 years and I drink coffee all morning and wine every night.
CDS is an oxidant, so you just want to avoid antioxidants like vitamin C for one hour.
Two points.
1) Antioxidants: It's not just Vit C that is an antioxidant.
Coffee is high in antioxidants. As are: teas, milk, nuts/seeds, all fruit (esp. citrus), all fruit juices, many vegetables, many supplements, some meds etc etc.
In their "Ultimate Guide To CDS" PDF, they list all the foods/drinks/meds that should be avoided for 1-2 hours before & after taking the daily doses. The list is long - almost inhuman. Those are not my words. I'll find the page, I think, and post it here.
2) Having said that, I do agree with you, overall. I'm now on week 6 or so of MMS1 / CDS and Protocol 1. And I somewhat, maybe severely, question their MUST AVOID recommendations. I can tell it's 'working' (good and bad) even while taking some of their MUST AVOID foods/drinks - soon before, during, soon after taking daily doses.
Yes, I'm half French so I cannot go without my coffee and whole milk in the morning and my wine every evening. C'est la vie.
But after drinking CDS for 2 years now, I don't look at it as taking "doses" anymore. I look at it as just drinking water. I keep a one liter bottle in the fridge and every time I pass through the kitchen for lunch or on a coffee or bathroom break or what-have-you, I take a sip. My goal is to finish the one liter throughout the day.
In addition to that, I make silica water. Here is my recipe, which I modified from Dennis Crouse's recipe: https://www.annmariemichaels.com/how-to-make-silica-water/
If I drink 1 liter of CDS water and 2-3 liters of silica water per day (which I use to make coffee, herbal tea, and soda and sparkling water with my Soda Stream,) I only need 5 hours of sleep. I know, amazing.
I get 21 hours per week back.
However, if I skip either the CDS or the silica water, or if I don't drink enough silica water, I need 8 hours a night.
I think (my theory) the CDS helps me absorb the silica. If you read Dennis Crouse's book, Silica Water the Secret of Healthy Longevity in the Aluminum Age, he explains the science of the "blue zones" -- it's not a Mediterranean diet -- it's silica!
Gosh, your info/website is good. Just read most of your website and watched his short video on how to make.
Good stuff, Maynard. Thank you. Since I don't do many/any other sups besides drinking *My Beautiful Bleach* and a bit of vit D, silica will be my next task. I want to learn more about CDS/MMS1 before I add anything else. But silica will be it. Seems easy enough to make. But if I have any questions when I start, I'll hit you up on this board/here?
Have you ever looked into "Protocol 1"? which is taking ONLY the sodium chlorite without the activator. Dropping 1-5 drops in a 1 liter of water and sipping all day. I tried that this weekend, and it is potent; yet nobody talks about it. IF interested and if you have the "Ultimate Guide to CDS" PDF (its free), go to page 147. It's a short/easy read; and very interesting comments from the author about this protocol.
Again, good stuff you posted. I'm glad you did.
One last thing. Normally I'm a VERY Humble Guy, uberly so. But I'm going to go out on a limb and show you how brilliant/genius-like I am, ok?
I'm going to take a wild guess and say you p*e a lot and often EVERY day. :-) Yes? 4 liters of CDS & SILICA + wine + coffee and other stuff. You're a healthy bro'ette. Good job. Proud of you. I see an Olympic Gold Medal coming your way in the near future?
And your "Google Search" thing on your website cracked me up (or, maybe I cried? Disgusted me? Got mad?, actually all the above) "Can men get pregnant" OMG! :-) Holy Smokes, we've gone off the damn deep end. No doubt about it. The poor, poor kids that are being raised in this insane milieu.
"My Beautiful Bleach" LOL!!!
Where do I get the "Ultimate Guide to CDS" PDF? Not sure if I have it or not.
I do make sodium chlorite water for my kids and pets.
Dogs and cats have 10x more hydrochloric acid than humans so they don't need the actual CDS.
And in an ideal world, if we had adequate stomach acid, we also could just drink sodium chlorite water -- which is just salt water that is electrified -- with a current (waves) -- hmmm like ocean water -- almost like God designed us to be this way!
This explains why people got cancer when they were taking antacids. It lowers stomach acid -- allows parasites to thrive.
I don't pee a lot. My 2-4 liters of silica water for the day includes 1 liter of CDS water, and 1-3 liters of water in the form of coffee, tea, water and homemade soda. That's total.
Now if I could make my own wine or buy wine with high silica, that would be heaven.
I don't know what you are talking about re: the "can men get pregnant" thing. Shrugs. Yes, crazy times indeed.
Here is the link to the free "Ultimate Guide to CDS":
If this doesn't work for you, get back to me. For some reason, some folks can't download from this link; most can. If not, I have another link I will send. Too late to be searching for it now.
re: "I don't know what you are talking about re: the "can men get pregnant" thing. Shrugs. Yes, crazy times indeed."
Funny! :-) here. https://www.annmariemichaels.com/how-to-make-silica-water/ Your website correct? 1/4 of the way down.
copy/paste of the above. I can't copy/paste the whole thing. But .. :
" But suffice it to say, anything Google tells you should not be trusted.
"If you think you can still trust Google, type in "can men get pregnant" or "can a man have babies."
Not your words?
Oh sorry I don't remember everything I write LOL -- I wrote that years ago! I don't go back and reread.
And thank you for the link. I do have that but it's good to have it again. I want to review it and also include it as a link in my upcoming online course.
Good luck with your online course.
And if you can find time, check Protocol 1, using un-activated MMS, starting on page 146. Amazing that most overlook this. Easier, cheaper, more potent & using only 1-5 drops of the sodium chlorite & 1 liter of water.
I didn't continue with Proto 1. I can't remember how many days I tried it but I went back to CDS (or MMS1) for another month or so. Wanted to finish that and then try other things, such as Proto 1. I'm going to try that again, this time for a month or two, in the near future. If you have time, tell me how you're doing on Proto 1. Also, your thoughts about CDS & MMS1 ? Compare the 3, again, only if you have time.
One last 'thing' I ran into. I started spraying CDS onto a large part of my body. I used a 2 oz spray bottle mixed 50/50 ratio CDS/distilled water. All face, ears, neck, elbows to tips of fingers and legs from mid thigh to mid calf (for severe knee injuries and multiple massive operations/damage).
Wow. When I combined the above with drinking CDS or MMS1, it was too much. Way too much. This stunned me. Sooo, just to experiment I quit all CDS/MMS1 via gut and for 4 days, 3 x a day, I'd only do the transdermal (skin) route. I honestly think the absorption via skin is equal to, maybe more potent than, via the gut.
So the next 2 ways I have ahead of me is:
1) trying the MMS way (only sodium chlorite with no activator) for at least a month this time; not just 7-10 days. On it's own. No other CDS/MMS1.
2) Doing another month only spraying it on large part of my skin 2-3 x a day. If you can try this way, do it and let me know if possible ... it shocked me how potent it was.
I'm wondering if people who just can't take CDS via their gut, might be able to try the transdermal route, bypassing their gut, with less severe side-effects?
Do you know how to make the spray on / transdermal CDS?
Lucky me, I found it quickly in my notes.
From .. "The Ultimate Guide to Chlorine Dioxide" Page 143.
And many other sources say the same. But for now, the Bible of MMS/CDS is below.
"Things that neutrolize the potency of Chlorine Dioxide. copy/paste:
• Alcohol, coffee & certain teas
• Nuts, Fruits
• Vegetables that are high in antioxidants
• Juice with added vitamin-C or ascorbic acid
• Any other foods high in antioxidants
• Orange juice (and other strong citrus juices)
• Mineral supplements
• Vitamin supplements
• Time-Release Supplements
• Coconut Juice, Dairy Products, Chocolate (Cacao)
• Hydrogen Gas and Water (Medicinal"
And other foods/drinks if you can believe it. I don't drink coffee/teas/cokes etc , since forever, but seeing as how 93% of the adult population is addicted to coffee/teas/cokes, I have a hard time believing their words. Many people have been helped by CDS and the majority of them take many or even most of their "AVOID list". They literally cannot stop drinking coffee/tea for 10 hours a day.
Me? I can't stop drinking whole milk for 10 hours or so during the day. I have always drank milk from the time I get up to bed. Nor apples/bananas/avacados blah blah.