look at the FLCCC website, which debunks this. In doses of .5 mg/kg/d to 2 mg/kg/d it is safe indeed. drugs.com is a Cabal website.
look at the FLCCC website, which debunks this. In doses of .5 mg/kg/d to 2 mg/kg/d it is safe indeed. Drugs.com is a Cabal website.
I'll look. Last time I visited their site I didn't see anything about M Blue.
My question is how safe with what for who.
The day after I used CDS for the first time my urine was a tin color.
I was thinking that was the heavy metals.
I used it as a mouth wash also.
I wanted to use it as an eye rinse but was un shure how much to dilute it.
m blue post is next stay tuned
hold off on that
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look at the FLCCC website, which debunks this. In doses of .5 mg/kg/d to 2 mg/kg/d it is safe indeed. Drugs.com is a Cabal website.
I'll look. Last time I visited their site I didn't see anything about M Blue.
My question is how safe with what for who.
The day after I used CDS for the first time my urine was a tin color.
I was thinking that was the heavy metals.
I used it as a mouth wash also.
I wanted to use it as an eye rinse but was un shure how much to dilute it.
m blue post is next stay tuned
hold off on that