Surviving Healthcare
Surviving Healthcare Podcast
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Chris's clever strategy is to cautiously educate parents about the dangers using his platform,
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HERE is Unbecoming’s summary of Chris and his work. The Rumble video link for this interview is HERE.

From Software Developer to Vaccine Truth Seeker: One Father's Journey to Protect His Children

Personal Journey and Background

Chris is a disciplined 56-year-old software developer. His daily practices include the Wim Hof Method, which incorporates ice baths at 37 degrees Fahrenheit, deep breathing exercises, and sauna sessions between 4 and 19 minutes at 200 degrees. He believes you must take control of your well-being rather than delegating it to medical authorities.

Downey views about vaccines transformed after his daughter’s birth in 2003. Before this, he said he was a typical "arrogant, techie guy" who unquestioningly accepted the conventional vaccine safety and efficacy narrative. His perspectives shifted while interviewing pediatricians for his newborn daughter. The pediatricians all insisted on giving the hepatitis B vaccine at birth. Downey's software developer mindset led him to analyze this systematically. The medical justifications offered—such as potential daycare bites or the possibility of needing blood transfusions—were so far-fetched that he soon considered them lies.

Downey approached the vaccine question as he would a new code integration problem. In software development, teams scrutinize new code segments for potential system impacts before implementation. When he applied this framework to pediatricians' vaccine recommendations, he decided their responses were illogical. This initiated what Downey terms his period of "moral vertigo," a six to eight-month phase during which his previously held beliefs about medical authority and healthcare systems transformed.

Industry Insights and System Analysis

Downey's investigation into the vaccine industry was deepened by insider knowledge from his wife, who had worked in healthcare public relations, including for pharmaceutical companies. She revealed how PR firms manipulate research findings, training young PR professionals to reframe study results and maintain lists of cooperative doctors who would provide desired quotations. This systematic corruption of medical communication reinforced Chris’s skepticism.

Using ChatGPT to analyze the pediatric business model, Downey discovered that pediatricians cannot remain financially viable without full vaccination compliance. This explains why they often dismiss families choosing selective vaccination - it's not about medical risk but maintaining profit margins. (Yoho comment: they get huge bonuses if all of their patients accept vaccinations.)

Pediatricians are trained by the CDC to use "presumptive language" when discussing vaccines with patients. This strategy involves stating vaccination plans as foregone conclusions rather than presenting them as choices requiring consent. He draws a striking parallel between this approach and techniques described in Gavin DeBecker's works on protecting children from predators, noting how predators and drug reps both use this language to bypass normal decision-making processes.

The Birth and Evolution of VaxCalc

Downey's journey led him to the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) in 2007, where he spent eleven years. Although he was initially paid, he was so moved by the founders' courage in facing industry opposition that he transitioned to being a volunteer. At their 2009 International Conference on Vaccines in Reston, Virginia, he encountered numerous families tragically affected by vaccine injuries. This deeply impacted him as a father and led to the creation of his first software tool, the Vaccine Ingredients Calculator.

Initially focusing on flu shots, the calculator expanded to cover the entire CDC schedule. The project's success and Downey's growing passion for this work eventually led him to transition to full-time development of VaxCalc.

VaxCalc's Five Integrated Pillars

VaxCalc operates on five interconnected service pillars, each designed to address specific needs in the vaccine-awareness community:

The Research Platform functions as a "consumer reports" for vaccines, offering detailed comparisons between vaccine brands and ingredients. This tool empowers parents to make informed decisions and engage more effectively with healthcare providers. It includes specific data about ingredients like aluminum content, enabling parents to make comparative choices even if they decide to vaccinate.

The Online Community, built on the Discourse platform, creates connections between like-minded parents, combating the isolation often felt by those questioning conventional vaccine protocols. Downey emphasizes the critical importance of this component, noting how isolation was used during COVID-19 to increase fear and compliance.

The Vaccine Research Archive preserves and makes critical documentation about vaccine risks accessible, countering increasing censorship and the disappearance of information. This comprehensive database is a foundation for informed decision-making and preservation of historical records.

VaxBot, an AI-driven chatbot, provides immediate access to the knowledge base, offering translations and information in an accessible format. While acknowledging AI's limitations and potential biases, Downey sees this tool as crucial for making complex information more accessible to parents.

The Vaccine Choice-Friendly Doctor Service connects parents with over a thousand practitioners who support informed vaccine choice. While these doctors vary in their approaches, they generally offer more flexibility and respect for parental decisions than conventional pediatricians.

Technical Foundation and Data Analysis

VaxCalc's approach to vaccine data stands apart because it rigorously uses the CDC's own statistics to challenge mainstream narratives. For example, when analyzing pertussis outbreaks, the platform provides state-by-state breakdowns showing actual case numbers in real time. This granular data reveals that media-hyped "outbreaks" generally comprise only a few cases in major population centers.

The platform's architecture incorporates multiple data sources, including CDC statistics, VAERS reports, and peer-reviewed research. What sets it apart is how it presents this information - not as overwhelming datasets but as actionable intelligence parents can use in medical consultations. The system includes comparison tools that allow parents to evaluate different vaccine brands based on specific ingredients, enabling informed discussions about alternatives even within the conventional medical framework.

NVIC Experience and Knowledge Transfer

Downey's eleven years with the National Vaccine Information Center taught him the vaccine risks and how to preserve and sharing critical information. He observed that while NVIC's inner circle possessed deep knowledge, much remained trapped in email exchanges and private discussions. This drove his determination to create a more accessible and permanent repository of vaccine risk information.

His work with NVIC also exposed him to the personal stories of countless families affected by vaccine injuries. These experiences shaped VaxCalc's approach to balancing statistical data with real-world impacts. The platform incorporates lessons from NVIC's decades of advocacy while adapting to modern technological capabilities and current censorship.

The Seven Critical Mistakes in Vaccine Decision-Making

Through his years of research and interaction with parents, Downey identified seven common mistakes in approaching vaccination decisions:

Mistake 7: Succumbing to media fear narratives without examining actual outbreak data. VaxCalc counters this by providing accurate statistics and context for disease outbreaks, helping parents understand true risks.

Mistake 6: Lack of knowledge about vaccine ingredients. Drawing parallels to the dangers of multiple medication interactions, Downey emphasizes the importance of understanding what is being injected into children, particularly given the lack of safety standards for ingredients like aluminum. [Yoho comment: Aluminum is toxic, and its use is a criminal act.]

Mistake 5: Yielding to vaccination pressure despite personal reservations. The platform provides tools and information to help parents develop and maintain confidence in their decisions, emphasizing the importance of trusting parental instincts.

Mistake 4: Inability to recognize vaccine reactions. VaxCalc provides comprehensive resources showing reaction symptoms from a parent's perspective, noting that reactions can develop over hours, days, or even months. This knowledge can prevent further injury by helping parents recognize and avoid additional vaccinations after initial reactions.

Mistake 3: Relying solely on one primary care physician. The "healthcare round table" approach—developing relationships with multiple providers—provides multiple perspectives and support systems, reducing dependency on pediatricians who are paid to be coercive.

Mistake 2: Isolation from supportive communities. The platform emphasizes the importance of both physical and virtual communities, recognizing that isolation can lead to fear-based decision-making.

Mistake 1: Attempting to conduct vaccine research alone. Given the complexity of the subject matter and increasing censorship of vaccine information, VaxCalc aims to provide consolidated, accessible research resources that save parents time and energy while ensuring access to key information.

Strategies for Parent Empowerment

VaxCalc's extensive work with parents has led to strategies for maintaining their autonomy. The platform provides templates for handling common pressure tactics, including responses to threats of reporting vaccine refusal. Parents receive guidance on documenting conversations, requesting vaccine ingredient lists, and asserting their legal rights.

Key strategies include:

  • Preparation scripts for pediatric visits

  • Documentation templates for vaccine reactions

  • Guidelines for building alternative medical support networks

  • Resources for connecting with like-minded local parents

  • Protocols for handling school and daycare vaccine requirements

  • Outbreak Data Analysis System

  • A cornerstone of VaxCalc's service is its real-time outbreak monitoring system. This tool contextualizes disease statistics by providing the following:

    • Current case numbers by state and region

    • Historical comparisons of outbreak patterns

    • Risk analysis based on geographical and demographic factors

    • Correlation studies between vaccination rates and outbreak occurrence

    • Analysis of media reporting versus actual case numbers

The system helps parents understand the true risk levels rather than relying on sensationalized media reports and threats from pediatricians. For instance, recent analyses showed that despite headlines about pertussis reaching "12-year highs," actual active cases represented less than 0.0001% of the population in most states.

VaxCalc's Future Development Initiatives

  • Enhanced AI integration for more sophisticated data analysis

  • Expanded international vaccine databases

  • Mobile applications for real-time vaccine ingredient checking

  • Improved community networking tools

  • Integration with alternative healthcare provider networks

  • Development of educational resources for healthcare professionals

  • The platform also develops tools to track long-term health outcomes in vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations. However, this research has to cope with data access restrictions and institutional resistance.


VaxCalc combines technical innovation, data analysis, and community support to boost vaccine risk awareness. The platform enables informed decision-making by providing parents with concrete tools and information rather than just warnings. Parents learn they are not trapped in the conventional medical system - they simply need the right information and support to make the right choices.

Yoho comment

Chris’s method is a stalking horse to get parents to realize that all vaccines are evil. His technique is to stay within the “Overton Window” of traditional thinking and educate his clients enough that they will hopefully realize that vaccines are Russain Roulette.

About Chris (from his website)

Chris is the founder and Director of VaxCalc Labs, an informed consent technology company. VaxCalc's purpose is to create a happier, healthier, more scientific, and resilient world by empowering each individual to make their own vaccination decisions—with the tools, technology, planning capability, research, and community they need to do so.

VaxCalc is the first business to celebrate vaccine hesitancy. It provides a structured process, compassionate support, and a global online community for informed vaccination decision-making. VaxCalc expresses Chris's dream of creating a powerful force for good by overcoming censorship, strengthening and spreading freedom, and creating a community.

Chris has a strong background in databases and software development, having worked and trained at IBM's International Systems Center in Gaithersburg, MD, built bank regulation software at the Federal Reserve Board, and consulted on Wall Street at DLJ.

He founded and ran an early dot-com company that used customized machine learning tools to identify significant trends in online discussion. For example, it discovered the first mention of natural dog food at a time when the manufacturers were extending the shelf-life and still pushing the idea that dogs should eat corn.


A two-decade veteran health-freedom advocate, Chris did his research to protect his children from excessive over-vaccination and the one-size-fits-all dogmatic thinking that afflicts many pediatricians.

2008 - with the 3 crazies!

This led him to volunteer as the volunteer Director of Database Management for the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) from 2007 through 2018.

2007 - 2018

In 2016, he successfully fought to protect and preserve Virginia's religious exemption. In 2021, he was an active part of the parents’ revolution in Virginia that swept Governor Youngkin into office, campaigning door-to-door with his daughter in overwhelmingly Democratic neighborhoods.


"We had to do everything possible to stop the COVID vaccine mandates in Virginia. Youngkin's election was a huge victory for health freedom. His opponent, Terry McAuliffe, was pushing a hideous program called Virginia is for Vaccine Lovers that was designed to 'make life difficult' for anybody who didn't roll up their sleeve and get the experimental COVID shot."

-- Chris Downey

VaxCalc results from 20 years of research, software development, and advocacy. It's the first service providing a structured process, compassionate support, and an online community for informed vaccination decision-making.

Protect Your Child with Confidence

In Memoriam

Chris has dedicated VaxCalc to the memory of his brother-in-arms, Michael Schrimshaw, 1/24/75 - 6/14/13.

❤️ Warrior with a big heart. ❤️

VaxCalc eliminates the overwhelm with personalized plans, trusted research, and AI-powered guidance, empowering families to make confident, informed choices.


Meet Chris in the Rumble video or the audio above; he is worth it. Please send me your friends’ emails below.

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Parting Shot

About 75 individual shots are now on the recommended vaccination schedule, not including the recently added yearly Covid vax.

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