I didn’t realize that pediatricians preceded vets in this “stay in business” practice. It really makes me angry that as a young mother I looked to our pediatrician as almost god-like in their knowledge of what was best for my baby’s health. I dutifully went on time to every well baby visit for all my kids. They really take advantage of a vulnerable group, mothers & their children, and pharma or the creeps in charge know it.

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the most evil specialty, even worse than the dentists

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Pediatricians, as a specialty, are known to be the most empathetic & progressive doctors. In essence they are the more emotional sub group of doctors & therefore the most easily duped. In contrast anesthesiologists & surgeons are the most conservative group. Compare the actions of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons.

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Great interview as usual.

I would disagree on your assessment of homeopathy and have experience that if you can treat an ailment with homeopathy, there’s a much better chance of getting to its energetic source.

Here’s a great free resource from Dr. Timothy Dooley who’s an MD, Naturopath and Homeopath. Homeopathy is his preferred tool.


At my wife’s homeopathic college many of the MD’s in the program said it was harder than Med school because of the complexity of taking someone’s case.

One other note on the amount of aluminum in vaccines. I heard that sometimes a smaller amount of aluminum is more problematic because it goes unrecognized by the body and crosses the blood/brain barrier, where a larger amount might be recognized and stored away somewhere less problematic.

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This natural med thing is a nightmare of complexity...


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All of our bodies are different down to our DNA... using any kind of medicine as a 'one size fits all' is lunacy. We are a human family with many intricacies.

Let's leave the 'one size fits all' to the 'I don't want to pick a size' in the clothing aisle of WalMart. lol

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Deserves a Restack 👊🔊

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I just hope for more comments ha

Restacks are my lifeblood tho

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The picture illustrates straight-up pure criminal ideas/actions without the justifiable reasons for the need for all those injections.

We are GOD's creations well designed to heal ourselves with what GOD provided on this EARTH abundantly in our environment to do so. We are not deficient in the ingredients found in any of these shots. We need to Politely SAY NO THANK YOU!!! and challenge them!!!!!

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no need to be polite

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Interesting sojurn account. Dr. Yoho's 2 sentence commentary summarizes the effort well.

It is understandable that Chris would use his back ground to use AI and data to wrap his head around the vax quax issue. However its grossly inefficient and un-necessary.

Either one believe health comes from a needle, or one comprehends how demonstrably stupid

this notion. It really is that simple!!

This coming from one who holds doctorate degree, where we specialize in knowing more and more about less and less.

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Agreed. Chris is a brilliant thinker who has complex explanations.

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"It is understandable that Chris would use his back ground to use AI and data to wrap his head around the vax quax issue. However its grossly inefficient and un-necessary."

Amen 👍

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I almost cried when I read this story. What a wonderful man. It actually made my day. Thank you for sharing it Robert.

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What a treasure trove of info. Thank you for introducing him to me.

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Great work cheers

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I almost cried when I read this story. What a wonderful man. It actually made my day. Thank you for sharing it Robert.

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Sounds like Chris is practicing Sun Tzu. A good plan.

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Know the enemy and know yourself in a hundred battles you will never be in peril. When you are ignorant of the enemy but know yourself, your chances of winning or losing are equal. If ignorant both of your enemy and of yourself, you are certain in every battle to be in peril.

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Can't wait to listen..... this reminds me of Brandy Vaughan.... have you heard of her? She started https://learntherisk.org/. She died, under suspicious circumstances in 2020....did you ever interview her or did you have any interaction with her? I would be curious to learn more about her.....

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My first great grandbaby is expected this spring and I'm so anxious because the mother is from a "progressive medical" family, and she is an anxious worrier. She has had several ultrasounds and actually bought a Doppler. I'm concerned she has already damaged this baby. I gave the expectant mom Turtles All the Way Down at Christmas, but I certainly can't make her read it. The thought of this child's future curdles my blood.

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Gary Null Has Been Highlighting This for 20 Years. Watch His Documentaries. Vaccine Nation. Death By Medicine. The Drugging of Our Children.

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