I made the obvious but, at the time apparently courageous decision to stop any further vaccines for my children in 1984 when my second baby had an adverse event. He cried/screamed and ran high fevers for days. I considered this enough of an ‘adverse event’ to reject any further vaccines. The next 4 babies received no vaccines.

When they each went off to college I said the choices about their bodies were now in their hands.

Sadly, 3 of the 6 drank the Kool aid and got the Covid jabs. It was so painful to watch. So far they are ok but now I am watching some of my grandchildren (the ones whose mothers are RN’s) get fully vaxxed. The day my 12 month old grandson was dropped off for me to babysit him for the day I discovered 4 bandaids, 2 on each thigh, covering the injection sites to four shots. If each shot had multiple vaccines I shudder to think how much toxic garbage was injected into him the day before.

I pray I will see this insanity end in my lifetime.

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my intimates act the same way

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Thank you for this interesting overview.

A couple of interesting complementary links:




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The late Robert Heinlein wasn't the only science fiction writer that I read, just the best one.

“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” Robert A. Heinlein

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Thank you so much for your reviews and spreading awareness. I have several vaccine injured family members. Shriveled limb and limp (polio vaccine), chronic arm pain for over 60 years (smallpox vaccine - they nearly had to amputate her arm), brain damage, syncope/seizures (led to asphyxiation pneumonia in one of the three males in my family that experienced this), strange lumps that lasted years, nerve pain, tics, etc. A high school friend lost her newborn to the HepB vaccine. Another friend's twins nearly died after one of their "well visits" (identical twins, identical reactions). Russian roulette is right.

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once you see you cannot unsee

but some must see many times

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I already know how evil these people are. Some..MANY heads must roll..Life sentences must be imposed. Build the gallows..There will be a line of volunteers MILES long to pull the levers of Justice..If you don't drive a stake through the hearts of the deeps state they'll do it to us Again..

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I prefer the guillotine.

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Use the ones Clinton ordered for us.

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The best comment ever. Simple and effective. Bravo. 👏 👏 👏

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Wiki explains expression "turtles all the way down" here.



The CDC changed the definition of "vaccine" in 2021.

The CDC changed the definition of "vaccine" in September of 2021. See Source link below.

old definition was...

“a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.”

new changed definition as of September 2021 is...

“A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.”


Epoch Times original article by Zachary Steiber



We are already seeing more twisting of concept of "vaccines" in that "mRNA" technology is being put into our food implying we can get the required jab that way in the future, no more injections.


What a racket!

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Always good to hear Dr. Yoho's soothing voice when such horrific news is being delivered. For everyone here, nothing is new. He has been telling us now for years, but we need to be reminded why we are in the fight, and it ain't over - until the fat lady squeals.

A stint as a medical defense attorney made me skeptical of all medicines, finding them best applied as seasoning with a little bit at a time instead of dumping it in at once where the damage isn't easily undone. Covid truly shook my world. When the Supreme Court upheld the vax mandates using an over 100 year old decision, it was confusing. Confusion turned to a sick stomach when I unraveled that the 100 year old decision was used in 1927 to uphold sterilization of the unfit. Elites believe the unwashed masses are just filthy machines that need to be tinkered with. It is not a coincidence that the belief the State knows better than your inherent common sense humanity/dignity as parent when it comes to your child's health has expanded to transgenderism. Universities are now using AI to create a moral framework - since the Platonic/Aristotelian notions of essences aren't real. Thinking about this, I can't help but conclude we can look forward to a future of being fed ultra-processed philosophy. I for one will stick with the organic variety.

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This is my star editor.

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Thank you, Robert! As usual, you pack so much information into a single podcast. RFK Jr. was interviewed by Laura Ingram within 24 hours of his confirmation. She asked him point-blank if the Covid “vaccine “and boosters were safe. He actually had the nerve to say we don’t know because there’s not enough studies that have been done. And then went on a rant about the VAERS system and how he was going to fix it. I’ve never been so let down in my life. We have waited long enough. He needs to get rid of the vaccine mandates right now. There is more than enough evidence, the vaccines in general, and the mRNA shots in particular are not only ineffective but also very dangerous.

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Don't be disappointed. He knows it all intimately and has plans.

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Please know that sometimes there are reasons behind what people do that we don't know about, sometimes you have to play a little bit of a game to get where you want to be and not to sabotage the game early. I trust Kennedy, that he knows what he's doing. If people's families that have lost their lives to the vaccines and have had great damage to their loved ones because of the vaccines want the guillotine then so be it, but they are the ones, the first ones that should have input as to the consequence of the actions of those that have lost their humanity. That's just my quarters worth. Great article as always with the back up information, it's not quite what I thought I listened to though, with all the comments that have been made. And also he must understand that sometimes comments are made by🪴s to divert our attention as well as expressed emotions and solutions that we really don't want? Thank you so much for all of the insight that you have shared the treatment protocols, repurposed drugs, and mostly history of how things happen. You are in my top top five, thank you so much❤️

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Dr. Oshea has been in the trenches a very very long time documenting evidence of the fraud.

As the title of this article proclaims, vaxs now mRNA quaxs are pure evil

and deliberately genocidal. The epidemic of "auto immune" disease might have woken the

sleepers but Big P and the Medical Cartel with assistance from the Fake News Echo Chamber

has other ideas.

A populace that knows precious little about health offered their arms willingly.

A conservative verifyable figure is 17 million dead worldwide, countless more disabled.

The evil doers have failed whipping up the Bird Flu virus fraud, using gubmint agencies to "cull" birds.

Fortunatly RFK will gut ABC agencies. Hang on the roller coaster is ascending.

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Great work here!!!

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Since the days of polio, vaccines have been regarded as religious interventions that provided greater health and lessened the risk of disease. Few ever questioned any of this despite there being literally no essential longer term trials and no placebos ever used.

Doctors never question anything their AMA and big pharma masters demand of them. Yet, with every drug there comes specific risks as stated on the "disregarded" package inserts. There is mostly no informed consent of any kind.

I have had no vaccines in 50 years and am not sick from any deadly disease or virus. At age 75 I do not spend one second worrying about whether or not I have enough big pharma poisons running through my body. I have none.

My only trips to the doctor will be in an emergency situation and not for anything else. No child should ever be vaccinated and no mRNA poison injected into anyone. If that were to occur, our country would be a lot healthier and the medical mafia might go begging for customers to poison with their putrid drugs and ritualistic satanism.

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Ghost those jackasses.

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Finger on the pulse

Divine timing


Self and other like no other.

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Read Heinlein’s “Foundation” series in my youth. Vaguely recall it now but the impression left was that he had an unrealistic view of human nature and society, though at the time I couldn’t put my finger on it.

Much later in life focus came with understanding First John 5:19:

“ . . . the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.”

Man is not basically good, and Society is not capable of self-correcting. If it was, society would have self- “corrected” malevolents like Soros and Gates years ago.

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Foundation was Asimov, published two years before I was born. I, too, read every Heinlein novel.

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Sorry wrong series.

Guess the MBlue didn't work lol.

It was Heinlein though. Thanks.

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I'm considering a longer MB trial.

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Another study that will never be done is, how much of the credit for reducing disease claimed by the for-profit drug corporations and those having an interest in the profits they make belongs elsewhere than it is given.

For example, many things vaccines were said to be formulated for were already dropping, because of advances civilization was making in hygiene, nutrition and sanitation.

Remember relative details like:

(1) Some "medical experts" used their power to drum doctors out of the business/practice for suggesting silly things like, washing hands between patients.

(2) Truth would cut into the obscene profits of mega drug corporations.

(3) Those mega drug corporations have unimaginable control over the medical realm. One might even say their effect on populations mock the principles used in the reasoning behind establishing fifty-one constitutions to protect the people from the many governments intervening in their lives.

(4) The need for strong chains on the for-profit drug industry may be seen by simple review of the BILLIONS in fines they suffered for fraud, willful and knowing negligence and so on.

Too, we can look to the public record, wherein we can find seemingly all manner of records proving many claims about the safety and efficacy of drugs were nothing less than Madison Avenue hype, rather than fact. The records reveal the many drugs pulled from the market for their dangerous effects that, often, paled their claimed cure values.

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It's dark but there is hope.

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I really appreciate your excellent writing to support public health! Hoping the future will be better for all and especially infants and toddlers whose families have said for years that they thought their children’s development began to deteriorate after immunizations!

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Wow, that was excellent!! Thanks so much doc. I’m going to share this with a Karen or two.

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3 minutes- informed consent?


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