Surviving Healthcare
Surviving Healthcare Podcast
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I do not know how to describe this--you have to listen to my interview.

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Note: Cassandra’s Memo is available in paperback at Barnes and Noble HERE. Please review it. You can get the ebook HERE, and a podcast about it is HERE. If you are short, the ebook is my gift to you. Stay tuned; I am working to get it past the Amazon censors by changing the subtitle and presenting the transgender material as links. (Geez.)

What’s Next For the Hospital Killing Field?

By Grace’s dad, along with Robert Paiser, a death protocol survivor who graciously helped with research


The big medical lie – the medical system follows the Hippocratic Oath – DO NO HARM.  We’ve been programmed to believe the system cares about the individual.

The Hippocratic Oath has been shredded by the shroud of secrecy, pay-for-play, and immunity from liability.  We are doing our best to lift the veil and provide the public with informed consent as to what’s truly happening.  Grace’s death has lit a fire that has turned into a duty; Robert’s hospital rescue has added gas to the fire.

Fact… hospitals have been tied to the government for their profitability for years – don’t follow protocols, don’t get paid.  The hospitals have been technically incentivized for terrible health care for decades because they have to follow Medicare guidelines which are controlled by big pharma.  Hospitals have practical immunity from liability because State laws provide little incentive for attorneys to litigate medical malpractice cases.  Medical “malpractice” was the third leading cause of death in the U.S., even before COVID!  Secrecy has been provided by programming the medical personnel to bow to protocols and society to bow to the medical personnel, falsely creating an underlying trust in a medical system that has become an arm of the government decades ago, under the radar screen.

With COVID, the hospitals received bonuses for following NIH guidelines, including the use of Remdesivir and ventilators.  Furthermore, they received direct immunity from liability under the PREP Act, which is still in place today because of the Public Health Emergency extension on October 13, 2022.  Robert was told by his doctor, “You have COVID, but we have an antiviral that will have you better in three days; most of my patients turn around in two days.”  What was the antiviral?  Remdesivir.  Remdesivir has a kill rate of 75% with three doses or more.  Robert had been given his third dose (technically his sixth dosage, because the doctor doubled the dosage he should have received for his 40 pound body weight).  Robert has Spinal Muscular Atrophy, so was the perfect disabled candidate for the death squad.  God helped us physically remove Robert from the hospital on November 5, 2022, and he is alive.  Grace did not die in vain! 

According to research by the TN Liberty Network (1), the hospital that murdered Grace received over $20,000 related to the causes of death listed on Grace’s death certificate.  Secrecy was ratcheted up by direct propaganda spreading a false narrative and not allowing family members in hospital rooms because of ‘COVID policy.’  COVID death reimbursements ($9,000) given to families adds to the drama, making it appear that the murderer is your friend.  We didn’t take their dirty money.

Today, many are cutting staff and departments because the COVID money is drying up and people are afraid to go to hospitals (2).  This is the perfect setup for ushering in euthanasia incentives, furthering the pay for play rationing of “health” care.  The desensitizing of euthanasia (3)(4) is already happening – look at Canada’s MAID (Medical Assistance In Dying) program.  In the U.K., British Nursing Alliance’s Kate Shemirani has pioneered research showing 2000 people must be euthanized every day for the U.K.  hospitals to break even! (5) She has even connected the dots relative to stock price increases for companies who supply end-of-life medications!  “A Good Death” is the U.K. standard of care (6).  What about the U.S.?

Implementation of Health Care Cost Reduction Measures

The Affordable Care Act (ACA), a/k/a Obamacare, was signed into law on March 23, 2010.  Obamacare laid the groundwork for the current degradation of healthcare set in motion over 100 years ago by the Rockefellers.

Obamacare was designed to drive down health care costs.  From The Washington Examiner (10/19/17) (7):

Ezekiel Emanuel, one of the country’s most influential bioethicists and a prime architect of Obamacare, wrote as far back as 1996 that health care “services provided to individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens are not basic and should not be guaranteed. An obvious example is not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia.” This is a typical mindset among bioethicist “experts” who would likely be appointed to create IPAB’s cost-cutting mandates.

Steven Rattner, a counselor to the Treasury secretary during the Obama years—and a frequent panelist these days on MSNBC’s Morning Joe—more explicitly advocated granting IPAB the power to ration. In 2012, he took to the pages of the Gray Lady to declare, “We need death panels,” lamenting that IPAB’s inability to ration care was a “problem” requiring a remedy:

Medicare needs to take a cue from Willie Sutton, who reportedly said he robbed banks because that’s where the money was. The big money in Medicare is in .  .  . reducing the cost of treating people in the last year of life, which consumes a quarter of the program’s budget.

No one wants to lose an aging parent. And with the price out of the equation, it’s natural for patients and families to try for every treatment, regardless of expense or efficacy. But that imposes an enormous societal cost that few other nations have been willing to bear. Many countries whose health care systems are regularly extolled—including Canada, Australia and New Zealand—have systems for rationing care.

The Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) is neither Independent nor Advisory.   The IPAB was introduced by Senator Jay Rockefeller.  Because of public pressure, the first formal death panel was repealed in 2018.  However, the dragon had more than one head.  With the public focused on COVID, the Secretary of Health and Human Services approved the charter for Medicare Evidence Development & Coverage Advisory Committee (MEDCAC) on November 23, 2022! (8) The new death panel is to provide advice to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS) and are “charged with deciding which medical items and services are reasonable and necessary, or otherwise covered, for Medicare beneficiaries under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act.”  Medicare protocols provide the standard of care for anyone in the conventional system, not just the elderly and disabled.

Real Life Examples

COVID is the cover to move the euthanasia agenda on the fast track.  Grace was killed by end-of-life meds, like those used in hospice care – Precedex, Lorazepam, and Morphine delivered in 29 minutes.  The staff would not revive her because of an illegal Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order.  We are contacted weekly by others because of the publicity surrounding Grace’s death.  The most egregious example was a Down Syndrome lady murdered on December 9, 2021.  She was given death row meds – Fentanyl, Midazolam, and Vecuronium Bromide, along with an illegal DNR order.  These meds were obtained from the State prison systems, at the requests of doctors in April 2020 – to treat COVID!  You can’t make this up.  Of course, the medical community has a cover for these situations, blaming COVID for their “palliative” care decisions.

On December 5, 2022, we received an e-mail from the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) in response to our complaint regarding a unilateral DNR order put on Grace by the doctor (9). This agency is supposed to protect the public.  The statute that involves DNR orders in Wisconsin is State Statute 154 Subchapter III, ‘Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders.’  In the e-mail, the State claims “Chapter 154 of the Wisconsin Statutes does not apply to physicians operating in a hospital, non-emergency room setting such as the one in question. The exercise of judgment by a physician working in a non-emergency hospital setting is informed by many variables, including but not limited to patient prognosis, expected medical benefit of the considered care, and patient and family wishes expressed contemporaneously through a living will, or through a health care power of attorney agent empowered to make decisions on behalf of a patient.”

Just like 007, the doctors now have a license to kill.

The Excuse

The 2021 Annual Report of the Boards of Trustees of the Federal Hospital Insurance and Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Funds, dated August 31, 2021, concluded: “The financial projections in this report indicate a need for substantial changes to address Medicare’s financial challenges.”  In Nazi Germany, one of the main reasons Hitler was able to implement his agenda was the cost of reparations from WWI.  In the U.S., 39% of the federal budget is for direct expenses related to the elderly and disabled – there are more than 62,000,000 Americans on Medicaid and Medicare (10), (11).

Of course, the government is backed by fiat currency and can print money to cover any obligation it deems worthy, so the propaganda excuse is complete bull___ at best.  As a pointed example, on March 11, 2021, the U.S. government passed the $1.9 trillion America Rescue Plan Act (12).  This act provides $500 million for nursing home STRIKE TEAMS to deal with the created “emergency” in nursing homes.  With the elderly being the number one “cause” of COVID deaths in the U.S., they bowled a strike, successfully incentivizing deaths of another short-term target group.  American Rescue Plan Act – BOHICA!

What’s Next?

The United States is number one in the world with COVID hospital deaths.  Number two was India, at less than 50% of the U.S. deaths – even though India has four times the population of the U.S. and is only one-third the size of the U.S.  How can this be?  The U.S. incentivized murder with bonuses for following protocols that kill and provided immunity from liability! The elderly and the disabled were the number one and two “causes” of COVID hospital deaths!  The Cabal’s short-term goal was accomplished.

Now that euthanasia has been successfully implemented on a short-term basis, what should we expect?  Problem/reaction/solution has dominated the government’s use of propaganda designed to control us. Now that we have been programmed and desensitized to heart attacks, strokes, cancer, and unlimited plandemics, we should expect more pre-ordained “solutions”.  We will likely see many repercussions of the jab that will allow the preprogrammed spin cycle to take many more lives – which is the longer-term goal of the Satanic dark side agenda.  Cancer vaccines – of course! Gene alterations and AI will presumably become more widespread to calm the fear of those who have rejected God’s way to cure our temples.  To that end, President Biden signed an Executive Order on September 12, 2022, advancing the use of bioweapons on humans (13)!  What’s next?  Full scale eugenics – no one is safe!

Our Defense

We have been fearfully and wonderfully made by a Creator who desires us to love Him.  He made our bodies to be self-healing when we take care of them.  None of the Satanic methods of putting the responsibility for your health onto the medical system, big pharma, government edicts, WHO, CDC, NIH, FDA, CBS, ABC, CNN, etc. replace God.  We need to stand with God, and against these idols.


(1)  TN Liberty Network report: 

(2)  Article regarding hospital financial difficulties:,eliminated%20due%20to%20%E2%80%9Cbusiness%20reasons%2C%E2%80%9D%20effective%20Dec.%201.

(3) Historic overview of Euthanasia Argument:

(4) Euthanasia trends:

(5) Kate Shemirani research:

(6) ‘A Good Death’ documentary:

(7) Death Panels:  Sarah Palin Was Right (10/19/17 by Wesley J. Smith):

(8) MEDCAC Charter:

(9) December 5, 2022 e-mail regarding “legal” DNRs: 

(10) Medicare Trustee’s Report:

(11) Social Security Report:

(12) America Rescue Plan Act:

(13) Bioweapons Executive Order analysis:

Surviving Healthcare is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Don’t hesitate to sign your sister’s best friend up. Ask her, of course.

Discussion about this episode

a FB friend's husband was being starved to death in a NC hospital. He was cognizant, did not want to die (I think he was 91). He had some sort of infection in his throat and needed to be fed through a tube. But the amount of nutrition kept getting lowered. My friend protested (she also prayed with whichever medical personnel would listen/empathize). He was sent home with a peg tube and then the home nutrition was canceled!! She finally got him back to hospital and took it up with the CEO. CEO was adamant and finally kicked him out again... he was NOT allowed by any county ambulance service to be transported to Asheville, one county over. He died at home. This was totally unconscionable!

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get your lawyer involved

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I haven't asked her lately but back in August when it was going on, we were all telling her to seek legal help. This was all online with a woman I have known online for years. Thanks!

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'Legal help' won't change anything; this is a war of Good against Evil, and we are witnessing the physical manifestations of a spiritual battle. There is much we can do. This helps:

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This is how voluntary euthanasia is done every day. They stop feeding patients. I know a man who told his relative who was in healthcare he wanted to die because he was terminal and expensive. He did not want to be a burden to his wife. The professional gave him the conventional wisdom. Stop eating. It worked three weeks later. This is nothing new, unless for some reason a cabal of decision-makers made this process more common or may even have made it involuntary SOP. That would be murder. We would need nurses to come forward to tell us who made them make this involuntary.

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Current situation not designed to benefit patient

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There is no way out of the Obamacare racket if you keep your payroll job. If you pay taxes to the IRS, you are funding your enemies. Are you not? Did the DOD attack Americans with chemical and biological weapons that they paid to develop and did they coerce big pharma and the medical authorities to push these poisons into the marketplace? Yes they did. We have actually been attacked by Britain and China, because the USA corporation, which the DOD is part of, is a British holding which acts at the behest of its owner, the crown of England. The USA is not a representative government but is a foreign corporation. The USA inc. has defrauded us of our representative government and we should all be plaintiffs against this company in civil court. This explains the whole train of abuses by the USA company (the pointless foreign wars and the deadly vaxx mandates, et al). If you work a payroll job or pay taxes to the IRS, you are paying Great Britain to kill you. If you don't take steps to fight against the tide of corporatism, your autonomy will be subsumed by it. I'm not saying it will be easy especially if you've got a family, but it is necessary that we end the current payroll model, the sooner the better.

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I can't get this to play in my browser. It's not loading audio content. Can you provide a link to the transcription?

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AB.solutely. Wish more people grasped this straightforward concept...perhaps we might then have some measurable.resistance.

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Frightening and disgusting. Hopefully, the silver lining will be more people rejecting the medical system, and taking responsibility for their own health.

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My brother in law walked into the ER. Had pneumonia.

They called it Covid.

Vent, Run Death IS Near.

His kidneys shut down….

He died.

His wife wouldn’t listen.

We knew it would kill him.

3/5/21. We knew the Fauci protocol was murdering people.

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My husband was killed in a Florida hospital! Please keep getting the word out!

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Thank you, Dr. Yoho, for sharing this very important recording. I will pass it on strategically.

Hope this won't be taken the wrong way but I have to say regarding using the terms,

"has COVID"


"had COVID"


“didn’t even have COVID”

Is “ratifying the lie”


COVID IS the Big Lie.

I’ve watched the word games and sleight-of-hand and “evolution” of the term “COVID” since the beginning of the PLANdemic in late 2019. I watched CDC post different meanings of that term along the way. I know where it was in the beginning and I see where it is now. It is a very useful tool in this Big Lie PLANdemic.

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"Just like 007, the doctors now have a license to kill."

May the Lord bring justice in this life for these atrocities if it be his will. Perhaps we will see tribunal courts allowing patients and family members to bring testimony in front of hundreds of leading doctors and health administrators... I can hear it now just as it was at Nuremberg "We were just doing our jobs..."

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Sarah Palin warned us all, at the time of her campaign with McCain...she was laughed at and ridiculed when she spoke about the "death squads" Trump...she was right!!

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thanks these are a great help

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MD = murder director

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So far, since January 2021, medical protocols have killed 3 members of my extended family.

2 via deliberate euthanasia. (In Italy.)

1 via the Covid shot. (In Italy.)

Several more people that I "knew", and several more who were family friends, are dead as well. Turbo cancers. (In Canada.)

Bear in mind that don't actually know very many people!!


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The theory is compelling but he has not proven anything. This would be premeditated murder. What is the command and control? Who made these decisions to intentionally euthanize patients? How did the decision-makers get compliance from doctors and nurses? Which doctors and nurses agreed to the murder? What are their names? Whom in the Trump Administration expedited this plan? Who worked with treasury to allocate the money for the murderous hospital protocols?

I can agree that it is certainly beneficial from a societal cost utilitarian standpoint to rid the system of the high-utilizers (10% of patients use 90% of all insurance costs). Doctors know this and families know this, which impacts voluntary euthanasia decisions every day. But this gentleman is proposing a scheme without proof.

I believe if this were intentional the Progressives would have directed their attacks at white people. Blacks and Latins are dying at the same rates as far as I can tell.

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So the meds mentioned in the article that were obtained from prisons. Fentanyl, versed/midazolam, roncuronium...those are all commonly used medications in a ICU setting and have been for decades. Those are not fatal unless given in error or by incompetent people. They are used for sedation. The issue with intubation/ventilation of COVID patients is not the drugs, but that is the wrong application. Ventilation is for maintaining airway and moving air in and out of the lungs. COVID causes issue within the lungs that inhibited the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen. Supportive measures such as high flow or BiPap outperformed ventilation.

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Couple this with Rebecca Brown, MD’s first person testimony of satanic infiltration in hospitals and churches in the 60’s and 70’s, (“He came to Set the Captives Free”), and voila; here we are today. Overt death with a slight of hand. What should we do? Seek the Kingdom. It's not a fairy tale; it is instruction for times such as these. What does it mean to 'seek the Kingdom'? This helps:

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Feb 6, 2023
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Couple all of this with Rebecca Brown, MD's book- "He Came to Set the Captives Free", and voila. Here we are today. In a war of Good vs. Evil, what are we to do? 'Seek the Kingdom'. This is not just a fairy tale, it is instruction for times such as these. Good starting point:

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I'm working on my PhD w/a thesis in Egyptian Christianity & Monasticism. I'm a religious Christian and I can read hebrew. I've studied many religions including Judaism. What absolute bullshit you are spewing. Except for your hatred, it's laughable. Try citing valid papers on your claims, not neo-nazi fakery. You can't. You just play into the hatred the cabal wants. You need to be eliminated with them. And yes, I'm a Christian saying that.

When I lived in Brooklyn, I witnessed the Jewish ambulance corps Hatzalah saved more Christians than Jews and many, many Muslims too.

Rezifp??? HAHAHA!!! That is hilarious. Even the neo-nazis aren't that ridiculous. Not even close to anything. You must be really grasping at straws with that one?

You are a fool and a liar. Get off of this planet.

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