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There is no way out of the Obamacare racket if you keep your payroll job. If you pay taxes to the IRS, you are funding your enemies. Are you not? Did the DOD attack Americans with chemical and biological weapons that they paid to develop and did they coerce big pharma and the medical authorities to push these poisons into the marketplace? Yes they did. We have actually been attacked by Britain and China, because the USA corporation, which the DOD is part of, is a British holding which acts at the behest of its owner, the crown of England. The USA is not a representative government but is a foreign corporation. The USA inc. has defrauded us of our representative government and we should all be plaintiffs against this company in civil court. This explains the whole train of abuses by the USA company (the pointless foreign wars and the deadly vaxx mandates, et al). If you work a payroll job or pay taxes to the IRS, you are paying Great Britain to kill you. If you don't take steps to fight against the tide of corporatism, your autonomy will be subsumed by it. I'm not saying it will be easy especially if you've got a family, but it is necessary that we end the current payroll model, the sooner the better.

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I can't get this to play in my browser. It's not loading audio content. Can you provide a link to the transcription?

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AB.solutely. Wish more people grasped this straightforward concept...perhaps we might then have some measurable.resistance.

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