For new readers: HERE are links to download my CV, ebooks, the best recent posts, and instructions on searching my archives. Also, HERE are links to purchase OSR, DMSO, and chlorine dioxide products, where to find them, and more. Please review Judas Dentistry; the direct link is HERE. I need your help because a passel of mercury-intoxicated dentists are giving me one-star reviews. Finally, if you have a good story or are an expert who wants to be interviewed, don't hesitate to contact me at I am also available for podcasts at any time for my subscribers; just email me by replying to a post. I will repost the session on my platform if we did well.
In this inverted reality we find ourselves in everything is upside down, and everything is backward. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the mainstream media destroy information, religions destroy spirituality, truth is called lies, lies are called truth, and so many are under mass mind control. We would do well to question everything. Live in reality, not a fictional realm. —Adrian-Gregory.
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you. —Joseph Heller, Catch-22
This is off-topic but critical knowledge.
I was shocked to learn that what I studied in college geology class was a psyop. To my slender credit, I already knew the peak oil idea was absurd.
Energy is the wealth and power of modern societies—not a tiny part of it—the vast majority. If you are unsure about this, start reading Alex Epstein. His recent post here said:
The single most important thing the government can do to improve our lives—something that will lead to a better economy, a lower cost of living, more job opportunities, a lower deficit, greater security, and a better environment—is to unleash abundant, affordable American energy.
If we unleash abundant, affordable American oil, natural gas, and coal production from the anti-energy policies holding it back, we can go from crippling inflation—substantially driven by energy costs—to affordable food, housing, transportation, and heating bills.
Doomberg is a related blog, and I subscribe to both. Doom is an energy specialist who disagrees with the premises of this post. His post HERE asserts this view but assumes he is right and is poorly referenced. Although I respect him, his insider perspective is both an advantage and a curse. I know I could be wrong.
We are unimaginably wealthy, for our oil resources are essentially infinite.* That we can be duped into a scarcity mentality by psychopaths is a stunning disappointment. That the carbon-is-bad lie ever fooled any of us is insane. As I consider it today, it is so ridiculous and evil that it seems like mass hypnosis.
Properly deployed, oil is clean, convenient, and ecologically friendly. When we burn it, we fertilize plant life with carbon dioxide, enhancing the Earth's greening. With its minuscule uptick in atmospheric carbon, the Industrial Revolution may have saved us from an epoch of freezing climate. My post HERE has evidence for all this.
*Engineer George told me that while he agrees with most of the article's premises, I possibly overstated this. Oil replenishes itself in ways we do not fully understand (see below).
Wikipedia lies about these issues from start to finish:
A fossil fuel[a] is a carbon compound- or hydrocarbon-containing material[2]formed naturally in the Earth's crust from the buried remains of prehistoric organisms (animals, plants or planktons), a process that occurs within geological formations…
The conversion from these organic materials to high-carbon fossil fuels typically requires a geological process of millions of years.[5] Due to the time it takes nature to form them, fossil fuels are considered non-renewable resources.
In 2022, over 80% of primary energy consumption in the world and over 60% of its electricity supply were from fossil fuels.[6] The large-scale burning of fossil fuels causes serious environmental damage. Over 70% of the greenhouse gas emissions due to human activity in 2022 was carbon dioxide (CO2) released from burning fossil fuels.[7] Natural carbon cycle processes on Earth, mostly absorption by the ocean, can remove only a small part of this, and terrestrial vegetation loss due to deforestation, land degradation and desertification further compounds this deficiency. Therefore, there is a net increase of many billion tonnes of atmospheric CO2 per year.[8] …. The burning of fossil fuels is the main source of greenhouse gas emissions causing global warming and ocean acidification. Additionally, most air pollution deaths are due to fossil fuel particulates and noxious gases, and it is estimated that this costs over 3% of the global gross domestic product[10] and that fossil fuel phase-out will save millions of lives each year.[11][12]…
Peak oil is the point when global oil production reaches its maximum rate, after which it will begin to decline irreversibly.[2][3][4] The main concern is that global transportation relies heavily on gasoline and diesel. Transitioning to electric vehicles, biofuels, or more efficient transport (like trains and waterways) could help reduce oil demand.[5]
Peak oil relates closely to oil depletion; while petroleum reserves are finite, the key issue is the economic viability of extraction at current prices.[6][7]…
Over the last century, many predictions of peak oil timing have been made, often later proven incorrect due to increased extraction rates.[9] M. King Hubbert introduced the concept in a 1956 paper, predicting U.S. production would peak between 1965 and 1971, but his global peak oil predictions were premature because of improved drilling technology.[10] Current forecasts for the year of peak oil range from 2028 to 2050.[11]
Google promotes the psyop:
In our age of lies, why are we surprised when Google betrays us again? For example, the new AI search engine seems brilliant; it authoritatively synthesizes results into paragraph-length answers. But when I asked it whether it could use the more reliable Yandex search engine to produce results, I got a flat “No.” is the same GIGO—garbage-in-garbage-out—as Google. All information is obtained from controlled sources inside Google’s controlled sphere.
Here is a typical search result:
Question: Can chlorine dioxide cure diseases?
Answer: Its ingestion or inappropriate use can lead to severe health risks, including respiratory failure, acute liver failure, and even death…
The FDA and other health authorities have reported numerous adverse effects associated with the ingestion of chlorine dioxide products, which are often marketed under names like "Miracle Mineral Solution" (MMS). These effects include:
Severe vomiting
Life-threatening low blood pressure
Abnormal heart rhythms
Respiratory failure
…In summary, while chlorine dioxide has applications as a disinfectant, its promotion as a cure for various diseases is not supported by scientific evidence and poses significant health risks.
The truth is that nausea, fatigue, and diarrhea are Herxheimer reactions that some people get when they are already sick and take too much chlorine dioxide too soon. The proper protocols start people out on low doses, and the amount used is increased slowly. Fatality or serious problems are unknown.
The Sinclair Oil Company logo was another lie.
The silhouette of a large green Brontosaurus dinosaur is based on the idiocy that oil deposits beneath the earth came from the dead bodies of dinosaurs.
The Russian search engine Yandex calls these people out:
You can make Yandex your default browser for your Mac and import your passwords. It will store them just like Safari. I had to search Yandex to learn how to do it.
The myth of “fossil” fuels
Here is the transcript, abridged for clarity:
What are fossil fuels, and are they made from fossils? Well, I'm a geologist, more specifically a stratigrapher and paleontologist, and I taught at the graduate level at university, and we were taught that these fuels come from fossils. Now, there is no evidence in the field that there is any oil, gas, or methane around locations where there are fossils. Sometimes, fossils are above and below coal measures or within coal, but most fossils have no oil associated with them. So, it makes little sense that these fuels come from fossils.
Are these fuels really from fossils, or are they generated deep in the earth's mantle in a renewable abiotic process that continues to happen? In the West, it is almost universally held that oil and gas are derived from fossils. Over several generations, Russian and Ukrainian scientists have tenaciously propounded the notion that oil and gas are abiotic and can be found in large amounts deep below the earth's surface in most parts of the world.
The Western world is increasingly realizing this may be the case. Georgius Agricola first proposed an abiogenic hypothesis in the 16th century. In the 19th century, Prussian geographer Alexander von Humboldt, the French chemist Marceline Bethelot, and the Russian chemist and inventor Dmitri Mendeleev proposed various additional abiogenic hypotheses. Mendeleev is best remembered for formulating the periodic law and creating a far-sighted version of the periodic table of the elements in 1863.
Abiotic hypotheses were revived again in the last half of the 20th century by a Soviet scientist who had little influence outside the Soviet Union because most of their research was published in Russian. Thomas Gold redefined the hypothesis and made it popular in the West. From 1979 to about 1998, he published his research in English. This all leads back to the Gulf of Mexico and the Eugene Island Block 330 oil field, located about 80 miles off the coast of Louisiana.
It is often cited by the proponents of the abiotic oil theory because depleted oil wells find themselves, as if by magic, suddenly replenished with new oil, and no one could say why. Eugene Island is a submerged mountain with a landscape riven with deep fissures from which spews spontaneous belches of gas and oil. They do this all the way up to the surface.
Eugene Island 330 began producing about 15,000 barrels per day. After it seemed “depleted,” it suddenly, without warning, zoomed back up to 13,000 barrels. In addition, estimated reserves rocketed from 60 to 400 million barrels overnight. Even more anomalous was the discovery that the geologic age of today's oil coming from the well site was quite different from that recovered a decade ago.
It's difficult to avoid the conclusion that the oil reservoir at Eugene Island was rapidly refilling itself from some continuous source miles below the earth's surface. Analysis of seismic records supports this surmise, revealing a deep fault gushing oil like a garden hose. The deep-seated oil source at Eugene Island strongly supports Thomas Gold's theory about the deep hot biosphere from his 2001 book.
Gold is a respected astronomer and professor emeritus at Cornell University. He has said for years that oil is a renewable resource. We agree. Oil is nothing more than a primordial syrup continually manufactured by the earth under ultra-hot conditions and tremendous pressures thanks to well-plate tectonics or something similar.
It all starts with methane. We know there are substantial methane reserves beneath the surface of the earth. As this methane migrates towards the surface, bacteria attack it, making it appear to have an organic origin dating back to the dinosaurs. The methane is then converted into oil. The apparent deep-seated oil source at Eugene Island and Gold's ideas make petroleum engineers wonder about similar situations at the seemingly inexhaustible oil fields in the Middle East.
Norman Hine, a professor at the University of Tulsa in Oklahoma, said the Middle East has more than doubled its reserves in the past decades. Despite half a century of intense exploitation, relatively few discoveries, and continuous pumping, the Middle East has doubled its reserves. How is that possible? Well, maybe it's just coming from deep in the mantle.
It would take a lot of dead dinosaurs and prehistoric plants to account for the estimated 660 billion barrels of oil that spontaneously popped up in this region. Let me repeat: The Middle East has doubled its reserves in recent decades. Despite intense exploitation, it is now feeding oil and gas to the entire world, with an estimated 660 billion barrels in reserve.
Western geologists are controlled by the oil and gas industry and the puppet media, the puppet government, the shadow oligarchy, whoever they are, and the National Science Foundation. No one is being funded for abiotic oil genesis work. The powers that be are eliminating this unlimited natural resource from our nomenclature to bankrupt the earth and kill off humanity. It's a sad state (Yoho emphasis).
Although some exceptions exist, many Western geologists and scientists find the abiotic oil theory annoying or simply amusing and refuse to consider it seriously. Russian scientists and geologists hold the theory in much higher regard for historical and maybe ideological reasons, but the proof is in the pudding. In some cases, these reserves are inexplicably replenishing themselves.
Back in 2009, a team of scientists realized that hydrocarbons were being produced deep in the earth near the core-mantle boundary. However, according to many, the oil and gas that fuel our homes and cars started as living organisms that died and were compressed and heated under heavy layers of sediment in the earth's crust.
Russian geologists and chemists have long championed the idea that abiogenic hydrocarbons occur. A lower limit of deep hydrocarbon synthesis by calcium carbonate aqueous reduction exists. You only need subducting limestone, a rock, not a fossil fuel, and you get hydrocarbons. The deep abiogenic synthesis of hydrocarbons is possible under the conditions of the asthenosphere that's deep in the earth. We have found that this process can also occur under the mineral and thermobaric conditions of subducting slabs, as I alluded to earlier. We have investigated the abiogenic synthesis of hydrocarbon systems at pressures of 2 to 6.6 gigapascals, corresponding to a depth of 70 to 80 kilometers during cold subduction.
The hydrocarbon fluid formed in the slab can migrate upwards through a network of faults. Deposits are captured in sedimentary anticlines, as we have known for five decades. So, the facts are in, and we need to rewrite the textbook on fossil fuels. New technologies help unravel nature's methane recipes, showing that methane plus calcium carbonate or limestone equals “fossil fuels.”
Can you believe this? It's not on the mainstream media. No one is talking about it because fossil fuels, oil, gas, and all of it, coal, are abiogenically produced, meaning they're being made right now. And they're replenishing the ancient oil reserves we thought we would run out of in 1980. That is the ruse. The origins of methane on earth are proven, and now the global warmists are using it to scare us when they could flip the switch and say that we're all saved.
God gave us unlimited resources beneath the Earth. Don't believe everything you hear because, for the most part, it's gobbledygook and nonsense. The opposite of what you know is probably the truth. Join us on the journey of uncovering the reality of the Earth we live on (Yoho emphasis).
The Deep Truth About Petroleum
I summarized five articles from a Yandex search:
The commonly accepted biotic theory claims oil comes from fossilized organic matter, but compelling evidence supports an alternative explanation: the abiotic theory of oil formation. Here is proof of abiotic oil formation and why the biotic theory became dominant despite its slender foundation.
Advocates of the abiotic theory of oil formation
Scientists like Dimitri Mendeleev, who created the periodic table¹, supported it. The theory gained significant scientific backing during the Cold War era, particularly in the Soviet Union. Under Stalin's directive, Soviet scientists conducted extensive research into oil formation, leading to successful discoveries in locations deemed impossible by Western geologists².
Thomas Gold, a respected Cornell University professor, brought these ideas to Western attention through his book The Deep Hot Biosphere³. Gold's credentials were impressive - he was a member of the Royal Society and the United States National Academy of Sciences, with a track record of accurate predictions. A renowned physicist, Freeman Dyson, noted, "Gold's theories are always original, always important, usually controversial—and usually right"⁴.
The Nazi Connection and Synthetic Oil
During World War II, German scientists developed the Fischer-Tropsch Process to produce synthetic oil. This demonstrated how hydrocarbons could form through natural chemical processes without biological input. The method proved so successful that synthetic oil met up to 75% of Nazi Germany's fuel demand during the war⁵.* After the war, this knowledge was transferred to both the United States through Operation Paperclip and to the Soviet Union, where it influenced the development of the Russian-Ukrainian Theory of Deep, Abiotic Petroleum Origins⁶.
*Engineer George adds, “Although the Germans converted coal into oil, it was slow and expensive. Their inability to access the oil fields in the Caucasus is an important factor in their military loss to Russia.”
The scientific case for abiotic oil rests on several observations:
1. Universal Presence of Hydrocarbons: Astronomical evidence shows these are abundant throughout the universe. Carbon, the fourth most abundant element in the universe, readily combines with hydrogen to form hydrocarbons whether life is present or not⁷.
2. Deep Earth Formation: Oil forms naturally between the Earth's mantle and crust, approximately 5-20 miles deep. At this interface, compressed methane-based gases encounter high-temperature pockets, leading to hydrocarbon condensation⁸.
3. Refilling Phenomena: Multiple documented cases show depleted oil wells spontaneously refilling over time. The most famous example, Eugene Island 330 in the Gulf of Mexico, saw production increase from 4,000 to 13,000 barrels daily after initial depletion, with the more recent oil production showing a different chemical composition⁹.
Numerous field professionals have reported observations supporting the abiotic theory:
1. Deep Oil Deposits: WesternGeco's exploration revealed oil deposits extending 10 miles deep, with reserves estimated to last hundreds or thousands of years¹⁰.
2. Widespread Presence: Expert testimony from oil industry professionals confirms the discovery of massive oil deposits in unexpected locations, including areas where conventional theory predicts no oil should exist¹¹.
3. Crystalline Basement Discoveries: The Dnieper-Donets region in Ukraine yielded significant oil finds in crystalline basement rocks, where no biological source material could have existed¹².
Why the Biotic Theory Prevailed
The promotion and persistence of the biotic theory serve several economic and political purposes:
1. Market Control: Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty,* former chief of special operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, revealed that framing oil as a finite fossil fuel created artificial scarcity and upward pressure on prices.¹³
2. Economic Power: The biotic theory supports a global economic system built around controlled oil scarcity, which underlies the U.S. dollar's status as a global reserve currency¹⁴.
3. Scientific Capture: Petroleum geology appears to be one of the first examples of an "industrially captured" academic discipline. The biotic theory became dogma despite contrary evidence¹⁵. (Yoho emphasis).
Recent developments support the abiotic theory:
1. Deep Biosphere: Gold's research revealed extensive bacterial life deep within Earth's crust, explaining the presence of biological markers in abiotic oil¹⁶.
2. Middle East Reserves: Despite continuous exploitation, Middle Eastern oil reserves have doubled over recent decades despite few new discoveries, suggesting deep-earth replenishment¹⁷.
3. Russian Success: Russia's emergence as a leading oil producer, using exploration techniques based on the abiotic theory, challenges conventional wisdom about oil formation¹⁸.
The evidence supporting abiotic oil formation is substantial and spans multiple scientific disciplines. The theory explains observations that the biotic theory cannot account for, such as oil in deep basement rocks and seemingly inexhaustible supplies in certain regions. Despite this, the persistence of the biotic theory suggests its role in maintaining economic and political power structures rather than scientific accuracy¹⁹.
*Col. Prouty’s resume: He spent 9 of his 23-year military career in the Pentagon (1955-1964): 2 years with the Secretary of Defense, 2 years with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and 5 years with Headquarters, U.S. Air Force. In 1955, he was appointed the first "Focal Point" officer between the CIA and the Air Force for Clandestine Operations per National Security Council Directive 5412. He was a Briefing Officer for the Secretary of Defense (1960-1961) and for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Footnotes: ¹ "The Deep Hot Biosphere" - Thomas Gold book reference ² "How I Came To Realize I Was Wrong About Peak Oil" - Engdahl discussion of Soviet research ³ "The Great Oil Conspiracy" - Jerome Corsi's account of Gold's work ⁴Direct quote from Freeman Dyson's foreword to Gold's book ⁵ "The Great Oil Conspiracy" - Fischer-Tropsch Process development ⁶ Key takeaways from Corsi's book regarding Nazi synthetic oil production ⁷ Gold's astronomical observations regarding hydrocarbon abundance ⁸ "Sustainable Oil?" article describing deep Earth formation process ⁹Eugene Island 330 case study from multiple sources ¹⁰ @Smallholdingonashoestring testimony regarding WesternGeco exploration ¹¹ @ricter29 field experience in Saskatchewan ¹² Krayushkin's presentation at the 1994 Santa Fe conference ¹³ Col. Prouty's direct testimony regarding artificial scarcity ¹⁴ Analysis of oil's role in global economic system ¹⁵Observation regarding geological academy capture ¹⁶ Gold's deep biosphere theory explanation ¹⁷ Middle East reserves data from multiple sources ¹⁸ Russian oil production success using abiotic theory ¹⁹ Synthesis of evidence from multiple sources regarding theory persistence
HERE is the Unbekoming post that inspired mine. You may like it better.
Is Oil A ‘Fossil Fuel’ Or Is It Abiotic? by Rhoda Wilson
Myths, Lies and Oil Wars (2012) by F. William Engdahl
The Deep, Hot Biosphere: The Myth of Fossil Fuels (2001) by Thomas Gold (Author), Freeman Dyson (Foreword)
• Freeman Dyson on Tommy Gold, hearing ...
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