Big Oil claims its product is a "fossil fuel" derived from compressed plants. WRONG. Oil is Earth's second most abundant liquid and will supply us indefinitely with clean power.
Very interesting article - as always. I will cut a break to those who thought 100 years ago that oil was from fossils. But there is no excuse to continue on this route. The problem arises when there is a refusal to update with terrible consequences because a topic is sacrosanct. Two of my favorite 'go to' examples are poor Dr. Semmelweis, who just wanted doctors to wash their hands after dissecting corpses, only to be mocked and die in an insane asylum, and the other is the award of the Noble Peace Prize of Medicine doc who perfected the lobotomy. Science and consensus should always be thought of as a verb - meaning constant process - and not a settled noun that goes no further. Unfortunately as we certainly saw with Covid, money and power is fortified when science is hemmed in as only a noun.
I should have added some context to my snarky comments. I will have to lean into Dr. Yoho's expertise, but I assume autopsies have been an essential tool in medicine, or at least for forensic crimes. The problem was the establishment's ego and control, resulting in a refusal to see that the "how of doing it" was unwittingly increasing candidates for autopsies. Similarly, in the mid-20th century, the medical establishment had ethical concerns about what to do with those suffering from severe mental illness. Poking ice picks through people's brains was seen as a humane intervention. After this technology was accepted, there are reports that wealthy individuals seized upon it to quiet disruptive relatives who also had large bank accounts. The movie Suddenly, last Summer with Elizabeth Taylor explores this topic from a different vantage point with a creepy screenplay that only Gore Vidal could have perfected. The whole point is that there seems to be a formula. Those with a desire for power and money will seize on technology and then strangle it into submission. In his book, Road to Serfdom, F.A. Hayek points to such a formula when he writes that big businesses love regulation because gov't squashes competition for them. And what can't be squashed by regulation, they buy up and extinguish, often leaving us with inferior products.
As I come from a background in the oil and gas industry, although not in the geology or geophysics area, it was common knowledge oil reserves are abundant and not in danger of running out anywhere in the world. The information about abiogenic hydrocarbons was new and fascinating information. Overall an outstanding article. Thank you for this most important information that needs to be shared far and wide.
Thank you for writing about this topic. Our planet is alive and well and supplies us with life giving plants, animals,minerals, fuels,water and so forth. Now if we could just rid ourselves from the liers and thieves that abuse their powers over us.
He was quite the monster. Spawn of an actual snake oil salesman. He fabricated "medicine" out of petroleum but kept a naturopathic doctor for himself. Old corpse face lived to age 92.
A personal story, my old Croatian landlord used to work on the rigs off the coast here in Australia in the 70's. He was raving about the massive reserves they'd found but how they were being 'capped off' for the future. Controlling energy is the capstone of controlling the population.
I think it's more than that. Nothing advances the human race more than cheap abundant energy, and the powers that be have made it clear they want to take us backward not forward. This is about control and abolishing the middle class, not just making money. They have plenty of that already.
Nice short podcast to listen to while I watch the snow accumulate this morning.
Agent ........? - I have followed him for awhile, but most articles and commenting are restricted to paying subscribers, which is the first red flag. Then the screaming click-baity titles. The recent post that supposedly warns us about vitamins and ivermectin, well, no.
I see that person as a paid government operative invading the free speech space.
I've come to see the Agent... rather as an overenthusiastic proponent of all things being a pysop, and then writing biased, extremely oversimplified articles 'proving' the case. The vitamin writeups were an example of throwing the baby out with the bathwater, because he couldn't tell the difference. Agent... is in league with 'Medicine girl' who is preachy and screachy and who gives the impression of having sero empathy for others, and of a person so cocksure in thier evidently biased knowledge, that they absolutely fail to see any other way, a bright red flag in itself.
Thank you for refreshing my memory of a series of Radio Liberty shows about twenty years ago discussing abiotic oil.
One of Dr. Stan Montheith's frequent guests was Constance Cumby and she comented on abiotic oil in this posting I just located using search engine for first time.
Landau sounds very intelligent and his claims about abiotic oil seem legitimate and believable, though most scientists disregard the theory. There is only one thing bothering me, and this is going to sound weird. He is from South Africa. As I was thinking about Agenda 21, I recalled that the Earth Summit was held at South Africa in Johannesburg in 1992. It is a city made up of SEVEN regions.The World Cup is being held there as we speak, and it is a place where many scams originate. All of the important UN summits and treaties all seem to have something in common- the number seven. The counterfeit of Christianity's number of completion. Look at Rio, Istanbul, Lisbon, Barcelona- all these cities are built on seven hills and major UN events came out of them. But I digress. Is Chris Landau a geologist that we should really listen to, or is he some sort of fear-mongering environmental agent provocateur or scam artist? I did a google search and couldn't really find anyone who seemed to be the Chris Landau that wrote the article. "
I find we have been lied to about everything. Only by seeking the One Who is Truth and praying to Him and seeking Him in every way you can will you find peace and a firm foundation that will set you on a sure path to Heaven.
I am not much of an evangelist but I will repost a recent comment of mine elsewhere...
"One good thing that happens to persons who realize they've been lied to about everything, even things that are not things, is that they can decide if the Lord and Savior loves them and died for them so you trade your life and follow Him for the shot at going to heaven He gave us.
Happy New Year to all.
1 Corinthians 13:12-13 Douay Rheims
"We see now through a glass in a dark manner: but then face to face. Now I know in part: but then I shall know even as I am known. And now there remain faith, hope, and charity, these three: but the greatest of these is charity."
1 Corinthians 13 Douay-Rheims Bible "
Many bible tranaslations show love instead of charity (caritas).
Thank you man. I would like to see a world where we can take our car manufacturer to court for not improving the technology enough between models. There’s no fucking reason why they had to change the body style on those vehicles just to give us some piddly ass freaking difference in mileage or some additional features that hardly meant shit. I mean, what would be so wrong about taking your car manufacturer to court to say “hey man, you know damn well you can do better than this. Let me show you…” how is it that we’ve had any value added in a situation where we’re improving the aerodynamics to a point where you almost don’t even have to have the same powered engine so they cut down on the way the vehicle even more because you don’t have to have the same amount of power to move this freaking goofy looking round thing. I remember being so disappointed when they rounded off the Ford Ranger. And he didn’t make a shit bit of difference really it was hardly worth the freaking cosmetic spaceship look. They’ve been pretending like we couldn’t get 200 miles a gallon for so long since anyone got that and had to make hydrogen out of water or anything. matter fact, they shouldn’t even be designing future cars without a clown on considering all the technology that we know is applicable to the new designs that hasn’t been. I want my money back.
Absolutely. The climate people are linear thinkers. They always draw a line from a perceived issue to a cause. When, in fact, the universe is cyclical. Everything has a frequency and cycles. Plant fibers, which all mammals need, including humans, depend on carbon gas to develop in all vegetation types. That, in turn, feeds and generates oxygen. I'm not stating anything new; we all know this. In the age of dinosaurs, when all life on earth thrived, carbon gas was six to ten times higher than today. Life then was huge and covered the globe. Even the poles had vegetation.
However, you are correct. The deployment is a critical issue. Thanks for your article.
On a related note, theres a claim that there’s an unusually high incidence of death when some inventor discovers very efficient engine tech or a “car that runs on water.”
I’ve provisionally decided there’s nothing really to this, that there is no car that runs on water or etc.
If oil was effectively unlimited the above claim would be a psyop that reinforced the oil scarcity narrative.
Very interesting article - as always. I will cut a break to those who thought 100 years ago that oil was from fossils. But there is no excuse to continue on this route. The problem arises when there is a refusal to update with terrible consequences because a topic is sacrosanct. Two of my favorite 'go to' examples are poor Dr. Semmelweis, who just wanted doctors to wash their hands after dissecting corpses, only to be mocked and die in an insane asylum, and the other is the award of the Noble Peace Prize of Medicine doc who perfected the lobotomy. Science and consensus should always be thought of as a verb - meaning constant process - and not a settled noun that goes no further. Unfortunately as we certainly saw with Covid, money and power is fortified when science is hemmed in as only a noun.
I should have added some context to my snarky comments. I will have to lean into Dr. Yoho's expertise, but I assume autopsies have been an essential tool in medicine, or at least for forensic crimes. The problem was the establishment's ego and control, resulting in a refusal to see that the "how of doing it" was unwittingly increasing candidates for autopsies. Similarly, in the mid-20th century, the medical establishment had ethical concerns about what to do with those suffering from severe mental illness. Poking ice picks through people's brains was seen as a humane intervention. After this technology was accepted, there are reports that wealthy individuals seized upon it to quiet disruptive relatives who also had large bank accounts. The movie Suddenly, last Summer with Elizabeth Taylor explores this topic from a different vantage point with a creepy screenplay that only Gore Vidal could have perfected. The whole point is that there seems to be a formula. Those with a desire for power and money will seize on technology and then strangle it into submission. In his book, Road to Serfdom, F.A. Hayek points to such a formula when he writes that big businesses love regulation because gov't squashes competition for them. And what can't be squashed by regulation, they buy up and extinguish, often leaving us with inferior products.
100% !!
great comment
this is my editor
You couldn't be more correct.
As I come from a background in the oil and gas industry, although not in the geology or geophysics area, it was common knowledge oil reserves are abundant and not in danger of running out anywhere in the world. The information about abiogenic hydrocarbons was new and fascinating information. Overall an outstanding article. Thank you for this most important information that needs to be shared far and wide.
thanks ek
Thank you for writing about this topic. Our planet is alive and well and supplies us with life giving plants, animals,minerals, fuels,water and so forth. Now if we could just rid ourselves from the liers and thieves that abuse their powers over us.
…and expel them infinitely and away from our beautiful planet.
Similar to how they changed the narrative on medicine and education, John D. Rockefeller started the myth of oil coming from fossils.
He was quite the monster. Spawn of an actual snake oil salesman. He fabricated "medicine" out of petroleum but kept a naturopathic doctor for himself. Old corpse face lived to age 92.
Many elderly people will sometimes behave very badly when other elderly people, who've understood certain truths for decades, are told certain truths.
They stick their fingers in their ears or X out...
Robert Yoho, who has discovered certain truths, somehow stumbling upon them for himself of late, is an exception.
He's courageously taking the red pill and paying his discoveries forward here on Substack.
Good for YOU Robert!
Many folks of your generation are now waking up, due to your intelligent influence.
Better late than never I say! Shine ON you crazy 💎 because 'The proof of the pudding is in the EATING of it." 😉
Please continue tasting the pudding Robert, and sharing it.
none of it is easy
The robber barons have to demonize oil,etc so they can own it pennies on a petrodollar. It's a grift.
Yes, and the big lie about oil is that it's a "fossil fuel". Nonsense, it is abiotic and self-renewing. An abundant resource.
A personal story, my old Croatian landlord used to work on the rigs off the coast here in Australia in the 70's. He was raving about the massive reserves they'd found but how they were being 'capped off' for the future. Controlling energy is the capstone of controlling the population.
controlling price
I think it's more than that. Nothing advances the human race more than cheap abundant energy, and the powers that be have made it clear they want to take us backward not forward. This is about control and abolishing the middle class, not just making money. They have plenty of that already.
Nice short podcast to listen to while I watch the snow accumulate this morning.
Agent ........? - I have followed him for awhile, but most articles and commenting are restricted to paying subscribers, which is the first red flag. Then the screaming click-baity titles. The recent post that supposedly warns us about vitamins and ivermectin, well, no.
I see that person as a paid government operative invading the free speech space.
I've come to see the Agent... rather as an overenthusiastic proponent of all things being a pysop, and then writing biased, extremely oversimplified articles 'proving' the case. The vitamin writeups were an example of throwing the baby out with the bathwater, because he couldn't tell the difference. Agent... is in league with 'Medicine girl' who is preachy and screachy and who gives the impression of having sero empathy for others, and of a person so cocksure in thier evidently biased knowledge, that they absolutely fail to see any other way, a bright red flag in itself.
I believe he is paid. His name is an obvious tipoff.
I unsubscribed from him long ago.
Me too!
Thank you for refreshing my memory of a series of Radio Liberty shows about twenty years ago discussing abiotic oil.
One of Dr. Stan Montheith's frequent guests was Constance Cumby and she comented on abiotic oil in this posting I just located using search engine for first time.
Landau sounds very intelligent and his claims about abiotic oil seem legitimate and believable, though most scientists disregard the theory. There is only one thing bothering me, and this is going to sound weird. He is from South Africa. As I was thinking about Agenda 21, I recalled that the Earth Summit was held at South Africa in Johannesburg in 1992. It is a city made up of SEVEN regions.The World Cup is being held there as we speak, and it is a place where many scams originate. All of the important UN summits and treaties all seem to have something in common- the number seven. The counterfeit of Christianity's number of completion. Look at Rio, Istanbul, Lisbon, Barcelona- all these cities are built on seven hills and major UN events came out of them. But I digress. Is Chris Landau a geologist that we should really listen to, or is he some sort of fear-mongering environmental agent provocateur or scam artist? I did a google search and couldn't really find anyone who seemed to be the Chris Landau that wrote the article. "
I find we have been lied to about everything. Only by seeking the One Who is Truth and praying to Him and seeking Him in every way you can will you find peace and a firm foundation that will set you on a sure path to Heaven.
I am not much of an evangelist but I will repost a recent comment of mine elsewhere...
"One good thing that happens to persons who realize they've been lied to about everything, even things that are not things, is that they can decide if the Lord and Savior loves them and died for them so you trade your life and follow Him for the shot at going to heaven He gave us.
Happy New Year to all.
1 Corinthians 13:12-13 Douay Rheims
"We see now through a glass in a dark manner: but then face to face. Now I know in part: but then I shall know even as I am known. And now there remain faith, hope, and charity, these three: but the greatest of these is charity."
1 Corinthians 13 Douay-Rheims Bible "
Many bible tranaslations show love instead of charity (caritas).
Nothing surprises me anymore
Yandex search engine is all I use. I don't know what we will do if they take that away from us.
I use Yandex frequently! Found a lot of info there that I couldn't find with the usual search engines.
you are ahead of the pack
I wonder what Yandex would show for free energy devices and Nikola Tesla's work
Oh here it is
Sorry for cursing, but this guy knows what the fuck he’s talking about man.
this is a casual profanity safe space ha
Thank you man. I would like to see a world where we can take our car manufacturer to court for not improving the technology enough between models. There’s no fucking reason why they had to change the body style on those vehicles just to give us some piddly ass freaking difference in mileage or some additional features that hardly meant shit. I mean, what would be so wrong about taking your car manufacturer to court to say “hey man, you know damn well you can do better than this. Let me show you…” how is it that we’ve had any value added in a situation where we’re improving the aerodynamics to a point where you almost don’t even have to have the same powered engine so they cut down on the way the vehicle even more because you don’t have to have the same amount of power to move this freaking goofy looking round thing. I remember being so disappointed when they rounded off the Ford Ranger. And he didn’t make a shit bit of difference really it was hardly worth the freaking cosmetic spaceship look. They’ve been pretending like we couldn’t get 200 miles a gallon for so long since anyone got that and had to make hydrogen out of water or anything. matter fact, they shouldn’t even be designing future cars without a clown on considering all the technology that we know is applicable to the new designs that hasn’t been. I want my money back.
Yes, oil is a renewable energy. The climate people's heads catch on fire when you mention this. 😭😭😭
And properly deployed, it is good for the planet
Absolutely. The climate people are linear thinkers. They always draw a line from a perceived issue to a cause. When, in fact, the universe is cyclical. Everything has a frequency and cycles. Plant fibers, which all mammals need, including humans, depend on carbon gas to develop in all vegetation types. That, in turn, feeds and generates oxygen. I'm not stating anything new; we all know this. In the age of dinosaurs, when all life on earth thrived, carbon gas was six to ten times higher than today. Life then was huge and covered the globe. Even the poles had vegetation.
However, you are correct. The deployment is a critical issue. Thanks for your article.
climate narrative was captured from the start
You just lost a reader.
On a related note, theres a claim that there’s an unusually high incidence of death when some inventor discovers very efficient engine tech or a “car that runs on water.”
I’ve provisionally decided there’s nothing really to this, that there is no car that runs on water or etc.
If oil was effectively unlimited the above claim would be a psyop that reinforced the oil scarcity narrative.