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No outcome is too meaningless for the sacrifices demanded in the name of climate change. —Doomberg
Table of Contents
Part 1: an excerpt from Jacob Nordangård’s 2024 book, Rockefeller: Controlling the Game (recently featured by Unbekoming).
Part 2: Dr. Moore proves that climate change is unrelated to humans.
Part 1: The Rockefellers concocted climate change
They fueled the story with nine hundred ninety (990) nonprofit organizations. Every time you hear a "climate change" scare story, that person is a Rockefeller stooge who is being paid. He may not know it, but his profession has been entirely corrupted. The following italicized excerpt is from Jacob Nordangård’s Rockefeller: Controlling the Game (2024).
The whole thing was their idea; they took a silly but interesting theory and amplified it with hundreds of millions of dollars. They founded institutions and linked their survival to promoting climate change and population reduction. They adopted one likely politician after another.
The Rockefellers have created 990 climate change activist organizations. They give them directions and financing and launch them into the world. The Rockefellers started, financed, organized, and militarized the Green Movement. By the late 40’s, the family was all in, on the same page. In the 50s they began to stand up countless institutions, committees, university departments, university institutes, foundations, and policy shops gathered around this one idea:
Man is now degrading his environment at a terrifying rate. The cumulative effects of advancing technology, massive industrialization, urban concentration, and population growth have all combined… not only to create imminent danger to the quality of human life, but even to pose threats to life itself. —Rockefeller Foundation, 1969 Annual Report
By 1998, the Rockefeller family had swept the table clean of any opposition to this one idea. Any scientist not on board with the agenda was imperiled. Any university department not working towards this one artificial goal was in danger of being marginalized. Infiltration had begun into every media organization, every major corporation’s entertainment division. This, as stated below, would be a generational goal. For everyone. Or get off the bus.
What is evidentiary, what can be proved in a court of law rather than opinion, however, is that the Fabians started the idea of this whole one-world, no nation-state. It is clear, too, that after the First World War, the Fabians roped in the second generation of Rockefellers. It was a major catch. It meant they had America. And it was spiritual. It was meant to change mankind, to kill off Homo Sapiens and turn us into Homo Universalis.
The New Man would be non-Christian, quietist, and self-obsessed. The economy would trend towards zero growth, if not de-growth. There is a preponderance of data, many publications that laid out their plans. They twisted education away from practical science, engineering, and building things toward social movements, the humanities, the arts, and pleasure. With Laurance Rockefeller’s money and organizational skills, they devised and invented the discipline of cybernetics, from which the internet flows.
The first Rockefeller, as almost everyone knows, was John D., by all accounts, a deeply unpleasant individual who, after his private army killed protestors, was advised to go into charity in a big way to rescue his reputation. Which he did, and managed to dodge the trustbusters and Teddy Roosevelt, and build his empire over the corpses of his competitors. And then, as advised, he began to buy the media. The Luce empire of Time-Life fell into step. From the 60’s on Time-Life stood astride the media world, attracting the best, the authority on every subject. I was trained there and trained well, but all the writing was done back in New York, in the Time-Life building in Rockefeller Center. It was massaged to fit the message. I wanted to write and left.
By the second generation, the family had found its purpose, the meaning for all the wealth, the path forward. John D., according to Sir Stephen Wilkinson, who has studied him all his life, believed to his core that God had favored him with so much wealth because he was good; his Baptist faith, coupled with titanic wealth, made him a modern priest. His family and his heirs would be a Royal Priesthood leading mankind to a new paradise. How the family must have fallen upon the Fabians, with their starry titled members, Bertrand Russell, all the Huxleys, H.G. Wells, Emmeline Pankhurst. How seductive socialism is to the intellectual class. It gives them the right, being so smart, to order humanity. To choose for the rest of us. Few of them could run a corner store.
The seduction of great wealth is pretty much irresistible. Everyone falls. The last time I was “in society” was at a wedding hosted by the Bostonian Cabots - so ancient they arrived in the New World in 1498. Famously, “The Lodges only talk to the Cabots, and the Cabots only talk to God.” That’s how grand they are. Their wealth spread out that weekend was like entering heaven; everything was so beautiful and absolutely perfect in every detail. It was a lush sinking feeling, utterly seductive to the ego. Any Clinton, Gore, Obama, Kerry, Bush, any impoverished scientist, any ambitious university administrator, every fundraiser, every marginalized military man, would just fall over like an ambitious 20 year old faced with her first billionaire. Take me; I’m yours.
And that’s what happened. That’s how they did it: by inviting likely servants to their houses and hunting lodges, donating buildings, buying the land for the U.N., funding organizations, appealing to vanity and greed, and above all, the human desperate need for significance. They created a super-class unmoored to reality and entirely 100% destructive of human life. It was systematic, a fierce, unstoppable, detailed two-hundred-year plan. Each generation would make its contribution.
It started with the felt need to reduce population and turn man into something other. To stress, environmentalism, neo-Malthusianism, and the ‘saving of the planet’ were the motivators for each of the following actions. If you accepted Rockefeller funding, you toed the line. There were too many people, the carrying capacity of the earth was breeched, the planet was dying, and we need a new form of human. These ideas all came out of the Fabian stable and metastasized through the culture like the most delicious poison. Every intellectual, all the universities started to promote this idea. It was heady, exciting. It celebrated Man, not some faceless distant Deity. Fabians hated Christianity and wanted, above everything, to replace it. But first, they had to command every institution of civil society.
The following is a partial list of the institutions by which the Rockefeller family built the modern world in every aspect of the culture. It was masterful. Ancient Kings and Emperors would have marveled.
In 1920, John D. Rockefeller, a major donor, co-founded the League of Nations. However, it failed because the U.S. refused to sign on. The Rockefeller family began running for office to manipulate the levers of power behind the scenes. Today, there is pretty much always a Rockefeller in power at each level of government.
In 1921, they founded the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). David built and donated CFR’s headquarters. CFR is closely allied to the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) in London, Chatham House, itself closely allied with the British Round Table and the Fabians. When people talk about the 13 Families theory, the Round Table and RIIA feature big-time.
In 1944, they co-founded the World Bank, its ideals and purpose devised by the Council of Foreign Relations’ War and Peace Studies Committee.
In 1945, they co-founded the United Nations with the CFR and RIIA. David Rockefeller wrote the preamble to the UN Charter. John D. Jr. bought the 17 acres for the UN building. Nelson chose Philip Johnson as the architect, thereby introducing the International Style. The family funded the UN building.
In 1948 came their statement of purpose:
If the world government cause is to triumph it will need more than sympathetic endorsement by the majority. People must be made to feel that their own security, freedom, and prosperity, yes, their own survival, depend on the creation in our time, of a world rule of law. They must be made to believe that the establishment of a World Government is more urgent than the maintenance of a high domestic standard and as, if not more, practical than the pursuity of a deceptive security by full military preparedness. - Atomic physicist, Edwin Rabinowitch, a Rockefeller client/servant, 1948
In 1948, in league with Julian Huxley, Mr. Population, a leading member of the British Eugenics Society and the British Humanist Society, they formed the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The stated goal: better distribution of the world’s population (which is behind the migrant crisis) and fertility control. The IUCN has systematically cleared tens of millions of traditional and indigenous peoples from their lands in Africa and the East.
In 1948, they founded the Conservation Foundation. In 1953, they funded it with $53 million, the equivalent of $650 million today.
In 1954, they founded, with Bernhard of the Netherlands (thought to be the apex child predator), the Bilderberg group.
In 1955, they cofounded the International Meteorological Institute (IMI)
The first publication of the Rockefeller Institute Press, published in 1959, included a section on “Changes in the Carbon Dioxide Content of the Atmosphere and Sea due to Fossil Fuel Combustion”…
Part 2: Dr. Patrick Moore uses geological science to debunk these insane ideas.
My post with more slides is HERE, and Dr. Moore’s fantastic original 20-minute video is HERE. His key concept is that climate fearmongers spread panic based on a few decades of inconsistent data. When viewed through the lens of geological time—hundreds of millions of years—these trends are nonexistent.
Moore received a Ph.D. in ecology in the mid-1960s. He was a radical environmental activist and the co-founder of Greenpeace. He played a critical role in stopping hydrogen bomb testing in Alaska. To save whales, he once put himself in front of the harpoons of Soviet factory ships. Worldwide, whale populations are still recovering because of work like this.
He was also arrested trying to save baby seals:
Greenpeace's original mission was to save humanity from nuclear war. Dr. Moore left them when they became violent and sensationalistic.
They abandoned any pretense of rationality:
31,000 US scientists and professionals signed a document repudiating the CO2 theory of climate change.
The purple line below is CO2, and the blue is temperature. Note that the purple line has the modern era’s tiny uptick at the end. There is no correlation between the two over hundreds of millions of years.
Today, we are experiencing one of the coldest periods in Earth's history. Our ancestors lived through a 20-degree Celsius warmer period.
The graph below shows modern times since 1840. Climate activists say humans are the cause of the warming since 1980 due to carbon dioxide production. However, the same warming trend was seen earlier in the century when there was far less CO2 production.
Temperatures have remained the same for the past twenty years, even though 20 percent of all the CO2 we have ever emitted has entered the atmosphere during this period.
From 2005 to 2014, it is cooling:
Arctic ice has been shrinking since the early 1990s. However, the Antarctic icecap has recorded its highest ice levels, which more than offset the northern shrinkage. Global ice has not decreased overall.
For 300,000 years, atmospheric CO2 concentrations have followed rather than predicted temperatures, which proves an absence of causality. A much bigger phenomenon, the Milankovitch Cycle, causes cooling and major glaciations every 100,000 years. It is correlated with the globe’s tilt on its axis.
Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels follow temperature changes rather than leading them. When the sea warms, gases escape, and when the sea cools, gases enter.
We need high levels of atmospheric CO2 for life on Earth to prosper. The lowest CO2 levels (red arrow) were only 30 PPM over the levels where plants start to die. This information is from Antarctic ice sampled by drilling a 3,623-meter-long ice core. It is 800,000 years of data.
The following is the rise in sea level over the past 24,000 years. Nothing has happened for the past 8,000 years.
Likewise, by geological standards, California is not in drought today. It is wetter than 800 years ago and has become wetter over the last 1000 years.
Plants need 150 or more PPM of CO2 in the atmosphere to live and 1000 to 2000 PPM for optimal growth. That is why growers put exhaust from heaters or bottled CO2 into their greenhouses. The map below shows the world's greening due to improving (higher) CO2 levels. The excess CO2 we put into the atmosphere is causing a massive increase in global biomass, which is 90 percent trees.
CO2 is an essential nutrient and the very currency of life. It is what everything on earth is made of. Claiming it is a pollutant is crazy.
This is the carbon cycle. Seventy times more carbon is in the sea than in the atmosphere, and they exist in equilibrium. Plants and soils contain more carbon than the entire atmosphere, and fossil fuels contain still more. The earth’s crust contains a hundred million billion tons of it, all derived from living creatures.
If we had not been “polluted” by burning fossil fuels into the atmosphere over the past 200 years, life might have been nearly extinguished by carbon starvation. We may have unknowingly saved ourselves.
References from a comment below
Editorial help: Jim Arnold of Liar’s World Substack.
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