Surviving Healthcare
Surviving Healthcare Podcast


I made Unbecoming plural because, with his volume of work, he has to be several writers. I unsubscribed to several other substacks to make time for his output—it is that good.

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Keeping Up With the Kardashians ran for 20 seasons, but I missed every show. I will not make this mistake with Unbekoming.

Unbekoming is an “Aussie” from “Down Under,” which is also known as “Oz.” This post highlights his recent posts, which are similar to mine but broader in scope. He summarizes vital books that few have time to read. U writes with a perspective somewhat outside the healthcare tent—he was a dental student in his youth but, lucky for him, he left before he finished.

My possibly superfluous commentary is in italics.

To help this post’s readability, I do not credit Unbekoming, or the authors he condenses, or distinguish between quotes and paraphrasing. Neither U, Dr. Levy, nor any other author mentioned is responsible for my errors, distortions, misunderstandings, or possibly fabrications. My goal is to help you discover the subjects so you can study further.

You are likewise welcome to steal anything I have written, with or without attribution, without regard to my copyright. But beware—you may violate someone else's if you grab from this post.

The Control Group Study convicts all vaccines as active killers. Here is U’s summary.

My MD friends are stunned by the increase in illness and death, and their patients who were jabbed four or more times are dropping dead like flies. After reading this post, I do not know how anyone can deny what is happening. I study related subjects full time, but the following still poleaxed me.

Total risk of at least one chronic condition after the age of 18 in the vaccinated is now over 60%. TRUE total baseline risk for those who have never once been exposed to any vaccines and those who've also avoided the "vitamin" K shot, is 2.64%. Take your pick. - Joy Garner

The biggest problem that all of this comes down to is the refusal of most people to believe that people in power wish them harm, actively want to do harm to them. This is the hardest thing for most people to accept. - Bob Moran

Autism: The rate of autism in entirely unvaccinated individuals with no exposure to the Vitamin K shot or maternal vaccines was 0%, compared to the national rate of 2.79% in 2019 and 3.49% in 2020. – The Control Group Survey

A 10-point summary of the most critical aspects and data points from the study:

  1. The Control Group Survey (CGS) found that only 5.97% of unvaccinated adults had any chronic condition, compared to 60% in the vaccinated population.

  2. Among children under 18, 5.71% of unvaccinated children had at least one chronic condition versus 27% of vaccinated children.

  3. The study found zero cases of autism in fully unvaccinated individuals who also avoided the Vitamin K shot and maternal vaccines, compared to national autism rates of 2.79% in 2019 and 3.49% in 2020.

  4. Exposure to the Vitamin K shot alone was associated with an 11.73% risk of at least one disorder/disease condition, a 344% increase over the baseline rate of 2.64% for those with no exposures.

  5. Maternal vaccination during pregnancy was linked to a 21.05% risk of at least one condition in children, a 697% increase over the baseline rate.

  6. The study calculated the odds that vaccines are not the cause of over 90% of disabling chronic conditions in adults at 1 in 245,083,100,778,672,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (p < 4.08E-63).

  7. According to a cited study, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) accounted for less than 1% of vaccine injuries and deaths.

  8. The study critiques conventional vaccine safety studies for using the 99.74% vaccine-exposed population as a baseline, potentially underestimating vaccine risks.

  9. Glyphosate contamination was found in all live virus vaccines tested, with the MMR vaccine showing significantly higher levels.

  10. The study concludes that avoiding vaccines and related pharmaceutical products is the most effective way to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, challenging the conventional narrative about vaccine safety and efficacy.

You can download the original study and related papers from Unbekomng’s post.

U’s interview with Dr. Thomas Levy is HERE.

I studied Levy and thought I had him down, but I learned today that I was only a C student.

This post is about vitamin C and includes information about iron, calcium, and copper toxicity. All the treatments I have read about, including vitamin C, methylene blue, chlorine dioxide, and the antioxidant vitamins, are electron donors. I am trying to avoid the oxidation-reduction vocabulary. It is confusing and internally contradictory. For example, reduction means electron gain.

Could you discuss the scientific aspects, particularly concerning vitamin C? I remember having a lightbulb moment when I watched your lecture, where you discussed oxidative stress as a meta-explanation for disease. Could you explain this concept, especially whether it's fair to view most diseases through the lens of oxidative stress?

It's a misconception to consider oxidative stress as merely a factor for most diseases; it is, in fact, the root of all diseases without exception. Diseases aren't just caused by oxidative stress — they are oxidative stress. This means a disease state is essentially a state of oxidative stress rather than oxidative stress, triggering a separate condition. When we look at diseases, we see a collection of biomolecules that have undergone oxidation. The disease manifests depending on the concentration, location, and duration of these oxidized biomolecules and the fact that they've been stripped of electrons, rendering them inactive. As a result, these biomolecules are no longer active participants in metabolism; they become an obstructive force. The more biomolecules oxidized across different locations, the more they crowd out the functional ones, hindering and impairing their ability to interact as needed.

This concept is underscored by the role of toxins. Toxins, which are inherently pro-oxidants, are the culprits behind all diseases. A toxin's primary action is to deprive a healthy molecule of its electrons, becoming electron-depleted in the process. Once a toxin acquires an electron, it becomes chemically stable and ceases its quest for more electrons, effectively locking away the stolen electron permanently.

In normal metabolic processes, antioxidants, such as vitamin C, play a pivotal role. They donate an electron to neutralize a toxin or to repair an oxidized biomolecule. In doing so, the antioxidant becomes oxidized and electron-depleted, yet it does not become toxic. This is because it can readily regain an electron, thereby promoting electron dispersion, distribution, and flow within the tissue. Thus, potent antioxidants like vitamin C act as promoters of microcurrents, whereas toxins act as blockers of these currents. This fundamental physiological principle underlies why toxins lead to disease and how antioxidants counteract these effects.

It's a recent revelation for me, and quite a profound one, that the primary role of antioxidants is not to introduce new electrons into the system. Antioxidants in their reduced or oxidized state, such as vitamin C, coenzyme Q106, or methylene blue7, have comparable clinical impacts when administered in significant doses. This is because their primary function is to maintain the electron flow, not to supply new electrons – that's the role of a nutritious diet. The new electrons our bodies require come from what we ingest. Therefore, the true role of vitamin C is not merely to donate electrons to oxidized biomolecules but to ensure that the electron flow continues unimpeded. Imagine you're a company manufacturing widgets. If you only have two trucks at your disposal for distribution, your reach will be severely limited. However, if you own a fleet of 500 trucks for the same number of widgets, you can distribute them over a significantly larger area.

Dr. Albert Szent-Györgyi8, who discovered vitamin C and was awarded the Nobel Prize, succinctly encapsulated this idea: electrons are life's essence. High electron flow signifies health, slow electron flow indicates disease, and the cessation of electron flow equates to death. This principle is what every biological system operates on, whether it's animal, plant, or human. These systems require the distribution of electrons to function, and vitamin C is one of the primary facilitators of this distribution. It maintains the flow of microcurrents, which are essentially streams of electrons. This flow of electrons is what generates normal voltages—microvoltages—across the cell membrane.

To emphasize the point: oxidation doesn't just contribute to disease; it embodies the disease. Excessive oxidation and its particular distribution, location, and concentration within the body are critical. This understanding propelled me into my research many years ago. Clinically, I have seen that high doses of vitamin C can effectively neutralize any toxic threat, regardless of the nature of the toxin. With thousands of different toxins, each with their unique chemical structures, both water-soluble and fat-soluble, I've pondered how a simple molecule like vitamin C can counteract such a vast array of toxic substances. The answer lies in the shared mechanism by which these toxins exert their harmful effects: oxidation. Vitamin C, by maintaining the flow of electrons, is a powerful antidote to this oxidative stress.

Do you think of oxidative stress as a unifying theory of disease? Is that a fair description?

Absolutely. In my view, there is no other cause of disease. Some might question: “What about genetic defects?” My response is that if you're deficient in a certain enzyme, your metabolism isn't running optimally, leading to inefficiencies and resultant oxidation. So, even if not due to ingesting a toxin, the root of diseased, malfunctioning cells and tissues is always elevated oxidative stress. Incidentally, elevated intracellular levels of calcium always mark this condition.

Would you like to add anything else about the particular role of electrons in this context?

Yes, a fascinating aspect of electrons became apparent to me. It's about how diet brings in all new electrons, which, in essence, originate from the sun. The sun's energy irradiates plants, which through photosynthesis, produce nutrient substances rich in a natural array of electrons. This concept grabbed my attention during the COVID pandemic when I learned from a colleague in Colombia about the powerful antiviral properties of mango and papaya leaves. It struck me that this could apply broadly across various plants.

Curious, I spent some time on PubMed and conducted a search for "leaf extract." I was presented with around 6,000 articles. Out of these, I managed to review the first 200 or so, which covered approximately 60 to 70 diverse plants. The findings were consistent: these leaf extracts exhibited anti-cancer activities and antioxidant properties, among other positive clinical effects. This research reinforced my understanding of the vital role plants—and by extension, their electrons—play in health and disease management.

It became clear to me that although certain plants can produce toxins, their primary function isn't to be poisonous. Even those that do produce toxins also generate substantial amounts of nutrient substances. This realization fits perfectly within a broader perspective. From my point of view — and this may not sit well with every physicist — the photonic energy from the sun is somewhat analogous to a diluted, airborne flow of electrons. The plants absorb this energy, converting it into electrons — although, it's worth noting, no one has actually seen an electron. These electrons, originating from sunlight photons, are then transferred to our bodies when we consume the plants or use them to make tea.

I find this concept incredibly intriguing. It has led me to believe that if one were stranded in the wild, there's an excellent chance that making tea from any leaf or stem found would be beneficial. Essentially, there's a high probability that these natural elements can sustain life, echoing the vital connection between the sun's energy and the nourishing properties of plants.

What makes vitamin C unique in the context of this discussion on electrons?

Vitamin C stands out in the realm of antioxidants, which are fundamentally molecules that can donate electrons. Essentially, any substance with nutritional value breaks down into a molecule that can donate electrons, while toxic substances break down into molecules that 'rob' electrons. There's a stark divide in the molecular world, with very few electrically or electronically inert molecules.

In the clinical world, vitamin C is recognized as a potent antioxidant. Its capacity for electron donation is measured by something known as the ORAC score9. While there's a common belief that a higher ORAC value indicates a superior antioxidant, that's not the complete picture. The ORAC score is just one aspect of an antioxidant's capability. Vitamin C's uniqueness lies not just in its ORAC score but in its broad utility and effectiveness within the body's complex biochemical systems.

The distinctiveness of vitamin C in the electron conversation hinges on its ability to recapture electrons after it has donated them. A crucial aspect of antioxidants is their capacity to oscillate, continually donating and reclaiming electrons, thereby keeping them in motion. For instance, astaxanthin10, according to the ORAC test, is touted to be 6,000 times more potent as an antioxidant than vitamin C and is fat-soluble, which is beneficial for eye health. However, this doesn't fully capture the efficacy of an antioxidant in clinical terms.

Vitamin C will never be clinically equivalent to astaxanthin, and here's why: Vitamin C is a tiny molecule and is water-soluble, which allows it to be present in virtually all bodily compartments. It utilizes the glucose transporters inherent in every cell, competing with glucose to gain entry into the cell directly. This means that vitamin C can be absorbed into the cell in its oxidized form without the cell expending energy, which is a unique and significant attribute in its role as an antioxidant.

Vitamin C's unique capacity within the electron exchange process is quite remarkable. Unlike many antioxidants that donate a single electron per molecule, vitamin C can donate two. This essentially doubles its efficacy. Moreover, vitamin C is distinct in that it possesses an intermediate form in the oxidation process. Starting as ascorbate, it can oxidize to ascorbyl radical, and further to dehydroascorbic acid, representing one and two electron depletion stages, respectively. The ascorbyl radical, in particular, is a stable intermediate that circulates efficiently within the body and can respond promptly in various microenvironments.

In any given moment, depending on what's required — further oxidation or reduction (the latter being the regaining of electrons) — vitamin C can adapt. This adaptability is one of the many characteristics that make vitamin C exceptional among antioxidants. It's also worth noting an interesting comparison; methylene blue, quite unexpectedly, is showing promise as having a similarly extensive effect on the body as vitamin C. This makes both substances invaluable in promoting health at a cellular level through their unique electron-managing properties.

Unbekoming’s original vitamin C post is HERE

  • Vitamin C can be found in various forms: ascorbic acid, sodium ascorbate, calcium ascorbate, liposomal vitamin C, or combinations of the above. Our experts recommend ascorbic acid for its affordability, absorption, and accessibility.

  • Calcium is unhealthy in any form, and calcium ascorbate must never be used. Chronic milk consumption can be too much calcium. Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) is a water-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in some foods, added to others, and available as a dietary supplement.

  • Joints improve on mega-dose C (about 3 grams 4 times a day)

  • Dr. Levy recommends an average healthy adult take 6,000 to 12,000 mg of vitamin C daily to meet the body’s general metabolic needs.

  • Liposomal Vitamin C is expensive but possibly more effective than when given intravenously. (Yoho emphasis.) Loose stools do not happen.

  • Vitamin C is the “ultimate antidote” to many toxins: alcohol, barbituates, carbon monoxide, endotoxin, methemoglobinemia, poisonous mushrooms, radiation, strychnine, tetanus, venoms, pesticides, and many more.

  • Study after study confirms that when enough Vitamin C is given, it cures major diseases.

    Vitamin C Overview

    Dr. Levy provides an overview of the critical properties of vitamin C:

    • It is the "king" of antioxidants and is central in redox reactions, donating electrons. Good health requires robust electron flow.

    • Its small molecular size and structural similarity to glucose allow ready cellular access.

    • It is unusually stable, which allows it to persist intracellularly.

    • It can donate two electrons, unlike most antioxidants.

    • It regenerates oxidized antioxidants like glutathione.

    He states vitamin C is not toxic at high doses and rejects the analogy that toxicity occurs from overconsumption as with water intoxication.

    Oxidative Stress and Disease

    He stresses the key concept that the oxidation of biomolecules directly causes disease. Oxidized biomolecules lose function, causing downstream effects. He proposes that all diseases involve the oxidation of biomolecules and that all effective therapies involve the reduction and repair of these oxidized molecules.

    Toxins and pathogens (mainly oral) are major drivers of oxidation. He states that "toxin" and "pro-oxidant" are synonymous. Antioxidants counter the effects of pro-oxidants.

    Mitochondria and Energy

    He [Levy] provides an overview of mitochondria, which produce 36 molecules of ATP per glucose molecule via cellular respiration, which is far more efficient than cytoplasmic glycolysis, which yields 2 ATP molecules. Mitochondria constitute about 20% of body weight and are present in all cells except mature red blood cells. They have a half-life of 5-12 days.

    He conceptualizes other cellular components as "support structures" for keeping mitochondria healthy. Since mitochondria are the sites of electron transport, they are vulnerable to oxidative damage; interventions should aim to reduce cytoplasmic oxidative stress, which directly impacts mitochondrial function.

    Vitamin C, Mitochondria, and Cell Health

    Vitamin C administration increases vitamin C concentrations inside mitochondria. It supports glutathione, a major antioxidant, and other intracellular antioxidants through its recycling effects.

    Getting high vitamin C concentrations inside cells is critical to efficacy. Liposomal vitamin C accomplishes this efficiently by mimicking extracellular vesicles in biology. This avoids the energy expenditure of transporters required for unencapsulated vitamin C.


    • "If you're producing energy above what you absolutely require, you're healthy. If you're not, you're sick; if you're severely depleted, you're very sick. So, in this little presentation, I'm going to first start with some of what I consider to be important foundational concepts."

    • "I'll tell you vitamin C is literally, not figuratively, the fuel on which the body runs."

    • "All antioxidants can participate in redox reactions to one degree or another. Vitamin C is the king of this cascade."

    • "So not only do electrons produce energy, they also disseminate the energy."

    • "When those biomolecules are replete, they have their full contingent of electrons; they're stable and normal and able to function normally."

    • "100 percent of chronic degenerative diseases, cancer, heart disease, you name it, have increased intracellular oxidative stress."

    • "When you have something simplistic and true, and that simplistic point is that if you can get high amounts of reduced vitamin C inside the cell, you're winning and your patients are winning."


    • 20% of body weight is mitochondria.

    • Mitochondria produce 36 molecules of ATP per glucose molecule versus 2 molecules from cytoplasmic glycolysis.

    • 95%+ of toxins affecting health daily originate from infections, mostly oral

    • A CRP level above 1 indicates oxidative stress and need for intervention

    • Calcium channel blockers reduce all-cause mortality since they make every cell healthier by lowering calcium.

    • Magnesium, vitamin D3, vitamin C, and vitamin K each independently reduce all-cause mortality.

    While we are here, Levy also spends a fair amount of time on magnesium:

    Magnesium is highlighted as probably the most important supplement to take, even more so than vitamin C. Magnesium is an essential cofactor for hundreds or thousands of enzymatic reactions in the body. Additionally, it serves a key role as a physiological regulator of calcium. High magnesium levels lower calcium levels, and vice versa.

    Since high intracellular calcium is tied to increased oxidative stress and poorer cell health, magnesium counteracts this by suppressing elevated calcium. In this way, magnesium confers protective effects in the body. No other substance can substitute for magnesium in performing these functions.

    Given magnesium's central importance for energy metabolism, detoxification pathways, and calcium homeostasis, Dr. Levy states that if one were to only take a single supplement, magnesium should be it. The wide-ranging benefits of optimizing magnesium intake make it critical. While vitamin C and other antioxidants can partially stand in for each other, magnesium is irreplaceable. Maximizing and maintaining healthy magnesium levels is a top priority.

    So, one of the main questions for me coming out of Levy’s lecture was:

    What are the role of electrons in oxidative stress?

    Oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance between the production of free radicals and the body's ability to counteract their harmful effects through the neutralization by antioxidants. At the core of oxidative stress is the behavior of electrons, specifically in molecules like reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS).

    • Free Radicals: A free radical is an atom or molecule that has one or more unpaired electrons in its outer orbit. These unpaired electrons make the molecule highly reactive, as it seeks to either donate or receive an electron to achieve stability. This can result in damage to cellular components like proteins, lipids, and DNA.

    • Formation of ROS/RNS: In cellular processes like mitochondrial respiration, the reduction of molecular oxygen can lead to the formation of superoxide anion, a type of ROS. This superoxide can then be converted into other ROS like hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radicals. Similarly, nitrogen-based free radicals like nitric oxide can form RNS.

    • Chain Reactions: When a free radical steals an electron from a stable molecule, it turns that molecule into a free radical, setting off a chain reaction. This propagation can cause extensive cellular damage.

    • Antioxidants: Antioxidants work by donating electrons to free radicals without becoming unstable themselves, effectively neutralizing the free radicals and stopping the chain reaction. Antioxidants can be enzymes produced by the body (e.g., superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase) or nutrients obtained from the diet (e.g., vitamin C, vitamin E).

    • Oxidative Damage: In the absence of adequate antioxidants or due to the excessive production of ROS/RNS, oxidative stress ensues. This can damage cellular structures and is implicated in aging and various diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and neurodegenerative disorders.

    In summary, the role of electrons in oxidative stress is central, as it's the movement, sharing, or stealing of electrons that defines the reactivity of atoms and molecules in biological systems. This reactivity underlies the formation of free radicals, the propagation of oxidative damage, and the mechanism by which antioxidants neutralize this damage.

Unbekoming’s “Common Cold Unit” is HERE

U tackles the question of whether viruses are real. They do not meet Koch’s Postulates, which classically describe how an infectious agent is positively identified as causing a disease. When you start googling around about this issue, you will discover sources saying that the Postulates do not apply to viruses. They also claim that “deniers” are “spreading misinformation” about the situation. This verbiage proves they are lying.

Unbekoming has recently been testing my thinking flexibility. He implies that the cabal invented viruses in their warfare against us. I thought my strong suit was being able to change my mind, but this subject shocked me once again.

Caffeine Blues by Stephen Cherniske is HERE

Yoho note: I read this book when it was initially published in 1998. The following is from the Amazon book blurb:

One of the most accomplished nutritional biochemists and medical writers in his field reveals the truth about caffeine and helps you kick the habit forever.

Nearly 80% of all Americans are hooked on caffeine, this country's #1 addiction. A natural component of coffee, tea, and chocolate, and added to drugs, soft drinks, candy, and many other products, the truth about caffeine is that it can affect brain function, hormone balance, and sleep patterns while increasing your risk of osteoporosis, diabetes, ulcers, PMS, stroke, heart disease and certain types of cancer.

Yoho note: I have quit caffeine untold times and always felt better. My theory is that mercury-overloaded people are already hyper, making them more vulnerable to its toxicity. When I read Unbekoming’s summary, I realized that many of my Parkinson’s symptoms were worsened or even caused by caffeine. I quit again and will let you know how I do.

Silent Oral Infections by Thomas Levy is HERE.

Yoho: My skin in this game is that I was recently diagnosed with an apical tooth abscess. That molar had an amalgam placed when I was a teenager. It was removed last summer, and a ceramic filling was placed into what was left. I had seventeen original amalgams placed into pits in my normal teeth. My childhood dentist drilled each one aggressively, compromising their structure.

For several months, I felt tired and had a little pain. Judy thought I had bad breath, typical of an anaerobic infection. A papule formed inside my mouth, the end of a passage (fistula) from the abscess to the outside. My maxillofacial surgeon suspected trouble from his Panorex X-ray (plain film), but his cone beam 3-D film was definitive—there was a clear area around the tooth’s root. It was an abscess that had developed since my amalgam replacements a year ago.

He drilled the stinky area out and inserted a zirconia ceramic post on which the artificial tooth would be installed in three months. Within a day, I felt a burst of energy and well-being. Postoperatively, I used five drops of chlorine dioxide in 5 cc of water with a teaspoon of DMSO rather than taking my antibiotic. I held the mix in my mouth for ten minutes three times a day. Please do not tell my maxillofacial surgeon.

Top 10 bullet points summary of Dr. Levy's lecture:

  1. Over 80-90% of all chronic degenerative diseases are initiated, fed, and worsened by oxidative stress from toxins released by chronic focal infections, primarily in the oral cavity.

  2. Chronic apical periodontitis (CAP) is present in roughly 10% of all teeth in the adult population worldwide, often asymptomatic and detectable only through proper imaging. Yoho: this is what I had.

  3. In a study by Dr. Boyd Haley, 100% of 5,000 consecutive extracted root canal-treated teeth contained highly potent toxins. (Yoho: All root canals are rotten.)

  4. 3D digital X-ray examination can detect CAP in up to 90% of root canal-treated teeth, compared to a 40-70% detection rate with plain X-rays.

  5. Dr. Paju's study found a 16-fold (1,600%) higher concentration of oral pathogens in heart attack-causing blood clots compared to surrounding blood in patients with root canals or chronic gum disease.

  6. Infected teeth are behind at least 70% of all breast cancer cases, according to Dr. Levy.

  7. The C-reactive protein (CRP) test is crucial for assessing inflammation. Levels below 0.5 mg/L are ideal, and anything above one mg/L is undesirable.

  8. Nearly 50% of abutment teeth (teeth supporting dental bridges) have CAP, and 25% of non-root canal-treated abutment teeth have CAP.

  9. Individuals with root canal-treated teeth have a substantially higher risk of heart attacks, with Dr. Levy asserting that over 90% of all heart attacks are directly caused by root canal-treated teeth or chronically infected gums.

  10. Dr. Broda Barnes' research demonstrated that optimal thyroid function can significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks, regardless of dental condition. The ideal T3 to reverse T3 ratio is 18-21 to 1 for proper cellular thyroid function.

Unbekoming’s seed oil post is HERE

U was kind enough to credit my seed oil post in this essay.

How would I explain this whole mess if I had only a few sentences or moments in an elevator?

It would go something like this:

The modern Western diet has seen a dramatic increase in the consumption of industrial seed oils, which are rich in omega-6 fatty acids, particularly linoleic acid. This shift has led to an imbalance in the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio, contributing to chronic inflammation and a host of health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. By understanding the dangers of oxidized seed oils and embracing healthier, more stable fats like olive oil, coconut oil, and animal fats, we can take a significant step towards improving our overall health and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.


Let’s look at some important statistics and data points that highlight and educate about the problem of seed oils and linoleic acid:

  1. The average American consumes up to 25% of their caloric intake from linoleic acid, far exceeding the recommended 1-2% intake.

  2. Soybean oil contains benzene, a known carcinogen, at a concentration of 3.1 parts per million (ppm), hundreds of times higher than the EPA's maximum allowable level of 5 parts per billion (ppb) in drinking water.

  3. Olive oil consumption in the U.S. increased more than 10-fold over the past 35 years, but 60-90% of olive oils sold in the U.S. are adulterated with cheaper, harmful seed oils.

  4. 82% of avocado oil is adulterated, mislabeled, or of poor quality.

  5. Seed oils now comprise over 60% of dietary fat calories, compared to less than 5% in the early 1900s.

  6. Animal studies show that chronic disease develops when linoleic acid reaches 4-10% of total caloric intake.

  7. Linoleic acid has a half-life of approximately 600-680 days in the body, meaning it can take years to eliminate from body stores.

  8. Linoleic acid and its oxidized metabolites (OXLAMs) are linked to liver fat accumulation, liver injury, and impaired insulin secretion in children.

  9. The Sydney Diet Heart Study found that participants in the high PUFA group had a significantly higher risk of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease mortality compared to the control group.

  10. The Cardiovascular Health Study found that higher levels of linoleic acid in the blood were associated with a higher risk of all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease mortality, and cancer mortality.

  11. The Nurses' Health Study and the Health Professionals Follow-up Study found that greater linoleic acid consumption was associated with a higher risk of coronary heart disease mortality.

  12. A 2020 study on mice showed that a high soybean oil diet led to obesity, diabetes, and potential impacts on neurological conditions such as autism, Alzheimer's disease, anxiety, and depression.

Please do not leave me for Unbekoming! He’s a good dude, but hopefully, my quirky sense of humor and ex-smoker’s baritone will keep you around. As the Ozzies would say, bring your “good mates” in and sign them up below.

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