I made Unbecoming plural because, with his volume of work, he has to be several writers. I unsubscribed to several other substacks to make time for his output—it is that good.
In 1976, my RN mother talked me into getting a Swine flu shot with her. Later that day, I developed the most severe pain I'd ever felt in my lower left back, and she took me to the hospital. After spending the night in the hospital with a decreasing Valium drip following a diagnosis of Guillain-Barre syndrome, the next morning I was waiting next to the nurse's station for my mother to finish a consult with the attending and releasing physician. The head nurse told me that I should consider myself lucky to be alive, because they'd had patients come in with less severe symptoms than mine that went to the morgue, and that I should never take another vaccine. I have followed that nurse's advice faithfully.
You are fortunate, Vonu. Have mercy on your RN mother. Dr. Jennifer Daniels, MD, who has escaped to Panama, writes in "Lethal Dose" that children expect their parents to protect them. When "betrayed" by parents getting them vaccinated, they (always) rebel during teenage or adulthood. She even writes that she would not have believed it had she not seen the pattern in her own practice.
You just not have a healthy attitude but you have also identified the "enemy." You were fortunate to meet someone with spine and wisdom at that nurses' station.
I think you have "overcome" that disadvantage greatly. As for me, a mere first-generation immigrant for whom English is a second language, who can understand data and English, the only game in town is to fool the public, often lethally/chronically (In the spirit of: It is easier to fool than to convince...). Please stay wise, staying mindful of Dr. Yoho's phenomena: DFL and DFR.
I've been playing with and/or earning a living from electronics for most of my life.
The 9-foot CB whip on top of my van might be more than 30 years old. The original plastic base was worthless but it was replaced with a 6x6x.75 inch piece of Lexan.
Assign yourself to the fact that if you engage the medical system and partake of their deadly drugs, vaccines and mRNA poisons, you are under extreme risk for an early exit off the planet or at least a bout of misery and pain which may last for decades.
The medical mafia including your trusted doctor is mostly clueless and resigned to playing the guessing game with your good health. Witness the near full participation in the promotion of horrendous mRNA poisons. Would a knowing, loving and caring doctor promote this garbage to his patients without understanding the risks of this experimental crap? Yuppers.
Fabulous,thank you. I just finished reading Arthur Firstenberg’s Invisible Rainbow, about the damage done to our electromagnetic bodies (thats what we are of course) and I found it very compelling. He asserts the telegraph, radar, radio, microwave, unltrasound waves of our electrical technology is the base cause of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Because it interferes with mitochondrial function at the very base level. Causing oxygen processing problems making other problems with our diet toxins and seed oils, sugar etc - things our body can no longer properly deal with. He says there was virtually no cncer or diabetes before the beginning of telegraph, radio, electricity etc. And that being obese didnt mean you were going to get these diseases prior to electrification. So… this is a fabulous answer to that problem, whether he is correct or not, for sure electrification adds to our woes, and now we have an easy resolution. But I guess, get your faraday protection, stay off the phone and laptop more often, etc.
All these other considerations, including even iodine, are nothing compared to allowing poisons to be injected into us. Mortality did not rise until that happened.
I think he is focussing more on chronic disease than mortality. The oxygen deprivation caused, he says, actually gives us a longer life, but a chronically diseased one. I recommend your shuffle your book list, lol!
Thank you for sharing the information. I would love for it to get out wide and far. I have known of the dangers of vaccines for many years and have had little luck in convincing others of it. I am happy to see you are re -accessing the germ theory. It took a bit for me to catch on to it but once you do it is pretty hard to go back to believing in it. Though it is amazing how embedded it is in our subconscious mind. Daniel Roytas's book "Can You Catch a Cold" shows that they have never been able to verify contagion via a virus.
100%! My favorite due to topical discernment, output, audio component etc. Lies are Unbekoming offers an Outrageous value proposition. Thank you for recognizing the creator.
Yeah, there has to be a small army of Unbekomings. Prolific doesn't begin to describe what they do.
One of the two most important things I learned at university was that unlearning is much harder than learning. The more certain you are of a belief, the harder it is to accept that it is wrong. [The other was learning to understand the difference between how things should be (the normative view) and how they really are (the positive view). Identifying the positive view is vitally important for survival in today's world.]
My little vitamin C story: I had a UTI last summer and my GP floxxed me (though I at least made her spend time with me to convince me there wasn't any better alternative [known to her]). It cleared up, but recurred a month later. I decided to take vitamin C akin to Kalcker's CDS protocol: I took a gram an hour (more or less) every day. At least for me, this gets around any bowel issues resulting from high intake. Within a few days the symptoms stopped. Like the antibiotic, I continued with 4 grams of C every day for a week, just to be sure it was all cleared up.
I think anyone with non-cancerous prostatitis might want to think about doing something similar to the above. When you have lots of C on board, a lot of it ends up in your bladder unutilized, where it can work its magic on the prostate. And if the "itis" goes away, the prostate shrinks and it's a whole lot easier to pee. I only know that loading up on C definitely improves my flow...
One thing I shared recently with Unbekoming is Tennant's view of the teeth acting as circuit breakers in the body's electrical system. Any infection can reduce the amount of current in the affected circuit, and each circuit is tied to one or more organs. In order to maintain itself, the body needs something like -25 millivolts. Repair requires twice the voltage. So a tooth infection can make it impossible for an organ to repair itself. And since the voltage flows along fascial planes, any break in that plane (from scar tissue, misalignment after being cut, etc) can also degrade current flow. That's a whole aspect of our bodies that mainstream medicine ignores, but it is very much analogous with the concepts of chi and acupuncture in Chinese medicine. Think about that the next time that a loved one undergoes major surgery, where they slice and dice you with little regard for the impact to your fascial planes! You may survive, but their ignorance likely means that you won't regain as much of what you had lost, as you could have if they had a clue.
So I’ve been taking calcium supplements for decades at the behest of my gynecologist to maintain strong bones. I stopped the calcium chewables after reading that it doesn’t help with bones but still take a calcium/magnesium combo vitamin. So am I to understand the big push for calcium is all bs? No need to try to get it in foods/milk either??
Very interesting and here are a few random comments/questions.
at about 35:40 on the audio track, you mentioned Unbekomings using terms such as "deniers" when stating his beliefs regarding existence of viruses. Dr. Yoho, I was unclear as to your position on the subject of the existence of viruses and ask your brief statement here. I have looked in to this issue somewhat and I follow the ideas of Dr. Mike Yeadon PhD and Sasha Latypova and both of them are kind of agnostics on the issue but mainly seem "no such thing as viruses."
I used to take some OTC Nadh pills years ago for a just-right boost in energy, nothing amphetiimine-like feeling of a boost.
"Give yourself a powerful burst of all-day energy with fast acting maximum strength NADH. For over 60 years, scientists have known that NADH (nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide-hydride) is important in cellular energy production and in the synthesis of neurotransmitters to fight mental fatigue and support a balanced mood. "
Swansons vitamins site
I wonder if that nicotinamide is some kind of derivative of nicotine.
I like drfinking a big, like 30 ounces, cup of cold brewed coffee every morning and I guess I am "addicted" but I have gone off all caffeine from time to time with relative ease. Right now, It is something that helps me wash down all my supplements and I think keeps me regular.
Agree it probably would be better to get off it for good. I do not think I get caffeine from any other sources, though I used to love Coke and Diet Coke when it was made with saccharine
I found the part about calcium can be too high if you drink a lot of milk which I always did almost all my life. I have cut down to about 8 ounces a day but since I have not found a good substitute I will keep drinking it.
I was hit with a weird "auto-immune" type eye infection in 2020 and have been on steroid eye drops, and two times surgical injection of steroid in either eye, all these years, which I must take every day. ( uvieitis, started out as anterior uveitis but went to back part of eyes I think because eye doctor was putting my appointments too far apart, but I could be wrong about that.)
I will put in a little plug for a note I put in my Substack today. Go take a look and maybe subscribe to me. I do not know how to use Substack completely and I mainly just respond to other people's Substack articles and my comments get automatically posted in my notes section there. I enjoy back and forth sharing conversatons but my Substack presence is not about usual subscriptions or pay for anything.
Here is the link...
my comment on Thomas Massie Substack 100824 -- Fw: The Biden Administration is Punishing Legal Immigrants With COVID
niacin is great stuff, and I'll write about it soon. Standard doses are too low. Yeadon and Latypova are the best we have on substack, and their opinions are almost always spot on.
Recent info appearing that supplements made from industrial waste. Even ascorbic acid derived from black fungus. Love my foods that have magnesium. Threw away my supplements long ago.
Report sounds like a supplement ad when dosing is mentioned. C from a variety of things. Cheers
I've been reading Unbekoming's stack for quite a while and I read quite a lot of the books that he has reviewed long before he reviewed them. If he/they are using AI, they are using it correctly, accurately and responsibly. His stuff is spot on. And compared to most of what gets published today, his editing is excellent. Just the breadth of his curiosity blows me away, let alone the volume of what gets published. I'm totally in awe!
The author of the paper, Joy Lucette Garner, describes herself as a "Tech inventor (patent-holder) researcher turned FREEDOM activist", and that is how this paper reads. Not saying the premise is correct or incorrect, but this is not the paper I would cite in order to make the case that "all vaccines are active killers".
I realize you weren't trying to be critical of the author, and only pointing out that she has credentials that Big Pharma would likely attack.
Questioning credentials is more "stay in your lane" logical fallacy BS! As if only an anointed expert can possibly understand The $cience... It's the author's facts that should be "attacked" (debated, actually), if the other side actually has any facts that support their view.
Critical thought deserves a voice in a free society. It is the lack of critical thought and reasoning from anointed experts that is the crux of many of the problems we face today. Back in the 60s and 70s, there'd be these point/counterpoint segments on news shows, where both sides of the issue could be argued. Now it's the almighty univoice of pseudo-consensus! Everything else is misinformation that should be censored and possibly criminally prosecuted.
Where does Chlorine Dioxide fit into the oxidization spectrum? I've read that you shouldn't take anti-oxidants with it or for at least two hours, so does that mean it is a negative in the context of oxidization?
Exactly my questions and I'm working on it stay tuned. I believe it is an electron donor like m. blue, antiox vitamins, and all our successful treatments.
This is an excerpt from Forbidden Health by Andreas Kalcher - he has lots to say about it along with this
We learn in medical school that free radicals are harmful to the body,
to realize that athletes consume more oxygen yet somehow are also healthier, a
fact that runs counter to the “oxidative stress” theory. Prof. Dr. Michael Ristow,
who won a German research award for this work on mitohormesis, has debunked the theory.[61] Mitohormesis demonstrates an increase in mitochondrial activity
books to rectify the false assumption of free radicals. Why?
Chlorine dioxide in all forms provides oxygen to the interstitial tissue and
energy. This energy allows the body to recover and heal from most diseases.
Oxygen is essential, and the free radical theory, as promoted in the past, is
erroneous. The human body is not a Petri dish in a lab. Everything interacts
In 1976, my RN mother talked me into getting a Swine flu shot with her. Later that day, I developed the most severe pain I'd ever felt in my lower left back, and she took me to the hospital. After spending the night in the hospital with a decreasing Valium drip following a diagnosis of Guillain-Barre syndrome, the next morning I was waiting next to the nurse's station for my mother to finish a consult with the attending and releasing physician. The head nurse told me that I should consider myself lucky to be alive, because they'd had patients come in with less severe symptoms than mine that went to the morgue, and that I should never take another vaccine. I have followed that nurse's advice faithfully.
Thank you for sharing that.
It was the second time my mother had unintentionally tried to kill me.
The first time was when I was two and had a ear infection.
The doctor gave me a shot of penicillin, apparently not knowing I was allergic to it.
She saw the anaphylaxis begin to set in before he got the syringe out of my arm.
She screamed "epinephrine STAT" at him and he quickly administered it.
Had she not been in the room, I wouldn't be here. I'd have been dead on the floor.
Jesus back then
I thought you were older than this
You are fortunate, Vonu. Have mercy on your RN mother. Dr. Jennifer Daniels, MD, who has escaped to Panama, writes in "Lethal Dose" that children expect their parents to protect them. When "betrayed" by parents getting them vaccinated, they (always) rebel during teenage or adulthood. She even writes that she would not have believed it had she not seen the pattern in her own practice.
The betrayal was of my mother by the medical mafia.
I daily wish that I still had my late mother to love mercilessly.
You just not have a healthy attitude but you have also identified the "enemy." You were fortunate to meet someone with spine and wisdom at that nurses' station.
That was long after I was born to someone with wisdom and knowledge.
Her disadvantage was being born before the extent of the deceit was well known.
I think you have "overcome" that disadvantage greatly. As for me, a mere first-generation immigrant for whom English is a second language, who can understand data and English, the only game in town is to fool the public, often lethally/chronically (In the spirit of: It is easier to fool than to convince...). Please stay wise, staying mindful of Dr. Yoho's phenomena: DFL and DFR.
DFL and DFR?
In what way are you a radio fan?
I've been playing with and/or earning a living from electronics for most of my life.
The 9-foot CB whip on top of my van might be more than 30 years old. The original plastic base was worthless but it was replaced with a 6x6x.75 inch piece of Lexan.
Assign yourself to the fact that if you engage the medical system and partake of their deadly drugs, vaccines and mRNA poisons, you are under extreme risk for an early exit off the planet or at least a bout of misery and pain which may last for decades.
The medical mafia including your trusted doctor is mostly clueless and resigned to playing the guessing game with your good health. Witness the near full participation in the promotion of horrendous mRNA poisons. Would a knowing, loving and caring doctor promote this garbage to his patients without understanding the risks of this experimental crap? Yuppers.
60 percent of us have some disease now in the vaccinated population.
And supplements.
You and I are on the same page. Unsure who is responsible but that “Unbekoming” Substack is solid.
Fabulous,thank you. I just finished reading Arthur Firstenberg’s Invisible Rainbow, about the damage done to our electromagnetic bodies (thats what we are of course) and I found it very compelling. He asserts the telegraph, radar, radio, microwave, unltrasound waves of our electrical technology is the base cause of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Because it interferes with mitochondrial function at the very base level. Causing oxygen processing problems making other problems with our diet toxins and seed oils, sugar etc - things our body can no longer properly deal with. He says there was virtually no cncer or diabetes before the beginning of telegraph, radio, electricity etc. And that being obese didnt mean you were going to get these diseases prior to electrification. So… this is a fabulous answer to that problem, whether he is correct or not, for sure electrification adds to our woes, and now we have an easy resolution. But I guess, get your faraday protection, stay off the phone and laptop more often, etc.
That book is on my list, but it's a long list, ha
All these other considerations, including even iodine, are nothing compared to allowing poisons to be injected into us. Mortality did not rise until that happened.
I think he is focussing more on chronic disease than mortality. The oxygen deprivation caused, he says, actually gives us a longer life, but a chronically diseased one. I recommend your shuffle your book list, lol!
Thank you for sharing the information. I would love for it to get out wide and far. I have known of the dangers of vaccines for many years and have had little luck in convincing others of it. I am happy to see you are re -accessing the germ theory. It took a bit for me to catch on to it but once you do it is pretty hard to go back to believing in it. Though it is amazing how embedded it is in our subconscious mind. Daniel Roytas's book "Can You Catch a Cold" shows that they have never been able to verify contagion via a virus.
I'm repeatedly shocked by what I have to unlearn.
We're so fortunate that you're open, now, to the unlearning of your formal medical training.
We benefit greatly from your shock.
Thanks doc!
100%! My favorite due to topical discernment, output, audio component etc. Lies are Unbekoming offers an Outrageous value proposition. Thank you for recognizing the creator.
Yeah, there has to be a small army of Unbekomings. Prolific doesn't begin to describe what they do.
One of the two most important things I learned at university was that unlearning is much harder than learning. The more certain you are of a belief, the harder it is to accept that it is wrong. [The other was learning to understand the difference between how things should be (the normative view) and how they really are (the positive view). Identifying the positive view is vitally important for survival in today's world.]
My little vitamin C story: I had a UTI last summer and my GP floxxed me (though I at least made her spend time with me to convince me there wasn't any better alternative [known to her]). It cleared up, but recurred a month later. I decided to take vitamin C akin to Kalcker's CDS protocol: I took a gram an hour (more or less) every day. At least for me, this gets around any bowel issues resulting from high intake. Within a few days the symptoms stopped. Like the antibiotic, I continued with 4 grams of C every day for a week, just to be sure it was all cleared up.
I think anyone with non-cancerous prostatitis might want to think about doing something similar to the above. When you have lots of C on board, a lot of it ends up in your bladder unutilized, where it can work its magic on the prostate. And if the "itis" goes away, the prostate shrinks and it's a whole lot easier to pee. I only know that loading up on C definitely improves my flow...
One thing I shared recently with Unbekoming is Tennant's view of the teeth acting as circuit breakers in the body's electrical system. Any infection can reduce the amount of current in the affected circuit, and each circuit is tied to one or more organs. In order to maintain itself, the body needs something like -25 millivolts. Repair requires twice the voltage. So a tooth infection can make it impossible for an organ to repair itself. And since the voltage flows along fascial planes, any break in that plane (from scar tissue, misalignment after being cut, etc) can also degrade current flow. That's a whole aspect of our bodies that mainstream medicine ignores, but it is very much analogous with the concepts of chi and acupuncture in Chinese medicine. Think about that the next time that a loved one undergoes major surgery, where they slice and dice you with little regard for the impact to your fascial planes! You may survive, but their ignorance likely means that you won't regain as much of what you had lost, as you could have if they had a clue.
great ideas
I forwarded your comment to Mark Kennard, who originally exposed me to mouth current ideas
So I’ve been taking calcium supplements for decades at the behest of my gynecologist to maintain strong bones. I stopped the calcium chewables after reading that it doesn’t help with bones but still take a calcium/magnesium combo vitamin. So am I to understand the big push for calcium is all bs? No need to try to get it in foods/milk either??
trash all calcium supplements and if it were me, I'd stop milk. Read Levy for backup.
I'd trash the calcium supplement
buttered coffee w cream is fine, great for you
Very interesting and here are a few random comments/questions.
at about 35:40 on the audio track, you mentioned Unbekomings using terms such as "deniers" when stating his beliefs regarding existence of viruses. Dr. Yoho, I was unclear as to your position on the subject of the existence of viruses and ask your brief statement here. I have looked in to this issue somewhat and I follow the ideas of Dr. Mike Yeadon PhD and Sasha Latypova and both of them are kind of agnostics on the issue but mainly seem "no such thing as viruses."
I used to take some OTC Nadh pills years ago for a just-right boost in energy, nothing amphetiimine-like feeling of a boost.
"Give yourself a powerful burst of all-day energy with fast acting maximum strength NADH. For over 60 years, scientists have known that NADH (nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide-hydride) is important in cellular energy production and in the synthesis of neurotransmitters to fight mental fatigue and support a balanced mood. "
Swansons vitamins site
I wonder if that nicotinamide is some kind of derivative of nicotine.
I like drfinking a big, like 30 ounces, cup of cold brewed coffee every morning and I guess I am "addicted" but I have gone off all caffeine from time to time with relative ease. Right now, It is something that helps me wash down all my supplements and I think keeps me regular.
Agree it probably would be better to get off it for good. I do not think I get caffeine from any other sources, though I used to love Coke and Diet Coke when it was made with saccharine
I found the part about calcium can be too high if you drink a lot of milk which I always did almost all my life. I have cut down to about 8 ounces a day but since I have not found a good substitute I will keep drinking it.
I was hit with a weird "auto-immune" type eye infection in 2020 and have been on steroid eye drops, and two times surgical injection of steroid in either eye, all these years, which I must take every day. ( uvieitis, started out as anterior uveitis but went to back part of eyes I think because eye doctor was putting my appointments too far apart, but I could be wrong about that.)
I will put in a little plug for a note I put in my Substack today. Go take a look and maybe subscribe to me. I do not know how to use Substack completely and I mainly just respond to other people's Substack articles and my comments get automatically posted in my notes section there. I enjoy back and forth sharing conversatons but my Substack presence is not about usual subscriptions or pay for anything.
Here is the link...
my comment on Thomas Massie Substack 100824 -- Fw: The Biden Administration is Punishing Legal Immigrants With COVID
Dachsie’s Substack
just now
Thank you for making me aware of this mandated "vaccination" atrocity.
Dachsie is doing a deep dive in to Freedom Liberty Rights and related concepts.
Here is an important conversation for all lawmakers to listen to.
Books in Review | Ep. 5: Liberalism, by Louis Cardinal Billot, S.J.
MHT Seminary
35:32 video runtime
886 views Premiered Oct 1, 2024
Get the book: https://shorturl.at/gOos7
The course the bishop referred to during the conversation: • Catholic Political Philosophy
Support MHT Seminary: https://mostholytrinityseminary.org/d...
God bless us each and every one in the Name of the One Who is Truth.
niacin is great stuff, and I'll write about it soon. Standard doses are too low. Yeadon and Latypova are the best we have on substack, and their opinions are almost always spot on.
Much talk about vitamins and dosing.
I get my vitamins in my diet
Recent info appearing that supplements made from industrial waste. Even ascorbic acid derived from black fungus. Love my foods that have magnesium. Threw away my supplements long ago.
Report sounds like a supplement ad when dosing is mentioned. C from a variety of things. Cheers
read Levy's original work
"I made Unbecoming plural because, with his volume of work, he has to be several writers"
Meet Mr/Missy A.I.
AI: Our new world; a tiny bit good, a whole lot bad/evil. But, that's my opinion only.
I've been reading Unbekoming's stack for quite a while and I read quite a lot of the books that he has reviewed long before he reviewed them. If he/they are using AI, they are using it correctly, accurately and responsibly. His stuff is spot on. And compared to most of what gets published today, his editing is excellent. Just the breadth of his curiosity blows me away, let alone the volume of what gets published. I'm totally in awe!
ditto, and thanks for the comment
Don’t firfet Linus Pauling.
The author of the paper, Joy Lucette Garner, describes herself as a "Tech inventor (patent-holder) researcher turned FREEDOM activist", and that is how this paper reads. Not saying the premise is correct or incorrect, but this is not the paper I would cite in order to make the case that "all vaccines are active killers".
what data could be more robust than a true control?
Same games were played with all vaccines and all psych drugs. No controls, i.e. fraudulent studies.
I realize you weren't trying to be critical of the author, and only pointing out that she has credentials that Big Pharma would likely attack.
Questioning credentials is more "stay in your lane" logical fallacy BS! As if only an anointed expert can possibly understand The $cience... It's the author's facts that should be "attacked" (debated, actually), if the other side actually has any facts that support their view.
Critical thought deserves a voice in a free society. It is the lack of critical thought and reasoning from anointed experts that is the crux of many of the problems we face today. Back in the 60s and 70s, there'd be these point/counterpoint segments on news shows, where both sides of the issue could be argued. Now it's the almighty univoice of pseudo-consensus! Everything else is misinformation that should be censored and possibly criminally prosecuted.
They own blackrock. The vatican is the evil in this world
Where does Chlorine Dioxide fit into the oxidization spectrum? I've read that you shouldn't take anti-oxidants with it or for at least two hours, so does that mean it is a negative in the context of oxidization?
Exactly my questions and I'm working on it stay tuned. I believe it is an electron donor like m. blue, antiox vitamins, and all our successful treatments.
This is an excerpt from Forbidden Health by Andreas Kalcher - he has lots to say about it along with this
We learn in medical school that free radicals are harmful to the body,
to realize that athletes consume more oxygen yet somehow are also healthier, a
fact that runs counter to the “oxidative stress” theory. Prof. Dr. Michael Ristow,
who won a German research award for this work on mitohormesis, has debunked the theory.[61] Mitohormesis demonstrates an increase in mitochondrial activity
books to rectify the false assumption of free radicals. Why?
Chlorine dioxide in all forms provides oxygen to the interstitial tissue and
energy. This energy allows the body to recover and heal from most diseases.
Oxygen is essential, and the free radical theory, as promoted in the past, is
erroneous. The human body is not a Petri dish in a lab. Everything interacts
with everything else.
Eeew. I'll never clean that pic off my retina now.