Dr. Crouse wrote me this email:

Hi Robert,

You asked my opinion of the "chelation" of aluminum. This is my RI (real intelligent) answer:

Chelation is defined as the formation of multiple coordination bonds between organic molecules and a transition metal ion leading to sequestration of the metal.

Aluminum and silicon are not transition metals

Aluminum hydroxide and orthosilicic acid (OSA) do not contain a carbon atom and are therefore not organic molecules

Therefore, with this definition of chelation: OSA and aluminum reacting to form nontoxic hydroxyaluminosilicates above pH 5.5 in the body does not involve chelation of aluminum.

Aluminum hydroxides have a high affinity for organic molecules containing the N-(hydroxy)amide moiety. These molecules are strong proton donors and are synthetic chemicals not commonly found in the body, but can be formed as metabolites of xenobiotics that can be harmful to the body. The transition metal iron is chelated by desferoxamine an organic (carbon containing) molecule with four N-(hydroxy)amine moieties per molecule. Desferoxamine also reacts with aluminum. Desferoxamine must be injected into the body and is not taken orally. Desferoxamine has many side effects and should only be taken under doctor supervision. Desferoxamine is FDA approved for facilitating iron removal by chelation therapy but not for aluminum removal. This is inspite of Desferoxamine having been shown to slow cognitive decline in Alzheimer patients by 50% after being injected 5 days a week for two years.

The remarkable feature of OSA is that it is targeted to just detoxify aluminum and facilitate its elimination from the body in sweat and urine. Most importantly it has no effect on iron. In addition OSA is considered GRAS (generally regarded as safe) by the FDA and can be taken orally. Drinking three to four cups of OSA rich water a day will lower the body's burden of aluminum to that of a teenager. My wife and I have done this treatment for over ten years and proven with total 24-hour urine tests that we have the aluminum body burden equivalent to that of teenagers. Also, like Desferoxamine, OSA has been shown to reverse cognitive decline in some Alzheimer's patients after just 12 weeks.

Thanks for posting our interview.


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Doctor Yoho,

Saying just "Thank-you " doesn't seem quite adequate enough. Nonetheless, your sharing of crucial information such as this & more is appreciated more than you know.

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Everyone's question is if there is a silica concentrate that can be added to water to make a product similar to Fiji. Dr. Crouse says no in this letter:

Hi Robert,

There are a number of products available that claim to be concentrated OSA. During the last decade I have bought and tested these products and have found none that have sufficient if any OSA. OrthoPur SI is product for horses and is in a class of "silica" supplements all with the same concentration of silica 125mg/5grams (5grams - one teaspoon). I have checked one in this class called Zemvelo Silica a product for humans that therefore requires a complete list of ingredients. Here are notes from my lab book.

Zemvelo Silica: This product for humans contains CHD-fulvic acid, citric and sorbic acid. The company claims the fulvic acid provides enhanced absorption. This product is claimed to be made from OSA but no claims are made about it containing OSA. The serving size of this product is 1 teaspoon (5 grams) that is claimed to contain 125mg. of “silica” from orthosilicic acid. One cc of Zemvelo Silica solution pH 7 was added to 499cc of distilled water and the pH was lowered to 3.2 with HCl and the solution was held at room temp. for 4 hours, simulating stomach acid, before testing with Coradin’s blue procedure. No OSA was detected.

Fulvic acid does not form a complex with OSA at pH 3-4 as found by both Kambalina, et al,; Procedia Chem.; 10:16-42 (2014) and Meyer and Bloom; J. Environ. Qual.; 26(1):63-9 (1997).

OrthoPur Si available for horses from HorseTech in Laurens Iowa. The serving size is three teaspoons (15 grams) that is claimed to contain 375mg of "Silica". Therefore, OrthoPur Si has exactly the same concentration of “Silica” as Zemvelo Silica and I suspect they are the same class of Silica supplements with no OSA.


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You ask why in my book I do not go into detail as to why I do not endorse the product made by DC. In the first instance it is out of politeness towards DC. I have communicated with him for a very long time and long before he wrote any of his books or came up with his recipe. DC used my science to write his work and in the main he has referenced my science. However, for my research I had to make hundreds of litres of silicic acid in the laboratory and at no time did I ever consider drinking this product. Mainly because I could not be sure that it was free of all possible biological contaminants such as viruses or bacteria.

I questioned DC and his wife Laurie about their recipe for making silicic acid and asked for data relating to its silicic acid content. This was never provided though they did send me a sample of the silicate salt they used in its preparation. What they sent me was insoluble in water whereas the sodium silicate I used to prepare silicic acid is highly soluble up to 56mg/L silicon. DC claims I believe that boiling his salt produces silicic acid but without providing independent (preferably peer-reviewed) evidence that this is the case. My worry is that DC's product is actually silica glass and not silicic acid but without data I cannot be sure. However, DC has never provided any clinical data that drinking his product results in the removal of aluminium from the blood via the kidney. This would be the definitive proof that his product contained silicic acid. I cannot therefore endorse a homemade product for which their is neither proof of content or efficacy. I also worry about its safety for human consumption.

As for your comment about me receiving money from makers of silicon-rich mineral waters. I have never received a penny though I did help Rex Garratt set up Acilis in the UK.

If you had taken the time to look through the many comments on this subject on my substack you would find much of what is written above. Please do your homework before casting your aspersions.

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Thanks for weighing in, Chris! I am an amateur, essentially a journalist, and I am flattered that you read this.

Peer review has been so corrupted and adulterated that we are stuck relying on case reports such as Mark Kennerd's. His extreme aluminum sensitivity makes him credible.

Best wishes...

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The thing is Dr. Chris my worried is the Fiji water is in a plastic bottle we need it in glass. Is there anyway we remove micro plastics from the Fiji water and we don't know how old and what condition the water will be in by the time we get it. I also worried about any solvents were used to clean the machinery. That is why I would prefer to make it myself. Please give some assurance on the things I mentioned thank you.

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When Acilis was introduced into the UK, silicawaters had to submit multiple samples of water in pristine unopened plastic bottles to the Laboratory of the Government Chemist for complete testing including plastic residues. Needless to say the water was shown to be 100% safe for human consumption. I can only assume that the rules that applied to selling Acilis in the UK also apply to all other bottled natural waters.

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All those allegations about plastic seem like nonsense to me. When I read the supporting papers, they seem correlative rather than causal. I may have more time to look at this soon. I have 40 references.

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Seems like a pretty long way to say you’ve never made, tasted it, or studied it. Who said you had all the answers anyway on something you’ve never made, tasted, or studied. You seem to assume you do. I’ll listen to the guy who has actually made, tasted and studied it, and of course the many benefits that have come from drinking it.

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Thanks Robert, for sharing the interview you did with Dennis with your subscribers. For people who don’t know I am Dennis Crouse’s wife. In the comments a few people have mentioned diatomaceous earth and horsetail as a source of silica. Both of these contain silica however, the silica is not in the form that is needed to remove aluminum from the body. You need silica in the form of orthosilicic acid (OSA). The only source with enough OSA is some mineral waters. Dennis has tested DE, horsetail and other silica supplements in the pH of the gut. These supplements either did not have the correct form of silica or they did not have enough OSA to remove aluminum from the body.

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Thanks for contributing. I think Dennis married another chemist.

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Thank you for the compliment, but I am not a chemist. I’m a psychologist. I have learned a lot from Dennis. Whenever I post information on chemistry I ask Dennis to check what I have written and in some cases I need him to give me more information for the post.

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There is a liquid equine nutritional supplement that is OSA. OrthoPur Si

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As I understand it, Fiji is already a saturated solution, so more concentrated solutions aren't a thing. But this looks promising and I will ask Dr. Crouse and report back. Thanks!


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I just located this supplement at https://gettyequinenutrition.com/products/orthopur-si?variant=11575965253675 ( no doubt other places as well). Do you think that this liquid is suitable for humans?

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In case you didn't see this comment. I am Dennis' wife. "I had Dennis look at the information at OrthoPur Si website the amount of OSA is well over the saturation level which means there must be a complexing agent present keeping the OSA in solution. They don't list a complexing agent in the ingredients. When a complexing agent is used it lowers the bioavailability of the OSA. Dennis tested one product (Biosil) which uses choline to stabilize the OSA." Biosil does not have enough OSA to remove aluminum.

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Thank you dear Laura I've sent for Dennis last two books. I did immediately think of horsetail and de. I love the podcast two dear friends have it kind regards pam x

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Hi Laurie, what are your thoughts regarding Biosil


Thanks much appreciated

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Dennis has tested Biosil and it contains silica in the form of OSA however it does not have enough OSA to remove aluminum. When we first learned that OSA removes aluminum we bought and used Biosil. We were disappointed to learn it does not contain enough OSA.

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Hopefully we reach a state where awards and accolades are no longer given to actors who play heroes self entitling them to lecturing the rest of us and are instead given to those who are true heroes and not actors. I nominate Dr. Yoho.

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Wow! Exciting topic! [Disclaimer: I haven't had time to review the material and only listened to some of the conversation on my way home and it's after 1: AM]

To find another HUGE source of aluminum all you have to do is Look Up! That shit they spray over our heads, almost daily (Chemtrails) is mostly aluminum. In 2008, or 2009 I donated to help make the film, "What in the World Are They Spraying?" (available for free on youtube and is a "Must See" Robert!). In that film they went one mile above the ski lifts on Mt Shasta and sampled the "pristine" snow and had it gov lab tested. If 1000 parts per million was the upper limits of normal (don't hold me to these exact numbers as this was a LONG time ago) the snow came back at like 61,100ppm!!! This is the snow hikers and campers melt for their drinking and cooking water! And, of course this shit is running into all our drinking water sources.

I've been using whole house activated carbon block filtration (so I don't have to even shower in that crap, including chlorine) and followed it up with Reverse Osmosis almost 50 years ago. I also have a similar system in my business, PLUS I have activated charcoal filtration in all my HVAC systems and my greenhouse (which only has big Tilapia in it since I went on the Carnivore way of eating over a year ago) also has no traditional vents, just one big air intake that also has a big charcoal filtration. Yes, I have to breath the shit as I go in and out, but I breath aluminum and whatever the hell these maniacs are spraying us with, WAY less. I even put charcoal filtration in my RV! My cognition is precious to me and "They" are NOT getting it!

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I'm going to shut up now (I could go on and on :), but back in the early 80's I also had 24 rounds of EDTA, IV therapy because I used to repair auto radiators and breathed in lead vapor, until I grew a clue and quit. 2 years ago, I also used EDTA Disodium powder (1/8 teaspoon) under my tongue 3 times a day for 2 months and was shocked to find my blood pressure went from 120/80 down to 100/60 (or a tiny bit higher on occasion). I think this took out what little calcium I had in whatever plaque in had, out making my vascular system more elastic? So, it looks like even a sublingual EDTA detox is valid. Another tool I use is dry sauna since our skin is MUCH more porous than we think. I try to hit that at around 160 degrees for 30 minutes 4 days a week..

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Great information thanks will have ago x

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Oh, I just remembered your guest mentioned Silica. For years I've been taking a heaping teaspoon full of Diatomaceous Earth (DE) every other morning in enough water to get it down (it's not horrible). DE has a VERY high % of silica and I've been doing this for joint health/lubrication/cartilage support, but it sounds like there is an additional aluminum removal benefit? And, up above I mentioned lowering blood pressure and that I might have had some mineral buildup (mostly calcium), but 10 years ago my cardiac CAT scan yielded a score of 0.8 so there wasn't a lot to take out. I'm sure it will continue to be less heading toward zero because people with significant CAC scores (like over 500!) got zero scores after eating carnivore for a few years! Just another reason to do carnivore, for at least 90 days (hopefully, you'll come to your senses and keep eating that way when you see the flood of astounding improvements in your body and mind :) And if you don't believe me, just watch the first 5 mins of a few Carnivore youtube videos, where they usually rave about all the improvements in their health, wellness, mental clarity, etc. (be sure to cruse the comments too).

And remember... There Are NO Essential Carbohydrates! You ONLY eat them because they taste Great and because Big Food engineered them to be Totally Addictive! Fiber is NOT good for you! The Food Industry paid the researchers (in the 50's) to LIE to you! Fiber just causes Gas, Bloating, IBS and a host of other digestive ailments (apologies for all the shouting ;->)! And, don't feel like you were the only one duped... I have friggin juice machines all over the place and built a goddamn $50K four season heated greenhouse that now only has Tilapia and huge house plants in it! I'm the one with the right to pissed off... Thank God I at least went Low Carb Keto a LONG time ago, so I don't have a load of unbelievably inflammatory Oxalates and Lectins to dump like you carb freaks! I just cleaned out a freezer (to make room for more MEAT), by tossing hundreds of dollars worth of frozen mixed veggies and bags and bags of frozen berries, pineapple, mango, blah, blah. I wouldn't even give that poison away (It was really HARD though, I LOVE that shit! :)

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Yeah, lots of evidence supports your views, but when you have Parkinson's, you focus on constipation and eat your veggies.

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"but when you have Parkinson's, you focus on constipation and eat your veggies."

Yes, I get it, this is especially true if you are Addicted to Carbs like we've all been trained to be! ;-) In that case you ignore that constipation can be easily controlled, by many means especially losing/ignoring the keto propaganda ("Yes to protein but No to fat") and loading in enough fat to easily lubricate that magic alimentary canal. Choosing the fattiest cuts of meat and also piling on butter (if that's what it takes), or actually eating chunks of butter, (or even lard) overcomes the problem many of us had when we first started carnivore (Hey, how about eating spoonfuls of coconut oil since that's proven to be really good for brain health too???). The necessary tweaks are WAY worth the trouble and in a few days/weeks elimination becomes really easy, if less frequent. I've seen hundreds of people who totally lost their neurological disorder diagnosis by simply dumping carbs and not even doing the myriad of other things, like heavy metal detoxing. So, this is obviously up to you, but please don't use that constipation BS rationalization in a court of law, unless you're ready to spend time in jail :)

Check out the big playlist of videos on this topic I got with this search: "carnivore" AND "Parkinson's" https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%22carnivore%22+AND+%22Parkinson%27s%22

And here's one on Parkinson's relatives, Multiple Sclerosis: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%22carnivore%22+AND+%22Multiple+Sclerosis%22

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I tried all that of course.

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"Check out the big playlist of videos on this topic"

Perhaps if you weren't using videos as your sources for health information, you wouldn't be jumping from one extreme fad to the next.

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Well Dingo... Thanks SO much for citing your sources so I could check out your dietary evidence! I'm 76 and have spent untold hours researching diet, exercise and supplementation since I was a really sick kid in the 8th grade. I've been in the fitness industry for well over 30 years. Within the "videos" I suggested are more than a dozen doctors who've been eating this way for many years. They back up their way of eating with bloodwork, cardiac cat scans and one is a Cardiologist who's channel is called: I Fix Hearts by Dr. Ovadia. But you feel free to keep following the propaganda paid for by Big Food and Big Pharma...

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Great you are taking action to protect your brain. I am Dennis' wife. One quick thing - although Diatomaceous Earth (DE) has silica it does not have enough silica in the from of OSA (orthosilicic acid) to remove aluminum. Dennis has tested many silica supplements and they either don't have enough OSA or they don't have silica in the form of OSA. There are many forms of silica. Mineral water is the only source of enough OSA. Dennis developed a recipe for making your own silica water called Silicade.

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OK Laurie, thanks! I already ordered the things Dennis suggested, I was just using what I had and DE has other benefits even if it's not optimal for the aluminum detoxing. I also went through more than 20 intravenous EDTA treatments and still use it sublingually, for a couple of months every couple of years. I'm always up for changing my plan as new information presents it's self to me...

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You might want to read up on the toll that gluconeogenesis plays on your musculature. Unless, I guess(?), you're eating a lot of liver, which I assume(?) provides the necessary glucose for your body to not scavenge your musculature for necessary amino acids to make the sugars your brain needs.

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I've read all the same "Nutrition Science" but it is not proved out in practice... I've seen latterly hundreds of people who are shocked by the muscle their body adds by simply going carnivore with zero weight training. One carnivore guy ran 5 marathons in 5 days FASTED! While I do eat a little liver 2-3 times a week and had the butcher add not only my 1/2 cow's liver into my ground beef, but he also threw in more from others who didn't want theirs, plus I take grass fed/finished desiccated capsules on a daily basis. But, there are loads of people who don't supplement or eat liver. Dr Anthony Chaffee is one of them and he's built like a body builder with very little time these days to hit the gym. There is another woman in Alaska who's been carnivore for many decades and she's crazy strong and very muscular well into her 60's. Empirical evidence??? Hell yes it is, who's going to pay for the very difficult to do and expensive nutrition studies? In another few years there will be such a dearth of evidence it will no longer be able to be questioned...

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The brain needs glucose. If it doesn't get it, you will die. This is why the body will scavenge amino acids from your musculature (sarcopenia, I think it's called), in order to gather the building blocks for glucose. Then glucose is generated in the liver. This is hard on the body, and also a very inefficient way to get your glucose.

I am pretty sure you are getting glucose from somewhere - otherwise you would not be able to retain your musculature.

My sources for this insight into gluconeogenesis go through Dr. Mercola, who turned away from keto after experiencing this effect personally. The primary researcher he says he got this insight from is a Bulgarian man whose name I have forgotten. But it should be easy to find the sourcing through Dr. Mercola.

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Dr Mercola made his total shift predicated totally on the word of Dr Ray Peat and his devotee Georgi Dinkov. Ray died at 86, but looked like he had one foot in the grave for at least the previous 10 years and Georgi is FAT AF (I believe that, "Success Leaves Clues and So Does Failure!" :) And following my belief system, just google beach photos from the 60-70's and then compare them to beach photos now!!! How did our population become SO obese after reducing all that evil meat?!? After reading Dr Joe's stuff from the beginning and from my own research, I think he's gone off the rails, but if you want to assume he's correct, have at it (it looks like Erin Elizabeth didn't since she beat feet :). And by the way, the brain is mostly fat and the little glucose it needs is easily provide by the liver, with no real measurable reduction in muscle. But you're right, the leading cause of death is Sarcopenia and carnivores just don't have it!

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Aluminum is in chemtrails.

AND. Vaxcines

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Wondering… How about chlorine dioxide and dmso for detox of those toxins?

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Steph Senneff thinks CD chelates mercury, but I find her impenetrable.

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If you are interested in removing aluminum, lead, mercury and arsenic from the body Dennis N Crouse writes about this in his book "Increasing IQ......" He has evidenced based protocols for removing aluminum, mercury, lead, fluoride and arsenic (brain drainers) using things that are either essential for or made by the body. He calls this targeted detox because a tight bond is formed and the toxin is detoxified and the removal from the body is facilitated. The toxins are not moved around the body. Here is a link to Dennis' blog which has this information. I also made a 10 minute video on targeted detox. https://prevent-alzheimers-autism-stroke.blogspot.com/2019/07/mercury-detox-using-selenium-method.html

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My video on targeted detox. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1A3jL4VaaA&t=5s

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love this

zeolite is no good and clay contains aluminum. Bentonite too?

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The Vitamin K shot has this in it. Please be aware.. I didn’t know this when my son was was born. I wish I did.

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all vaxes are deadly and aluminum is the new mercury

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Yes, that was the disappointing part of the interview... in that he thinks vaccines have saved lives.... I agree with you.

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Yeah he diminished his authority when he parroted the "all vaccines are safe" dogma and he didn't respond to your true assertion that no placebo testing has ever been done. Go RFK jr.

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No one is perfect, and this interview is over a year old.

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Ok... has he changed his view point.... not expecting perfection but he was pretty certain... he didn't say that he doesn't know... that was the disheartening part...

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He may be protecting himself, knowing he's speaking to an audience he knows won't agree with that statement and has the info to disagree reasonably.

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Thanks so much I was aware of most of this information, except that I have had up to 4 or 5 aluminum canned drinks per week and now NOT drinking from aluminum cans ever again.

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"A Midwestern MD" said he never drinks from Aluminum cans, either.

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Thank you so much Dr. Yoho - always great and informative content!

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Great to see this info getting out there. I’ve been adding silica to my water ever since I read Dr. Crouse’s book in 2018. When I drink high silica water plus chlorine dioxide water daily, I only need 5 hours of sleep per night. I’ve tested it and don’t get the same results with just silica water or CDS — only with both. Also, no jet lag whatsoever on my recent trip to France. I didn’t need a nap when I got there like I usually do. I ate dinner, stayed up till 11 pm on a business call, and woke up at 4 am full of energy. 🔥

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Also Robert I told you my water supply in my rental home was contaminated due to a broken hot water heater that was not getting hot enough and a dishwasher that had standing water. I was sick most of last year — mucus, fatigue, heartburn, vomiting. Did not know what was causing it.

Anyway, as you know they got the water heater replaced in November and when I realized the dishwasher had standing water that was recirculating, I stopped using it in December. Since then I’ve been recovering and I’m almost completely better — mucus and cough have cleared up 💯 and I have more energy and heartburn is gone.

Guess what else has happened? I effortlessly lost 12 pounds in 6 weeks. I believe it because I detoxed the bacteria that was in the water — which had contaminated my dishes etc.

I’ve been drinking my daily CDS (no silica water bc I am moving) and using a zeolite spray. In addition to that I have been taking long chlorine dioxide baths every couple days and doing chlorine dioxide enemas a couple times a week. Absolute game changer.

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Zeolites in the pH of the gut release aluminum into your body. Here is an evidenced based write up in this regard by Dennis N Crouse. https://prevent-alzheimers-autism-stroke.blogspot.com/2018/12/saftey-of-ingesting-zeolites.html

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I read about silica ruch water this past spring and have formed the hypothesis that aluminum could be causing coliny collapse in honey bees. I am designing an experiment to test if high silica (using horsetail herb) will help with bee health.

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I used horsetail supplement for a while last spring, along with boric acid, teasel, and gin-soaked raisins, to help with arthritic body pains, They completely disappeared, and only reappeared recently a few weeks ago. Hm.... :-)

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oral DMSO from dmsostore.com!

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I too was thinking about the bees, now we know aluminum is a large component of the chemtrails. If we could make a mix and spray on the bee-friendly flowers, but that's a job. Maybe add silica to the soil?

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My plan is to provide a nearby water source and plant horsetail and perhaps dry it and add to the water. Both horsetail and bamboo are high in silica.

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Was thinking about adding silica drops to a water source too. Did not know that about horsetail and bamboo - thanks Kitty!

Bamboo of course is invasive and grows like crazy, so I will be mindful of planting that.

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Another person said the silica in these plants is not bio available and suggested pureSi supplement for horses. I ordered some and will try it instead.

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I asked Dr. Crouse about this and will report back.

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Do not put horsetail with asparagus!!! I would say that horsetail is also invasive

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Hopefully Bobby K Jr already understands the issues and gets appointed to work towards eliminating the spiral death agenda that has plagued our country for far too long! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Extensive discussion with Perplexity AI about proven ways to remove Aluminum from your body



Perplexity reviews the 60 year history of Aluminium and Alzheimer's



I happen to use the ZERO water filter - which eliminates 100% of Aluminum in water.

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I've been using the Zero Water filter for years, very happy with it. I add in mineral drops or a pinch of Celtic sea salt to remineralize it once the aluminum, microplastics etc. have been removed.

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What about OrthoPur Si which is an equine liquid supplement with 375 mg OSA per 15 ml ( Fiji has 93 mg /liter) if it’s good enough for my friend who’s a mare, I feel it’s good enough for me. Cheaper than Fiji.

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I had Dennis look at the information at OrthoPur Si website the amount of OSA is well over the saturation level which means there must be a complexing agent present keeping the OSA in solution. They don't list a complexing agent in the ingredients. When a complexing agent is used it lowers the bioavailability of the OSA. Dennis tested one product (Biosil) which uses choline to stabilize the OSA.

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fess up, you are another Harvard chemist

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To be honest I had to consult with Dennis for this answer.

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You can have too much osa. Be careful, vertical lines on my fingernails tells me I’ve had enough. I then stop drinking silica water until they are gone, then start again.

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In the areas of the world called Blue Zones (where people live longer than in the surrounding areas) the drinking water in these areas is rich in silica. In these areas people live longer, have less dementia, less heart disease and lower rates of some cancers. For any one who wants to learn more read Dennis' book "Silica Water the Secret of Healthy Longevity in the Aluminum Age". He looked at the underlying geology in all these areas. He also found an additional "Blue Zone" Bama Yao in China. He learned about his area in an exhibit in the Science Museum in Boston. Once again the drinking water was rich in silica.

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Little late to the thread, what is the significance of vertical lines on your fingernails? I am assuming you mean vertical ridge lines.

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They always appear when I drink silica water for a certain period of time. I assume it means I have enough in my system and I stop for a while. Because I’m suffering a hypersensitivity reaction, I’m hypersensitive to everything, so taking anything, including silica and even vitamins will have more dramatic signs or side effects. It may not happen with other people.

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