Wondering… How about chlorine dioxide and dmso for detox of those toxins?

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Steph Senneff thinks CD chelates mercury, but I find her impenetrable.

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Hopefully we reach a state where awards and accolades are no longer given to actors who play heroes self entitling them to lecturing the rest of us and are instead given to those who are true heroes and not actors. I nominate Dr. Yoho.

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Thanks so much I was aware of most of this information, except that I have had up to 4 or 5 aluminum canned drinks per week and now NOT drinking from aluminum cans ever again.

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Thank you so much Dr. Yoho - always great and informative content!

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The Vitamin K shot has this in it. Please be aware.. I didn’t know this when my son was was born. I wish I did.

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all vaxes are deadly and aluminum is the new mercury

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I read about silica ruch water this past spring and have formed the hypothesis that aluminum could be causing coliny collapse in honey bees. I am designing an experiment to test if high silica (using horsetail herb) will help with bee health.

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I too was thinking about the bees, now we know aluminum is a large component of the chemtrails. If we could make a mix and spray on the bee-friendly flowers, but that's a job. Maybe add silica to the soil?

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My plan is to provide a nearby water source and plant horsetail and perhaps dry it and add to the water. Both horsetail and bamboo are high in silica.

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Was thinking about adding silica drops to a water source too. Did not know that about horsetail and bamboo - thanks Kitty!

Bamboo of course is invasive and grows like crazy, so I will be mindful of planting that.

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Do not put horsetail with asparagus!!! I would say that horsetail is also invasive

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I used horsetail supplement for a while last spring, along with boric acid, teasel, and gin-soaked raisins, to help with arthritic body pains, They completely disappeared, and only reappeared recently a few weeks ago. Hm.... :-)

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From the Chemical Store website:

"Sodium Silicate, Powder, Low Alkaline (SSG)

--> Total Aluminum 13 ppm"


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don't know

is that the exact source Crause recommends?

I bought a 5 gallon container of the stuff and don't remember anything like that

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I am Dennis Crouse’s wife. That is the correct source for sodium silicate to make Silicade. When you make silicade you use a Brita filter which will remove the aluminum found in the sodium silicate.

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On their website, Brita doesn't mention that their filters remove aluminum. https://www.brita.com/why-brita/better-water/

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yup see my reply to Laurie above

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Ok Robert and Laurie, I just spent a LOT of time looking at filters, and almost nobody mentions Brita as removing aluminum. I even went to seeks specific info on the OB03 filter, and it still does not mention aluminum. And amazon reviews said one customer complained that aluminum increased with this particular filter.

They (AI) recommend Pro-One filter against aluminum. So I am confused. I will use Fiji water until I get more info.

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Very comprehensive…Thank you!

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I use diatomaceous earth, shilijat, sodium citrate etc. and it really seems to help me with not only aluminum but also graphene and excess iron.

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How did you determine this? What test do you use to monitor the levels going down?

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I remember learning about how fluoride in drinking water was bad for you, so I started only distilled water. I have mainly only drunk bottled distilled water for last many years. I remember that siliica- ? type chemicals are what are used to put fluoride in our city tap water. I remember hearing orthopaedic Dr. Stan Monteith on his radio shows say fluoride causes brittle bones. Seems brittle bones would mean higher likelihood of fracture with any trauma.

I’ve had gallstones and kidney stones requiring ER visits and surgeries. I really can’t connect any causation dots regarding all of this. I am doing better lately regarding kidney stones but I don’t know why.

Neurological disease seems very complex and hard to diagnose. It’s not known what causes these diseases and they can be helped with treatment but never cured. My mother had myasthenia gravis.

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This is very helpful. Thank you.

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Thanks Robert, for sharing the interview you did with Dennis with your subscribers. For people who don’t know I am Dennis Crouse’s wife. In the comments a few people have mentioned diatomaceous earth and horsetail as a source of silica. Both of these contain silica however, the silica is not in the form that is needed to remove aluminum from the body. You need silica in the form of orthosilicic acid (OSA). The only source with enough OSA is some mineral waters. Dennis has tested DE, horsetail and other silica supplements in the pH of the gut. These supplements either did not have the correct form of silica or they did not have enough OSA to remove aluminum from the body.

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Aluminum is in chemtrails.

AND. Vaxcines

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My neighbor just got dxed with ALS. Terrible news. Does anyone here know of any helpful alt remedies?

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What do you think about Patrick Flannigan’s PhiSciences crystal energy supplement? It has Silica 1mg per 10drops to be added to drinking water.


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