Surviving Healthcare
Surviving Healthcare Podcast
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -40:58


But sometimes, you are just dense, or the subject is complex. Oxidation and reduction are like that for me.

For new readers: HERE are links to download my CV, ebooks, the best recent posts, and how to search my archives. HERE are links to OSR, DMSO, and chlorine dioxide products, contact information for experienced provider Kerri Rivera, and information on how to buy drugs from foreign and domestic pharmacies. Please review Judas Dentistry; the direct link is HERE. I need your help because a passel of mercury-intoxicated dentists are giving me one-star reviews. Finally, if you have a good story or are an expert who wants to be interviewed, please contact me at

I think in simple terms.

I am like Winnie the Pooh. He only understands what is happening after going around the circle three times, and the kids reading figure it out before him.

Clinical observation is the millennia-old foundation of healing, and since we are in the era of near-universal study fraud, the published “literature” must be ignored. Treatment success should be measured by looking at patients. As Pierre Kory said, “A thousand anecdotes become data.” I call it proof.

This “empiric” approach must be a true clinician’s sole reality. He should think about what can help and not about theories. Most mechanistic ideas about how the body functions are pretentious nonsense babbled by jackass academicians to blow smoke about their supposed erudition.

Yes, I am angry. Medical science is the right approach, but academic integrity fell into the toilet during my lifetime, and I was conned into spending my life studying deceits. These days, I never give liars a second chance.

I planned to show you a typical lecture slide from a medical meeting, but I will leave that to your imagination. Some contain hundreds of words loaded with jargon and may only be visible for ten seconds. I get tired eyes just thinking about it. Instead, here is a slide from one of my lectures:

Unlike my peers, I am not scurrying off into the intellectual weeds. For fun, I included a download of this presentation at the end.

I would be more patient with conference presenters if I did not waste my youth in dark rooms listening to their neatly PowerPointed lies. Alternative doctors copy these pretentious habits from MDs, and when they do, they betray their specialties’ patient-observation roots.

Yes, I am angry. “Healthcare providers” poisoned me with mercury in vaccines and amalgams, giving me Parkinson’s and scoliosis. One of them diagnosed me with “Generalized Anxiety Disorder,” tried to brain-damage me with antidepressants, then addicted me to clonazepam. I needed a decade to kick that.

Yes, I am angry. For most of my life, I ate industrial seed oils and other unsaturated fats that I was told were healthy. I now have low-grade coronary disease. My closest friend DFL to my warnings, got the covid vax, had a massive stroke, and cannot speak. Others who had four or more of these shots are now dropping dead all around me.

Some readers still think my “professional” degrees blind me, but rest assured—I can never unsee what I have seen in the last five years.

Chemistry is relevant

To discuss the alternative medicine therapies below, I must break my rule of avoiding mechanistic theories. I assure you I am not simplifying anything for your sake. My purpose in writing this is to emphasize:

  1. Treatments that work have electrical (electron) effects; their mechanisms are distinct and sometimes seem contradictory.

  2. Our knowledge is limited, and what follows are theories. Scan it for a general understanding, which is all I have.

  3. Some of these treatments can be used together, but:

    a. Those who try to do too many things at once may fail

    b. Chlorine dioxide should not be used at the same time of the day as antioxidants or too much food

A few definitions

Oxidized substances lose electron(s), and reduced ones gain electron(s). (Mnemonic: "OIL RIG" - Oxidation Is Loss of electrons, and Reduction Is Gain of electrons.) These always occur together as a redox pair, where one substance is oxidized (loses electrons), and another is reduced (gains those electrons).

Whoever created this contradictory jargon deserves to be horsewhipped for confusing generations of chemistry students—and me.

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are chemically reactive scavenger molecules containing oxygen that are natural byproducts of normal cellular metabolism. (Reactive nitrogen species are similar.) Among their functions, they inactivate toxins through oxidation.

The therapies

The heavy-hitter alternative medicine therapies below lie outside Pharma’s tentacles, and each is a kind of miracle. Review their uses (and the original posts from the links if needed) as you go through this. They are all cheap except OSR; those you can afford should already be in your medicine chest.

Each treatment works through electron effects. I had hoped to conclude that all these drugs donated electrons, but after studying them, I concluded that the story was more about electron flow. It is not true that all the “good guys” donate electrons while the “bad guys” remove them.

1. Chlorine dioxide (CD)

Clinical uses: Cures for AIDS, cancer, autism, Lyme disease, viruses, bacteria, inflammatory arthritis, and more have been reported thousands of times. It treats neurological diseases and diabetes effectively and destroys glyphosate. It is the king of human disease care and is heavily suppressed. Ten million people are using CD worldwide.

Mechanisms: CD is a powerful but gentle oxidizer that can accept up to five electrons and interact with various biological molecules, including proteins, lipids, and DNA. It is also a type of reactive oxygen species (ROS). While not all ROS are free radicals, CD can act as one due to its unpaired electron. In biological systems, CD can induce the production of other ROS, which amplifies its effects.

Caution: Antioxidants and CD potentially neutralize each other. Vitamins A, C, E, and B12, copper, zinc, selenium, and methylene blue are all antioxidants. This category includes many foods, including coffee, blueberries, dark chocolate, artichokes, pecans, strawberries, and more. Some consider magnesium the most critical antioxidant because of its effects on glutathione production. DMSO also has antioxidant properties.

Chlorine dioxide can be altered by steel or copper containers through corrosion (oxidation) reactions while simultaneously degrading the container materials over time. Opaque glass is best. Other ideas:

  • CD works better if you eat lightly.

  • Since it vanishes from the body within two hours, wait until this time elapses before taking supplements. (This information comes from experts. Rat studies of CD show half-lives approaching 24 hours.)

  • I use CD and supplements on alternate days, but if you have to take large doses of chlorine dioxide to cure a major disease, stop most supplements.

  • I take magnesium, DMSO, melatonin, and OSR at night, so they hopefully will not interfere. This does not cause me stomach upset.

2. Vitamin C

Clinical uses: Thomas Levy writes: “Overwhelming documentation proves that in high enough doses, [vitamin C] prevents and cures cancer, heart disease, infections, and degenerative diseases.” He also says the better-absorbed liposomal kind may be superior in some ways to the intravenous type (!).

Mechanisms of action:

  • C is an antioxidant that acts as an electron donor, neutralizing free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS).

  • It can regenerate other antioxidants like vitamin E.

  • It primarily acts as a reducing agent, donating electrons to neutralize oxidants.

  • It can become a pro-oxidant at very high doses.

3. Vitamin D

Clinical uses: D is critical for health and plays a role in preventing disease. To ensure patients have enough, their blood levels must be tested.

Mechanisms: Vitamin D is an antioxidant that helps neutralize free radicals and reduce cellular oxidative stress. It enhances the expression and activity of antioxidant enzymes and helps maintain mitochondrial function for cellular energy production and redox balance. In skin cells, vitamin D can help protect against UV-induced oxidative damage.

Note: Henry Lahore’s presents evidence that a once-weekly dosing of more D is better than lower doses daily.

4. OSR/NBMI (NBMI-Hg-COL, N,N'-bis-(2-mercaptoethyl) isophthalamide

Clinical use: Detox heavy metal exposures, acute and chronic. We have clinical trials on mercury. Based on the chemistry, David Kennedy is sure that OSR also renders arsenic, lead, cadmium, uranium, thallium, iron, and copper permanently harmless.


  • It is a chelating agent designed to bind heavy metals, particularly mercury.

  • Forms stable complexes with metals, facilitating their excretion from the body. (This was found on a web search, but according to Dr. Haley, excretion is not facilitated much. However, binding is so complete that the complexes are stable and biologically nontoxic.)

  • It may have antioxidant properties by indirectly reducing oxidative stress caused by heavy metals.

  • It may indirectly influence redox balance by removing pro-oxidant metals from biological systems.

5. Melatonin

Clinical use: Doses of 200 mg at bedtime halt early cancer, and 60 mg four times a day successfully stop advanced cases. It is also considered a longevity drug.

How it works: Melatonin affects sleep, circadian rhythms, and general health.

  • It is a potent antioxidant that scavenges reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS).

  • It also stimulates antioxidant enzymes like superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase.

  • Melatonin influences various immune cells and can have pro- and anti-inflammatory effects, suppressing cancers and relieving arthritis.

  • It modulates the release of neurotransmitters like GABA, serotonin, and dopamine.

  • Melatonin influences the expression of genes involved in circadian rhythm regulation.

  • It affects the production and release of other hormones, including reproductive hormones.

  • Melatonin has neuroprotective properties, potentially beneficial in conditions like Alzheimer's disease.

  • Radioprotective; should be given before scans and radiation therapy.

6. DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide)

Clinical uses:

  • Brain injury, including stroke and blunt head trauma. Dr. Stanley Jacob, the “father” of DMSO, states, “[It] is a potent free-radical scavenger and diuretic that reduces swelling and improves blood supply to the brain. This improves blood oxygenation to brain tissue.”

  • This also is radioprotective and should be given before scans and radiation therapy.

  • DMSO has been used to successfully treat many other conditions. This is the Table of Contents from The DMSO Handbook for Doctors by Archie H. Scott (2013). It gives you an idea of DMSO's potential.

Mechanisms of action

  • DMSO can be involved in oxidation or reduction reactions. Its dual nature in redox reactions makes it a versatile organic chemistry and biochemistry compound.

  • It is a mild oxidizing agent that is reduced to dimethyl sulfide (DMS) in some organic reactions, particularly with certain organometallic compounds. It is also less commonly oxidized to dimethyl sulfone (DMSO2).

  • DMSO is often involved in oxidation reactions in the sulfur cycle. Certain microorganisms can oxidize it.

  • Half-life in the body: 16 hours

Methylene blue

See the Bonus section below.

Key: interactions between these

  • The author of, Curious Outlier, told me: “In my experiments with methylene blue and DMSO and many experiments by others in my private chat group of over 48,000 people, I have found that they do not significantly react with chlorine dioxide. People are fine to take all three at once. Any concerns can be mitigated by separating chlorine dioxide from the other substances by at least one hour.”

  • He also said, “Jim Humble encountered people who seemed to be experiencing inactivation of vitamin C and chlorine dioxide when used together. He recommended separating their use as above.”

Other considerations:

  • Methylene blue and vitamin C may have synergistic reducing effects.

  • Boyd Haley told me that NBMI (OSR) has no known interactions.

  • Melatonin and vitamin C may have complementary antioxidant effects.

  • DMSO helps maintain melatonin’s integrity in solution.

  • DMSO’s antioxidant properties can enhance the effects of other antioxidants. It can cross the blood-brain barrier, potentially improving the delivery of antioxidants and other substances to the brain.

  • DMSO's solvent properties and ability to increase penetration might affect the behavior or efficacy of anything administered with it.

  • To review: Antioxidants, particularly vitamin C, might interfere with chlorine dioxide's oxidizing properties and vice versa. CD has a half-life of about an hour, so if you want to take it on the same day as antioxidant vitamins, wait a couple of hours.

Bonus: Thomas Levy about methylene blue

Yoho: His short video is HERE, and I abridged his YouTube transcript for brevity and clarity. Any errors are mine.

The Real Health Podcast is hosted by Dr. Ron Hunninghake, Chief Medical Officer at the Riordan Clinic, and features a discussion about methylene blue with Dr. Thomas Levy, an expert in redox medicine.

Methylene blue was initially developed as a dye and has emerged as a potent treatment agent. Dr. Levy explains that methylene blue's therapeutic properties lie in its ability to function as a powerful antioxidant, similar to vitamin C, but with enhanced effects on the central nervous system. Its properties as both a water-soluble and fat-soluble molecule allow it to be rapidly absorbed by cells throughout the body, with a particular affinity for the central nervous system.

Key Properties and Benefits:

  1. Cognitive enhancement: It has been observed to improve mood, energy, mental function, and overall well-being.

  2. Central Nervous System Affinity: Studies suggest that within an hour of administration, methylene blue is up to 100 times more concentrated in the central nervous system than the rest of the body.

  3. MB can rejuvenate mitochondria, which are the cellular powerhouses. This is beneficial for brain health and neurological disorders.

  4. It is a dye used in surgical applications to track the spread of cancers and other conditions.

  5. Its half-life in the body is five to twenty-four hours.

History: The therapeutic potential of methylene blue was discovered accidentally. Researchers, including Nobel Prize winner Dr. Paul Ehrlich, noticed that some people experiencing depression showed improvement after taking methylene blue. This led to further investigation.

Mechanism of Action: Dr. Levy explains the importance of redox biology in understanding methylene blue's effects. The balance between reduced (electron-rich) and oxidized (electron-depleted) biomolecules in cells is crucial for health. Methylene blue helps shift this balance towards a more reduced state, which can profoundly improve cellular health and function.

One of methylene blue's most significant effects is on mitochondria. It can bypass the entire electron transport chain and donate electrons directly, which allows efficient ATP production without generating excessive oxidative stress. This permits more efficient mitochondrial energy production while reducing harmful byproducts.

Dr. Hunninghake shares his method for preparing a methylene blue solution:

  1. Start with a half teaspoon of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) dissolved in warm water.

  2. Add pharmaceutical-grade methylene blue drops.

  3. The solution changes color from dark blue to lighter blue or turquoise.

This is important because:

  1. The reaction with vitamin C creates dehydroascorbic acid (DHAA), which can more easily cross the blood-brain barrier than ascorbic acid.

  2. The reduced form of methylene blue (leuko methylene blue) is more readily absorbed and utilized by cells.

Dosage recommendations:

  • General range: 0.5 to 2 mg per kilogram of body weight.

  • The maximum dose for a 150-pound person (70 kg) would be around 140 mg.

  • Lower doses of 5-15 mg (10-20 drops) may be sufficient for general wellness.

  • Dosing frequency is typically once daily but may be increased to treat specific conditions or infections.

Precautions: The main contraindication is for people taking SSRI antidepressants. While not all individuals on SSRIs will experience problems, it's recommended to work with a knowledgeable healthcare provider and start with low doses if using methylene blue while on these medications.

Potential Applications:

  1. Neurological Disorders: Methylene blue has been used to treat Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

  2. Dr. Christopher Plummer, author of Brain Energy, and others suggest that a lack of cellular energy may cause some mental illnesses. Methylene blue's ability to enhance mitochondrial function may be why some people respond to it.

  3. Infections: Dr. Levy mentions methylene blue's effectiveness in treating severe Covid cases, including patients in septic shock on ventilators.

  4. Many people feel better when taking methylene blue, even if they can't pinpoint why.

Safety and Efficacy: Methylene blue has been used for over 100 years and has an excellent safety profile:

  1. Start with low doses and increase gradually.

  2. Understand that healing takes time, especially for chronic conditions.

Dr. Levy emphasizes that the effectiveness of antioxidants like methylene blue and vitamin C isn't just about their ability to donate electrons but also their capacity to participate in rapid electron exchange. This creates microcurrents and voltage potentials across cells, which are markers of cellular health.

Methylene blue powerfully enhances electron transport and energizes mitochondria, thus improving brain and mitochondrial functioning.

My lecture: trans-umbilical breast augmentation

My competitors always thought if I could do something, they could do it better. TUBAs are not that easy, and if you try one in your garage, you will regret it. Warning: graphic content.




In a free state, every man can think what he wants and say what he thinks. —Spinoza

I retired and resigned my medical license, so unlike those who still have one, I can tell you the truth. Although I have been studying and writing full-time for five years, I cannot call it medical advice. Try to find a provider to help you, but even if you do, you must study your problems carefully because who can you trust? As a recent contributor told me, “Going to an MD entails Kamakazi risk levels.” (Thanks, Rick!) Being a patient is brutal these days.

I have avoided technical posts before this, but I did this one after a reader comment made me realize I understood these drugs’ chemistry poorly. I did my best to figure it out and present it to you in Winnie-the-Pooh terms. Please sign up the Eeyores and other animals in your life below. They need to be educated.

Extra credit: Minimal effective dose (MED)

The sweet spot for any drug is the smallest dose that produces the desired outcome.

1. Chlorine dioxide

For some, the MED to improve health requires only a few doses weekly. I assume smaller doses like this eliminate lurking toxins such as glyphosate. If you are treating autism or metastatic pancreatic cancer, be prepared to drink it all day and consider baths and enemas as well.

2. Vitamin D

The sweet spot for the blood level is higher than is conventionally accepted, and checking it is necessary to be sure where you are. You can do this at home. Henry Lahore’s has studies that prove people live longer and have fewer chronic diseases if their levels are over 100 mg/dl.

An hour a day in the Florida sun puts most people’s levels this high. This is undoubtedly healthier than supplementation but hard to study. For those who live where they cannot sunbathe adequately, taking D improves health.

3. Magnesium and vitamin C

Half of us are severely magnesium deficient, and arguably, the same goes for vitamin C, for humans have lost their ability to synthesize it. Taking large doses of both universally improves health and resilience. There is no clear limit; experts like Dr. Levy often give 75 grams of C and several grams of magnesium intravenously.

If you escalate your oral dose of these into the multi-gram range daily, you will get better and better effects up to the point of having diarrhea. Finding your individual “gut tolerance” by pushing the dose until the loose stools happen is a measure of how much you need, especially of C. Deficient people tolerate many grams orally daily.

4. Vitamin K2

I included this on the list because it is one of the top four most vital supplements, along with C, D, and magnesium. Each has been independently proven to enhance longevity. The optimal dose of K2 for adults is 200 micrograms daily.

5. Melatonin

This antioxidant miracle hormone affects longevity, halts cancer, and influences the entire body. Over fifty, our production declines to nearly zero, and we should all take it. We have been sold a tale that fewer than ten milligrams of melatonin a day are optimal, but 200 mg at bedtime may be the sweet spot to improve health. Mouse studies suggest that much higher doses are better, and because it is completely nontoxic, some are using doses in the grams daily. Only five percent of people experience side effects with this.

I bought the powder from and take one to three grams (about a half-teaspoon) a night without problems. They told me to buy a scale, but exactitude like that seemed like overkill. If I have trouble, I plan to tough it out for a month to see if I adapt. I will write more about this with references soon.


It is a far safer, cheaper, better-tolerated, and more effective NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) than 600 mg of Motrin three times a day. No confirmed cases of fatality exist, and we have the study of convicts who drank a half cup of it daily for three months without issues. I take a tablespoon daily and plan to give myself a rest from it every several weeks.

Diet, exercise, and hormones

Professional bodybuilders know that what they do in the weight room is less vital than their diet and, more importantly, their hormone levels. Hormone overdosing will make them grow if they get the exercise MED plus enough calories of one kind or another.

Although professional bodybuilders’ health is questionable, their experience teaches us lessons. High testosterone levels, for example, protect against heart disease and help us retain mental sharpness and muscle mass, independent of exercise or diet. See Hormone Secrets (2022) for more.

Weightlifting is the king of efficient exercises; studies show it even improves cardiovascular fitness. I re-learn this weekly when I gasp like a fish out of water after a two-minute “farmer’s walk” with 80-pound kettlebells in each hand. This exercise is exactly what it sounds like.

If your time is compromised, the minimal beneficial dose of weightlifting can be as little as 40 minutes twice a week. No other exercise is this effective, and if your time is limited, nothing else is required. Mark Rippletoe advocates using only three exercises to build strength and physique: squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. You initially need coaching, but you will catch on quickly. If you have more time, an hour of diverse physical training three to six days a week is somewhat more beneficial and more satisfying.

I lift various weights, go to the climbing gym, run like a mouse on the treadmill, and push a friction sled backward and forward to rehab my ankles and knees (see “the knees over toes guy” on YouTube). I have also been doing Bikram and Barron Baptiste-style flow yoga at least five days a week for decades. Ten to thirty minutes daily works better than longer sessions less often.

Hormones and weight loss

Hormones are also more important than diet or exercise for weight loss. For example, observational studies show that if proper doses of testosterone are used for several years, men universally lose weight, gain muscle mass, and lower their risk factors for disease. It is our best weight control drug. Most young people do not need to take it—they produce enough if they lift.

To find a doctor, see Some believe that testosterone sourced from underground labs is more trustworthy than from Pharma, so they get the injectable kind from their mates at the gym. I offer no counsel about this.

Patients who take small hormone doses are the bane of well-trained hormone doctors. We understand that, with few caveats, what we prescribe is harmless—and I think it all should be over the counter. Although small amounts help, the best health results often require unconventionally higher doses and blood levels than a Rockefeller endocrinologist would ever endorse.

Getting the patient’s help is the best way to adjust hormones. When I prescribed, I encouraged them to cautiously experiment with their doses and gauge their success by how they felt. Read Hormone Secrets to learn more.

The rest of the weight loss equation is, in this order:

  • Avoiding junk food and most wheat

  • No seed oils, artificial sugars, or high fructose corn syrup

  • Eating enough animal fat, possibly even a quarter pound of butter equivalent a day

  • Consumption of animal protein. Some avoid chicken because factory farms feed them soy and seed oils. Cows have multiple stomachs that can process this. Large fish are problematic because of mercury contamination.

  • Weight training makes the process go more quickly, but it is third in importance.

Natural eye improvement

Since my cataracts were replaced, my distance vision has been reasonable. But I was unhappy with how my eyes felt and worked, so I attended Esther Joy van der Werf’s training in Ventura, California. Most people do it virtually; she is booked a month in advance. I left with many exercises, complex instructions, and the feeling that the process could be simplified.

I am a rotten patient, so I ignored most of it and focused on just a few things. I have been sun gazing for about a minute several times a day. I also threw away my “progressive” distance glasses with the (required!) ultraviolet “protection” and began using $10 1.75 power reading glasses while working on my computer. (As Esther suggested, I recently switched to 1.25.) I have not been formally tested, but I am confident my eyesight is improving. Thanks, Esther Joy!


Once again, I now believe an idea that seemed absurd a short time ago. Grounding’s thesis is that if you put your bare skin against the earth, grass, or even concrete, some sort of energetic effect happens that markedly improves health. If this works like electricity, the time required may be short. Homeopath Carol Wilcox says ten minutes daily is enough.

Many Rockefeller medicines have no MED

This is because they never work. All but a handful of chemotherapies and one radiation oncology treatment do not improve lifespan. They were approved using the fraudulent metric of tumor size reduction.

Psychiatric drugs and, of course, every vaccine are also net harms. These two drug classes have never had honest trials using placebo controls. The one exception for vaccines is the Control Group Study described HERE, and it proves they are killers, not healers.

Pharma performed dose-fatality experiments that tested various ingredients of the Covid vax for the MED needed to kill us. If you do not believe me, review Craig Paardekooper's data in my 2022 post HERE. It is a painful insight, but getting the memo late is better than never.

Rockefeller screening tests

Tests designed to find a problem before it becomes apparent have no MED because they are universal failures. Examples include mammograms, colonoscopies, cholesterol blood tests, PSA blood testing for prostate cancer, screening skin examinations by dermatologists, and doctors feeling women’s breasts up for lumps. Even pap smears are an enormously costly and inaccurate fraud—cervical cancer deaths are rare, and the test itself is near worthless.

The effect of these is to suck us into a vortex of excessive, expensive diagnostic and therapeutic misadventures that, on balance, yield no benefit and often cause harm. The math supports none of it; see Butchered by “Healthcare” to learn more.

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