For new readers: HERE are links to download my CV, ebooks, the best recent posts, and how to search my archives. Thank you for your reviews of Judas Dentistry. HERE is the direct link for that.
HERE is the Rumble video link for this post.
The is a compilation of over 1,000 video stories similar to Scott Schara's daughter’s. What shocks me most about this interview is that the murders in hospitals using Remdesivir, versed, and morphine are still ongoing.
The group’s founder, Bradford Geyer, quit his multi-decade career as a powerful federal prosecutor when his bosses told him to stop working on criminal cases he had spent decades building. He is a legal insider who knows how the system works.
You can contribute to them at I gave them $1500 from my chlorine dioxide affiliate fund. When you read the parting shots below, you will learn more about that and be able to participate.
Story #2: Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet
These two interviews, hosted by my friend Christian Elliot, highlight Dr. Vliet’s contributions to our cause. These are a global summary of what has happened and what may happen. If you have not heard Vliet speak, or you are a newbie, they are required listening.
Dr. Vliet has a medical practice that includes hormone consultations. You can also read Hormone Secrets (the free download link is HERE). If you are not close to Dr. Vliet in Tucson, learn what you need from my book, then find local doctors to write your prescriptions and follow you. You study the subject anyway because you cannot trust anyone these days. Direct your doctor to write the prescriptions through a national compounding pharmacy such as Anazao or Medquest.
Vliet seems to be bombing over the target because her websites were recently hacked. Look her up online to learn more about her. She has a substantial organization, has written books, and has done a lot of public speaking.
Christian Elliot, my friend who interviewed Vliet, can be found at When I visited him in the Florida panhandle, he had six kids. I think he has seven by now, but in all the excitement, I lost count.
Christian always seems to be ahead of me. He has seen this international disaster coming for a long time and is helping his clients prepare for it both spiritually and on more practical levels. His Kalcker interview forced me to investigate and write about chlorine dioxide, the most critical medical advance in our lifetimes. He says, “We'll help you thrive where doctors, therapists, nutritionists, and trainers have failed.”
Parting shot #1
The OSR mercury chelator is the second most important story I have written after chlorine dioxide. You can still buy it at, and I hope it will remain available. For more information, review my post HERE and download this information sheet:
One of my friends is trying to get a buying group together with Dr. Kennedy. If you are interested, email Tamara at
Parting shot #2: Testimonials about using chlorine dioxide for dementia and Parkinson’s
"I have been using CDS* for 3 years on my husband he has been diagnosed with dementia and it brings him out of the dementia to where he can think on his own. I started him on 5cc units I did this for 2 weeks then I would add 5 cc more that makes 10cc per drink we use a 16 oz bottle he does this once a day. I have tested this over time to see if this works by taking him off and he goes back to what he was getting all mixed up and forgetting. Then I would start him back on the 10cc again and within 2 days he would be remembering again."
Yoho: *HERE is a description of CDS. It is less effective than MMS, see below.
"I am familiar with Alzheimer's, so when I had symptoms occur, they were familiar to me. I noticed I was not coping socially, and starting to have total gaps in my memory (and thus withdrawing). Because I had heard of MMS* being used to cure dementia I decided I had nothing to loose. I followed the protocl 1 for one month, slowly building up to the full dose of 3 drops every hour for 8 hours, and staying with the regime, for the full period, (it is important to note that if the dose is causing you to feel unwell, cut back on the doses per day and keep it low for 2 days then start to increase to the level you can tolerate, but do not stop all together). By the end of the treatment I noticed a remarkable change in my cognition, and as time goes on my condition continues to improve. I feel like a new person, I am social again, happy, and look forward to each new day. "
Yoho: HERE is a description of MMS, which is what I recommend if hydrochloric acid and not citric acid is used as the “part two” activator.
"My father had a very serious back operation and was under anesthesia for approximately 5 hours. In post-op he was confused. As his stay in the hospital progressed he regressed. He was experiencing significant dementia. The doctors claimed that the surgery just brought forth and underlying problem that was already there. My dad, being 78 at the time was very healthy, ran a ranch, prior to surgery.
One day I got I remembered the MMS1 and decided to give it a try on my dad. By this time he was in assisted care. I did Clare's combination on him and by the time I left that day he was much clearer. I came back the next day and did the same with even greater improvement. By the third day, after the doses, he was back to himself and able to go home.
If not for the MMS I don't think he would of ever been able to leave assisted living. He was getting worse and worse, not knowing where he was or who we were. I was so excited!!! The MMS really works!!
Thanks you for your commitment to help others! Dianne G
"An elderly guy (in his 80-90's), who claimed he was the last survivor of the chemical company (since closed), that use to operate in New Plymouth, and made Agent Orange, and many other toxic sprays. After 50 odd years working there, he said that he was so full of toxins that he couldn't remember things that he had done the day before, along with other health effects relating to a build up of toxins in the body. Someone told him about MMS, which he tried. He phoned me on the second day all excited, saying that he remembered all he had done the day before. He claimed to be 100% better within about a week on MMS. He is now an advocate for MMS, telling everyone who is willing to listen."
Extracted from an Italian Audio Testimonial, voice-to-text, then translated from Italian to English:
“Regarding my 81 year old mother, a strong clinical picture of Cognitive Degeneration and Parkinson's Disease.
Until a month ago mother was as if closed in a world of her own, very mute, completely devoid of any emotion, devoid of expression. After the first week of taking CDS eight times a day in a little water with a very low dosage, I think 5 ml, after the first week my son and I have already noticed the first incredible improvements, precisely regarding speech. That is mother who didn't speak, began to make long speeches, remembering things from 50 years ago.
Today after just over a month of treatment, we have reached 10 ml of CDS a day, and mother is a completely different person. She walks in a much more upright position, she no longer rubs her feet, and she helps me do the housework.
Two months ago, she was completely non-self-sufficient and today, for example, she empties and loads the whole dishwasher for me.
She gets up every hour to get herself the CDS. Another aspect that was absolutely unthinkable a month ago because mother was in bed all day. So for me it was unthinkable that she could get up, go to the kitchen, take the CDS out of the fridge, pour it into the cup, add water... unthinkable.
I bought her an album of mandalas, she colors them.
And the other incredible aspect is that I am slowly reducing her medicines, the triptych, the one for depression that she took in the evening... as well as the Sinemet which is a medicine for muscle stiffness.
So I am shocked after only a month by the incredible miraculous results and she is very happy, and we will take CDS for life, that's for sure.”
"Drs say my husband has dementia I have been using CDS it works great it pulls him out to back to normal in know time. So with brain fog "
"I can tell you our experience with dementia. My 83 yr young MIL has it. She has been on MMS since December 18th. She is doing 3 drops with DMSO now. She was unable to dress herself, clean up after an accident, and there were many. She couldn’t hold any conversations. She wasn’t reading etc… She now makes her bed, folds her clothes, dresses her self. No more accidents. She is reading and doing her word searches. She is able to remember what day it is sometimes plus bits and pieces from previous conversations. She can carry a small 10/15 minute conversation now. All of this in just 3 months. Not to mention she is off her dementia medication, her high blood pressure medication, her diabetes is getting closer to pre diabetes vs. type 1. She has come a very long way."
"After my mother was diognosed with Alzheimers she hated the effects of the pill so much that she was willing to try MMS. Her symptoms disapeared almost over night the next morning after only drinking 6 drops 3 times she told me the story of how she met my father some 60 years before which was impossable the day before. She continued taking it for a week and then felt so good she stopped taking it within 1 month the symptoms returned after taking MMS again the symptoms went away again. she had to take a daily maintanence dose to keep it at bay. Thank you Jim Humble; you are my Hero.
Pierre Kory says enough “anecdotes” like these become data. I say they are proof. Pierre knows who I am, and I contacted him on his personal email about covering CD. I also emailed Peter McCollough, whom I have met. Neither responded. Those of you who are their patients and colleagues please add your voice to mine. I cannot believe that Peter would ignore me because he promotes a proprietary vitamine treatment of vax injury (chlorine dioxide is far superior) or that Kory has been intimidated somehow. Their intelectual integrity is unquestionable.
I also phoned Peter and Ginger Breggin and asked them. Peter said he was not responsible for this topic because he was a psychiatrist. If you are knowledgeable about chlorine dioxide, email him and encourage him to write about it.
Parting shot #3: To get started with chlorine dioxide (CD)
Read these two posts HERE and HERE and buy a two-part kit from Amazon HERE. Go to, watch the video, and download the book. You can download other free books about this subject at the second link. Do all this now if you have cancer, diabetes, any infectious disease. or an inflammatory disease like rheumatoid arthritis. The rest of us should all take some CD weekly even if we think we are healthy, for risks abound. Even small doses reduce risks and cure many diseases.
Start with MMS (Jim Humble’s preparation) and forget about CDS (chlorine dioxide solution) at the start. Although CDS works, its best applications are for topical or intravenous use. MMS is more effective.
Here is how to do a full program: start with one drop of 22.4% sodium chlorite and one of 4% hydrochloric acid (do not use citric acid) placed at the bottom of a clean glass (this is known as “one drop.”) After moving it back and forth for a minute, put four ounces of water into the mix and drink it. Repeat hourly eight hours a day if you have a serious problem.
If you have no side effects, go to two drops the next day then three and four drops the following days. If you tolerate it, stick with the four drops (four of each ingredient) hourly for eight hours a day for a month. This improves health and potentially cures fatal diseases. You may need far less. If you have problems at any point, reduce the dose by half and take that for a week before increasing.
This should not be too much complexity for you, but if it is, your entry drugs into the chlorine dioxide world are the commercial products from Frontier and Snoot!. My affiliate link HERE takes you to the Frontier website. THIS ONE is for Snoot! Spray and empty sprayer bottles. If you want to help spread the word and make money, join the Frontier program HERE. Snoot!’s is HERE.
THE USUAL DISCLAIMER: Ignore me at your peril but take my advice at your own risk. Neither this blog nor I am your doctor. Before making decisions about your health, study the subject and get “provider” advice if you can find it.
Thanks for your help and keep it up. I’m going on a two week vacation soon and will turn off my electronics.
Parting Shot: inside Lechuguilla cave thirty years ago.
This was Dave Jones in the lead, and we were several miles underground. We were trying to get to the black hole above to see if there was an opening to a new section of cave up there. I was below him belaying.
Lechuguilla is now closed to exploration and the entrance is locked with a gate. Dave is disceased.
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