One thing most people don't appreciate is how many different side effects most antibiotics have, whereas chlorine dioxide does not have those issues.

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Yes almost all drugs are poison

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those that are not...with positive side effects are sidelined and almost banned , i have written about that too. If you get anything from fungi! it can not be healthy......antibiotics are exactly that....while natural stuff that are powerful antibiotics...like oregano oil! are discarded...so there are great supplements! i do not agree with author, just not those that he takes and not in such amounts, medicine is like cooking...its an art, not mechanical auto repair...one has to have a touch for it!

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Chemistry and pharmacology scholars are saying the same thing as you. It is thought that it has been 1 to 1.4 billion years since organisms became multicellular, so if the substances we call medicine today had no side effects and were only beneficial, I think we or they would have evolved to be produced in the body.

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Hi Bob,

I always enjoy your emails… and am sorry to hear about your Parkinson’s.

Honestly, if I understand your training program, it seems like you might be spending a little too much time and effort on a lot of random stuff.

If I were training you in your current state, I might have you focusing on the following:

1. Supinated pull-ups..3x5

2. Traditional pushups…3x10

3. Alternating body weight squats with lunges…2x20

4. Assault stationary bike… Tabata protocol x 4 minutes.

I might have you check out Dr. Eric Cobb’s Z-Health mobility protocols from their website site.

Hope you don’t mind my input… stay well my friend.



You are an amazing wealth of knowledge and I truly hope you know how appreciated you are.

I absolutely agree with your statement ... "when we have cannons like chlorine dioxide in our arsenal, we must stop bothering with slingshots"...

which is the absolute truth, brilliantly stated.

Upon my eagerness to believe all the "Ardis Hype", I stopped treating with CDS and began the "highly recommended" arsenal of supplements three months ago.

I have now realized this was not a good decision, as my health has deteriorated and my neurological deficits have returned with zealous.

Upon reading this message, I am definitely returning to my CDS/MMS regimen immediately.

I thank you for sharing your knowledge, experience and honesty. Reading your journey has provided me with the clarity to reconnect with my own.

Wishing you healing and peace.

Kind Regards,



I am familiar with the PIA syndrome in the medical field . My husband was a radiologist and decided to diagnose his own lung cancer . He recovered with surgery , requiring no chemo or radiation. Unfortunately a year later he died from Pancreatic Cancer diagnosed on NY E he succumbed after one run of completely ill advised chemo . On February 18th 1997. He was just 60.


You may want to try testosterone/anastrozole pellet implants – anastrozole is critical. They are superior to IM testosterone.

The first patient I ever treated was my father, who had Parkinson’s disease.

Rebecca Glaser M.D., FACS


Hello, Dr. Yoho:

I don't know if you're already doing this but here are two helpful actions:

- eliminate anything grown or harvested with paraquat - there is currently a lawsuit in the U.S.A. where hundreds of farmers are suing the makers of Roundup because not only is it used as a herbicide and pesticide in growin, but even worse is it's used just before harvest to dessicate the crops, especially grains, in order to reduce the wear and tear on the harvesting machinery.   An easy step is to only ingest organically grown crops because they do not harvest with paraquat.  So, paraquat attaches to the lectins which are desposited and attached to your nervous system.   Our body tends to try to deposit the lectins in the extremities first, but eventually the lectins get up to the brain area. 

- Reduce lectin-containing foods for general health, but also to stop the paraquat from attaching to the lectins.   A good book on lectins is Dr. Steven Gundry's "The Plant Paradox".   I have been experimenting with lectins for years and the absolute worst is the wheat for me and for many other people.  Second is rice and any other grain because they often use a lot of paraquat before harvesting.

- My father, mother and brother have all died of brain disease, my father, specifically, Parkinsons.  I get migraines when I eat commercially grown and harvested wheat.    My health has improved 1000 % since I started removing lectins:   all of my "aging" symptoms practically disappeared.  

I'm sure you're getting great advice from doctors, naturopaths, etc.   Dr. Steven Gundry has had great success with brain diseases - perhaps make an appointment with him.   He's actively helping patients/

Best of luck and keep up the great work!


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My step-dad a urologists was an awful patient.. I am a type of patient who asks lots of questions Dr's do not like this.

I am learning so so much in these Substacks thank you

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Ah, now I'm confused. "To make MMS, the most active form of chlorine dioxide." I was reading your prior articles and you said chlorine dioxide was better for most things and pointed to sodium chlorite and hydrochloric acid.

I haven't trusted mainstream doctors for decades due to my history. I have a lifetime of mold illness including chronic fatigue syndrome, many hundreds of infections, many years on antibiotics, mercury poisoning, numerous surgeries, then turbo cancer from the vax, and was just diagnosed 60 years late with a primary immune deficiency. Fortunately I declined the 6 chemos that are standard of care and have had no evidence of cancer or any circulating tumor DNA for 2.5 years since surgery. Unfortunately my lymphocytes dropped in half from radiation and never recovered.

Snoot is the best thing I've ever used for my sinuses and tooth infections. And I've been taking itraconozole the past month to kill fungus and that has been amazing. (I also still take ivermectin and mebendazole to prevent cancer recurrence.) I'm about to start immunoglobulin but have trepidation due to potential spike contamination. If ever there was a person that chlorine dioxide would help, it's probably me.

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it helps most people; look in my index and search for all the chlorine dioxide posts

MMS is the most potent form of CDS

It kills malaria and autism, and CDS does not

the only tumor that radiation oncology has ever changed longevity for is prostate cancer. A totally failed specialty.

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Maybe I'm just confused because you say chlorine dioxide or CD, even when you're really referring to the MMS form of it. Would it be fair to say that CDS (chlorine dioxide SOLUTION) and MMS are both forms of CD? So when I see you use CD that is not specific to one or the other?

In your recent posts on this, you pointed to 2 links on Amazon, the bag of sodium chlorite and the bottle of hydrochloric acid. In this article you're pointing to a liquid set. Are they they same thing in different form?

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BTW, I am also a pain in the ass with my questions, I guess to bloggers too :-)

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LIKE and keep posting them here so we all can learn.

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I know you're struggling with your own issues, but could you please answer this question from above? Especially the part about why you switched your recommendation of what to buy on Amazon... Thanks!

>>>>>>> Maybe I'm just confused because you say chlorine dioxide or CD, even when you're really referring to the MMS form of it. Would it be fair to say that CDS (chlorine dioxide SOLUTION) and MMS are both forms of CD? So when I see you use CD that is not specific to one or the other?

In your recent posts on this, you pointed to 2 links on Amazon, the bag of sodium chlorite and the bottle of hydrochloric acid. In this article you're pointing to a liquid set. Are they they same thing in different form?

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Hang in there Doc! I so appreciate your dedication and diligence to your wellness and your willingness to share what you learn and/or try. As for all the supplements: I am in a battle with multi-nodular thyroid disease and goiter. Of course, no doctor (including my husband) ever told me about iodine or the other minerals needed to support my thyroid. I was just given Levothyroxin. I read at least a dozen books about Hashimoto’s and was consuming a dozen more supplements. None of which seemed to make any difference and I was weary of taking them. I decided to toss the supplements and consume foods that were rich in those minerals instead. What a difference! Selenium…Brazil nuts; iodine…sea kelp; magnesium…eggs & dairy; etc…. I don’t worry about “how much” I am consuming, I just listen to my body. If I want 3 eggs for breakfast or extra servings of fruit, then I eat it. I feel much better than taking all the supps. I have been able to reduce my Levothyroxin dose a little bit by consuming L. Reuterie yogurt that I make myself, which was mentioned in a pubmed article here. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7353203/.

I’m also going to try MMS next week. I’ll report back my results.

Best of luck to you on your health journey!

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Take at least 50 mg of iodine and be sure to study stopthethyroidmadness website and buy the book

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Read the book on “bookfunnel” first. Liked it so much I immediately bought the paper version so that I could mark it up and make notes in it….bc that’s what I do to good books (you should see my Bible😂)

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" I decided to toss the supplements and consume foods that were rich in those minerals instead. What a difference!"

Amen. A BIG 👍 Although I do take MMS1, 9 months now. And will continue. MMS1 = much, much better than gassing the CDS.

"Selenium…Brazil nuts; iodine…sea kelp; magnesium…eggs & dairy; etc…. I don’t worry about “how much” I am consuming, I just listen to my body. If I want 3 eggs for breakfast or extra servings of fruit, then I eat it. I feel much better than taking all the supps."

Amen. 👍, too. I also eat lots of eggs (4-6 a day), lots of whole milk, fruits, vegies, nuts/seeds, beans and meat. Since day one. In spite of doctors consistantly telling me in my 20's I'd be fat, sick, heart problems, high cholesteral, etc. Quite the opposite, to all .... 40+ years later.

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I'm sick of the darn supps

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You're doing great work by following this path. Alternatives to Trad med.

You're right, some of the Alternative Med folks are just as screwed up as Traditional Med. But by posting what you do - and how you post it ("If I'm wrong, let me have it" one of many examples) - is admirable.

Keep it up

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We take D3 (10000) and K2 . The rest comes from quality food and exercise to include walking, cycling, kayaking and camping. Sometimes less is more :)

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I got rid of selenium sup when I learned that two Brazil nuts have 200 mcg.

You should not miss iodine; it has the biggest subjective effect of all the others. https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/252-when-heroes-are-needed-courageous?utm_source=publication-search. And it's easy to take. I'm currently using nascent.

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We too tossed all our supplements, diet is fruits, veggies, eggs & raw nuts, trying to get away from all cooked foods though. Distilled water for drinking, they make countertop models.

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Your comment about drinking distilled water is interesting. I/we use distilled for all MMS1 & CDS but don't drink it other than that.

Do you have some info you could pass on re: drinking distilled water above all else? No rush.

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You can easily confirm the deadly qualities of fluoride by searching my archives (instructions at the top of this post.) Reverse Osmosis like Culligan removes 85 percent but distillation (Costco: $700) gets it all. Other units remove water from the air and are similarly effective.

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Thanks. Yes about Fluoride. I've been through the Berkey routine etc - now use Clearly Filtered. Not as good as R.O. and I guess distilled for fluouride.

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There is a distilled water group on telegram with lots of info on distilled water, also Dr Edward Group discusses the benefits of distilled water.

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I have a few articles, but am having a hard time posting the links. The first one is “The importance of distilled water in aging” by Dr Chester Handley.

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Distilled water & Longevity by Elmer Ellsworth Carey (Chicago) is an old article but very interesting.

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Got it. Thanks. Here's the link I found. Any problems clicking through?:


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If we get enough sun, no need for D in the summertime

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I’ve been doing research on hypothyroidism as I’ve been taking Synthroid for over 20 years and now have arthritis. Apparently it’s a cascade effect of autoimmunity. I take a lot of supplements. I would like to try the MMS. It helps to read about others such as yourself who try different approaches. Please keep us posted.

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see the comment above about thyroid references. Porcine thyroid is superior to T4; read about that in Hormone Secrets.

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Hi and good day to you, Elizabeth D. You could take a look at this article from Dr. Mercola which was published recently.


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mercola is now unreliable

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I’ve been making the Reuterie at home for more than a year. It’s totally changed my digestion for the better

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I'll look at this

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Check out culturedfoods.com. Her website got me started and has tons of info on many different fermented foods and how they benefit us. Good luck.

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Cultured food life website (Donna Schwenk)

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In a very old book titled, Love, Medicine, and Miracles, Bernie Siegel, MD, makes the point that cancer patients who are prickly and who question everything are the ones who survive. Versus the ones who just say, "Sure, thing, Doc. Whatever you say. Bernie was an oncologist and light years ahead of his peers. In fact, he still is. In my limited circle, I've never run into a competent one. I've been fired from onco clinics for asking questions and not going with the program. One gal who I'd driven 3 hours to see and waited 30 minutes in her dreary waiting room, gave me a whopping five minutes before she stood and ushered me out of her office. My crime? Coming prepared with a question list and a small power point presentation about alternative chemo dosing regimens...

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Onco is the fourth most corrupt specialty after pediatrics, dentistry, and psychiatry.

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Thank you Dr Yoho for sharing your journey. I'm sure many of you readers can relate to your experiences, frustrations and the highs and lows of living with an illness. Traveling the road with others makes the road seem less arduous. You have certainly made mine less daunting.

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i have published 3 works on vit D, one hit Life Sciences magazine! and bare in mind this is NOT my expertize, but i learnt everything on my skin, and if i may suggest you take WAY TOO much of vitamin D!!! you should mimick levels of people in Africa at best! all the rest is too much, just use the logic.....supplements are great! but not that great, also the vitamin D from the skin is of much better quality! and you do not take some great supplements that would help you much more than what you take :) but ....who am I to tell you that lol...but not just vit D, selenium, and other stuff you are just out of balance! no wonder you can not tolerate aspirin......boy 50 000 i.u. scientists that colaborated with me also had this idea of bolus doses of vit. D! i told them, it makes 0 sense! it took them couple of years to come to senses lol, now they are looking for vit D overdose, which you certainly HAVE!! this is not good for your bones

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have a look at vitaminDwiki.com

and my Henry Lahore post

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vitamin D is not my religion, I wrote in 2020 that vitamin D status is good predictor of mortality from COVID 19, and later the facts proved me true entirely, becasue in those early days some countries were not affected as much as my data were “predicting”. I have given you information. I love your work, although I have seen that you do not walk the middle way, you could improve a lot:)) and the Truth is always in the center, i am planning to write another piece about that! the middle ground of the Truth. You have to ask yourself what is wrong with your health that you need to take 50 000 i.u every day? and other people do not, and what is the explanation? If you can not explain this in 3 simple sentences then you have to know why. Posting a link with 1000 articles is not an argument :)) this is what so many people do lol

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I interviewed Henry Lahore, search my archives.

I don't think I wrote that I took 50,000 IU per day. I was taking this three times a week (my compliance even with that was poor) but have been spending a lot of time in the sun this summer and have gotten off it.

You have to make judgments on everything, and if you go the middle way--especially these days--you end up with dogs***. Although I fear mistakes, I am willing to decide what is right and expose myself to criticism.

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the middle way is not sitting on the fence it is more like the balance between the extremes, fine tuning type of thing, hitting the target yes that is the better expression or the equation, thing must add up, like the result must be you never want to deviate from physiological healthy levels, i will write about it so you can read when I finish, it is more like divine center.....the truth is in the center of all the lies there are, like with vit D, too much or too little equally bad, equally affecting the same target: bones,

People low in vit D can not even tolerate 1000 per day! for them the best is to start increasing through the sun, for 3 weeks of sunbathing the whole body one increases the vit D about 30%. So that you can tolerate 50 000 means you do not need this.

I agree with you we must be willing to experiment even if that means making a mistake, but be alert and not experiment something that does not make sense. I am always for talking from experience it is like witnessing.... rather than parroting other peoples ideas, never doing your own work

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Hi and good day to you, hrabmv. If I may suggest, you could also take a look at this article by Dr. Thomas Lewis and see if it resonates with your understanding.


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Ryan, I do not need to go over topic I have good understanding of, I have put my arguments in very simple logical sentences: the more is less in many cases in life and here as well. I am into the Truth....and that is ALWAYS A BALANCING ACT! never an act of extremists. If you want to help other people see something you have to use your own words otherwise you never know if you are just a parrot or you know what you are talking about :) but let me help you here:

1. the so called expert on vit D is overweight

2. thigs will never change for fat soluble vitamins that you can overdose

3. there is a reason for active type of vit D. this points to very important balancing act of the body.

If you understand this truly you would have no doubts , or just check your blood test compare to those people in Africa and you will know. what the Author takes , is abnormal, and this is why he hates supplements because he is just not doing things the right way. the same logic that apllies to vit B or C does not apply here! the overdose of vit d will absolutely do nothing for your immune system, you can contract COVID and be sick as everyone else, and probably worse ...... since the system is off the balance, and COVID does affects bones metabolism in a negative ay, too much vit D is bad for bones!

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You are 100% spot on.

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Maybe you want to collaborate on an article. Let me know. my email is yoho.robert@gmail.com. Have a look at the articles I wrote and their references before you contact me.

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thank you very much for the offer,but it does not seem real, a colab is the work of equal, here I was giving you an advice how to fix your problem and not vice versa, I fix all my problems unf myself without any help of you :) you should listen to me, not vice versa if you like ofcourse, so faking humility is not the same as listening to what somebody has to say and finding the way to the Truth by clashing the arguments. so better should win, how else? I should listen to you? why? I am not here for the followers but the Truth, you are not helping me but I helped you here in front of everyone :)

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My late RN mother always told me that the worst patient was a doctor.

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Thankyou Vonu; a pithy comment.

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Great post. Thank you.

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Rick nice to meet you virtually. I have listened to a lot of your stuff. Best and here is a video about Rick: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQjkgcbiKf0. Like me, he is a reformed vegan.

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Dr. Yoho, In reading Judas Dentistry, and again here in your post you refer to (oil) cocoanut pulling. It was my (mis?) understanding that you indicated avoiding brushing (or abrading) the amalgum fillings and further releasing the mercury vapor. Since you had yours removed, you still advocate from the research on the topic that "pulliing" is better for oral health? Thank you for your writings as I am enjoying learning from them.

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I use a waterpic, brush the heck out of them with coconut oil, then oil pull. It's easy b c I'm writing all day. Best

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“I have boxes of other pills and herbs that I cannot stand to look at.”

Haha relatable! I threw a bunch away. Gonna throw the rest away this fall when I organize the garage.

Also going to join the gym this week and start doing weight training.

I want to talk to you about stem cells.

And have to show you my latest lab results (hormones).

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I do not practice medicine but am happy to speak in general terms. Call me.

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Yes, it's just casual conversation. I will. Kids go back to school tomorrow.

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I only had a brief time to scan your newsletter this morning and am awed by the incredible service you humbly provide. Thank you. I look forward to diving into the information with gusto this evening.

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I live for comments like this ha

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Appreciation and blessings from Sydney Australia.

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Sometimes, I speculate that CD’s entire effect is to cure infections caused by fungi, viruses, and bacteria, thus reducing oxidative stress in the process. If we believe that, it would mean that these cause all disease.:YEP this is pure logic and evidence is all around us, COVID 19 opened up my eyes, diseases have cause it is not in your genes, like Celine Dion so much energy super healthy and suddenly some syndrome, that resembles parasite infestation. I can lower blood pressure in 3 ways at least, my cousin MD runs to ER when his blood pressure is above 200,as Jesus said.....love your neighbor as yourself, this means i trust to you and to myself the same way! i will lean your way only if you show better evidence for what you say....i can not care less about anybodie's title anymore

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How are you lowering BP?

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it is info behind my paywall, sorry

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In fact, I expect the MD's mindsets to be risky for me as a patient.

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imagine i can not manage my money but manage millions of other people's money? there is somethin untruthful to this! like my cousin, who can not regulate his blood pressure, after being a specialist MD, there is a lie in the medical system and your blog is spot on! those lies one must survive, they are brutal. if someone gets money for selling fake solutions: whatever you do to other people you do to yourself as well. Dead doctors do not lie. In the end medicine is not a science its like artisanal art....it is experience practice, knowing what works what does not work and having a feeling for what you do. look at this guy here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hPgY6Tc_3Q&t=204s

he can not even trust the numbers but thinks it is all in the head, he also does 0 work to read on the new disease , as if he learnt about it...and does not trust his own feelings!! how on earth is he going to trust me?? this is why my blog is about this, how to know what is the Truth! it is not philosophy it is life. its math! To learn what is true and what is not first you must listen, and look for equation, not override with BS like in your head stuff, placebo etc. A good doctor would go and understand what has happened, and not explain it laughing how it all was in his head!! what about those who died??? they were not as good as he is, becasue he is better....that is the ultimate root cause of this insensitivity to other people suffering!

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