From Rumble: "I have been using DMSO for over 15 years and have been selling it combined with Ionic Silver and Hydrogen peroxide and also combined with Aloe Vera. DMSO can pull the gel easily out of the plant for many healing purposes. It not just for horses. It is amazing."

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I've been using DMSO for almost 60 years (my best friend's dad, in the 1st grade, was a Veterinarian) and I still have bottles of Chlorophyll & Mint pills all over the place, to blunt the smell, from the lower refinement days. Now all you have to do is buy the "Non-diluted 99.995% Low Odor Pure Pharma Grade Liquid." I have it on my knee (with little cartilage left) and a scrape on my wrist as we speak. I've been buying it in gallon jugs for decades because I give SO much of it away (I'm in the fitness industry and manufacture the squat device called the Manta Ray). I've had many customers who were Olympic and pro athletes and one gold medal winner said: "there would be no serious Olympic records without DMSO" :)

I even have a text doc printout I give people, but what you all need to know (I haven't listened to the interview yet) is, NEVER put DMSO on the pad of a bandaid and cover your skin with it wet! Let it air dry THEN cover it, if need be... DMSO is just too strong for a "covered wet" application (trust me, I found out the hard way :) Another tip: if you're in a hurry to dress a wound, or to just get dressed soon after application, apply Arnica Gel over DMSO and it will not only dry much more quickly, but Arnica is a great healing aid as well.

I'm SO happy to see this topic addressed here! I've always called DMSO, "the miracle shit".

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that shit is amazing

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OK, I just read a comment about the irritation/itch factor, that sometimes happens, especially on really tender skin. Just cover it lightly with something like lite T-shirt material till it dries. For some reason it seems like getting the air off it solves that problem. Also, you will have some flaky skin, especially after multiple applications... Nothing like a bad sunburn, but when used regularly, you will have a couple layers of skin flake off. Just live with it :) Oh and on a VERY tender place, like a pimple on your face, cut DMSO with some filtered water, but only enough for that application (like putting a drop in the palm of your hand, then mix a drop of water with a Q-tip and apply to the pimple). These last tips pretty much cover my txt.doc handout...

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What about lower lid application for retinal scarring? I have a FRIEND with that.

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"Asking for a friend" ;-> I don't have a lot of experience with using it for Eyes, but I wouldn't hesitate if it was me. If that person also suffers from "dry eye" I would use no eye drops sans saline drops anywhere around the DMSO treatment time. I would also cut it with ionic silver even though I've heard that an eye (with normal moisture levels), tolerates DMSO well. I used to talk to Dr Morton Walker occasionally (I sold his books on my website and he actually answered the phone when I ordered his, "DMSO Nature's Healer") and he was a proponent of straight up DMSO drops in the eyes. Adding the proven healing power of silver just seems like a great team. I would also dose MMS ( with the 8 hourly daily doses in the #1000 protocol) along with the drops. I might rub castor oil on my eyelids too, before bed (which I do anyway) as castor oil was probably the single most used treatment/cure in the Edgar Cayce healing modalities. I would definitely NOT bounce any of this off their eye doctor, but I'm sure they already got that memo, since they know you...

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Opps... My brain glanced right over the "lower lid" part of that question, so my answer was totally "focused" on going right into the eye. But if they're a sissy they could start slow. :)

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Question for you: I have avoided using DMSO in my eye because I read in Amanda Vollmer’s book Healing with DMSO that if we have synthetic lenses, like after cataract surgery, it is not a good idea. Interested in your thoughts on this……. I have tried twice using Andreas Kalcker’s recipe, and I got strong stinging in the eye. And I tried each ingredient separately, and it was the DMSO causing the stinging. I tried once with a gel and once with liquid. And then gave up! What do you think?

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What is your purpose for using it in your eyes? I'm not going to claim solid expertise when it comes to replacement lenses. I have them too, from cataract surgery, but I did try DMSO drops prior trying to duck the surgery. I used an 80% ionic silver, 20% DMSO then and probably didn't give it long enough before opting for the surgery. I'm not going to just defer to Amanda on this one, since I haven't read her book to know where she gets that warning? I've watched al lot of her videos and she grates on me at times with her terse style :) Maybe that's a mirror ;-> I'm sure she cleans that up for a book... There are several carnivore eye doctors seeing improvement in both glaucoma and macular degeneration, with that diet, though. One doctor has a CureAMD.com Shit, I just did a search on his site and didn't find a reference to the carnivore diet? I was sure that's a topic he (Chris) has addressed. Let me do a youtube search (even if this isn't your issue, it will be for someone). Boom! Here's the whole search results including an interview with Dr Chris and Dr Lisa. Both of them are pretty accessible, so maybe emailing, or catching them live would be a better source for DMSO info?


Good luck!

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Oh, I also use Castor Oil topically on my eye lids nightly. I sleep on my back, so it's no mess for me, but they also make castor oil pack eye masks. That might help your issues? It was probably Edgar Cayce's most recommended treatment for just about anything...

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In the 80's, I scoffed. Castor oil for everything! That was the Cayce solution.

Now I'm believing he was onto something.

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AMD has that warning as well, iirc.

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Thank you for all this info……The problem with my eyes is that overnight they weep and ooze and in the morning are crusted shut. Was just interested in if it’s possible to make that better. As it is now, in the mornings I use a hot steamy wash cloth to soften up the mess and get my eyes really open.

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Hi Mary, When I had something like this( blepharitis, I think it’s called), I was told (1) warm soak with a washcloth (2) then to wipe/scrub each eye from inner corner to outer corner for several minutes using baby shampoo ( use a separate cotton pad for each eye to NOT cross contaminate) … (3) daily or 2X a day for 21 DAYS. The 21 was hard but needed to get rid of the wee mite that had taken up residence . Yikes! It worked!

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I'm not positive on this one, but I'm pretty sure I've heard about this in the carnivore community as a chemical imbalance that is another one of the many ailments that disappears in a few weeks after going on the "nothing that grows in the ground", diet

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I had a sty forming, put 1% on outside of upper lid before bed. Gone by morning.

Intrigued by these people who put it in the eye. Haven't gotten that brave yet!

There's a South American eye medicine called Sananga. A lot of South American medicines are tortuous, and Sananga is no exception. I get the feeling that DMSO would be a lot like that (only maybe less dangerous).

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I really appreciate hearing about your experience. Thank you for sharing it! If you think of anything else, I will pay close attention.

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I listened to 10 minutes of the interview and I would say I've seen zero evidence that adding 10% water would increase penetration into the body. Our skin is full of water as is the whole human body (about 70% depending on age and hydration level). I have used Ionic Silver (I've had a generator from the Silver Lungs company for about 15 years), but for most applications I usually go 70-80% silver and the rest DMSO.

The laundry list of things I've seen healed with that concoction is pretty amazing. A guy who worked for me part time would not give up sugar to go carnivore even though I told him there was a good chance he could duck having his middle toe amputated (!!!)... He had 5 weeks before the surgery date (they had been talking amputation for 3 years prior! :)... He wasn't too lazy to apply the ionic silver + DMSO I gave him, 3 times a day, but I fired him because I don't help people do stupid things (he had to be on his feet a lot here)! That was last June and he contacted me again to wish me merry Christmas and added that he still had his toe! I was so miffed I had totally forgotten that I gave him the silver/dmso. I have dozens of stories like that one, but that sicks out because it was so recent and unexpected...

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I used DMSO decades ago to treat my mother's and grandmother's arthritis. I still use it now in my acupuncture practice; this post is a most comprehensive entry on DMSO. Many thanks.

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I'm a newbie and am grateful for your input.

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How do you make use of it in your practice? I am trying to imagine.

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I'm retired

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I meant Zhenjiu

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I use for deep-seated pain, possibly bone level, which doesn't respond to the usual musculo-skeletal liniments or salves. It is also helpful for cold extremities (poor circulation, Raynaud's, etc.) and for severe arthritis.

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Great article. I've also bought DMSO from The DMSO Store (and from the Horse isle at Tractor Supply. Those self-sticking elastic "Ace" bandages are incredibly cheap there, too.😊 If it's good enough for highly expensive horses and livestock, it's probably gonna be OK for me and my animals, too.) "Healing with DMSO" by Amandha Dawn Vollmer is a great book, also. My problem with DMSO is every attempt to use it, it makes me ITCH like the devil, so I end up washing it off. My hubs uses it with no skin reactions to help with the neuropathy in his feet. Thanks for writing about DMSO. I've been using Castor Oil to attempt to heal a growing rotator cuff problem. Maybe it'll work better adding some DMSO (and maybe that will cut down the itch, too!) We'll see!

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mix it with aloe vera supposedly helps cut down skin reactions

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DMSO mixed with magnesium oil does not itch. I like Zechstein Magnesium Oil

Trace Minerals Research. It is the cleanest magnesium I could find. You will experience a white residue on the skin. You can wipe it off with a paper towel or wash cloth. The white film is the chloride in the magnesium. It will not penetrate. I was able to increase my magnesium levels in serum using this process.

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wow great tip

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Oh, thank you very much! I can definitely handle a white residue, the DMSO itch, not so much! Off to purchase some! 😊 I appreciate your response!

EDIT to add: Ha! Hubs has been buying the Trace Mineral Drops for a while now! I didn't recognize the name til I saw the bottle!👍

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I started at Tractor Supply as well. I used it straight. Did did aloe for my dogs. However I use straight for them now

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needs to be mixed with at least 10 percent water to work per interviewee

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If that’s directed to me, I do for internal consumption

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I have neuropathy in my knee area after a total knee replacement, never thoughtof using it but will do now. Thanks for the note. I've used for many things over about 30 years but just forgot about. Have it available in the house. Thanks, Dorothy

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You're welcome! Good luck!

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ERRATA that I corrected in the copy:

Approximate DMSO dosing and measurements reviewed

DMSO is so nontoxic that it is hard to make a dosing mistake. I have recently been brushing my teeth with about a tablespoon daily, swallowing it, and rubbing it liberally on my ankles. Drinking a liter, however, is likely inadvisable.

DMSO is dosed in grams, which are 1000 milligrams

One gram is a milliliter of water, is one cc, is 1000 milligrams. I used water weight here to make it simple. Gram is a unit of weight. Milliliters, teaspoons, and tablespoons are volume.

One fluid ounce = 2 tablespoons. One tablespoon = 15 grams or 15 milliliters or 3 teaspoons. One teaspoon is 5 grams or 5 milliliters

One gram per kilogram for me is 70 grams (same as cc), which is about five tablespoons of DMSO diluted in water in divided doses over the course of a day.

Kerri’s young son took 25ml a day divided into three doses [5 teaspoons or 25 grams] for 40 days. Presumably, he was less than 40 kg at that time.

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The following shows that HUGE doses of DMSO depress respiration. This is NOT lung damage.

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is one of the most commonly used solvents for hydrophobic substances in biological experiments. In addition, the compound exhibits a plethora of bioactivities, which makes it of potential pharmacological use of its own. The influence on respiration, and thus on arterial blood oxygenation, of DMSO is unclear, contentious, and an area of limited study. Thus, in the present investigation we set out to determine the influence on lung ventilation of cumulated doses of DMSO in the amount of 0.5, 1.5, 3.5, 7.5, and 15.5 g/kg; each dose given intraperitoneally at 1 h interval in conscious mice. Ventilation and its responses to 7 % hypoxia (N(2) balanced) were recorded in a whole body plethsymograph. We demonstrate a dose-dependent inhibitory effect of DMSO on lung ventilation and its hypoxic responsiveness, driven mostly by changes in the tidal component. The maximum safe dose of DMSO devoid of meaningful consequences for respiratory function was 3.5 g/kg. The dose of 7.5 g/kg of DMSO significantly dampened respiration, with yet well preserved hyperventilatory response to hypoxia. The highest dose of 15.5 g/kg severely impaired ventilation and its responses. The study delineates the safety profile of DMSO regarding the respiratory function which is essential for maintaining proper tissue oxygenation. Caution should be exercised concerning dose concentration of DMSO. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26747070/

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Let me add that horsey people, including race horse veterinarians, have been using DMSO for many years. It is front and center of most performance horse operations. I think this is because that horse leg injuries can be notoriously hard to treat because well, you can't really tell a horse to stay off that leg etc.,,,,so effective topicals or other noninvasive treatments, like DMSO, are really important. Bascially the veterinarian side of DMSO should give the humans, who might want to try it, confidence because for many years it has been used on horses, many very high dollar horses, with no downside that I've heard of. After listening to this podcast, I'm finally going to try it on myself since I have a big toe that will never be the same after multiple injuries (horses!) and surgery.

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Yes - Horsey people are VERY serious about their animals, and DMSO is widely used in horse applications.

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I have been using DMSO for nearly a year and I will always have some in the house. I have over a yard of scars and all have softened with DMSO even though they are years old. One scar on the back of my neck, which has been operated on 3 times over the last 30 years, was really twisted and tight and my spine was out of alignment. Since using DMSO the scar has softened and untwisted and is not nearly as noticeable. I used it on a skin infection very effectively. Because it carries whatever you put with it deep into the skin, I have used tea tree oil on foot /nail fungus and then sprayed with DMSO and it has helped a lot. I’ve used it on my dogs because It’s safe if they lick it. I haven’t been made aware of bad breath but at times I can smell something different on my body. I’m not sure others smell it, but it’s a small price to pay.

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Anecdote: my 60+ knee recently starting giving me fits for no discernible reason. It was getting worse. My chiro suspects ACL or PCL tear and sent me for an MRI. While waiting for the results, but I stumbled upon an article about DMSO. My husband happened to have a roll on bottle, vet prep, diluted with aloe gel that he had used for a detox protocol. I slathered it on my knee, went to bed and .... 4 days later I have yet to get another of the "gotcha" pains that had been getting more frequent when I straightened my knee. I'm still waiting on the MRI results.

I had been rubbing Frankincense eo on my knee. I'm now applying the Frankincense, and a magnesium gel, after the DMSO twice a day.

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that mg sounds like a hot tip

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It came from this article - also suggests vitamin C:


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Robert, I am glad you are on board with DMSO. I make up a topical solution of 50% Magnesium Chloride in distilled water and add 1% DMSO to improve absorption. A muscle cramp will resolve in less than 15 seconds post application. My patients love it. No adverse responses.

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great thing to bring down blood pressure or help atrial fibrillation If it were me, I would try it

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I have Afib and want to try DMSO instead of taking Eloquis and Metropolol. I don't have a doctor yet beyond the regular medical profession who can advise me with the how, how much, and when. Any advice in choosing such would be greatly appreciated. Thank You, Marjorie

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Marjorie - you are the expert. From my experience, this sounds like ingestion. Start small, put it in juice, and build up.

If ingestion is too scary for you - topical application over sternum, perhaps at 75%? (again, it's always better to start small and build up - so maybe start 30% and build up to 75%?)

No "expert" is going to help you with this.

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LOVE this idea and I'm on it

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If it's suppressed by the FDA and AMA, it must be close to being a cheap costing wonder drug. I don't think I have heard of DMSO and have never used it. But, I'll keep this article for future reference instead of calling the quacks of the modern medical gulag.

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By the way, I tried to use Frontier's Chlorine dioxide strong Snoot mixture and didn't find it was so effective either. A regular pharmaceutical anti-nasal worked much better. The ear solution worked better. I'm not complaining, I want to share my feedback with others just as I want to hear others' experiences with these alternative treatments.

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hey, thanks for giving us a try! that is all we can ask! Keep it on hand for when you travel or are around a lot of people... it is perfect in those cases...

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Thank you so much for this information. And wow; more evidence of corrupt big pharma.

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It helps headaches applied with aloe Vera juice to the forehead. Great article!

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This is fabulous to see! I've been using DMSO for over a year now and I have 2 gallons in backstock, so critical do I find this substance.

It's helped with so many aches, pains, injuries, and with helping other substances get further into my skin when desired (like CBD for pain, chlorine dioxide for infections, castor oil for joint pain, magnesium for muscles).

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OK you've convinced me. I've hesitated to blend with castor oil, because of stinky heavy oil, but I will make my next one up with castor oil. Effing joints!

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If you're already using oil pulling add a few drops of oregano oil for extra bacteria removal. I mix directly in my mouth, but be careful as OO can burn. Great post! Thanks Doc 😁

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I brush my teeth with a 70/30 mix to hopefully remodel and improve my gums. And swallow it. But that's me and judge it for yourself.

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70/30 mix of coconut oil and oregano oil?

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I'm experimenting on myself but that sounds good. or 50:50

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Oregano is amazing

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Oregano can also wipe out your gut biome so you may want to take probioitics to make up for that

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