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Question for you: I have avoided using DMSO in my eye because I read in Amanda Vollmer’s book Healing with DMSO that if we have synthetic lenses, like after cataract surgery, it is not a good idea. Interested in your thoughts on this……. I have tried twice using Andreas Kalcker’s recipe, and I got strong stinging in the eye. And I tried each ingredient separately, and it was the DMSO causing the stinging. I tried once with a gel and once with liquid. And then gave up! What do you think?

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What is your purpose for using it in your eyes? I'm not going to claim solid expertise when it comes to replacement lenses. I have them too, from cataract surgery, but I did try DMSO drops prior trying to duck the surgery. I used an 80% ionic silver, 20% DMSO then and probably didn't give it long enough before opting for the surgery. I'm not going to just defer to Amanda on this one, since I haven't read her book to know where she gets that warning? I've watched al lot of her videos and she grates on me at times with her terse style :) Maybe that's a mirror ;-> I'm sure she cleans that up for a book... There are several carnivore eye doctors seeing improvement in both glaucoma and macular degeneration, with that diet, though. One doctor has a CureAMD.com Shit, I just did a search on his site and didn't find a reference to the carnivore diet? I was sure that's a topic he (Chris) has addressed. Let me do a youtube search (even if this isn't your issue, it will be for someone). Boom! Here's the whole search results including an interview with Dr Chris and Dr Lisa. Both of them are pretty accessible, so maybe emailing, or catching them live would be a better source for DMSO info?


Good luck!

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Oh, I also use Castor Oil topically on my eye lids nightly. I sleep on my back, so it's no mess for me, but they also make castor oil pack eye masks. That might help your issues? It was probably Edgar Cayce's most recommended treatment for just about anything...

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In the 80's, I scoffed. Castor oil for everything! That was the Cayce solution.

Now I'm believing he was onto something.

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AMD has that warning as well, iirc.

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Thank you for all this info……The problem with my eyes is that overnight they weep and ooze and in the morning are crusted shut. Was just interested in if it’s possible to make that better. As it is now, in the mornings I use a hot steamy wash cloth to soften up the mess and get my eyes really open.

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Hi Mary, When I had something like this( blepharitis, I think it’s called), I was told (1) warm soak with a washcloth (2) then to wipe/scrub each eye from inner corner to outer corner for several minutes using baby shampoo ( use a separate cotton pad for each eye to NOT cross contaminate) … (3) daily or 2X a day for 21 DAYS. The 21 was hard but needed to get rid of the wee mite that had taken up residence . Yikes! It worked!

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I'm not positive on this one, but I'm pretty sure I've heard about this in the carnivore community as a chemical imbalance that is another one of the many ailments that disappears in a few weeks after going on the "nothing that grows in the ground", diet

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