If you're already using oil pulling add a few drops of oregano oil for extra bacteria removal. I mix directly in my mouth, but be careful as OO can burn. Great post! Thanks Doc 😁
If you're already using oil pulling add a few drops of oregano oil for extra bacteria removal. I mix directly in my mouth, but be careful as OO can burn. Great post! Thanks Doc 😁
If you're already using oil pulling add a few drops of oregano oil for extra bacteria removal. I mix directly in my mouth, but be careful as OO can burn. Great post! Thanks Doc 😁
I brush my teeth with a 70/30 mix to hopefully remodel and improve my gums. And swallow it. But that's me and judge it for yourself.
70/30 mix of coconut oil and oregano oil?
I'm experimenting on myself but that sounds good. or 50:50
Oregano is amazing
Oregano can also wipe out your gut biome so you may want to take probioitics to make up for that