Aug 7, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

From CDC's own crappy/lying website. Enter this website with caution b/c you're sure to leave with some damn illness. Here, I'll do it for you.

CDC: Is thimerosal still used in vaccines for children?

(answer) No. Thimerosal hasn’t been used in vaccines for children since 2001.

However, thimerosal is still used in some flu vaccines. Yearly flu vaccines are recommended for all children. If you are worried about thimerosal, you can ask for a flu vaccine without it. (end)

Ok, let's see if I understand you lying, crazy bastards correctly. You said:

Yes, no. Well, on 2nd thought maybe. No but yes. Yes but no. I don't know but no it's not being used. But, since we don't know, maybe it is being used. But maybe it's not. Some vaccines yes, but no. Some no, but yes. All vaccines? I'm 100% unsure but no, no Thimerosal is used; except Monday thru Thursday's until 3:42 pm. & only used in 78.614% of all vaccines. Sometimes on Friday too, but never on weekends, except in odd numbered years then yes, we use it 7 days a week; but no, we don't use it, ever. Yes we do use it sometimes but no, we never use it.

Got it. Thanks for clarifying, Mr & Mrs Jackass.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Notice how they put the burden on the patient to find the non-poisonous flu vaccine. Ridiculous

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Yes, it's rather sick.

Here is the link to CDC "answering" many questions about Thimerosal.


You won't believe their answers. They get up each morning lying and go to bed lying. They probably lie during their dream state to boot.

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

It's been so disappointing to discover to what lengths people will go to to make money and stay in the "socially exceptable" crowd. And, to discover how many in our society are wiling to lie or stay "willfully ignorant".

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I detest liars and yrs ago I asked a therapist why ppl lie so much. His response was that they lie to themselves.

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

non-poisonous flu vaccine is a contradiction in terms.

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more data: search for "Cochrane flu vaccine"

It does not work.

but the mercury in it makes it diabolical

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I have looked at that. It's ridiculous that anyone will administer a flu shot. The info is right there.

From what I understand, a vaccination really only has a slight positive effect (specifically for the exact strains the flu shot is intended for) on someone with a working immune system and the positive effect doesn't outweigh the toxic effect from the adjuvants and possible contaminants and it also causes the immune system to be less able to fight off other viruses. So, ultimately, if a person's immune system works, they don't need a vaccine because their immune system can fight off the disease on it's own and then they are free from the negative side effects.

If a person's immune system doesn't work, the vaccine has no positive effect whatsoever and many detrimental side-effects, so they also don't need a vaccine.

Bottom line, no one benefits from a flu vaccine.

I can't remember who said it (Suzanne Humphries, maybe?) but "safe and effective" is a marketing slogan, not a scientific finding.

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

thank you

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Agree. It's almost comical how they present the case for getting a flu vaccine. I can't believe anyone gets a flu shot voluntarily but it shows just how strong the propaganda for the pharmaceutical industry is and how compliant the general population is. What a nightmare modern "medicine" has become.

Suzanne Humphries book, Dissolving Illusions, had an interesting story about the flu vaccine. Basically, Humphries started noticing that ill patients in the hospital would become even more ill, and sometimes die, after receiving their flu shot. All the other doctors buried their head. So sad. I hope I never have to go to a hospital from here on out.

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Key reference along with Turtles All the Way Down

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I gave my medical director turtles all the way down and she promised to read the first chapter at the very least. She never did and offered to give it back to me. I told her to please keep it.

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Got my hardcopy last week. Cannot wait to find time to read it.

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Your last sentence made me chuckle. That's my major hope, too. No hospitals, not even 1 night.

Dissolving Illusions is a great book. I thought this alone would have opened more eyes. It has some, no doubt, but not as many as I thought.

Turtles, mentioned by Dr Yoho below, is also good.

A last book that's great. "The Poisoned Needle" https://www.amazon.com/Poisoned-Needle-Suppressed-Facts-Vaccinations/dp/B095NMNPL2

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Got that book too!

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Dissolving Illusions or The Poisoned Needle? Or, both?

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Hadn’t heard of the last book. Thanks!

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Called an oxymoron.

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

I haven't worn my contact lenses for a while now but they were putting thimerosol in many of the lens preparations for your eyes. I never used them. Try and only use non-preserved preparations and thimerosal free.

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Yes, they do put thimerosal in eye drops. Can you effing believe it? That is sick. One person posted on either this substack or another s/s that his eyes were ruined (severely) from the Thimerosal in his eye drops.

Also, Thimerosal is in some OTC meds which I just found out last week or two. Thankfully, I don't take OTC meds either. But for those that do, might want to check if they contain Thimerosal (or jet fuel, or cockroach bait or Fluoride on and on). "They" seem to enjoy poisoning their fellow humans. Psychopaths all.

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And the irony is that they seal packages so tight for safety!!!! You can barely open them!

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Yeah, for our "Safety"


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Poetic Justice!!

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Aug 7, 2023·edited Aug 7, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thank You Robert for this REMINDER.. Under :


you will find a thesis work which describes the damage to macrophages in rats after exposure to aluminum nanoparticles particles which are also being SPRAYED on us via geoengineering. One can see more details at:


a documentary named 'The Dimming'.

When you search pdb data bank (PROTEIN DATA BANK) for aluminum, you will find as an example:



The growing conditions for the crystals involved, had NO ALUMINUM, instead VITAMIN B6!!! Data can be seen at:


Nothing was published on it, but in the movie, you will hear about ALUMINUM RESISTANT CROPS,

patented by ... MONSANTO. Not sure at all for what JCSG used that project, hopefully unrelated to Monsanto... With that the sentence: "aluminum has no biological function" is no more valid, there are now NEW ARTIFICIAL PROTEINS with artificial functions depending on aluminum.... This is the most terrifying fact.

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According to the “chemtrails” story, “climate engineers” are dumping massive quantities of particulate metals and other toxins on us from our own commercial aiircraft. Although many people find this credible, I reserve judgment. https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress.substack.com/p/jim-lee-of-climateviewer-joins-reinette?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email is an interview with Jim Lee of ClimateViewer, a subject matter geek. He makes it sound like a confederacy of dunces is attacking us (yes, this is a book title) rather than a conspiracy of suicidal psychopaths. Lee says that jet fuel is polluting the atmosphere because compromises were made in its manufacture to accommodate US military needs. Further commentary is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJs_NKWzsT4 and https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org. This second source, Dane Wigington, has also been interviewed by both RFK and Del Bigtree. I want to put this story in the flying saucer invasion category, but I cannot quite do it.

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Aug 7, 2023·edited Aug 7, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

forgot to add, in majority these are NOT commercial aircrafts. There are special airports, aircrafts and pilots involved in this 'project'. The confidentiality of this work goes deep into every family of these pilots.

Also, after living >15 years near the SF airport I should have noticed ~500x2 patterns a day, in a repeated fashion, according to ariplanes routes, if what Lee says is true, contrails left by normal aiplanes with polluted fuel. Nothing like that ever happened, the spraying planes came always from ONE direction, and covered randomly the entire sky above my head. There were WEEKS without the streaks, WHILE the 500x2 commercial airplanes still flew every day. I have tons of arguments FOR the already ongoing geoengineering crime, not even the planned one.

Also, after contacting SMUD, the CA capitol electrical facility company, and asking them about geoengineering, they CONFIRMED in a personal email the sprayings of SILVER IODIDE, only... To enhance the water level across the state... Dane has the list on his pages of ALL the companies doing the same..

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Aug 7, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Lee has NO history, except for his tracking software and controlled opposition part truths/part assumptions. 'The Dimming' helps many to start to grasp the facts. Like you say here in your own talk, those who beg for money, should be put in question, Lee is one of them.

At https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org you will find the entire history and explanations of PILOTS saying NO FUELS' fumes with hundreds of degrees leaving the engine located at -30degC can sit there and linger for HOURS, building STRUCTURES DEPENDING ON WI-FI.. I'm educating/watching the skies, exchanging info for >12 years by now and have enough personal proof to accept the illegal sprayings as FACT. I contacted Stanford researchers involved in geoengineering projectsm and every time I came up with questions, there was NO LOGICAL answer.

No plane will leave patterns like the one we see today without a ROOM TEMPERATURE nozzle.

Similar to covid scam, the best is to start observing, reading the patents, starting with ~1890... Dane has it all on his pages.

Btw. how do you explain a REGULAR temperature pattern this year in CA capitol for the last ~2 months, midweek 80-90 (Tue-Fri), weekends (Sat-Mon) >100F..., every week the same!

Nature??? NO, special chemicals in the air driven by 5G towers, growing in numbers. Only microwaves can 'move' the water and metallic nanoparticles.

Btw. there is a REASON why ALUMINUM, barium, strontium, etc., there is nothing in the global genocide what is not without a reason.

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The airline pilots all laugh at the chemtrails story but what do I know?

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

all?? The documentary shows some of them who are not laughing, and confirming the facts. This entire issue is similar to covid problems, how many MD's will tell you not to take covid 19 genetically modifying possibly lethal injection, in order to safe your life? How many MD's will tell you not to take chemo because it will only increase the probability of making the cancer worse? With one word, these laughing pilots have to do it, otherwise they have to admit being part of the problem, at least those who know.. Dane has some of the docs showing the gag orders on many of the involved.

At least please try to answer, why aluminum in all vaccines (old styles) AND why aluminum in water, air, soil?? To make aluminum resistant plants takes LOT of resaerch, money. WHY aluminum, which like you said HAD NO BIOLOGICAL FUNCTION IN THE PAST???

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Like the' Weather Forcasters' are gagged!

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I live in Spain and the chemtrails are SO noticeable and there were so many comments about them that the national weather service finally admitted that they are attempting to manipulate the weather. It's in writing on their website.

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Rainmaking is an example of climate engineering that definitely is happening. The Chinese did it before the Olympics. There are even rainmaking companies you can hire to ensure your next outdoor event is rain free nowadays.

They make it rain prior to your big outdoor event.

Bill Gates has been planning to get into climate engineering too and he has a plan to dump stuff in the atmosphere to try cool down the planet. It’s been reported on. He hasn’t done it yet though. Pretty scary if he goes ahead with it though

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Brain , computer interface? Eventually.?

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we know aluminum as NON-biological metal accumulates and does collateral damage, including MEMORY LOSS and a terrible cognitive incompetence (autism, not only in childern, btw...). It's +3 oxidation state is really special, and it is important that the basicc of our breath, blood (https://wikimili.com/en/Hemoglobin):

the iron ion may be either in the ferrous Fe 2+ or in the ferric Fe 3+ state, but ferrihemoglobin ( methemoglobin ) (Fe 3+ ) cannot bind oxygen.

Electronic circuitry uses more efficient metals as you know, copper in the first place.

IBecasue of these preparations for new biology based on Aluminum, there must be way more worse reasons for this all.

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I really believe there is. There are patents for all this crap and Bozo's Executive Order for Biologics and Tecnology and such. Expecting Cyborgs?

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not expecting anything actually, and who knows what we got already, but when reading something like this at:


with 'the team behind these embryo-like spheres of cells is led by Jacob Hanna, a stem cell biologist at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel.', the very same place where ribosomes come from, where prions come from, and SO MUCH MORE, AND then reading stuff like this at :


or this:


"What is an embryo? Scientists say definition needs to change"

then yes, the respect for nature by the so called 'scientists' is ZERO, and as long as they continue getting money for what somebody very evil wants, money from the same evil pool, we can expect a total overwrite of GOD given creation, up to the point of a total annihilation of the old species, done by CRISPs and synthetics. All that, if we CONTINUE TO allow them.

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Thanks for the links. I agree. I fear what hapoens during or after the EBS on Oct 4th . I just watched ' The Cell' last night and boy did it scare me. So much of what is happening today. Lots of vids on Gab saying similar things. Today. I was so creeped and scared! The what if's and not knowing.

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do you mean by any chance 'The Emergency Alert System (EAS)'???

'I was so creeped and scared!'??? are you a kid?

Well, living in fear is a hell, and that's what 'they' like, they LIVE OF THE FEAR, including ADRENOCHROME...I think if you knew how weak these criminals are, you would be LAUGHING at them... Just listen a bit to the old good Robin, and RELAX:


I don't like everything there, but some sections are good, and laughing is HEALTH!

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

"Be careful about people who have paid platforms and those who are always crying for dollars. What are their motivations? I hope that not asking for money gives my messages credibility."

Amen to this. And yes it does (give you cred). I've been kind of screeching this myself to the masses for a long time- beware of 'experts' and 'leaders' such as Simone Gold (a very twisted & sick woman, yes?) and many other Frontline Drs; both for what they say about other 'vaccines' and what they are constantly screeching for ($'s).

You're a good man. I'm impressed. And your post below, this one:

"Although I could likely get on his podcast, Brett is high profile. *For the most part I prefer to tell my stories through the eyes of less prominent people.*"

You're also a humble guy. You rarely hear this (truly humble people) anymore. It's almost always

"I I I, me me me, my my my and mine mine mine. And, gimme gimme gimme"

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Ken Stoller says, "Where do they come up with all these scum**s?"

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Have you read Reinette's other substack? If so, your thoughts? If you can't/shouldn't get involved, no problem, I understand. It's a cut throat world out there.

Holy Smokes re: her other substack article - but again, doesn't surprise me.


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wow thanks I'll repost

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thanks for this great report. And especially for the info on mitigating the poisoning. BTW, I recently bought all 3 of your books and read parts of one of them each morning with my coffee, highlighter in hand. I hope you make a few dollars from my purchase. I know you give them away as ebooks but I prefer physical books. Plus one day ebooks may disappear off the net/cloud. I am expecting that.

I recently just finished reading a chapter about bad drugs in “Butchered” where you had mentioned Xigris. Not 2 days later I listen to the Dark Horse podcast where Bret interviews the Italian doctor who had made a breakthrough discovery involving steroids that would have competed with Xigris. “They” ruined his life and slandered his research. This was 20 years ago!

That is a must-listen podcast. I would love for you two to chat in a podcast. I will recommend that to them.

I will become a paid subscriber as you provide so much value to my life. Thanks again for your fearlessness and heart for helping anyone who will listen. You are a hero of our time.

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Those are touching words--thanks.

Although I could likely get on his podcast, Brett is high profile. For the most part I prefer to tell my stories through the eyes of less prominent people.

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Okay, gotcha.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Great information. It’s shocking any of us are still alive today. The toxins are so plentiful in everything around us.

Btw, my understanding is that bentonite clay can detoxify aluminum when taken orally or when used in bath water. If I remember correctly, there was a study of autistic children who were given baths with bentonite clay and their circulating aluminum levels went down significantly.

The other silica source that I had previously learned about is diatomaceous earth, which can be taken as a drink when diluted with water. It’s a parasite cleanse as well.

Maybe these don’t remove aluminum? I thought they did but could be wrong. Those are just things that people might be interested in researching into. Although information supporting the use of those two natural substances may be hard to find given current pharma-controlled search engines.

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see my next aluminum post due to drop in a few days. Those treatments you mentioned are barely effective at best.

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I will watch for it. Thanks

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The consequences of this is pretty devastating.

Most modern dental work has aluminium salts in it

Many standard white composite dental fillings also release flouride into the mouth

How long will it be until we see babies born with the effects of being exposed to the aluminium and flouride from a mother with a mouthful of white composite fillings. They may be sensitised to it before they are even born

And what about the titanium dioxide in most modern dental work?

The ema has recently reclassified titanium dioxide as unfit for human consumption and are banning it in food

Scientists tell us titanium dioxide now surrounds the entire globe in the atmosphere and they believe it to be a big cause of the huge increase in autoimmune disorders worldwide

So will a mouthful of dental work with titanium dioxide in it affect developing babies in the womb too?

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Aug 18, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

For those who want to make their own silica water, this recipe may be of interest. https://aluminum-alzheimers-autism.blogspot.com/2015/09/recipe-to-make-your-own-silica-water.html

(I have not yet done this myself, but have a friend who reports he's been using this method successfully for years.)

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See following post for mire

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

He felt out of grace as soon as he started to question vaccines.

I am very gratefull for his work!

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If you only want symptoms of aluminium hypersensitivity treated go to your allopathic dr

But if you want to cure your aluminium hypersensitivity you must see an environmental medicine specialist

Our biological responses to metals are not dealt with by allopathic medicine

If your sweat stains your white shirts yellow then it’s an indicator that you have developed a hypersensitivity to aluminium and should stop using aluminium deodorants immediately

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Another 'bombshell', now it's Simone Gold! Yep, I got smuckered too

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I highly respect the work of T Colin Campbell, who authored The China Study, a book that changed my life about 15 years ago. The Weston Price foundation funded hit pieces on Campbell, because they do not accept the results of his research, which ended up supporting vegan diets. The effort then reminds me of current efforts to discredit Ivermectin. Knowing all this makes it hard to think they are truthful or virtuous now.

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There are lots of doubts about the China Study. It's a complex issue that I covered in Hormone Secrets, which you can download free above.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I always wonder and I have read Chris Exley's book, but I'm still not sure - what about aluminum cans, like for beer and soft drinks? Are cans bad for you, too? (I never drink soft drinks, but I do like beer!)

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stick with glass. the cans are supposed to be coated though

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Would it be sufficient to just add some Liquid Silica Mineral Concentrate drops to water?

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no this does not work see next post preview above

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I'm in the country, on a drilled well, around 180' I think. Obviously there's no fluorine and I'm very blessed with beautiful clear water, I don't need to filter it. A number of years ago I had local health dept do their standard test and other than a slight variation in the ph, it was good.

I say all that to ask, how can I determine the, if any, mineral content?

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Other readers may respond to your question. Here's the important idea: Turn your precious resource into a health boon with silica water. This is a preview of the next post: https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/cdb0a3cd-8797-4f0a-b8ea-79c9ced73854

In return, I will be out there every Friday to pick up some water!

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We don't accept crypto .... hahaha, come on over. I have 18 pups, 3 horses and a cat and not any complain about the water, we all lap it up!

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Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Mineral content can be determined by a combination of several tests.

pH, hardness (usually Mg and Ca hardness), alkalinity ( mostly a carbonate test, dissolved CO2 and CO3), Total solids, Total dissolved solids, Fluoride and other anions and others by Ion Chromatography( IC), Cations, such as Calcium by IC as well. Most metals including Ca, Mg, Fe, Al, Pb, etc can be determined by Ion Coupled Plasma (ICP) You should find a local analytical laboratory that performs these tests. They can help you. If you do not require EPA certified analysis, the lab may be able to perform the test at less expense to you. The EPA has a home water testing fact sheet that may help.


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5 weeks late to this party but cross-posted due to its importance. Many thanks for giving Chris Exley a voice. I have missed him.

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i like them to thanks to you i did not know about them and look at all these brilliant followers of yours how can i stay in conntact with them ??????????

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Follow them or subscribe to their Substack, Bradley!

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Zeolite is very effective at removing aluminum.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Right after I bought zeolite for the first time, I read an article by Mike Adams (the Health Ranger) on his Natural News website. He says they tested zeolite in their lab and that it does not absorb heavy metals and that it also frequently contains lead. So, I haven't taken my zeolite. Sometimes, it's hard to know who to believe, but here's the link to the article, in case you're interested: https://naturalnews.com/051805_zeolite_myths_heavy_metals_removal_daily_detox.html

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yes zeolite does not work according to https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/cdb0a3cd-8797-4f0a-b8ea-79c9ced73854

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Seriously, it is a constant struggle to figure everything out!

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Natural zeolite is usually dirty and therefore is not recommended. Synthetic zeolite is shown to be very effective. I’ll include links to some information. There is also a Facebook group called TRS Detox from heavy metals that has hundreds of interesting testimonials if you’re interested. You can order through the guy who runs the group if you’re interested.



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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

What I bought says "pure natural mineral" so I guess that would be what's not recommended. Thank you for the information. I will definitely look into it!

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