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From CDC's own crappy/lying website. Enter this website with caution b/c you're sure to leave with some damn illness. Here, I'll do it for you.

CDC: Is thimerosal still used in vaccines for children?

(answer) No. Thimerosal hasn’t been used in vaccines for children since 2001.

However, thimerosal is still used in some flu vaccines. Yearly flu vaccines are recommended for all children. If you are worried about thimerosal, you can ask for a flu vaccine without it. (end)

Ok, let's see if I understand you lying, crazy bastards correctly. You said:

Yes, no. Well, on 2nd thought maybe. No but yes. Yes but no. I don't know but no it's not being used. But, since we don't know, maybe it is being used. But maybe it's not. Some vaccines yes, but no. Some no, but yes. All vaccines? I'm 100% unsure but no, no Thimerosal is used; except Monday thru Thursday's until 3:42 pm. & only used in 78.614% of all vaccines. Sometimes on Friday too, but never on weekends, except in odd numbered years then yes, we use it 7 days a week; but no, we don't use it, ever. Yes we do use it sometimes but no, we never use it.

Got it. Thanks for clarifying, Mr & Mrs Jackass.

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Notice how they put the burden on the patient to find the non-poisonous flu vaccine. Ridiculous

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Yes, it's rather sick.

Here is the link to CDC "answering" many questions about Thimerosal.


You won't believe their answers. They get up each morning lying and go to bed lying. They probably lie during their dream state to boot.

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It's been so disappointing to discover to what lengths people will go to to make money and stay in the "socially exceptable" crowd. And, to discover how many in our society are wiling to lie or stay "willfully ignorant".

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I detest liars and yrs ago I asked a therapist why ppl lie so much. His response was that they lie to themselves.

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non-poisonous flu vaccine is a contradiction in terms.

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more data: search for "Cochrane flu vaccine"

It does not work.

but the mercury in it makes it diabolical

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I have looked at that. It's ridiculous that anyone will administer a flu shot. The info is right there.

From what I understand, a vaccination really only has a slight positive effect (specifically for the exact strains the flu shot is intended for) on someone with a working immune system and the positive effect doesn't outweigh the toxic effect from the adjuvants and possible contaminants and it also causes the immune system to be less able to fight off other viruses. So, ultimately, if a person's immune system works, they don't need a vaccine because their immune system can fight off the disease on it's own and then they are free from the negative side effects.

If a person's immune system doesn't work, the vaccine has no positive effect whatsoever and many detrimental side-effects, so they also don't need a vaccine.

Bottom line, no one benefits from a flu vaccine.

I can't remember who said it (Suzanne Humphries, maybe?) but "safe and effective" is a marketing slogan, not a scientific finding.

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thank you

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Agree. It's almost comical how they present the case for getting a flu vaccine. I can't believe anyone gets a flu shot voluntarily but it shows just how strong the propaganda for the pharmaceutical industry is and how compliant the general population is. What a nightmare modern "medicine" has become.

Suzanne Humphries book, Dissolving Illusions, had an interesting story about the flu vaccine. Basically, Humphries started noticing that ill patients in the hospital would become even more ill, and sometimes die, after receiving their flu shot. All the other doctors buried their head. So sad. I hope I never have to go to a hospital from here on out.

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Key reference along with Turtles All the Way Down

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I gave my medical director turtles all the way down and she promised to read the first chapter at the very least. She never did and offered to give it back to me. I told her to please keep it.

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Got my hardcopy last week. Cannot wait to find time to read it.

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Your last sentence made me chuckle. That's my major hope, too. No hospitals, not even 1 night.

Dissolving Illusions is a great book. I thought this alone would have opened more eyes. It has some, no doubt, but not as many as I thought.

Turtles, mentioned by Dr Yoho below, is also good.

A last book that's great. "The Poisoned Needle" https://www.amazon.com/Poisoned-Needle-Suppressed-Facts-Vaccinations/dp/B095NMNPL2

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Got that book too!

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Dissolving Illusions or The Poisoned Needle? Or, both?

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Both and Turtles All The Way Down. I read the first two.

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Good job. Opens one's eyes, does it not?

Like your n/n too. Just a Nobody. Rare these days that people can say things like this. So much arrogance out there. I've read some of your other posts and can pretty much see you're not full of yourself (like I am?? not!) 😎 Yoho is similar to you. Humble. Hope he's ok.

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Thanks for the kind words. I try. I just want to help without the ' Hooray' for me!!!

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And, you're eyes have obviously been opened. If you can, read this substack by Unbekoming and let me know your thoughts. Whenever, no rush.

Here it is. "unbelievable"? to me, no. Off the charts sick, yes:


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Hadn’t heard of the last book. Thanks!

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Called an oxymoron.

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I haven't worn my contact lenses for a while now but they were putting thimerosol in many of the lens preparations for your eyes. I never used them. Try and only use non-preserved preparations and thimerosal free.

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Yes, they do put thimerosal in eye drops. Can you effing believe it? That is sick. One person posted on either this substack or another s/s that his eyes were ruined (severely) from the Thimerosal in his eye drops.

Also, Thimerosal is in some OTC meds which I just found out last week or two. Thankfully, I don't take OTC meds either. But for those that do, might want to check if they contain Thimerosal (or jet fuel, or cockroach bait or Fluoride on and on). "They" seem to enjoy poisoning their fellow humans. Psychopaths all.

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And the irony is that they seal packages so tight for safety!!!! You can barely open them!

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Yeah, for our "Safety"


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Poetic Justice!!

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