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According to the “chemtrails” story, “climate engineers” are dumping massive quantities of particulate metals and other toxins on us from our own commercial aiircraft. Although many people find this credible, I reserve judgment. https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress.substack.com/p/jim-lee-of-climateviewer-joins-reinette?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email is an interview with Jim Lee of ClimateViewer, a subject matter geek. He makes it sound like a confederacy of dunces is attacking us (yes, this is a book title) rather than a conspiracy of suicidal psychopaths. Lee says that jet fuel is polluting the atmosphere because compromises were made in its manufacture to accommodate US military needs. Further commentary is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJs_NKWzsT4 and https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org. This second source, Dane Wigington, has also been interviewed by both RFK and Del Bigtree. I want to put this story in the flying saucer invasion category, but I cannot quite do it.

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forgot to add, in majority these are NOT commercial aircrafts. There are special airports, aircrafts and pilots involved in this 'project'. The confidentiality of this work goes deep into every family of these pilots.

Also, after living >15 years near the SF airport I should have noticed ~500x2 patterns a day, in a repeated fashion, according to ariplanes routes, if what Lee says is true, contrails left by normal aiplanes with polluted fuel. Nothing like that ever happened, the spraying planes came always from ONE direction, and covered randomly the entire sky above my head. There were WEEKS without the streaks, WHILE the 500x2 commercial airplanes still flew every day. I have tons of arguments FOR the already ongoing geoengineering crime, not even the planned one.

Also, after contacting SMUD, the CA capitol electrical facility company, and asking them about geoengineering, they CONFIRMED in a personal email the sprayings of SILVER IODIDE, only... To enhance the water level across the state... Dane has the list on his pages of ALL the companies doing the same..

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Lee has NO history, except for his tracking software and controlled opposition part truths/part assumptions. 'The Dimming' helps many to start to grasp the facts. Like you say here in your own talk, those who beg for money, should be put in question, Lee is one of them.

At https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org you will find the entire history and explanations of PILOTS saying NO FUELS' fumes with hundreds of degrees leaving the engine located at -30degC can sit there and linger for HOURS, building STRUCTURES DEPENDING ON WI-FI.. I'm educating/watching the skies, exchanging info for >12 years by now and have enough personal proof to accept the illegal sprayings as FACT. I contacted Stanford researchers involved in geoengineering projectsm and every time I came up with questions, there was NO LOGICAL answer.

No plane will leave patterns like the one we see today without a ROOM TEMPERATURE nozzle.

Similar to covid scam, the best is to start observing, reading the patents, starting with ~1890... Dane has it all on his pages.

Btw. how do you explain a REGULAR temperature pattern this year in CA capitol for the last ~2 months, midweek 80-90 (Tue-Fri), weekends (Sat-Mon) >100F..., every week the same!

Nature??? NO, special chemicals in the air driven by 5G towers, growing in numbers. Only microwaves can 'move' the water and metallic nanoparticles.

Btw. there is a REASON why ALUMINUM, barium, strontium, etc., there is nothing in the global genocide what is not without a reason.

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The airline pilots all laugh at the chemtrails story but what do I know?

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all?? The documentary shows some of them who are not laughing, and confirming the facts. This entire issue is similar to covid problems, how many MD's will tell you not to take covid 19 genetically modifying possibly lethal injection, in order to safe your life? How many MD's will tell you not to take chemo because it will only increase the probability of making the cancer worse? With one word, these laughing pilots have to do it, otherwise they have to admit being part of the problem, at least those who know.. Dane has some of the docs showing the gag orders on many of the involved.

At least please try to answer, why aluminum in all vaccines (old styles) AND why aluminum in water, air, soil?? To make aluminum resistant plants takes LOT of resaerch, money. WHY aluminum, which like you said HAD NO BIOLOGICAL FUNCTION IN THE PAST???

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Like the' Weather Forcasters' are gagged!

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I live in Spain and the chemtrails are SO noticeable and there were so many comments about them that the national weather service finally admitted that they are attempting to manipulate the weather. It's in writing on their website.

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Rainmaking is an example of climate engineering that definitely is happening. The Chinese did it before the Olympics. There are even rainmaking companies you can hire to ensure your next outdoor event is rain free nowadays.

They make it rain prior to your big outdoor event.

Bill Gates has been planning to get into climate engineering too and he has a plan to dump stuff in the atmosphere to try cool down the planet. It’s been reported on. He hasn’t done it yet though. Pretty scary if he goes ahead with it though

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