
Key thing is to avoid every drug except for those you absolutely need.

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Thanks !

Mercury is gradually excreted mainly in the stool as I understand it, and patients mostly gradually improve on their own. This may be more for true intoxications with elevated levels but what do I know.

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May 29, 2023·edited May 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

' What part of the body is affected by mercury?

Mercury may have toxic effects on the nervous, digestive and immune systems, and on lungs, kidneys, skin and eyes...' [vids] onlyupmedia-com.ngontinh24.com/articles/where-does-mercury-store-in-your-body

Hg Excreted in stool?! ha,ha...this ol' mechanic had ALL the teeth pulled...the entire mouth had 'mercury tattoos' as a memento...there were too many to count... It took 30+ yrs [one Generation!] for -most- of them to vanish. Sad to say, Dr.Y, you were taught a load of bs & millions have&are paying the price of the on high medicalmafia profit$ at any cost doctrine.

Y'all know this... so there's no point in stating hg/ASD link ...stevekirsch.substack.com /p/parent-survey-results-vaccines-increase

Parent survey results: vaccines increase the risk of autism, autoimmune disorders, etc.'

pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov /29777524/

Mercury Involvement in Neuronal Damage and in Neurodegenerative Diseases - PubMed


Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and multiple sclerosis are characterized by a chronic and selective process of neuronal cell death. ..Among environmental causes, the accumulation of mercury, a heavy metal considered a toxic agent, was largely studied as a probable factor involved in neurodegenerative disease course. Mercury exists in three main forms: elemental mercury, inorganic mercury, and organic mercury (methylmercury and ethylmercury). Sources of elemental mercury can be natural (volcanic emission) or anthropogenic (coal-fired electric utilities, waste combustion, hazardous-waste incinerators, and gold extraction). Moreover, mercury is still used as an antiseptic, as a medical preservative, and as a fungicide. Dental amalgam can emit mercury vapor. Mercury vapor, being highly volatile and lipid soluble, can cross the blood-brain barrier and the lipid cell membranes and can be accumulated into the cells in its inorganic forms. Also, methylmercury can pass through blood-brain and placental barriers, causing serious damage in the central nervous system. This review describes the toxic effects of mercury in cell cultures, in animal models, and in patients with neurodegenerative diseases. In vitro experiments showed that mercury exposure was principally involved in oxidative stress and apoptotic processes. Moreover, motor and cognitive impairment and neural loss have been confirmed in various studies performed in animal models. Finally, observational studies on patients with neurodegenerative diseases showed discordant data about a possible mercury involvement.'

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finally got around to looking at your comment, thanks...

I had no training about mercury.

I have seen a blood mercury level drop from 12 to zero after 5 months of avoiding fish. But who knows about tissue levels?

Are you saying you got all your teeth pulled, and the staining only went away after 30 years?

Do you think chelation works?


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May 29, 2023·edited May 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

'staining' was not what the biologics dentist at the health show termed it...she called them tattoos because they were celluar deep& the Hg leaching was from the blood, fascia,ligaments&Bone,Organs.etc manifesting as countless tattoos & that finally diminished so you could count the remaining blotches, not 'went away'fully ,after 3 decades...Dr.Yoho, picture Hg poisoning as an iceberg...those tattos were the tip of that absurdly biotoxic pyramid. ..had IV chelation done 40 yrs ago for theheavy metal,asbestos crapola from working on cars& if it worked for the lead poisoned german pottery workers,a hundred years ago, then it surely did for this ol'mechanic.cheers

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Robert, in the book you recommended, it says this:

"one of the problems with mercury fillings is that mercury is released continuously, 24/7, and even a very small amount of mercury has the potential to do a tremendous amount of damage. Human beings do not metabolize mercury very well. For all intents and purposes, we do so only a little better than fish do. Fish do not metabolize mercury at all! This means that when a fish comes into contact with mercury, it retains all of it. The fish cannot break it down and expel any of the mercury through their urine, fecal matter, or skin (or should I say scales and fins). Whereas, when we come into contact with mercury, we keep most of it. We can break down a small amount via a process called methylation and release some of it through our urine, hair, fecal matter, or skin. When mercury is released from amalgam fillings, we keep almost all of that mercury! There are many different opinions on how much mercury humans can excrete. I have read that humans get rid of approximately 30 mcg (micrograms) of mercury per day (a microgram is one-thousandth of a milligram). However, “Most human metallic mercury exposure comes from mercury vapor outgassing from amalgam fillings, at a rate of 2 to 28 micrograms per facet"

Recall when I told you that I have two MTHFR genetic SNPs? This condition involves a methylation problem. If methylation is the major factor in your body disposing of mercury, 50% of the population have a major problem.

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May 15, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I watched the video. All I can say is, “Wow”. My mother, now deceased, had a spinal fusion in her 70s. Within a couple of years she had increased pain and all the titanium was removed from her back. She was told she had developed calcium deposits but I now wonder if she had a sensitivity to the metals. Why aren’t people tested for this before surgery?

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May 15, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Another excellent article!

You are building a library of practical strategies to heal from the widespread poisonings our people suffer under.

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Thanks J: I am educating myself as an amateur naturopath...

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May 15, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

👏👏👏👏 😊Thank you for joining the original medical system then😉

Your contribution, i expect will be ground breaking given your training in allopathic medicine and your ability to see through the garbage being sold as medicine. Although, unfortunately our system has also been infiltrated by supplement companies fronting pharmaceutical companies and pushing rubbish products as health. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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The alternative systems are filled with hucksters too.

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May 16, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

May i ask what you read to educate yourself?

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read voraciously

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You're a quick study, R.

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Thank you for sharing this, I hadn’t even considered this as a potential worry until now, which frankly I’m shocked that I never thought of this before. But my Dad is in the hospital now, he’s 80 and just got titanium screws put into his L5 area...and he seems to be doing well (it’s been 3.5 days now), but my FAR greater concern is my son who’s 15 is having back surgery in August. He has bilateral fractures in his lower back and after 2 years of pursuing every other option available, including some ‘experimental’ options, fusing his back is the only option left. We’ve been to 5 different specialists, multiple PT offices, etc but he’s now missed the last 2 seasons of lacrosse due to the pain in his lower back. But, I’m going to call his Doctor and ask about getting him tested for allergies and find out what type of screws he uses (I’m 90% sure he said titanium). Thank you again for raising awareness here!

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patch testing by an allergist. Titanium has several metals.

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I live with more spine damage from over-aggressive Physios, than the 1 single one I did pushing a college door open one-handed. C3-S1 is degenerative now.

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May 15, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I knew Dr. Scott Schroeder when I lived in Washington, where his practice was.

He is an excellent practitioner.

If I knew how to get in touch with him, I'd add my story to his list of patient experiences. I fractured my ankle (leaving work at the local hospital, of all things) in 2010 and subsequently underwent ORIF. When I recovered from that (and the subsequent PE I had, just to make life more interesting) and could no longer blame the aches in every joint in my body on anything else, I looked into metal toxicity/allergy. I found stories similar to all of these. I asked the orthopedic surgeon who did the ORIF to schedule me for hardware removal. He refused, saying "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard."

I had one of Dr. Schroeder's partners remove the metal plate and 8 screws. The morning after the surgery, I woke up feeling as flexible as al dente pasta, rather than the Tin Man in need of an oil can. It was remarkable.

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Brenda, if you contact me through my Substack, I can give you Scott Schroeder's email address

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May 15, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Oh gosh. This is so pitiful - people injured by the very ones who were suppose to be helping.

Just as pitiful; good hearted, well-meaning doctors who followed the protocols truly trying to help their patients. I’m so grateful there are those who figured out they were taught wrong and were willing to make a change. That takes humility and valuing truth over anything else. Grateful for those dedicated professionals- we need your expertise.

Thank you so much for telling us about these issues from your own experience and those of whom you are connected to.

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I've been partially down this road. I had a titanium implant with an abutment screw made of Argen 86 creating a battery in my mouth. I also had a titanium pin in a toe. Biological dentist did a Clifford Reactivity Materials test to determine if I was sensitive to titanium or zirconia. It said I wasn't. The Argen 86 abutment screw was replaced after 9 years with a zirconia screw. I now wished I had had the entire implant removed and replaced along with the pin in my toe.

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Dr. Scott brought me a step closer to the realization that I was suffering from metal poisoning. If you are experiencing unexplained symptoms, you may want to check into this possibility. I am going to begin my recovery by having all metal removed from my mouth. I have tried every other possibility, with no improvement. In fact, my health has been declining for two years, following a rod being placed in my right leg, and a root canal a few months later.

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Co author credit for Deb, who got me all the references. stay tuned for the third post.

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Deborah--- How are you doing now...have you had the dental metals removed? What , if anything, do they replace them with?

Best wishes....brenda

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May 15, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I had a severe broken neck and had surgery 4 years ago here in Chile. The surgeon put in two metal plates and 6 screws. The surgeon told me the plates were titanium but never said anything about the screws. Since the surgery I have been progressively having neuropathy problems. The pain and numbness has grown from my hands and arms to my legs and feet. It seems as if my muscles are always tight. I also am loosing all my energy. I can be in bed 12 hours and still be tired.

I’m on Gabapentin and tramadol. Nothing seems to work to stop the pain including morphine. I’ve done physical therapy, used every holistic medicine and acupuncture. One other monkey wrench is I had implants in my mouth just before I broke my neck. And I don’t know what the implant screws are made of.

This was a great interview and maybe points to the problem I have.

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gabapentin is not a great drug. It has been heavily promoted off label for almost everything. See Butchered by "Healthcare"

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Tramadol is as bad. Son has it on his allergy list. So do I. What type of metal did they use when they did his Quad Bypass? Found out they gave him a massive dose of Steroids when he had the TIA. Which drove his BS up to over 600, and used insulin to bring it down, but hospitals don't think to check Eye Pressure in Diabetics, Eye Pressure, is now in the Glaucoma range. And his COPD inhaler is a steroid. Which he didn't think I should know about. No one told him not to take Steroids, Cortisones, or prednisone as a Diabetic. Nor if you have Glaucoma. Your ER contact needs that info. One 5 mg of Prednisone will double your Eye Pressure. Retinal issues will then be your next damage.

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May 15, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Any advice on the best way to stop

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a compounding pharmacist can make up pills that decrease in strength by a percent every few days.

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May 15, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I’m going to try and stop. I’ve been on it three years

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B Carlson, I am only two years out, yet I can identify with everything you are experiencing. My recommendation, stop the gabapentin immediately! Tramadol is a mild opiate, and if it helps, keep taking it, but only when absolutely necessary. I went through opiate withdrawal for 2 1/2 weeks. It was very difficult, but nothing in comparison to withdrawing from benzodiazepines.

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concur but this is not specific medical advice as I'm retired

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May 15, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I had similar surgery to B Carlson, 2 rods and 4 screws in my C spine, all titanium and I seem OK. I’ve had more titanium in my shoulder and took Gabaoentin, then Pregablin. The withdrawal from both was awful but getting off the Pregablin took 6 months of hell. I have never taken anything so addictive, including opioids. These are street drugs in the UK now and recently became controlled drugs but it took a very long time and I dread to think how many people have suffered because of it. A drug developed by Pfizer!

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they are not working for us

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May 15, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Did you go off gradually or cold turkey. Thanks for your reply

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May 15, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I started reducing gradually until I was on a half dose and then made the mistake of going cold turkey. For me the reason for coming off it wasn’t so much the side effects which were a feeling of elation and an outrageous sex drive that could not be satisfied. Sounds like fun but it wasn’t, I came off because I realised I would need to keep increasing the dose until I reached the max - then what would I do? I realised it would be harder to withdraw the more I was taking so decided to bite the bullet sooner rather than later. I nearly killed myself driving on Gabaoentin and when I stopped that drug I collapsed in the shower but I immediately started the Pregabalin so didn’t notice any more withdrawal. I hope this information helps. I have stayed off opiates and gabapentinoids and now use cannabis (full strength) to relax me from pain. It’s safer and non addictive. Good luck I hope it works out well for you.

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May 15, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thank you. I’m cutting to 1/2 dose today. I don’t have sex drive or elation. I just feel cold when I am sweating

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sounds like too fast

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I would reduce more gradually than that. Ask you Dr to prescribe smaller strength tablets and do it very very gradually. If not the sweating gets worse.

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May 15, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I’m going to reduce gradually. My neurologist has me on 1800-2400 mg per day. I’ll cut in half today.

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Ok day one I reduced Gabapentin from 1800 to 1200. Will do this a week and then cut back to 900. The next week 600 etc. I’ll worry about the Tramadol after. I’m taking 600 mg of that crap too.

Is there a natural pain reliever that could take its place?

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May 15, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I'm a holistic chiropractor. I had numerous patients who experienced almost immediate, severe neurological sequellae following titanium implants (hip, dental, even a titanium dental bridge). There was no other diagnoses given for any of those patients. No positive lab findings for any of them. The only differential diagnosis I could come up with was a titanium sensitivity.

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It's an amalgam with several other metals. Refer for allergy patch testing. It's sick that orthos don't commonly identify this before the patients float around.

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May 15, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

My biologic dentist removed all my amalgams as safely as they can be removed and I will forever be grateful. It did cost a small fortune.

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I'm in line for this and I have 17.

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May 16, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

A good friend felt as though he was dying, slowly. Lost all energy, uncomfortable daily, couldn’t sleep— you name it. His wife, a surgeon, took him to every doc she could think of. Eventually all the docs and she— began to think he was psycho rather than medically ill. He would up in Germany were removed all amalgam fillings. They said he’s feel better in a week or so. He felt like a new person within 2 hours!!! He was practically doing cartwheels, so much so that his wife, by now a total

skeptic of his ailments and a total

believer in strictly western medicine, had hers removed as well! She hasn’t even felt sick but noticed an improvement in her overall sense of well being. They’ve both become

firm believers in the RIFE machine, several

other crazy sounding machines, grounding, eastern herbal medicinals and all things “woo-woo”. His entire issue was amalgam fillings and an extreme sensitivity to 5G. *He knew the DAY my hubs installed some techno thing to speed up our internet. He called days later asking whether we had installed anything 5G, saying he could no longer sleep on that side of his house! We are neighbors.

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Fantastic case, and I'm going to post on EMF soon. Turning off your wifi at night with a power strip and getting your cell phones out of the bedroom is a good start. Also switch off electricity to the part of the house where you sleep. Shielding the bedroom is expensive. Go to https://mercola.libsyn.com and search for EMF and listen to what Mercola has to say.

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wait for the next post and put this comment on it too as soon as it drops. I appreciate you KC!

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May 15, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)


I knew the effects of the Dentistry industry around mercury amalgamation and considered orthopedic metals to probably be harmful, but necessary.

I had know idea there was actually a Dr discussing it publicly though. That you so much for sharing Scott Schroeders work with us. And tjank you for YOUR tireless work to enlighten others the damage done in the name of "healthcare".🙏

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one more dental post to come in a few days then eventually I'll tell whatever happens to me. best

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May 15, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Emeramide for mercury chelation: https://emeramed.com/emeramide-safe-metals-chelator/ completely fascinating compound. I have only one mercury filling left and fortunately no other hardware but I’d lose it if I had the opportunity.

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thank you for this another precious post! Just wonder about the history of the 'amalgam' solutions for humans, given that science must have known about the toxicity of that substance for a LONG time... Maybe it goes back to the bugs again, those who methylate the mercury to neurotoxic methylmercury (MeHg = Hg(II)) and the good ones which do the opposite demethylate to the relatively inert oxidized Hg(0)... And only the charged species react with proteins changing them completely. On top of it the bad Hg(II) is also binding to Thymine Bases in DNA... Zn does it very well too, but not if HgII is around (the same group in periodic table)... It's like the huge heavy Goliath against the tiny David (Zn), the same valence charge against the mass. If anyone is resposible for this crime, it must be chemists, that why Andreas Noack is gone. Just miss his lectures, a lot.

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It's the American Dental Assn that is responsible for the crimes.

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

and WHO is behind ADA? Rockefellers?

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paid off by various groups to the tune of tens of millions a year

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