A good friend felt as though he was dying, slowly. Lost all energy, uncomfortable daily, couldn’t sleep— you name it. His wife, a surgeon, took him to every doc she could think of. Eventually all the docs and she— began to think he was psycho rather than medically ill. He would up in Germany were removed all amalgam fillings. They said h…
A good friend felt as though he was dying, slowly. Lost all energy, uncomfortable daily, couldn’t sleep— you name it. His wife, a surgeon, took him to every doc she could think of. Eventually all the docs and she— began to think he was psycho rather than medically ill. He would up in Germany were removed all amalgam fillings. They said he’s feel better in a week or so. He felt like a new person within 2 hours!!! He was practically doing cartwheels, so much so that his wife, by now a total
skeptic of his ailments and a total
believer in strictly western medicine, had hers removed as well! She hasn’t even felt sick but noticed an improvement in her overall sense of well being. They’ve both become
firm believers in the RIFE machine, several
other crazy sounding machines, grounding, eastern herbal medicinals and all things “woo-woo”. His entire issue was amalgam fillings and an extreme sensitivity to 5G. *He knew the DAY my hubs installed some techno thing to speed up our internet. He called days later asking whether we had installed anything 5G, saying he could no longer sleep on that side of his house! We are neighbors.
Fantastic case, and I'm going to post on EMF soon. Turning off your wifi at night with a power strip and getting your cell phones out of the bedroom is a good start. Also switch off electricity to the part of the house where you sleep. Shielding the bedroom is expensive. Go to https://mercola.libsyn.com and search for EMF and listen to what Mercola has to say.
A good friend felt as though he was dying, slowly. Lost all energy, uncomfortable daily, couldn’t sleep— you name it. His wife, a surgeon, took him to every doc she could think of. Eventually all the docs and she— began to think he was psycho rather than medically ill. He would up in Germany were removed all amalgam fillings. They said he’s feel better in a week or so. He felt like a new person within 2 hours!!! He was practically doing cartwheels, so much so that his wife, by now a total
skeptic of his ailments and a total
believer in strictly western medicine, had hers removed as well! She hasn’t even felt sick but noticed an improvement in her overall sense of well being. They’ve both become
firm believers in the RIFE machine, several
other crazy sounding machines, grounding, eastern herbal medicinals and all things “woo-woo”. His entire issue was amalgam fillings and an extreme sensitivity to 5G. *He knew the DAY my hubs installed some techno thing to speed up our internet. He called days later asking whether we had installed anything 5G, saying he could no longer sleep on that side of his house! We are neighbors.
Fantastic case, and I'm going to post on EMF soon. Turning off your wifi at night with a power strip and getting your cell phones out of the bedroom is a good start. Also switch off electricity to the part of the house where you sleep. Shielding the bedroom is expensive. Go to https://mercola.libsyn.com and search for EMF and listen to what Mercola has to say.
wait for the next post and put this comment on it too as soon as it drops. I appreciate you KC!