ЁЯСПЁЯСПЁЯСПЁЯСП ЁЯШКThank you for joining the original medical system thenЁЯШЙ
Your contribution, i expect will be ground breaking given your training in allopathic medicine and your ability to see through the garbage being sold as medicine. Although, unfortunately our system has also been infiltrated by supplement companies fronting pharmaceutical companies and pushing rubbish products as health. ЁЯджтАНтЩАя╕ПЁЯджтАНтЩАя╕П
Another excellent article!
You are building a library of practical strategies to heal from the widespread poisonings our people suffer under.
Thanks J: I am educating myself as an amateur naturopath...
ЁЯСПЁЯСПЁЯСПЁЯСП ЁЯШКThank you for joining the original medical system thenЁЯШЙ
Your contribution, i expect will be ground breaking given your training in allopathic medicine and your ability to see through the garbage being sold as medicine. Although, unfortunately our system has also been infiltrated by supplement companies fronting pharmaceutical companies and pushing rubbish products as health. ЁЯджтАНтЩАя╕ПЁЯджтАНтЩАя╕П
The alternative systems are filled with hucksters too.
May i ask what you read to educate yourself?
read voraciously
You're a quick study, R.