I have several friends who developed cancer (post shot) and I immediately sent this to them. Thank you so much for posting. BTW, do you know anything about sudden severe bone loss following the shot? I have two friends who are going through it and so far one has spontaneously broken 5 vertebrae, and the other 3.

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Check out Walter Chestnut posts on SS. He does talk about calcium leaching from bones. Unfortunately. I’ve seen a lot of calcium deposits in arteries which is incredibly concerning.

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BTW, it's Walter Chesnut, not 'Chestnut"! I am sure he gets a lot of that...Jessica Rose even did it once. But yes, he has a lot of really deep dive information, and I think was one of the first, if not THE first, to link amyloids with the spikes.

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I wonder if the shot affects the parathyroid and causes the calcium to be leached from the bones into the blood stream. It's just a thought, and I have nothing really to go on.

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We’ll never know… with the rate that our “research” teams are working. Can’t even dissect the abnormal clots they’re removing from veins. They’ll report and put up a fuss but never open a lab to actually do the research. All these ppl are liars.

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Has any reader a comment about high-dose melatonin to shrink cancer tumors. I've read Dr Shallenberger's articles.

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My hormone training said melatonin is possibly the best antioxidant and there are rumored cancer effects. Doses of 100 mg a day are safe. The long acting variety from lifeextension.Com are stronger. I have another source in Hormone Secrets, download it here and word search it: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/p7dvqow83g. I don't know how you could harm yourself with melatonin except for vivid dreams or sleep disturbance. Not medical advice, at your own risk, etc. etc.

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Ive seen lots of evidence that way higher than 100 is safe also.

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Do you have to have a kindle to read the book or can it just be downloaded to one's computer?

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Or download kindle app on any cell or computer and email it there. Instructions included.

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You can download to your computer.

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Thank you so much for replying. I will give it a try.

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Are Coley's toxins available anywhere today?

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There was a lab in Canada set up to make them to modern standards, and they became available in 2006. Through a hospital in Tijuana. They taught the patients to self-administer so they could continue upon return. The lab no longer exists. There was supposed to be a trial, run by the Danes, in Canada. It never happened. The stuff costs pennies to make, and there are powerful interests who do not wish it to come to market. Btw, the lab in Canada gave the toxins away... I am saying that to counter the propaganda that says this is quack treatment used to extort money from desperate people.

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We cured Mom’s stage 4 lung cancer in about 30 days using bloodroot paste. aka BLACK SALVE, aka Amazon paste. I’ll never stop telling the WORLD about it!!!

Mom only needed advil 2-3 times when doing this AND we barely even did the protocol

correctly bc she didn’t feel like fooling with it some days. Her “incurable, but we can get you to a place of a certain quality of life and put it off awhile” cancer was CURED!!! And NO, I don’t make a DIME from saying this.

775 324-4889 ROBERT


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I thought blood root draws the cancer out through the skin?

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I have read other articles on this and IVM and it gives me hope. LDN, which I take for autoimmune, is also anti-cancer according to research so I am counting on it to keep BC at bay.

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Read alllll the comments! I believe that, like diets, there are more than 1-2 ways to skin this cat.

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Vit c is a near panacea stay tuned

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ValleyVet.com mail order will sell it to you.

This retailer sells Ivermectin for horses too.

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Here are RNs that treat cancer with antiparasitic drugs


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I added this to the Substack source document; many thanks.

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I love it that Functional and Integrative Medicine is really taking off. It's what we need to take down the evil medical mafia empire

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Hard to believe that so many excellent "alternative" treatments exist. They should have been studied and promoted long ago. I'm studying thiamine for Parkinson's and magnesium for a lot of other illnesses, stay tuned.

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Check out this German study showing exogenous dietary cholesterol can remyelinate MS patients


High cholesterol causing atherosclerosis is another big profit farce by the medical mafia. I subscribe to Bruce Lipton's newsletter and he explains how it is HIGH HISTAMINE that causes the plaque buildup NOT high cholesterol:

The observations then led to the question, “What is the healthy level of cholesterol in the blood?” Doctors measured blood cholesterol in thousands of patients and derived an “average” concentration.

Below this cholesterol level, people were safe, while those with higher blood cholesterol were prone to heart attacks.

Conclusion: Those with elevated cholesterol concentrations should be prescribed statin drugs to reduce their cholesterol. Today approximately 200 million statin users spend nearly 25 billion dollars a year on their cholesterol-limiting prescriptions.

How’s that working out? Assessments reveal that only 3 patients out of a hundred (3%) of statin users benefit with a lower risk of heart attack, stroke, and death.

Interestingly, 17 statin users out of a hundred (17%) end up with dysfunctional side-effects from the drug.

It turns out that statins benefit only those that are at high-risk for heart disease. As a consequence, 97% of statin sales are not only useless, but their side-effects may also be dangerous.

Over the years, the so-called “safe” level of blood cholesterol has periodically been reduced. Every time this happens, a whole new population of statin-requiring patients is created.

Lowering the acceptable level of cholesterol between 1987 and 2016 led to an estimated 600% increase statin sales. In the face of an escalating healthcare crisis, statins have not served the people, but have significantly enriched the profits of pharmaceutical companies.

While I was a research scientist in the lab of Theodore Hollis at the University of Pennsylvania, Ted’s study clearly revealed that atherosclerosis was not caused by cholesterol.

We infused the circulatory system of rats with so much cholesterol, their blood was milky white. In the control group, these cholesterol-stressed rats became atherosclerotic as might be expected.

However, in the experimental group, rats that were also given antihistamines along with the cholesterol never expressed atherosclerosis.

It’s not cholesterol that causes the plaque problem, it is elevated levels of histamine that produced the plaques.

Histamine is derived from erratic blood pressure, which in turn, is a direct consequence of stress.

Rather than using statins, atherosclerosis would be best treated by primarily controlling stress, and secondarily, can be prevented by using over-the-counter antihistamines.

Profoundly cheaper than statins, antihistamines are more effective, and generally free of side-effects.

The whole problem with identifying an average level of blood cholesterol is that people are not clones.

Each human has their own metabolic activity, therefore there is no “standard” cholesterol concentration that fits all.

Many individuals have quite wonderful healthy lives and yet possess higher than average cholesterol levels. For them, statins might actually precipitate a negative impact on their health.

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Here is the whole German study using cholesterol for MS


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I did send him this though being he states to use an anti-histamine drug. Harvard study showed that high diphenhydramine use can cause dementia


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Check out Coley's toxins. Cured my low grade, follicular "incurable" lymphoma. I did mainstream treatments until they quit working: CHOP-R twice, Bexxar, RICE. After 12 years post dx, it transformed into fast growing cell type (=very bad odds). And here I am, 27 years post dx. :-)

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Erin please reply to this email so I can discuss it with you. Maybe you would like to be interviewed. Thanks

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Dr Yoho, I would be very happy to discuss it further. How can I reach you?

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email me by replying to any of these posts and I'll send you my phone and regular email

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Hubs has been on the whole Tippins regime (approx 90 days) since MRI prostate discovered a large lesion and enlarged right lymph node but he chose to stop for 1 month (March) due to kidney stones (totally unrelated)meds and surgeries for such. However, one of the scans saw NO enlarged lymph nodes on March hospitalization (scan was not specific to the prostate but localized in the area of the previously enlarged lymph node) as of April we are back on it and want to be scanned for verification. And I monitor his blood work which has been frequent for monitoring his kidneys, all of which is in the normal range. So many questions to ask you, sweet Dr Y. Keep up the good work tho I sometimes wonder when Big Pharma shuts this avenue down as it garners more momentum.

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Thanks for your comment. I don't know more than these references but the most important thing to realize is how nontoxic this drug is.

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My questions are more to how to find a good specialist - in our case a Urologist.

How to find a GP doc to work with you (and not appear to have a third eye in the middle of your forehead) regarding this alternative meds

When to discontinue some nutraceuticals and/or ivermectin after Covid (these can be “pill taking” and/or cancelling effectiveness/overwhelming.)

What is the best scan without contrast to detect and/or verify elimination of cancer.

Why a biopsy, which for prostate cancer is invasive and potential for infection. Cannot another medical procedure verify the cancer? Etc

The weight of medical rabbit hole research by a so not medical person for your loved one of 45 years is all consuming and frighteningly scary without any support or verification from others sans anecdotes.

All these and more answered in a nonmedical humble opinion😉 say via your podcasts? Apologies if some have been podcast addressed since I discovered you maybe 4-6 months ago.

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Here is Tippens story


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A very dear friend was murdered by the "standard of care" for treating cancer a few years ago; I don't know if she would have opted to try this, because she "trusted her oncologist", and refused to even look at other suggestions (Dr Seyfried's work in particular), but I am so glad to have this information now. THANK YOU. I have downloaded both of your books and yes, have passed the links on to others. Wishing you the best and thanks for sharing your knowledge.

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Thanks for joining the battle.

I'm studying vitamin C, both intravenous and oral, and it looks like a much bigger deal than fenbendazole. See Primal Panacea by Tom Levy, MD. That this and other treatments are covered up by physicians shocks me more than ... well a lot shocks me these days. Levy has an excellent book on magnesium as well. I'll review both soon.

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Yep, have his book!!!

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LifeSiteNews spoke to a source with an intimate knowledge of the matter, who noted that all mail sent through Gmail is archived, and the contents of your emails get scanned by an AI algorithm that builds profiles of you and those you communicate with via email, including, for instance, your children. Even an email drafted in anger, but ultimately was not sent, is stored by Google. Furthermore, the metadata gleaned from emails you deleted gets permanently stored in your user data profile as well.


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I've got to switch to Protonmail, but events conspire against me.

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I did switch, but then I was informed that Switzerland is the literal home for the evil ones---WEF, WHO, DAVOS, etc...(& did you see the 'opening ceremony' for CERN?! Certainly looked evil to me...) So I use Proton, too, but I think no matter what we're surveilled.

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One other theory I have come across in my research and quest for better health for me and those around me, is Dr. Seyfried. His theory, which makes tons of sense to me, is that cancer primarily is metabolic disorder as opposed to a genetic one. There might be a genetic component but it's miniscule to that of what's metabolic. Here's a link to some of what he has to say.


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Thank you.

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This is also commonly used on horses and I've administered it probably 100 times (never a problem) because I have studied horses and dogs for 40+ years.

Also, I discovered that small oral doses of off-label ivermecting will make hair and nails grow like crazy and is definitely an anti-viral and anti-inflammatory.

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Flagyl is an anti-parasitic used to treat Diverticulitis. Isn't that what Stromectol-(Ivermectin) did? 80% of your immune system is in the Gut.

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flagyl is a nasty antibiotic drug with some side effects. I'm not sure the comparison is warranted.

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I didn't like it, put it on my reaction list. Hit my vision badly.

Well, the Cardio narrowed James' vision issue down to the Anesthesia, whether he had his eyes open and they dried out or the surgery lights combined irritated them. Sending him to an eye specialist. His DSSI case after 6 months has not been assigned a case worker. He's Broke, has no job, no money. I got him a grocery card so he could eat. Lost 30 lbs since Oct. Nor has State Medicaid kicked in. Two $20 + K bills, coupons for the cardio meds. Ahead of recovery.

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Thank you Dr. Yoho. Interesting that yet another cheap over the counter dewormer is having success. For sure the evil megapharmas would not like this information reaching the public. Might? Just might? Interfere with their evil mega mi££ion$ chemos.

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