Thank you for all your hard work.

These are the darkest days of mankind, at least it seems so to me. I am sure WW2 was horrific. But this seems potentially much much worse.

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We are living in a Warsaw ghetto but everyone is denying it.

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Face the facts! LoL. I just sent the following I Ching recommendation to a friend I'm hoping is awake enough to wake up enough to act.

When we are faced with an obstacle that has to be overcome, weakness and impatience can do nothing. Only strong individuals can stand up to their fate, for their inner security enables them to endure to the end. This strength shows itself in uncompromising truthfulness with themselves. It is only when we have the courage to face things exactly as they are, without any sort of self deception or illusion, that the light will develop out of events by which the path to success may be recognised.

I Ching 5 Hsu p.25 Baynes/Wilhelm

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As I frequently tell a good friend, we are living in "a comfortable hell". Everything is wrong and everything that makes us human is being destroyed. People are dying at alarming rates due to coerced poison and nobody seems to care really... The republicans for the most part won't even talk about it...including a former frat brother of mine who is now a US Representative....

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Great compendium of the new Matrix.: population reduction, control, power, divide and conquer, and globalism. All under the guise of "Democracy." Stay tuned for my essay "Democracy for Dummies."

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Biden’s Diesel Fuel Supply Crisis Could Soon Cripple America in Ways Never Before Seen


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Oh and all the LGB etc movement is related to the ancient mythological goddess Ishtar. Might need to accept those ancient myths weren't a myth.

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These are all the same things I've been saying! But i thought I was alone. This is the price we pay for closing all the long-term psychiatric facilities.

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The psych drugs are much more damaging to society and individuals than locked psych

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True, all they can do is kill each other, we had a report of a prisoner killing another one the other day.

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You are not alone, and until we get at least a semi-sane government we will see the Chaos of the EMP book writers. The GRID goes down, every prison lets the psychopaths and would-be dictators. Makes Logan's Run, Soylent Green, 1984 looks tame. REFORM SCHOOLS TOO. I did crime stats for a decade, they are a TOTAL LIE. 30% SERVE RATE, HIERARCHICAL COUNTING, INFRACTIONS IGNORED, PAROLE, PROBATION IGNORED. 30% counted for RECIDIVISM REPORTS.

The rape kit issue is a 15-year backlog. So nothing new there. Eliza's killer has been in and out of prison since age 11. https://www.foxnews.com/us/eliza-fletcher-update-joggers-murder-suspect-cleotha-henderson-returns-court. When you read the report, only the HOMICIDE is listed, not the rape or kidnapping. A few days later 3 men kidnapped and gang raped a woman for 9 hours, it got little publicity, they too had long rap sheets, and nerver should have been let out of prison.

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God is not of this world, he only knows love and eternal life , through the Holy Spirit we can move to God's world. Possibly one day we will know longer speak of some God out here who will save this would from it's self.

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I enjoyed the podcast conversation and look forward to reading Cassandra’s Memo and your other books.

An abundance of evidence suggests that our planet is undergoing a magnetic excursion culminating in a civilization-ending catastrophe. The evidence for this in scientific observation, ancient fossils, and mythic lore are formidable. I recommend Ben Davidson’s book, “The Next End of the World: The Rebirth of Catastrophism” for a good primer on the topic.

I hypothesize that the global psychopaths know this and are on a deadline to reduce our numbers prior to the event which is expected in the 2030s or 2040s.

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I can see the well-meaning intent, but please, notice that the very term "psychopath" has been weaponized; it's used for making the average moron superior to others, while the average moron will do nothing to defend his freedom, if for no other reason, it is because he has no idea what freedom is.


Doctors who quit being paid killers know better...

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Seems like a critical distinction to me. Bright line in many cases.

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I relate about this global mess being a vector for the first time to consider faith topics. Thanks for your excellent work, Robert, as always. You are a hero of sanity.

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I relate about this global mess being a vector for the first time to consider faith topics. Thanks for your excellent work, Robert, as always. You are a hero of sanity.

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