These are all the same things I've been saying! But i thought I was alone. This is the price we pay for closing all the long-term psychiatric facilities.
These are all the same things I've been saying! But i thought I was alone. This is the price we pay for closing all the long-term psychiatric facilities.
You are not alone, and until we get at least a semi-sane government we will see the Chaos of the EMP book writers. The GRID goes down, every prison lets the psychopaths and would-be dictators. Makes Logan's Run, Soylent Green, 1984 looks tame. REFORM SCHOOLS TOO. I did crime stats for a decade, they are a TOTAL LIE. 30% SERVE RATE, HIERARCHICAL COUNTING, INFRACTIONS IGNORED, PAROLE, PROBATION IGNORED. 30% counted for RECIDIVISM REPORTS.
The rape kit issue is a 15-year backlog. So nothing new there. Eliza's killer has been in and out of prison since age 11. When you read the report, only the HOMICIDE is listed, not the rape or kidnapping. A few days later 3 men kidnapped and gang raped a woman for 9 hours, it got little publicity, they too had long rap sheets, and nerver should have been let out of prison.
These are all the same things I've been saying! But i thought I was alone. This is the price we pay for closing all the long-term psychiatric facilities.
The psych drugs are much more damaging to society and individuals than locked psych
True, all they can do is kill each other, we had a report of a prisoner killing another one the other day.
You are not alone, and until we get at least a semi-sane government we will see the Chaos of the EMP book writers. The GRID goes down, every prison lets the psychopaths and would-be dictators. Makes Logan's Run, Soylent Green, 1984 looks tame. REFORM SCHOOLS TOO. I did crime stats for a decade, they are a TOTAL LIE. 30% SERVE RATE, HIERARCHICAL COUNTING, INFRACTIONS IGNORED, PAROLE, PROBATION IGNORED. 30% counted for RECIDIVISM REPORTS.
The rape kit issue is a 15-year backlog. So nothing new there. Eliza's killer has been in and out of prison since age 11. When you read the report, only the HOMICIDE is listed, not the rape or kidnapping. A few days later 3 men kidnapped and gang raped a woman for 9 hours, it got little publicity, they too had long rap sheets, and nerver should have been let out of prison.