Surviving Healthcare
Surviving Healthcare Podcast


It irreversibly binds heavy metals, rendering them nontoxic. Weakly binding chelators like EDTA may drop heavy metals in the kidneys, which can cause toxicity or death.

OSR (“Oxidative Stress Relief”) or NBMI (NBMI-Hg-COL) is a stunning innovation for treating mercury or other metals poisoning

Links HERE and HERE. To investigate it, I interviewed David Kennedy, a pioneering biological dentist, and Boyd Haley, a retired chemistry professor who has testified about mercury toxicity before Congress and throughout the world. I took four flights, drove over ten hours, and spent five days out of town. I also recorded several hours of calls with them and listened to many of their presentations. Editing this took over 40 hours.

Both of these people have biochemistry training, which is necessary to understand metal toxicity. Kennedy has a degree, and Haley is a world-class bench scientist. Dr. Scott Schroeder, a foot doctor and metals expert whom I featured in Judas Dentistry, invited me on the road trip to see Dr. Haley (thanks, you changed my life!).

As you judge this story, consider my documentation of the FDA’s dark criminality. It brings to mind the history of iodine, vitamin D, ivermectin, psych drugs, chemotherapy, root canals, bioidentical hormones, EMFs, Lyme disease, and many other health lies. These distortions point in the opposite direction—toward the truth.

NB: I nearly flunked biochem in college, so I have no better background about this than most of you. My lame excuse is that I had trouble concentrating because of mercury intoxication from my 17 amalgams. I got the grade I needed to get into medical school by kissing a** on the teacher. (Thank you, Dr. Mog!)


The primary neurological diseases—multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Lou Gehrig’s, autism, and Alzheimer’s—are caused by nervous system demyelination. This is closely linked to mercury toxicity. The science proving this is robust but barely, if ever, acknowledged. I present some of it here and have more in the references. Mainstream medicine calls these conditions “idiopathic." This jargon makes the implicit claim that their causes are unknown and perhaps unknowable.

Besides affecting neurological systems, mercury also causes scoliosis (see the Becky Dutton chapter in Judas Dentistry). I have that, as well as Parkinson’s.

Mercury is the most injurious non-radioactive metal, but it has been used more and more promiscuously since the mid-1800s. Modern readers have heard the “mad as a hatter” reference from Alice in Wonderland (1865). In that era, rabbits and other pelts were cured using mercury, and hatmakers had tremors and bizarre behavior characteristic of mercury toxicity.

Mercury has been used in “silver” or “amalgam” dental fillings since 1819. These words were concocted to conceal their 50-54 percent mercury content. The use of tooth mercury has slowly declined in most of the developed world and was mostly banned in Europe last year. However, roughly fifty percent of adults in the US and Europe still have it in their teeth.

Dr. Kennedy’s twenty-four-year-old video shows dental fillings spontaneously releasing mercury gas. Over about 25 years, half of this metal dissolves or vaporizes and goes into the victims’ soft tissues, including their brain, which is only centimeters away. Studies have suggested that the vast majority of human mercury exposure is from tooth fillings (WHO 1990 Criteria Document 118).

Labeled as Thimerosal or ethyl mercury, mercury was universally included in vaccines until the turn of the 21st century. By that time, convincing evidence proved that mercury from vaccines caused neurological damage to infants. This caused an uproar. Despite this, the FDA only instructed the manufacturers to decrease their products' mercury but not to eliminate it. Meanwhile, they discontinued the requirement that any amount of mercury must be disclosed on the package insert. Flu shots somehow escaped this “regulatory” process, and these continue to have high mercury content to this day.

Aluminum was substituted for some of the mercury in vaccines. Although this is not as toxic as mercury, it is a well-known metabolic poison.

Unvaccinated children are far healthier than vaccinated ones, and the harms of each and every vaccine far outweigh any theoretical benefits. None of them have ever been studied using placebo controls. This makes their use a fabric of fraud, and the companies who sell them ringleaders in a profitable racketeering conspiracy. Anyone who does not understand these well-documented facts should read at least one of the two major references, Turtles All the Way Down or Dissolving Illusions. Learn more on This could save your life, your child’s, or your grandchild’s.

Likewise, my readers understand that many health hazards facing us have been manufactured by eugenicists to injure and kill us. For more background, scan my post, Almost Everything Scares Me These Days.

Where am I with Parkinson's?

I am surfing a wave of love and dozens of suggestions from readers and alternative doctors. I have been studying as if my life depended on it, for it does. I have tried DMSO, high-dose oral thiamine, IV phosphatidylchlorine, chlorine dioxide, and many supplements. By now, I find it hard to keep it all straight and am trying to concentrate on a few of the most promising ones.

Although I am continuing with other treatments, I believe with some certainty that this chelator will improve my Parkinson’s within months. I will tell my whole story soon.

Before I get into this post, here is part of what I learned during my pilgrimage.

  • I now understand many principles of natural medicine. The first among them is to always look in the mouth first and never underestimate the harm dome done by dental work. Root canals, mercury, and fluoride are likely related to 40 percent of US diseases (ref: Judas Dentistry).

  • Mammoth forces control MDs’ training and actions. It starts with Pharma, but there are many others. If you realize that almost everything these doctors believe is wrong or at least distorted, you will be more often right than wrong.

  • Genetic “etiology” (gobbledygook meaning cause) and “idiopathic” (gibberish meaning unknown source) are smokescreens that cover lies. When you see these words, assume the disease is not genetic and that the causes are being hidden.

  • If you are slapped with a “diagnosis,” never assume it is a dead end or even necessarily meaningful. It may have nothing to do with “prognosis,” which is more jargon that means prediction of your fate. Anyone who sees through both alternative and Rockefeller medicine eyes knows that forecasting disease outcomes is unreliable and arguably impossible. You know how to read; unless you have given that up, you are never lost. Start with the “normie” medical literature, then look at alternative sources and consult unconventional “providers.”

  • To wit: even MS, breast cancer, late pancreatic cancer, stage 4 lymphomas, and many other conditions are now curable with chlorine dioxide, ivermectin, fenbendazole, and other alternative treatments. Ignoring authoritative pronouncements by jackasses in white coats is difficult, but ignore them you must if you want to survive.

  • Never leave your skepticism at home, for there are frauds everywhere, including inside the “natural,” “homeopathic,” “alternative,” and “functional” realms. However, the truth is always within reach and will reveal itself given enough effort. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear (Tao Te Ching).

Introducing Dr. David Kennedy

Q: Please summarize your background, training, and experience.

Before I start, I want to emphasize that dentists are killing people but are also dying like flies themselves due to mercury poisoning. It all starts with careless practices in dental schools. I retired early and started using this chelator, which is the only reason I am alive today. Like Dr. Yoho, I have been mercury-toxic since some tiny holes in my molars were filled with mercury amalgams in my early teens. I have also had professional exposure.

Dr. Yoho is critical of dentists, but never forget how compromised these people are by mercury toxicity. Even our IQs and judgment are affected. Our specialty is so misguided that 85 percent of what we do is revising old, often toxic, short-lived dental work.

I was one of the first members of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT). We are the premier biological dentist society and advocate the abolition of fluoride, root canals, and mercury fillings.

I practiced dentistry until I was 55 and retired before mercury destroyed my health. I have worked for over a decade with EmeraMed, the company that developed and promoted OSR.

Q: Please describe the history of this chelator.

Dr. Atwood was the original inventor who published and patented the compound at the University of Kentucky. 

Boyd Haley, PhD, developed a synthesis method and published more. Since OSR was made from two natural ingredients, he could market it as a supplement if he made no claim that it treated a disease. So the FDA changed the definition of a supplement, making a new rule that two natural ingredients may not be combined. And when parents of autistic children began reporting improvements, the FDA issued a cease-and-desist order.

EmeraMed was forced to apply for pharmaceutical status. Since then, they have spent over $50 million on red tape and eight clinical trials. No serious adverse events have been reported after over 2.5 million doses. In one experiment, they tried to find how much would kill a rat. The more they gave the animals, the better they looked, and none were harmed. They gave up after reaching a 500 mg dose because the therapeutic dose was only four to six mg/kg. 

Their study on Colombian miners is ongoing but was paused because of cost overruns. These people have highly toxic mercury blood levels. When OSR is used, their lives and health are preserved, and their urine mercury content drops within days. Forty of them have been studied so far.

Over 100 other people and many animals have also been studied. The topics of examination included safety, iron overload, reproductive toxicity, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and both acute and chronic mercury poisoning in animals. When rats were given a twice-lethal dose, none of them died if OSR was used. (Clarke et al, 2012). No other substance has ever saved a person or animal from a lethal mercury dose.

Q; What other metals are inactivated by OSR?

OSR aggressively chelates arsenic, lead, chromium, uranium, thorium, barium, free iron, free copper, and gadolinium contrast dye. Magnesium, calcium, and other necessary substances are unaffected.

Lead is a health disaster, but in combination with mercury, it is far worse. In one study, a minute amount of lead and a tiny dose of mercury killed all the rats (Schubert 1978). YouTube blocked an animation of this experiment.

Avoidance works best for fluoride. It is a small molecule that is not bonded and inactivated by OSR. Reverse osmosis water purification, such as Culligan’s, eliminates 80 to 90 percent, and distilling removes virtually all of it. Home units are available, and taking selenium and iodine also helps. (Yoho: see THIS iodine post. Other authors dispute its advantages against fluoride.)

Q: Tell us about diseases that can be improved by OSR.

The “idiopathic” neurological diseases are related to demyelination and caused by toxins, principally metals. These include Parkinson’s, autism, Alzheimer’s, and ALS (Lou Gehrig’s). We have case reports of cures and improvements for each of these. ALS seems to be primarily caused by the combination of iron and mercury.

Q: How does OSR work?

THIS video and Boyd Haley’s video below demonstrate how this irreversible chelator binds its targets and renders them safe. Boyd told me that to the best of his knowledge, OSR is not inactivated by food, nor are there any drug interactions with it.

Q: How sure can we be that MS, Alzheimer’s, ALS, autism, and Parkinson’s are primarily caused by mercury?

Mercury is the most poisonous non-radioactive metal. It causes rapid demyelination, the hallmark of these neurological diseases. In his YouTube videos below, Boyd Haley reviews much of the evidence that OSR works.

In one series, 51 ALS (Lou Gehrig’s) patients responded to OSR. Hundreds of MS patients have dramatically improved, and a handful of Parkinson’s patients have reported cures. Dr. Haley has received over 200 emails from parents of autistic children about dramatic improvements and some complete recoveries. How well OSR works depends on the stage of the disease process. For some, success consisted of becoming more functional.

Alzheimer’s cases are difficult. As measured by scans, much of the brain’s structure is affected by the time of diagnosis. Nevertheless, there is evidence that OSR halts the disease (Dr. Mutter). In some cases, reversal or even cures have been reported if toxic exposures are also eliminated.

Oxidative Stress Relief: A Miracle for a Toxic Nation by Dr. David Kennedy

Professor Herbert Needleman’s 1970s study of lead in drinking water brought a new understanding of how heavy metals impact human health. His findings were challenged by industries that were/are the source of lead exposure, and today, everyone recognizes lead as a neurotoxicant. Prior to his discovery that minute amounts of lead caused a dramatic drop in IQ, toxicologists were taught that if it didn’t kill you, then no harm was done. Many today still claim this, especially if they work for some polluting industry. Needleman does not.[1]

Implants time-release mercury, but they are still deceptively called “silver” fillings today. They are widely used in the US and other countries, and 150 million people here have them.

On September 24, 2020, the FDA CDHR director Jeffrey Shuren[2] issued a stark warning: no woman, from fetus to menopause, should ever receive a mercury filling. He also said that young children should never get mercury fillings and that sufferers of mercury-linked disorders of the kidney, neurological systems, or immune systems should not get them, either. He further warned that removing old mercury fillings was dangerous because it would expose you to released mercury. Dentists with the shakes are typically mercury-poisoned and should take note of their own exposures during the process.

Shuren also noted that extracting fillings destroys vital tooth structures. (The current practice is to grind away 30% of the existing teeth before placing mercury fillings.) He did not remind the American public that this weakens teeth by 75% and that the filling, once installed, will continue to leak mercury until removed. Fifty million new mercury fillings were placed in Americans' teeth last year alone. The vast majority were in either military personnel or indigents on welfare.

In the 50 years since I graduated from dental school, I’ve never had anyone request a black filling for their white teeth.

I first met Professor Boyd Haley at the Chicago International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) meeting in 1989. He presented preliminary findings implicating mercury as the fundamental cause of Alzheimer’s. He did not realize then that dental amalgams are by far the predominant source of human exposure to mercury. I borrowed a computerized mercury vapor analyzer and showed him that his own fillings were releasing substantial amounts of mercury each time he chewed.

As a good scientist, he did not immediately believe me. To confirm what I showed him, he used similar equipment at the University of Kentucky OSHA department. He found that his fillings and those of his students and staff constantly spewed elemental mercury vapor.

In collaboration with the IAOMT, experimental animals were exposed to mercury vapor for a few weeks and then sacrificed. This simple experiment revealed that virtually all the animals had begun to develop the six hallmarks and histological and biochemical evidence of Alzheimer’s disease.[3] At that point, the National Institute of Science ended its 25 years of support for Dr. Haley and warned him against further research into mercury.

Undeterred, Dr. Haley continued to investigate and began to look for a solution. After he retired in 2005, he began working full-time on this issue and found a simple, safe chelator that had already been described and had the characteristics he needed. It was a chemical combination of two safe, well-known nutrients. This molecular trap instantly binds, detoxifies, and prepares mercury for excretion.

He called it Oxidative Stress Relief (OSR). Further testing revealed that it not only bound mercury but also lead, arsenic, cadmium, thallium, uranium, and the toxic forms of iron and copper. It does not cause deficiencies of essential minerals such as zinc. Using radioactive tracers, Haley has shown that OSR is fat soluble, crosses all membranes, enters the brain, gets inside mitochondria, and rapidly distributes to all areas of the body just as mercury vapor does. It binds irreversibly with any of the long list of heavy metals above to render them harmless. 

OSR also may be the strongest antioxidant ever made.

Living beings oxidize and “rust” until we finally die. Solar rays (sunburn), heavy metals, and certain other exposures make this happen faster. Antioxidants slow this down, which allows us to live longer and recover faster. Haley called his compound Oxidative Stress Relief because it voraciously inactivates oxidation. OSR preferentially attaches to OH- groups on target molecules three at a time. This makes it water-soluble and allows it to be excreted.

OSR creates an irreversible bond with heavy metals that render them inert and instantly blocks their ability to damage the host animal. After this, the body’s normal P450 system attaches a chemical “hook” or bond to the OSR=metal complex. This “glued together” combination can then be safely escorted out of the body through the gall bladder to the bowel and excreted. Although it happens slowly, this makes no practical difference because once chelated, the metals cause no more problems.

Dr. Haley is a brilliant chemist, academic, army veteran, and a patriotic American. His family was dirt poor; he had eight siblings and a rough childhood. When he was nine, he was sent to live with relatives and foster parents, where he worked almost like an indentured servant. In high school and college, his intellect and work ethic began to be recognized. He finished his career as the head of the chemistry department at the University of Kentucky. 

Boyd’s purpose has always been to help others, not to get rich. Although he made many other contributions, when he saw the mercury problem, he studied how to proceed chemically and politically to make his product available to those in need.

Dr. Haley learned that a supplement can be anything natural or a combination of two natural substances. His advisors recognized that OSR qualified as long as he didn’t claim it would treat an illness. That is reserved for costly drugs that have undergone studies costing many millions.

After testing OSR for safety and taking it himself, Boyd sold it for several years as an inexpensive supplement through doctors’ and IAOMT dentists’ offices. The reactions were tracked and monitored. No serious adverse drug effects were ever seen, but a wide variety of disorders improved. Mercury-injured dental personnel and autistic children had dramatic turnarounds. The parents of autistic children were ecstatic about their children’s cognitive improvements and blogged about it to one another.

This attracted the attention of the FDA. Dr. Haley had testified on three occasions to the House Oversight Committee about vaccines and fillings causing mercury injuries. In response, the FDA changed its supplement definition. They also claimed that Boyd said he could cure autism, which would classify OSR as an unapproved drug. The FDA then issued a cease-and-desist order and descended on his offices with guns and badges to shut him down.

That ended easy access to OSR, but many of his former doctor clients came together and financed his efforts to get OSR approved as a drug.

Mercury, lead, and arsenic poisonings are not identified as diseases, although they may eventually lead to some named “idiopathic syndromes.” For example, arsenic is linked to bladder and lung cancers. However, drinking San Diego water that has arsenic levels above the minimum risk level (California’s public health goal is less than one part in a million) does not mean that you will get cancer—but it makes it more likely. Therefore, OSR cannot be proven to treat or prevent cancer. Explaining this to the FDA requires litigation that would cost millions, and clearly, they don’t care about human suffering.

Since 2010, Boyd’s new company, EmeraMed, has conducted numerous Phase 2 clinical trials and dozens of animal studies. All found that OSR is safe and does exactly what a safe and effective nutrient does. In one ongoing trial, it was proven to remove mercury from Colombian gold miners who had been chronically poisoned for decades. It worked in a dose-dependent fashion—the more OSR they got, the better they felt, and the more their high mercury levels dropped. 

In the European Union, he tested iron because the politics of iron are not as fraught as those of mercury. He showed that people with fragile red blood cells, iron overload, and a disease called thalassemia benefited from OSR. These patients need blood transfusions, which add 250 mg of toxic iron to their bodies per unit of blood received. Another iron measure, ferritin, stopped climbing even as they received blood transfusions.

No other substance has been found to help these problems, but further studies will cost substantially more than EmeraMed can afford. The governments are supposed to provide grants and assistance for orphan drugs, but they have not done this for OSR.

In March 2019, the FDA expert nephrology panel acknowledged that OSR was safe and appeared efficacious when an animal was acutely exposed.[4] No animals injected with twice the lethal dose of mercury died if given OSR within 30 minutes. Only a third died when injected with fourteen times the lethal dose. This is unprecedented.

The FDA next questioned whether or not similar results could be obtained with chronic poisoning and agreed to experiments using animals since these kinds of trials are totally unethical with humans. They instructed Dr. Haley to prove that OSR was effective in animals under these conditions. None of the chronically mercury-poisoned animals died when they were treated. Haley spent several million dollars to comply with this.

When Boyd returned to the FDA with these results in April 2021, they changed the rules again. Instead of asking him to evaluate the kidney, a well-known mercury target, they switched the oversight to the hematology advisory panel. This specialty’s science has little known relation to that of mercury. They demanded large-scale human trials.

They acknowledged that OSR prevents death in mercury-exposed animals and shows no signs of reproductive toxicity. However, they demanded that he treat a large group of mercury-poisoned humans in the US, but when asked where such a group might be found, they remained silent. That study is impossible because, according to the FDA standards, there was no such group.

Since then, two Phase 2 studies have been successfully completed studying iron, but these do not lead to drug approval. That would require a Phase Three trial and would cost many millions of dollars in the US, which Dr. Haley does not have and cannot raise. Investors speculate that regardless of the results, the FDA would change the rules again to block the approval, as they have done three times before. 

In South America, Colombia approved EmeraMed’s mercury study, but since the country is unstable, the chances of completing the trial there are low.

OSR is now branded as Emeramide. The FDA has approved it in the US as an Investigative New Drug (IND). This allows investigators in private clinics or universities to access OSR and study it. EmeraMed cannot afford to pay them but can supply as much OSR as needed.

OSR also has “orphan drug” status, which is a designation for use in rare diseases where the typical pharma company is not willing to study it because only a few patients are potential candidates for the drug. This is absurd—mercury poisoning is nearly universal. HERE is what Boyd says about the situation.

Emeramide and OSR are registered trade names, but EmeraMed cannot enforce them because it would cost more than we could raise.

This compound is off-patent and can be made by a competent chemist using the published instructions. We innovated a synthesis process that requires 21 hours of painstaking laboratory time to create our safe, pure product. So far, no one has been able to duplicate this.

If you search online for either Emeramide or OSR, you will find four commercial sellers. Two are Chinese, one is American, and one is German. Some of their products have made people sick (reference: the OSR Facebook group).

The knock-offs can be tested for purity by dissolving them in DMSO and two other solvents. The result should be a clear liquid, but the competing products we have tested turn into white sludge. These are obviously manufactured by amateurs in poorly equipped labs. The solvents that Dr. Haley used to bond the two natural ingredients together are not friendly to the human brain or body and should not appear in the final product.

Boyd asked the FDA why they did not stop the counterfeiters. The reply was that these compounds were labeled “Not for Human Consumption” and were thus not a food or drug and not within their oversight. He then asked if he could give his compound away, and they replied they would put him in jail because he was distributing an unapproved drug.

I have lived this sad story for over a decade, and Boyd has lived it for eighteen years. My wonderful late wife Betty said that we are watching the fall of a once-great nation. It seemed like a miracle to me when her severe Parkinsonian tremor of many years vanished after taking OSR for six months.

After some consideration, I set up a new company,, which is a “pro advocate” group. It sells a water purification agent identical to Dr. Haley’s compound. It, too, carries a label that says “not for human consumption.” Proadvocate organizations rely upon the 1st Amendment (free speech) and the 14th Amendment (the government may not deprive anyone of their rights). Many people are now purifying their water using this compound. FYI, the human body is mainly water.

[1] H Needleman Behavioral Toxicology Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 103, Supplement 6, September 1995


[3] Pendergrass, J. C., Haley, B.E., Vimy, M. J., Winfield, S.A. and Lorscheider, F.L., Mercury Vapor Inhalation Inhibits Binding of GTP to Tubulin in Rat Brain:  Similarity to a Molecular Lesion in Alzheimer’s Disease Brain.  Neurotoxicology 18(2), 315-324 (1997).

[4] Clarke D et al., Amelioration of acute mercury toxicity by a novel, non-toxic lipid soluble chelator N,N0bis-(2-mercaptoethyl)isophthalamide: effect on animal survival, health, mercury excretion, and organ accumulation, Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry 2012

My interview with Dr. Kennedy

This is invaluable despite being a little rough.



  • Purchase OSR at

  • is the group’s main website. It has many links and explains what they are doing.

  • Dr. David Kennedy’s YouTube channel is DavidKennedyDDS. These are the easiest-to-follow references. His CV:

    Cv David Kennedy
    99.5KB ∙ PDF file
  • Here is the link to Kennedy’s popular video about how mercury vapor smokes off of teeth and contaminates the entire body.

  • HERE and HERE are other Kennedy videos.

  • HERE and HERE are samples of Dr. Boyd Haley’s YouTube videos. Search for many more, but they are technical because Haley is a genius.

  • Search for NBMI (the chemical name abbreviation for OSR) in Google Scholar to find hundreds of studies. Download published research abstracts here:



Contact Dr. Kennedy to buy OSR

It is now available through, a licensed ProAdvocate private buyers’ group. To order, use the website. email, or call him at 619-247-5738. Mailing Address:  1068 Alexandria Dr., San Diego, CA 92107-4115. Here are instructions:

Instruction Purifywater Llc
229KB ∙ PDF file

Disclaimer: There are no outcome guarantees and you must do your own due diligence.

The current supply will sell out soon, so if you have amalgams or suspect mercury or other heavy metals toxicity, order now to be sure you can get some. A month or two of treatment with 200 mg of OSR once or twice daily likely cancels mercury’s effects on your body.

To prevent toxicity from continuing exposures, you might take it off and on after that. If you have metal orthopedic devices in your body, OSR could improve your health. These shed metals, many of which can be chelated. 

Recommended human doses are 200 to 300 mg once or twice a day. Dr. Haley has taken 300 mg a day for eighteen years and has had no ill effects. He is now in his mid-80s and attributes his longevity to the product’s chelation and antioxidant effects.

Ten grams cost $800, and 100 grams cost $5000. If you use 1/8th teaspoon daily, which is 300 mg, ten grams lasts a month. The measuring spoon is included.

Neurological diseases stop progressing after treatment, but nerve damage can take months or years to heal after the metals are inactivated. Some people are too far gone to be helped, but most have a response within two or three months. I plan to use it daily for two months, then save money by taking it less often. 

Once more, no toxicity or even serious side effects have ever been reported in either humans or animals. Humans with near-fatal exposures to mercury have been cured, and all rats survived uninjured and had normal lifespans after they were given several times the lethal mercury dose plus OSR. All the control rats died rapidly. 

All funds, net of expenses, will be used to bring OSR to everyone worldwide who needs it. I make no money on any of it. To order and for more information, You can purchase it at Download the following document. It has a guarantee.

If You Want To Order
249KB ∙ PDF file

Where a man can live, there he can live well —Marcus Aurelius

During the last ten years of his life, Aurelius wrote his ideas of Stoic thought in his journal. It became known later as Meditations and was first published in 1558. Along with the Bible, The Prince and a few other works, it has been continuously in print ever since and is recognized as one of the greatest works of philosophy. The quote above was in Aurelius’s thoughts along with the rest until his death at 58 during a military campaign in 180 AD.

We know from autopsy studies that by the time Parkinson’s is diagnosed, patients have typically lost over half of their dopamine-producing neurons. Despite this, we have reports of OSR cures, for the patients slowly recovered once the toxic metals were bound and inactivated. These included Kennedy’s wife, a late-stage case who did not fully respond until six months.

After my extensive exposure to this information and these people, I am confident that OSR will help me live well for whatever time I have left. I have been taking 300 mg twice a day for two weeks. I am convinced that I am already recovering coordination and strength, but I know I am as susceptible as anyone to suggestion. I also know that even after my mercury is completely bound, I cannot expect my brain to immediately heal. My tremor remains as a marker, and if it goes away, I will know I have recovered.

I will do what I can to help this group. If I had a high net worth, I would slip them $10 million, but that is an alternate universe.

DISCLAIMER: You would have to be an idiot to believe what I say without verification. Watch the videos, read as much as you can, and make your own judgments. I am now just a medical reporter; I no longer practice medicine or give advice.

Drag your loved ones over to my party and enroll them below. With a little study, you might save their lives and yours.

Some of my friends get these posts, yet DFR them. I am willing to point them to sources, but my time for individual tutoring is limited.