
I no longer practice or give advice, but the answers to all your questions are in Hormone Secrets. Free download here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/p7dvqow83g

For info on osteoporosis drugs grab Butchered by Heakthcare. I think it's $4 on kindle. Study both books.

Review both for me on amazon.

There is a path out of the woods for you but you have to learn and likely switch doctors.


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Nov 24, 2022·edited Nov 24, 2022Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

It is inspiring to know that doctors that understand the reality of, not only medicine, but the world in general, are gaining the confidence to speak about it. Perhaps there will come a time that I will feel comfortable submitting my body to their discretion once more

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thank you for the facts on Bisphosphonates and the many great options. The tests for osteoporosis are stupidly inaccurate and make it easy for clinicians to put fear in their clients. I have a friend who just broke her back from a fall and claims her RX for Bisphophonates saved her from other fractures. I knew she wouldn’t appreciate information on how these drugs work to slow bone repair. There are so many better alternatives to Bisphophonates and the list grows longer every day!

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I enjoy reading your posts and have learned from each one. I had a good laugh over you having a "mentor" that treated you like a retarded stepson. I have a son that treats me like I am lacking intelligence and I have to bite my tongue quite often. I think some people are put on our path in life to keep us humble and forgiving.

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I have a donor bone and titanium plate with four screws in my cervical spine. Also have an artificial joint in my big toe. Am hoping to not need any more spare parts again.

Growing older isn’t for the faint of heart.

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

excellent Dr Yoho; especially liked the last 5 min with Dr Martin expounding upon the state of the situation with Doctors' hindrance from corporate administration and data entry. My doc retired about 15 yrs ago expressing similar fatigue and exasperation with all this.

The digital world technocracy have convinced management in virtually ALL industries to digitize.

Regardless of results and negative benefits, they have fallen in line. It is my hope that a parallel economy will allow practical-thinking "providers" to dump corporate medicine and offer independent healthcare that is both more affordable and able to accept insurance. I, for one, will pay MORE for my doctor to be independent, even more for him to be a naturopath or integrated doc with an MD degree to boot.

I would think the MidWestern Doc would particularly enjoy this audio.

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From my hub's viewpoint, it's a mixed bag, Years of shots for the knee. His Ortho was not well welcomed in the 'shark pool' he liked partial knees, rather than full if it was not needed. The outcome depended on you not falling during the healing period. Shoulders were too painful to lift, #1 was a total clean out, #2 was a ball replacement, and BOTH were Failures. The Ortho himself has a massive rotator injury and uses Stem Cells. it is not always available to the average income patient or retired person on Medicare/Tricare Life.

Since Medicare mandated full knees, he only does private insurance, or if it will cover the cost of stem cells. His practice is very busy, with no partner.

The big Ortho Center has many types but is a group-think institute. Steroids, are a huge part, even if you aren't supposed to take them. I'm hearing of many more 'self-contained' practices, Gastro, Kidney, and Vision are just three more, that are separate from in-hospital surgeries. Some are good, others are to be avoided. My first Meniere's attack was a Hearing Self contained one, was a nightmare., And it does no good to file complaints, as they are "Stand Alone's".

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Thank you. Dr.Yoho!

Dr. Martin?

Barnes-Jewish Hospital, STL?

Oh, yes, an absolutely brilliant orthopedic surgeon!

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I'm open. Send links. We know about nickel.

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Good interview. Thanks. I had hip and knee osteoarthritis 10 years ago, doc decided to do the hip first. Painless recovery, joint still working great 10 years later with very active use. The most amazing part was replacing the hip also healed the knee pain. Apparently the hip pain made me walk wobbly which stressed the knee. Now I climb mountains with no meds.

I'm grateful to the doc, and for the technology that made it so easy. I did clean up my diet and shed pounds (BMI 30 to 20) so I've tried to be a good patient.

How long before they have a pill to restore joints?

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Great talk - enjoyed the podcast so very much and learned much more through the spontaneous chat thoughts! But it has brought up more questions too! About blood supply issues (can I donate my own ahead?) About how procedures in hospitals have been changed by all the crazy covid rules - and what can we do ahead of time about some that may not be beneficial? But I am so glad to have gained these insights, thanks to you and Dr. Jeff!

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When I was 34, 32 years ago I had a giant cell tumor in my hip. Ignored the pain but years later they discovered the tumor by accident. 90% of my hip was gone and I was told not to put any weight on it until the operaton. I got lucky and found an apparently well respected Beverly Hills surgeon Mark Stern, an old guy with coke rimed glasses. He replace the tumor with bone chips against the advice of a young surgeon who wanted to use cement. Dr. Stern said one day I'll get arthritis. Before long I was running with no problem.

Maybe 10 years ago I started waking up with pain in my hip and I figured the old doc was right. Then I heard about nightshade plants making arthritis worse if you have it but not causing it outright.

So I gave up black pepper and cayenne pepper and the pain went away. Introduced them again and the pain returned.

What is bad for me but be fine for you. Here's a list food to consider testing to see if it makes your if arthritis worse.

Tomatoes, potatoes (sweet potatoes and yams are not nightshade) peppers (red, green, yellow, any variety) paprika, goji Berries, cayenne, chili powder, eggplants and okra gooseberries, tobacco sorrel, ground cherries

Not nightshade but do have same inflammation causing alkaloids are blueberries, huckleberries, and artichokes according to Dave Aspry

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The harm caused by metal implants is hidden. Most surgeons don’t seem to have any knowledge of type 4 allergy to metals or type 1. Pharmaceutical companies are working on metal free implants including implants which dissolve. Many who are killed by a bad reaction to an implant are told by drs they think a mystery virus has got to their heart then they die. In NZ they will refuse to consider harm caused by metal orthopaedic implants. Metal implants are also a cause of osteoporosis. I have osteoporosis myself. Everyone who has a bad reaction to an implant gets osteoporosis if they don’t get help. And their teeth start chipping. Type 4 allergy to nickel is also a big cause of osteoporosis in my own investigations. Many more women than men get osteoporosis. It’s known that endometriosis can be caused solely by the nickel in foods for those who are susceptible to type 4 allergy and I believe it’s the same with osteoporosis. Allopathic healthcare I believe is no longer sustainable unless they start recognising the role of metals in disease

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Dec 11, 2022·edited Dec 11, 2022

"cataract surgery is better" ?

Cataract can be treated with eye drops containing N-acetylcarnosine (NAC) but the product can be difficult to obtain. Patients are not being informed about the option, just gaslighted into surgery that often destroys the eye's ability to focus. Two major brands are Ethos Bright Eyes and CAN-C but there are also formulations for dogs that are more widely available. Sometimes our pets are treated better than humans.

There is also EV06 eye drops that effectively treat presbyopia but development has stalled since Novartis took over Encore Vision.

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I'm curious about the following quote in your article:

"Here are some non-hormonal treatments that are safe but more speculative. Selenium may help at a dose of one gram a day, increased after a month to two grams a day."

Is that one gram and two grams a day a typo? The RDA for selenium for adults is 55 micro-grams per day and tolerable upper intake level for adults is 400 micro-grams per day according to:


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Thank you Dr. Yoho! Timely for me! I am looking at a probable knee replacement early next year. My knees were doing pretty well until last month when I stood up suddenly and felt a terrific searing pain in the right one which felt like something tore. Xray showed severe osteoarthritis - which I knew. The orthopedic doctor there said the only help was a replacement. I did not get a comfortable feeling about his competence. I did find another possible doctor a couple of hours away. I know the bones are not in great shape, so I appreciate your advice on supplements and hormones. Right now I need a walker to keep the knee from getting too much usage causing soreness. The pain has made it clear I need to do something different from rest. Any further advice on what to look for in a doc would be appreciated! Does this orthopedic doc give further advice as well? Thank you!

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