Excellent detailed information. Thankyou so much Dr. I'm sharing and subscribing- this kind of information is worth it's weight in gold.

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Hopefully I won't be stoned for heresy, but I'd like to add my experience with actinic keratoses and other minor odd skin issues over the past 13 months or so.

First, just switching to reverse osmosis water seemed to improve various minor skin issues, like the annual rough patches on my elbows and the severity of heel callouses, and these improvements seem to be durable. Though I suspect switching back to public water would likely change that.

Second, CDS-3000 (sprayed or soaked in gauze and placed on my skin) did a great job of clearing up my skin issues, like the actinic keratoses on my face and scalp. BUT when I stopped, the AKs eventually came back, pretty much as strong as ever. Sort of like curing malaria, it seems you can be "reinfected," or that since the cause is not addressed, you only get symptom relief. I am NOT implying this is true for ALL skin issues. I truly believe that chlorine dioxide does permanently resolve some sorts of serious skin problems. And that there are some skin problems that even just symptom relief (having to apply chlorine dioxide for life, basically) is a vast improvement over no treatment or ineffective treatments with nasty side effects. At least it is proven to be fast, safe and effective - a rare trifecta!

At some point I plan to write a post about my AK experiences. I found something that seems to work exceptionally well (which I've used for about 7 months now), and avoids the need to home-produce chlorine dioxide products and for me is easier to incorporate into my daily routine. It too, is likely just symptom relief, but with some additional side benefits. I'm not ready to publish just yet, as I'd like to wait a bit longer before sharing.

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I wonder if you took it internally as well as topically if that would help. I'm taught that since the skin is our largest eliminative organ, when skin symptoms appear it is the wisdom of the body to push disturbances outward to protect the inner organs..

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I did that for a few months while I was doing it topically. Yes, it's the liver that vicariously eliminates through the skin.

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Please read my comment above. Yes, the body is eliminating toxins through one of the elimination pathways i.e. the skin! But this action possibly means that the other pathways are probably overtaxed and not functioning efficiently or even shut down. Specifically the liver and gallbladder are laden with toxins. Dr. Garret Smith teaches the willing student about SAFE detoxification! Safety and precaution are highly stressed as any detox protocol will release toxins from storage and this will cause cytokine release, aka Herxheimer effect or retracing detox symptoms according to some. This reaction by the body can even be fatal, therefore, Dr. Smith is adamant about being smart i.e. educat\re yourself fully and go SLOW!


and here is one to research also to corroborate the info Dr. Smith shares


Good luck. Please share as you might save a life!

Thank you!

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Klimer, try eggplant ground up in vinegar for actinic keratosis. There seem to be a ton of testimonials it is curative. Even some research, if I remember correctly. Maybe alternating ClO2 and that?

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Hmmm… I do I know you’re not a shill from some evil corporation that has cornered the eggplant market? ;-)

Actually, there are lots of foods that look like the organs that they treat, so an eggplant being beneficial for my bald head makes a lot of sense.

Fortunately, things are in good shape right now, so no need for me to rely upon an eggplant ritual. But I’ll keep in my back pocket in case I ever need a Plan B.

Thanks for sharing!

For anyone interested in more about this, see https://vanessamarsden.com/2017/05/17/eggplant-tincture-for-skin-cancer/

She’s claiming the need to use the tincture a half dozen times per day for several weeks.

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You might want to research Curaderm topical cream. Many testimonials on its benefits. I believe it uses eggplant as the main ingredient

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Hah. I just ran around the web and here is another possibility. Petty spurge, Euphorbia peplus. The Germans did studies... as well as Australians. All you have to do is put a drop of the sap on the lesion, once a day for three days. That's it. Amazing.

It's an annual. Unfortunately, the seeds are hard to get, unless you live in Oz. I am reaching out to some folks informally to see if I can get them in the States. So I could corner the market! :-)

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Having dealt with this issue for 20 years, I'm dubious of most any claimed cure. But I found a Euphorbia cream on Amazon for $25 that specifically notes effectiveness in cases of sun damage, so for that price it's worth rolling the dice one more time. I also noticed some eggplant creams...

There's not much for it to work on right now, except a stubborn patch near the crown of my head (about where the Triple Burner is located). It's slowly getting better, but is the first place to blossom again if I stop my current treatment.

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Yeah, the eggplant cream to look for is Curaderm (the form that does have it in it, come forms don't). Last I checked the tube was 200 smackers.

If you get the Euphorbia cream, please let us know how you do!

Myself, I trust the plants more than manufactured creams. The magic of Euphorbia is in the fresh sap.

Does not cure everyone... but they said a high percentage of the people in the studies were cured. I forget, 60 or 70%. Much luck!

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Thanks for your input!

Whatever my experience with the Euphorbia cream, it will eventually be part of an article on Actinic Keratosis for my substack: https://eclectichealing.substack.com/

60-70% success is pretty typical with a lot of stuff - any particular symptom can be caused by multiple things.

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No thanks. For $200 bucks it better have a money back guarantee.

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They were NOT cured! They possibly just pushed/slowed the elimination process deeper, i.e. kicked the can down the road!

I use MMS! I researched it and it was effective in ridding me of candida. I use it as a preventative and will continue for the rest of my life. Chlorine dioxide is a safe oxidizer. Much safer them hydrogen peroxide, ozone and salt. A with any substance one must use caution whe using such compounds. Too much of a GOOD thing can hurt you!

I suggest you look here nutritiondetective.com for more information and further research on your quest to regain your health. Dr. Garret Smith is sharing pertinant information that goes beyond, and even against the mainstream medikill industry! He dispells the misinformation spread by the assassins in white coats aka so-called doctors/researchers. His main premise is what is known as cholestasis, i.e., toxic bile spilling into the blood and into organs thereby poisoning the entire body and causing MOST of diseases. The main premise is the fact that the so-called viatmin A is an actual toxin! A very dangerous toxin!

Also I suggest this


An engineer named Grant Genereux healed his exzema, hair turned black and has reversed poor eysight so much that now he has perfect vison. It took 10 years of eating what he calls PRISON DIET which is extremely low in the TOXIN wrongly named an esssential vitamin A! According to mainstream BS he should be blind after 10 years with low vit A diet yet, he has PERFECT vision according to his opthalmologist! HMMM!?! Imagine that!

Good luck. Please share. You justy might save a life!

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I have heaps in Au; seeds are so tiny.

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I use MMS! I researched it and it was effective in ridding me of candida. I use it as a preventative and will continue for the rest of my life. Chlorine dioxide is a safe oxidizer. Much safer them hydrogen peroxide, ozone and salt. A with any substance one must use caution whe using such compounds. Too much of a GOOD thing can hurt you!

I suggest you look here


for more information and further research on your quest to regain your health. Dr. Garret Smith is sharing pertinant information that goes beyond, and even against the mainstream medikill industry! He dispells the misinformation spread by the assassins in white coats aka so-called doctors/researchers. His main premise is what is known as cholestasis, i.e., toxic bile spilling into the blood and into organs thereby poisoning the entire body and causing MOST of diseases. The main premise is the fact that the so-called viatmin A is an actual toxin! A very dangerous toxin!

Also I suggest this


Engineer named Grant Genereux healed his exzema, hair turned black and has reversed poor eysight so much that now he has perfect vison. It took 10 years of eating what he calls PRISON DIET which is extremely low in the TOXIN wrongly named an esssential vitamin A! According to mainstream BS he should be blind after 10 years with low vit A diet yet, he has PERFECT vision according to his opthalmologist! HMMM!?! Imagine that!

Good luck. Please share. You justy might save a life!

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I just want to say last night I was told Dr. Kalker now has a substack. It is drkalker.substack.com

We have been using CDS/MMS for 6 months now and it was so valuable for me to see his posts about the differences between these two versions of this healing tool. He has a post from New Years Day where he shows slides of live blood analysis that show the difference in using his version (thank you for the link to his video on how to make CDS!) and the MMS 2-part activation method (that we've been doing). Please check it out as he feels it is very important we learn these details!

Amazing timing as I sat down to search for that video on Dr. Kalker in his lab making the CDS and you had sent me exactly that link!! Grateful!

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The originators have stepped away from CDS

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Says Page Not Found.

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Good day. I typo in her part, I think.

Here you go: https://drkalcker.substack.com

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Thank u. Got it!

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Awesome article!

By the way, my cousin and I cooked up a batch per your instructions included in a previous post. For an early stage URI my wife and I were experiencing, I activated 3 drops of NAClO with HCl and added 250 mL H2O and drank just twice daily while using the SNOOT product for nasal irrigation. In 2 days, symptoms gone. Wife followed the same protocol, and is also now symptom free.

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What is URI?

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upper respiratory infection

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Dr. Robert Yoho. I think it is worth popularizing the work of Dr. Andreas Kalcker. Dr. Kalcker collaborated with the discoverer of MMS - Jim Humble and is a co-author of his work. He recently appeared on the substak. There is, one could say, knowledge at the source. I sincerely encourage you.

I personally buy a ready-made 0.2% aqueous solution of active chlorine dioxide, which according to the already accepted nomenclature is CDS 2000 ppm. I buy from a company with products for disinfection and water treatment.

And here is a fragment from Dr. Kalcker's substak and a link to his protocols for the use of ClO2:

"At present, we have moved away from using the two-component CD, also referred to as MMS, as it has become outdated due to various reasons. Its use can result in unpleasant side effects like diarrhea or vomiting, which can be distressing for users. Moreover, this solution has a more acidic pH and contains sodium chlorite, which may cause secondary reactions in the stomach, leading to additional issues.

In contrast, CDS, or Chlorine Dioxide Solution (ClO2), consists of a single component: gas dissolved in water. This composition offers the benefit of a neutral pH, reducing the likelihood of digestive problems. Additionally, it does not contain chlorite salts, thereby removing the risks linked to the two-component product.

Based on these significant reasons, along with many others that have been meticulously considered, we have revised our protocols. This decision is informed by hundreds of thousands of volunteer user testimonials and reports gathered and analyzed over more than a decade. This extensive feedback has been crucial in steering us towards safer and more effective options for our users."


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Kalcker is an excellent source, but as you see above, he is doing something complicated that works less well. His claims that CDS is less irritating to the system than MMS (when made with hydrochloric acid) are wrong. MMS's simplicity lends it to universal adoption by the lay public without doctor involvement. CDS does not cure autism or malaria. best and thanks for your comment

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My experience is that CDS is great for topical use, and not as good as MMS for internal use. For me, for internal use MMS gets results when CDS does not.

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from this one should draw the conclusion that something else is helping you, because chlorine dioxide is the same in MMS and in cds. the difference is what is additional in MMS, for example acid. I think so

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not the same, see above

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thanks I came here to say the same, having discovered Dr. Kalker's substack just last night. My husband has been doing the MMS (2 part solution) for 6 months to reduce prostate size. His PSA went from 28.5 to 5 in ten weeks of protocol 1000. So we feel glad to know this tool, but wonder now if it is way better to make it as the good dr does. What do you think, having read his postings on the comparison? Thank you!

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forget CDS

you already have success

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add dmso to enhance effectiveness

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NO THANKS!!! DMSO is a byproduct of pulp manufacture! It is TOXIC! It is a potent solvent! Pray tell me, why would anyone want use a powerfull solvent to dissolve their skin's protective lipid layers? You really want to disrupt/compromise/destroy this extremely and critically important protection? Not me! User beware!

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thank you very much for the galleries

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Is there a protocol for toe nail fungus?

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soaks with MMS and dmso

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Frontier pharmaceuticals sells just such a product.And I am using it right now.

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personally I would use it topically and know that any fungus will also point to over-candida in the gut so personally Id assume it helps to use it internally as well. Dr. Kalker has 2 good books on this topic; he's used this in his Swiss clinic for 17 years now.

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Do not consume carbohydrates - sucrose, fructose, dextrose, maltose, sucralose, etc. Also limit, or stop eating all grains and starches! Starve the candida so that is is reduced to a small colony of bacteria in your gut. One cannot and should not try to kill all candida as this is impossible IMHO and dangerous.

I used Protocol 1000 CD for 21 days as prescribed in Miracle Mineral Solution diligently. It can be daunting and you will have unpleasant sideffects, but must absolutely realize that these are the unavoidable consequences/results of the detox protocol and not give up! Many give up due to these unpleasant side-effects and even call the protocol BAD!

I use 3 drops of activated MMS or CD as a maintenance for life! It is a safer oxidizer than H2O2, ozone and even safer than NaCL or table salt.

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Sorry, not co-autor. it was supposed to be a continuator.

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Thank you for such a detailed delivery.

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Perplexity AI agrees about the many skin benefits


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perplexity reflects google results which are half lies, for example

"Should never be ingested or swallowed13

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I may have noticed a possible invasion of this product space on Amazon from some sellers who do not specify origin. I suspect many or all of them are Chinese. Of course they are all just a little bit lower in cost.

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you can prove what you got works by trying it

should have strong bleachy smell and yellow color when mixed

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Actually it will be AMBER in color! Not yellow! People can be misslead by this seemingly trivial matter as to color. I'm not here criticizing anyone. I want clarity!

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FYI Unable to open audio I have tried multiple times

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I just listened to it. Didn't have a problem, but it's just him reading aloud what is in print on this page.

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Substack is better at placing limitations than it is at removing unnecessary ones.

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I fought rosacea on and off for years. I would have inflamed red cheeks that would last six months. I read somewhere that ivermectin horse paste that people were eating for Covid would cure it. I eliminated rosacea several times by rubbing this paste thin on my cheeks. Gone in three weeks. Never get going if I use it at flare up start. Dermatologist sell ($$$) something similar that is only 1% ivermectin. The horse dewormer is 2%. I try to keep it out of my eyes because I don’t know if that’s harmful.

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