Very interesting interview! I’ve been following Drs Yoho, Kory, A Midwestern Doctor and NP Marsland on Substack and/or Rumble for a year or more now. They’ve raised my curiosity about the different modalities that can help and/or cure many so called “untreatable” health issues! I’m so grateful for these fantastic public health advocates - rare and pioneering true healers sharing their info! True heroes!👏👏👏
Tina Peers, an MD in London, treats patients like Scott’s. She told his group about ARC Microtech, a $550 PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) machine. Invented by Ian Thirkell, a retired London police investigator, it was developed for horses. However, when the jockeys were exposed to it, they realized its value and started using it on themselves. The highly respected PEMF BEMER (Bio-Electro-Magnetic-Energy-Regulation) is more than ten times as expensive.
link didn't come through in the comment but it's there
Sage Hana destroys Kory not recognizing the deathly hospital protocols on his NYC Elmhurst hospital and previously working at Bellevue's Emergency Events Unit after doing the autopsy of George Floyd.
You have the same problem as me--we flip the switch on people and ignore them henceforth. A better method would be to remain flexible and reconsider our positions periodically. I've followed Pierre for years; yes, he was naive initially but has developed into a powerhouse. I am sure it has not been easy for him.
Xtremely well said👊 Humans are, by nature, quite fallible, defensive, judgemental & particular. I'm a natural Researcher & constantly attempt2 update my knowledge & Understanding which means I sometimes (if not frequently) find myself adjusting my opinions and even behaviors - it's called Soul Growth & Compassionate Progression in my world. In my old age I'm learning that it is Incumbent upon those seeking enlightenment & Truth2be open minded & 4Giving as well as understanding that the nature of the human animal is also Change. I'm a different person 2day than i was y'day. Our tendency 2reject others/their positions often put us in a situation whereby we must eat crow. I don't like the taste of Crow.
Gullible or employs various tiers of controlled opposition. Isn’t Kory a simulation specialist? I am pretty sure he is. After a lengthy investigation, sorry, anything to do with Kory is not for me. Turncoat? Nope. He knew what he was doing, and was supposed to do right from the beginning. How is it that I, medically totally untrained/ ignorant, old immigrant woman knew right from the beginning everything he failed to know and understand as a trained doctor? How? No explanation, right? There is one. Controlled opposition. He knew. Period. So did many others in so called “freedom movement” = controlled opposition.
Xactly but Way2Many don't have eyes2c, ears2hear or a heart that understands. 2Many ppl dont understand that just bc u disagree with s/one doesnt mean they're wrong. Perhaps time & a "maturity of the seasons" will help. There's Always Hope!
Sorry Dr. Yoho. Your best judgment is…. WRONG. Very wrong. Facts speak for themselves. Just go to the link below and see for yourself who the man Kory really is. Or who he himself says he is. He was a project director of incentives how to increase vax intake!!! AND Medical SIMULATIONS expert!! What in the world? He admits it black on white and your judgment tells you he is not telling the truth?
Dr.? It is in English. Not that difficult. My God?!
Alina, you have never changed your position about something once you had more information or experience? The whole world was confused about COVID when it was first released. Remember the wet seafood market story? I have a person near and dear to me who is a patient at the Leading Edge Clinic where Pierre and Scott practice. The people there are devoted and committed to helping people injured by the spike protein. I think Pierre, like most Western trained MDs, was initially blind to what was going on because he believed the CDC, the FDA, what was being printed in the prestigious medical journals; where MDs traditionally found what they thought was the latest and greatest information. Waking up to the evil that was being perpetrated on humanity was harder for folks like Kory than people with no stake in mainstream medicine. We haven't given decades of our life to the education and training that doctors undergo to practice in their specialty. His CV is not an admission of anything. it describes his education, training, affiliations, and work prior to COVID, which changed all of our eyes, whether we admit it or not.
so he did autopsy on this person but does not now anything about the white clots inside of everyone injected??? The 'great' Dr.McCullough published a HUGELY publicized paper on autopsies of the covid injected, not telling a single word about the white clots. What a DECEPTION by the medical cartel.
boy, had no idea about that part of Dr. Kory... All what I was judging him for was the fact that he like everyone else, is NOT talking about covid gene therapies, BUT he recently exploaded on this finally calling it right.
And Sage Hana is a monster who is bulling every single one out there, RF K Jr included...
By your terms, Kory must be a monster also b/c Kory clearly states his direct involvement in activities leading to increasing vaccines intake (project director) and a medical (could we say pandemic) simulations expert. Just think for yourself. Don’t listen to anyone. Go and check his own bio. That's all it takes. Good luck.
Thank you for doing this article! And thank you Scotty for your valuable information.
I’m an MD that fell onto Dr.Kory’s info and Dr. Makis’ substack by the grace of God.
I’ve wondered how to incorporate evaluation for vax damage into my work up for PROFOUND fatigue and perimenopause sx in my pts. I’m now getting about 6 consults a day on this. I’ve wondered how I can bridge the gap of knowledge and this article really helps me to start figuring that out.
I wonder if Dr.Kory And Scotty would consider a course to teach others how to evaluate and treat. I’d be interested for sure.
the Spike from gene modifying injections is DIFFERENT by 2 amino acids from the natural Spike, so all what one needs is to do SEQUENCING of the SPike.. Antibody test does NOT DISTINGUISH that fact, which further perpetuates the very questionable SARS-CoV2 infection question, which never does this step of proving which of the SPikes is actually in the human body. Strangely exactly the geneticists are NOT INTERESTED in it, just wonder why??? Because if we have only the -PP- version of SPikes, then ALL of it comes from the injections ONLY.
When I had a blood test, they told me (and they did not know the truth) that I had Covid infection and the antibody comes from the infection but not vaccination. I was astounded.
Yes. There’s a difference and they know it. That was in early 2021. My Covid Delta (poisoning) nearly took me out.
Alina, could you amplify this comment? Am I understanding correctly that you had the delta variant of Covid and doctors were able to identify the antibodies? Or did you have the version of the shot that was supposed to be for the delta variant, and then the doctors said the antibodies were from Covid and not the shot? And how did they claim to differentiate the two?
I did not have vax. I had so called Covid. Afterwards, about 1 month stet, I had a blood test for Covid without telling anyone about my illness. The test came back stating that I have strong antibodies in my blood resulting from the past illness but not from vax.
I am unvaccinated and had Covid for the first time in September. I am wondering if I can find out what variant had and whether I have circulating spike.
In my humble opinion, I would not worry too much about spike from infection. It is what it is. The variants now are mild if it’s even still Covid…. Who knows. As far as the variant? No, CDC openly admitted that the tests are unable to pinpoint the variant.
Almost every doctor I have seen says, « the current variant is mild. » This is not my experience. At all. As to the CDC, if they cannot identify an individual’s variant, how do they manage to quantify the percentages of specific variants in waste water? They have a that’s just for us to know attitude.
Mechanisms can create enlightenment of the path for healing . I teach my patients ( those wanting) basic mechanisms to help create insight into why we are doing certain things!
Sorry Bob, completely DO NOT agree on that one. MEDICAL Experimenting time was in 1939-1945, in Auschwitz, with the outcome of CODEX ALIMENTARIUS... The exerimenting time is OVER, or maybe not, but the consequences of not even having enough VitC in human bodies is paying out until this day... The entire medical profession or has to go, or get RE-EDUCATED completely from scratch, in my opinion.
Dr. Yoho- I didn't know you had a Rumble channel! You just got a new subscriber. I hate the word "follower" because I sound like a stalker.... However, for lack of a better term, I do follow quite a few people, as I'm a research/information junkie. That's the only good that has come from doctors (specifically, a flu vax 13 years ago), destroying my health, is that it opened my eyes and put me on the intriguing path of natural medicine! Question: because I consume so much info, and may have missed something- have you done articles or looked into electrosensitivity?
I made a faraday cage4my electric meter & also use Shungite, etc but no wifi, Tel-a-vision, digital electronics & all that jazz. Wishing you well. Namaste
I got so ill when smart meters went in. It wasn't psychosomatic, as I'd never heard of them, nor did I know they installed them. I couldn't get out of bed for weeks. Headache, nausea, dizziness, profound fatigue, muscle cramps, on and on. I finally ran across info on EHS and thought, "that's me!". We put a faraday cage up and did away with Wi-Fi, hard wired the laptop, etc, and I somewhat acclimated. THEN, a 5G transmitter was placed right across the street. Now I have severe EHS, but I do everything possible to shield, and I've been trying to heal my nervous system disorder. Life with EHS is no fun! Wishing you well, too!
Thanks, Dr. Yoho. I can't afford the metal roof, and I've priced the paint. Way beyond what I can afford. My Trifield meter is showing that my problem is dirty electricity, but I have a reliable source who recommended an inexpensive yet effective "room cleaner". I'm going to order one and hopefully it helps!
Found them! Working my way through! With the exception of my hand surgeon, you're the only doc who would be fun to hang out with. I TRULY appreciate your work!
I also worry about taking vitA to counteract visual disturbances with IVM. I’ve read from Nutrition Doctor’s Love Your Liver program that it is liver toxic.
I’ve struggled with many patients who are apparently affected by exposure to vaccinated people . This testing will allow greater insight into this issue . Thank you for information . BTW , I often have used NutraMedix’ dandelion extract for spike proteins and it works great !!
urine test for SPike, by MD's with finantial interests??? NO, never ever give away your genome, in particular your STEM CELLS to MD's any more. NEVER! Remember, all the MD's are eaxctl;y the ones who NEVER TOLD ANYONE about gene therapies performed ILLEGALLY on the entire humanity.They have access to autopsies, yet do not talk about WHITE clots in bodies of the injected. Sorry, my trust to almost all MD's is gone, for good, no hope there.
Also the explanation for the NAC interaction with the ACE2-Spike bond makes not much sense., If the bond is broken, than NAC should leave it completely intact, so that the SPike stays like it was before that bond formed, apparently in the untouched virion... It makes more sense that the NAC,a after displacing ACE2 actually BINDS to the Spike RBD domain and not only prevents the entry into the cell but also enhances its proteolytic degration...
I know, I'm too critical, too skeptical, that's because to genetically modify entire nature, including humans, is just unforgivable. It is astonishing that MD's themselves got the shots and now cry out for help. That on itself implicates, they do not understand the entire process behind the molecular biology....
Very interesting interview! I’ve been following Drs Yoho, Kory, A Midwestern Doctor and NP Marsland on Substack and/or Rumble for a year or more now. They’ve raised my curiosity about the different modalities that can help and/or cure many so called “untreatable” health issues! I’m so grateful for these fantastic public health advocates - rare and pioneering true healers sharing their info! True heroes!👏👏👏
I'm a reporter ha
Immensely grateful for what you do!
You’re modest Dr Yahoo….perhaps all true healers are really conduits ie “reporters”for what is already available to us
HAHA! I know it was a typo. Dr. Yoho is definitely NOT a yahoo! It was funny, however.
Oops sorry Dr Yahoo was a typo! I meant Dr Yoho!
I like that: Dr. Yahoo. Did Spellcheck do that?🤣
Dr. Yoho, you did a wonderful piece on the safety of aspirin, which I enjoy using.
This article states "Sulodexide (SDX) is an anti-coagulant medication developed in Europe in 1972. It is safer than aspirin."
No data here? from phoney stomach bleeds report?
Just wary of commercials about medicine. Using transits of planets and herbal teas as my medical adviser per Hippocrates. This too shall pass.
that was Scotty not me
Do you have a link to the PEMF machine you bought please?
Tina Peers, an MD in London, treats patients like Scott’s. She told his group about ARC Microtech, a $550 PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) machine. Invented by Ian Thirkell, a retired London police investigator, it was developed for horses. However, when the jockeys were exposed to it, they realized its value and started using it on themselves. The highly respected PEMF BEMER (Bio-Electro-Magnetic-Energy-Regulation) is more than ten times as expensive.
link didn't come through in the comment but it's there
It is in the post
I didn't see the link, either.
But I use a device from Avazzia ( and I can vouch that for the first time in years it works to stop pain from old spinal injuries, neck & lumbar. I liked it so much, I urged my chiropractor to use it, too! If you live in Southeast Florida, there is a clinic in Pompano Beach that uses it ( They are very good people.
No longer trust the commercial medical market.
Sage Hana destroys Kory not recognizing the deathly hospital protocols on his NYC Elmhurst hospital and previously working at Bellevue's Emergency Events Unit after doing the autopsy of George Floyd.
You have the same problem as me--we flip the switch on people and ignore them henceforth. A better method would be to remain flexible and reconsider our positions periodically. I've followed Pierre for years; yes, he was naive initially but has developed into a powerhouse. I am sure it has not been easy for him.
Xtremely well said👊 Humans are, by nature, quite fallible, defensive, judgemental & particular. I'm a natural Researcher & constantly attempt2 update my knowledge & Understanding which means I sometimes (if not frequently) find myself adjusting my opinions and even behaviors - it's called Soul Growth & Compassionate Progression in my world. In my old age I'm learning that it is Incumbent upon those seeking enlightenment & Truth2be open minded & 4Giving as well as understanding that the nature of the human animal is also Change. I'm a different person 2day than i was y'day. Our tendency 2reject others/their positions often put us in a situation whereby we must eat crow. I don't like the taste of Crow.
P.S. - your Humbleness is So V Refreshing👊
thanks and we are all trying to adapt
Gullible or employs various tiers of controlled opposition. Isn’t Kory a simulation specialist? I am pretty sure he is. After a lengthy investigation, sorry, anything to do with Kory is not for me. Turncoat? Nope. He knew what he was doing, and was supposed to do right from the beginning. How is it that I, medically totally untrained/ ignorant, old immigrant woman knew right from the beginning everything he failed to know and understand as a trained doctor? How? No explanation, right? There is one. Controlled opposition. He knew. Period. So did many others in so called “freedom movement” = controlled opposition.
sorry, in my best judgment, you are wrong about Kory
Xactly but Way2Many don't have eyes2c, ears2hear or a heart that understands. 2Many ppl dont understand that just bc u disagree with s/one doesnt mean they're wrong. Perhaps time & a "maturity of the seasons" will help. There's Always Hope!
novel writing!
Sorry Dr. Yoho. Your best judgment is…. WRONG. Very wrong. Facts speak for themselves. Just go to the link below and see for yourself who the man Kory really is. Or who he himself says he is. He was a project director of incentives how to increase vax intake!!! AND Medical SIMULATIONS expert!! What in the world? He admits it black on white and your judgment tells you he is not telling the truth?
Dr.? It is in English. Not that difficult. My God?!
this is old and he has grown like the rest of us. He sepaarated from FLCCC
U do u & let others do as they will. Stop bullying.
Truly Eyes R Useless When the Mind is Blind-Hypnotized-Owned. Sigh.
Alina, you have never changed your position about something once you had more information or experience? The whole world was confused about COVID when it was first released. Remember the wet seafood market story? I have a person near and dear to me who is a patient at the Leading Edge Clinic where Pierre and Scott practice. The people there are devoted and committed to helping people injured by the spike protein. I think Pierre, like most Western trained MDs, was initially blind to what was going on because he believed the CDC, the FDA, what was being printed in the prestigious medical journals; where MDs traditionally found what they thought was the latest and greatest information. Waking up to the evil that was being perpetrated on humanity was harder for folks like Kory than people with no stake in mainstream medicine. We haven't given decades of our life to the education and training that doctors undergo to practice in their specialty. His CV is not an admission of anything. it describes his education, training, affiliations, and work prior to COVID, which changed all of our eyes, whether we admit it or not.
I don’t think Kory did Floyd’s autopsy, but he was an expert medical witness at Chauvin’s trial.
so he did autopsy on this person but does not now anything about the white clots inside of everyone injected??? The 'great' Dr.McCullough published a HUGELY publicized paper on autopsies of the covid injected, not telling a single word about the white clots. What a DECEPTION by the medical cartel.
Kory did NOT do the autopsy on Floyd. He testified at Chauvin's trial.
He testified about whether or not the knee on Floyd's chest could have caused his death.
Because Kory was a pulmonologist and ICU intensivist.
And medical simulations expert…. Goes like hand and a glove? No?
boy, had no idea about that part of Dr. Kory... All what I was judging him for was the fact that he like everyone else, is NOT talking about covid gene therapies, BUT he recently exploaded on this finally calling it right.
And Sage Hana is a monster who is bulling every single one out there, RF K Jr included...
I do not follow Sage so don't know what you mean by that
By your terms, Kory must be a monster also b/c Kory clearly states his direct involvement in activities leading to increasing vaccines intake (project director) and a medical (could we say pandemic) simulations expert. Just think for yourself. Don’t listen to anyone. Go and check his own bio. That's all it takes. Good luck.
Thank you for doing this article! And thank you Scotty for your valuable information.
I’m an MD that fell onto Dr.Kory’s info and Dr. Makis’ substack by the grace of God.
I’ve wondered how to incorporate evaluation for vax damage into my work up for PROFOUND fatigue and perimenopause sx in my pts. I’m now getting about 6 consults a day on this. I’ve wondered how I can bridge the gap of knowledge and this article really helps me to start figuring that out.
I wonder if Dr.Kory And Scotty would consider a course to teach others how to evaluate and treat. I’d be interested for sure.
Thank you so very much.
My opinion is that if you figure out chlorine dioxide and DMSO, you can jsut use the other stuff mentioned here as adjunctive therapies. KISS
2 months New to Bemer here. Very positive experience especially for my husband who no longer naps and no longer has “brain fog in the evenings “
( 7 years post stroke). We are still aging , mind you, but the quality of life has improved!❤️🙏
Like but expensive. I bought the horse one on sale and hope to be galloping around the corral soon.
The best Pemf, although expensive, is the Bemer!
she has extensive experience and has owned several brands
the Spike from gene modifying injections is DIFFERENT by 2 amino acids from the natural Spike, so all what one needs is to do SEQUENCING of the SPike.. Antibody test does NOT DISTINGUISH that fact, which further perpetuates the very questionable SARS-CoV2 infection question, which never does this step of proving which of the SPikes is actually in the human body. Strangely exactly the geneticists are NOT INTERESTED in it, just wonder why??? Because if we have only the -PP- version of SPikes, then ALL of it comes from the injections ONLY.
When I had a blood test, they told me (and they did not know the truth) that I had Covid infection and the antibody comes from the infection but not vaccination. I was astounded.
Yes. There’s a difference and they know it. That was in early 2021. My Covid Delta (poisoning) nearly took me out.
Alina, could you amplify this comment? Am I understanding correctly that you had the delta variant of Covid and doctors were able to identify the antibodies? Or did you have the version of the shot that was supposed to be for the delta variant, and then the doctors said the antibodies were from Covid and not the shot? And how did they claim to differentiate the two?
I did not have vax. I had so called Covid. Afterwards, about 1 month stet, I had a blood test for Covid without telling anyone about my illness. The test came back stating that I have strong antibodies in my blood resulting from the past illness but not from vax.
I am unvaccinated and had Covid for the first time in September. I am wondering if I can find out what variant had and whether I have circulating spike.
In my humble opinion, I would not worry too much about spike from infection. It is what it is. The variants now are mild if it’s even still Covid…. Who knows. As far as the variant? No, CDC openly admitted that the tests are unable to pinpoint the variant.
Scotty begs to differ
Almost every doctor I have seen says, « the current variant is mild. » This is not my experience. At all. As to the CDC, if they cannot identify an individual’s variant, how do they manage to quantify the percentages of specific variants in waste water? They have a that’s just for us to know attitude.
happy you are here
See above. Mechanisms are barely relevant to clinical medicine, which is based on experience. I'll call you, BAC.
Mechanisms can create enlightenment of the path for healing . I teach my patients ( those wanting) basic mechanisms to help create insight into why we are doing certain things!
Another poindexter. It takes one to know one.
Sorry Bob, completely DO NOT agree on that one. MEDICAL Experimenting time was in 1939-1945, in Auschwitz, with the outcome of CODEX ALIMENTARIUS... The exerimenting time is OVER, or maybe not, but the consequences of not even having enough VitC in human bodies is paying out until this day... The entire medical profession or has to go, or get RE-EDUCATED completely from scratch, in my opinion.
That's why RFK Jr. is SO IMPORTANT.
Dr. Yoho- I didn't know you had a Rumble channel! You just got a new subscriber. I hate the word "follower" because I sound like a stalker.... However, for lack of a better term, I do follow quite a few people, as I'm a research/information junkie. That's the only good that has come from doctors (specifically, a flu vax 13 years ago), destroying my health, is that it opened my eyes and put me on the intriguing path of natural medicine! Question: because I consume so much info, and may have missed something- have you done articles or looked into electrosensitivity?
the rumble just duplicates some of the substack content as videos
Well, the more subs, the more exposure, so folks might find your Substack!!
It's up to you Steph. Sign up the 4,000 people in your phone. Whether you tell them first is on you ha. Thanks and best
I don't use a cell, and if you think I know 4000 people, you're off by 3,097! (joking, but really not joking...)
3 articles in my archives. The top paragraph of each post tells how to search them. Look for EMF
Thank you! I'm highly electrosensitive, and I read everything I can find on the topic.
I made a faraday cage4my electric meter & also use Shungite, etc but no wifi, Tel-a-vision, digital electronics & all that jazz. Wishing you well. Namaste
I got so ill when smart meters went in. It wasn't psychosomatic, as I'd never heard of them, nor did I know they installed them. I couldn't get out of bed for weeks. Headache, nausea, dizziness, profound fatigue, muscle cramps, on and on. I finally ran across info on EHS and thought, "that's me!". We put a faraday cage up and did away with Wi-Fi, hard wired the laptop, etc, and I somewhat acclimated. THEN, a 5G transmitter was placed right across the street. Now I have severe EHS, but I do everything possible to shield, and I've been trying to heal my nervous system disorder. Life with EHS is no fun! Wishing you well, too!
A metal roof helps
Most EMF comes from inside your house.
You can also paint the inside of your house w special paint; see my posts.
Thanks, Dr. Yoho. I can't afford the metal roof, and I've priced the paint. Way beyond what I can afford. My Trifield meter is showing that my problem is dirty electricity, but I have a reliable source who recommended an inexpensive yet effective "room cleaner". I'm going to order one and hopefully it helps!
did you find them
Found them! Working my way through! With the exception of my hand surgeon, you're the only doc who would be fun to hang out with. I TRULY appreciate your work!
A fascinating & enlightening topic4sure!
I also worry about taking vitA to counteract visual disturbances with IVM. I’ve read from Nutrition Doctor’s Love Your Liver program that it is liver toxic.
Any thoughts on using mebendazole instead of Fenbendazole.
Let's see if Scotty replies.
I thought Menbendazole was the human form of Fenbendazole - ?
related not identical
I’ve struggled with many patients who are apparently affected by exposure to vaccinated people . This testing will allow greater insight into this issue . Thank you for information . BTW , I often have used NutraMedix’ dandelion extract for spike proteins and it works great !!
Thank you again, for another potentially life changing article!
was for me, too.
chlorine dioxide is still the elephant and dwarfs all this, kills the spike
I'm also using Methylene Blue - any thoughts on MB? Xcellent book The Ultimate Guide to Methylene Blue by Mark Sloan.
Mark is cool though no medical background. This is almost a good credential these days. See my thoughts here:
Yes....I am experimenting with so many things right now. Even my husband who isn't interested in these things is using DMSO & CDS topical spray daily.
the big two. oral dmso is better
"Oral DMSO is better" Am sipping on some now, in the early stages of learning.
urine test for SPike, by MD's with finantial interests??? NO, never ever give away your genome, in particular your STEM CELLS to MD's any more. NEVER! Remember, all the MD's are eaxctl;y the ones who NEVER TOLD ANYONE about gene therapies performed ILLEGALLY on the entire humanity.They have access to autopsies, yet do not talk about WHITE clots in bodies of the injected. Sorry, my trust to almost all MD's is gone, for good, no hope there.
Also the explanation for the NAC interaction with the ACE2-Spike bond makes not much sense., If the bond is broken, than NAC should leave it completely intact, so that the SPike stays like it was before that bond formed, apparently in the untouched virion... It makes more sense that the NAC,a after displacing ACE2 actually BINDS to the Spike RBD domain and not only prevents the entry into the cell but also enhances its proteolytic degration...
BAC, you are too cynical. These are clinicians reporting real experience. You may understand the mechanisms better, but it may be irrelevant.
I know, I'm too critical, too skeptical, that's because to genetically modify entire nature, including humans, is just unforgivable. It is astonishing that MD's themselves got the shots and now cry out for help. That on itself implicates, they do not understand the entire process behind the molecular biology....
not genetically modified. Poisoned.
Thank you 😊 for this kind of advice I am vaccine injured by a Doctor at a hospital, the “Nurse “ shoved
is that a comment?
Very helpful article. Thank you.