Todd Callendar has a pleasant personality, and I'd like to think he's one of the good guys, but it's good to be skeptical. Karen Kingston is another one who makes extraordinary claims. Her claim to fame being having had experience reading patents. I'm glad you mentioned Mike Adams. The guy is just way too gloom and doom. I can't listen to him. Same thing with Michael Yon. Although his shtick is the immigrant invasion and an impending famine and not vaccines. Yes, the space is full of likeable but questionable people. Best to be on your guard, but I try not to be too black pilled. There are good people on this earth too, and sometimes the good guys win a few.
I have unsubscribed from a few doomstacks. There is only so much my spirit can take. I also know by now that there are many very slippery people out there.
Do you really believe that the US (and Europe) are not under siege from 'illegal immigrants', lavishly funded by the Globalist Cabal and indeed by the puppets in 'National' governments who fund them as well? Is speaking about one of the many 'Elephants in the room', avoided like the plague by the bought out and/or controlled MSM, being a 'Doom & Gloom' merchant who should be avoided, Ostrich-like?
He has been in the limited hangout space for a long time.
He has also been involved with creating alternate governance structures that could be used to entrap the unwary, who could find themselves facing imprisonment. Be wary.
I'm thankful you supplied credibility in the first comment, Meryl. I'm getting pushback already. It took me 30 hours of studying before I started figuring this guy out. ❤️❤️
Anyone could be facing imprisonment for praying outside abortion clinics, and for telling the truth, with the Globalist Luciferian Ghouls placing their puppets in our governments and everywhere else.
I agree that this guy has a hidden agenda, it's the reason I stopped listening to Dr. Lee Viliet. I also canned Meryl Nass after she defended Robert Malone and I think RFK, Jr. is compromised as well. (You do recall he had a party during the height of Covid and all had to have their papers in order). Just my opinion. I got taken in by Del Bigtree in 2020 and now my spidy senses are at a new level.
I also canned Meryl Nass after she defended Robert Malone
Her comment above brings her back on my list. Anyone can get fooled by a psychopath.
I've had enough interactions w RFK and company to believe in their sincerity. Any politician tailors their platform for the audience. What happens next will tell the true tale.
We're all going to use our own degrees of purity tests, but at some point these tests will fail us if we're intent on accepting only those who fully conform to our personal judgements. IMO, if there's anyone who deserves a pass and a heaping amount of gratitude, it's Meryl Nass.
IIRC, Nass was the one who looked at the WHO's trial that allegedly found that hydroxychloroquine was dangerous and she found that they were using lethal amounts of it. She put her findings out there and the trial was quickly terminated.
She's been working tirelessly exposing COVID BS, WEF/WHO (et al) BS, and losing her medical license and being attacked from all angles in the process. She's been doing this sort of work since she called out the anthrax BS, testifying to congress about it.
I couldn’t read your entire piece, too much gobbly gook :/
Todd C is no different than Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes , two British chaps that I found back in 2020 who claimed they had intelligence that no one else had and predicted a bunch of BS white hats Qanon nonsense. They had me spooked and hooked for awhile and then I hit unfollow.
The video interview is like night and day from this write up/hit piece. The video is a great conversation between two smart, interesting and intellectually curious people - a joy to listen to. But this write up essentially trashes Todd, does nothing, except for to solicit feedback saying "Todd is crazy". People said that about Howard Alliger, Kerri Rivera, Mark Grenon, Andreas Kalcker, Jim Humble, etc. Now they are all lauded as innovative geniuses, ahead of their time, and rightfully so.
Many people have been 'awake' and aware, for decades, and have moved on from the basic (oh shit, it really is true!) and those who come to this reality in the recent years, still have a long way to go. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. There is much still that we just don't know, that is not out in the public getting disinfected with sunlight. Truth really is stranger than fiction, and our government does some incredibly strange things in the quest for power, money and control. I now put nothing out of their reach no matter how sinister, innocuous or unbelievable it may be.
The past horrific government sponsored crimes (Tuskegee experiment, MK Ultra, vaxx testing with disabled kids and orphans, sending bad vaxx's to other countries killing and damaging thousands, the suppression of life saving drugs (ivermectin, HCQ), the same criminal treatment of Chlorine Dioxide, assassination of JFK, then RFK, the BS around Ukraine war, Building 7, government censoring social media & private communications, Fast & Furious (also a movie series, but also true story), Russia Gate, Hunter Biden's laptop, hell... COVID!) ... should prove to everyone that yes, evil surrounds us, in ways we often can't even imagine. Something we think is crazy today, is proven true tomorrow. At this point, it is a fools errand to say "impossible" about anything, even if you or your like minded friends can't validate it yourself.
Does life imitate art, or the other way around? Yes, all the time, this is nothing new. Government, military and medical are not exempt from this phenomenon.
Chorine dioxide itself, is such a "it cannot possibly be true, too good to be true, snake oil" situation, yet, after initially deriding it as bunk, one can easily prove the claims are true. Even Dr Yoho. Why is Chlorine Dioxide (and the others you now have seen the light on) the only topic that earns this treatment? Three years ago, 99 out of 100 doctors would say "get the covid vax, it is fine!". The subsequent research by some smart engineer/bluetooth guy, who we have no idea his level of awareness, nor if he still trusts Google, the government and "double blind, placebo controlled" studies as gospel, should not be conclusive end-of-the-story research, especially given what has been revealed the last few years.
Regarding paid opposition, infiltrators, limited hangouts.... how can any movement where 80% are fake, even continue to exist? As we have now discovered, an incredible amount of information and those who speak it, have been censored for years. We don't know what we don't know. What we've learned that "was" or is "still being" censored, is likely just the tip of the iceberg.
I'd encourage everyone to watch the video before assuming Todd is some psyop or whack job. So much information that was previously thought to be 'crazy conspiracy theory' has been proven true these last few years to be just "crazy conspiracy truth". Why would we not assume that there is even more to come that will blow our minds? My prediction is that in 6 months, Dr Yoho will say "wow, Todd was right after all".
I'm smart enough to know that I don't know everything, I'm likely still naive regarding human nature, but I think the 'bait and switch' on this uncalled for hit piece belies the intent and spirit of the interview, and will only create a barrier to those that would have been great interview subjects. Two thumbs down.
But don't worry, I still like you and we can still hang out and be friends. :)
Michelle is my referral source for this guy. She is sincere, smart, and a leader who is motivated to change the world. I respect her and her products enough to contribute to her company's success by being likely her most productive affiliate (I remind readers that I give all my profits from this away). M: if you ghost me over this, I will still support your efforts and Snoot/FrontierPharma.
I want to publically thank her for writing this and broadening the discussion in this way.
My thinking evolved as I examined Callender closely after the interview with George's sophisticated help. As I noted, the interview itself may have "tells," and I thought about that, too. As I contemplated the array of evidence for 50-plus hours, I became convinced I was being lied to. As I wrote, I ghost anyone who does that.
I recommend that anyone with doubts about these issues to RTFB (look that up) again and decide based on their best judgment. I also encourage Michelle to reread my essay. I categorically deny it was a "hit" piece; every word I wrote was carefully referenced and backed by evidence. If you or anyone else has criticisms, you should state your specific objections and refute what I said rather than solely citing generalities and drawing conclusions based on them rather than using facts.
Michelle, your judgment is in the minority here, and of course, you have a prior relationship with this dude and fantasize he will help you. This is vanishingly unlikely.
To my readers, including Michelle: never underestimate your ability to be fooled by charming people. We all have this weakness and want to assume the best of everyone.
Adapting to new information and changing your mind about what you know is always painful. I have done this so much in the last few years that I almost have a knack for it, but I still find it agonizing.
Robert, your work is great and helps so much with catching up with who is who... Callenders statements are quite questionable, to me. BUT on the other hand if he successfully helped so many of the service members, that's an implication for some credibility too, in one area. The fact that DOE has all the hightech national labs doing the structural/functional work on all proteins/DNA/RNA, the fact that they initiated the Human Genome project, Brain INitiative, that they are the bridge which brings the pharma cartels to the results in all these labs, is also very important fact. But the nano-bots system installation via the injections is totally questionable, to me. Just one needs to remember Gates and Langer (MIT) do have patents for vaccines which are delivered in pulsating mode via microinjection. One way to 'blow' up the nanos would be via a GHz sonication pulse, using the same pathway they produce the size of the payloads ( and more..) The nanosdelivery is well documented, but making entire chip pf it, is a long way.
Overall, you said it very well:"We are in a hall of mirrors, and none of us has hands on the entire elephant. "
Just one word about EDTA and Dr, Love's hate of it... In this ONE topic I'm with Dr. Mihalcea, given my own experience in using it as a great chelator, equally used by MANY other MD's.
Now look at this:"One of the well-documented and widely known adverse events from EDTA “chelation” is DEATH, according to Mount Sinai." Well, according to this link here is their 'network' at :
That's the 'epi-center' of covid crimes at Elmhurst Hospital Center (Queens, NY)... They certainly told people to get the genetically modifying shots and no VItC, ivermectin or Zn instead. Do you want to believe a source like that????
ALso, PEGYLATED lipids might have a structure of a 'hydrogel' and if there are indeed metals (like Adams claims) holding that mesh together, than EDTA might be capable of taking it apart, dissolving it. But that is not to say you are dissolving nano-bots...., you are dissolving hydrogel.
Boy listening to these CD stories makes me like to try it...
Since we have SO MANY opinions, facts, sci-fi, and little time to untangle it all, maybe the best is to believe only those things one can see with own eyes???
Also, putting Tod into the sci-fi world, means taking away his great vision for the future... It would be a great pity to have a hell here instead of paradise..
I also viewed the statement from Mt Sinai regarding EDTA with a degree of skepticism. EDTA is still essentially an "alternative treatment", and as such, it will be attacked by mainstream sources such as Mt Sinai, whose treatments are part and parcel of what is probably the leading cause of death. Not to say that EDTA doesn't come with potential, serious risks. And ironically, one of the reasons why people resort to using it is to solve a health crisis that is ignored by the mainstream medical community and some of it is caused by the dental industry that Dr Yoho wrote about.
You are right; mainstream sources are unreliable and EDTA may have some value for something. Thanks for reference checking. I have been circling EDTA for mercury toxicity for some time and will not risk it. And another reference claims Ana does not use EDTA for herself despite her claims, but I cannot find it without a search.
I took EDTA, many times, made even suppositories out of it, according to Dr. Janossy, with some modifications, and I'm still here...
last thing, PLEASE check how many commercial products, edibles do contain EDTA, many. Just look up the MRM Nutrition "Cardio Chelate'. With one word, we are swimming in rivers of toxic heavy metals, and EDTA binds it best, but it needs to be taken properly, with LOT of water and other binders (charcoal, pectin) to guide the slurry out..
your above link is from JULY 2024, and you mention there to give an update how are you doing after all the alternative remedies. So are you now OVER with the Parkinsons after taking all the items you are mentioning in that post??? I hope you are:))) Discussion closed;)
Oh Dr. Haley has a FINANCIAL interest in promoting other compound, binding metals, compound he developed. That chelator of his has only 2 double bond oxygen groups, EDTA has 4, PLUS EDTA has additional 4 OH groups to catch the metals.. No matter what, chelating metals is extremely tricky, because you have to fish out the BAD heavy ones and while doing it, you also loose all the light essential GOOD ones, due to the same electrostatic power, the 'electronic valence'. On top of it Haley's compound carries benzoic group, absorbing LIGHT, EDTA does not do it! ANd if you take Dr. Ardis seriously, you need to embrace his venom theory AND the only one antidote to it, EDTA....
In one word, a CHEMIST promoting his own stuff, in my view is not different, than the Monsanto guy who came up with the 'glyphosate wonder'... I do hope I'm very wrong, because Dr. G. Cole DDS is extremely good, again, in my op-In-I-on.
Thank you Dr. Y for writing this article. So much information to absorb. Not sure who is "telling the truth". I have not seen or read much about Callender. Nass was too much for me. I read her regularly in the beginning of Covid. Her multiple daily emails were too much! However, I believe in her sincerity and admire her unwavering efforts to treat patients and suffering the loss of her license to a corrupt Medical Board. Malone is tainted in my mind due to his past affiliation with BARDA and DARPA. My motto for seeking truth is simple. Trust no one, research and look at their actions/associates.
We are at a turning point in our nation's and our world's history. Please pray without ceasing and try to not be made fearful for what we seeing happening in our world. Our Lord can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine.
Will share some quotes from world leaders and "influencers" over the last several decades. Yes, THEY are killing us and that is their full intention.
Source: "The First Global Revolution", A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome by Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider 1991.
"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat with demands the solidarity of all peoples. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap about which we have already warned namely mistaking systems for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."
Here are quotes on genocide for all.
"In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up."
Reverend Martin Niemoller
Margaret Sanger wrote of the necessity of: "the extermination of 'human weeds' ...the 'cessation of charity,' ... the segregation of 'morons, misfits, and the maladjusted,' and ... the sterilization of 'genetically inferior races.'" She targeted the 'unfit' for her crusade to 'save the planet.' "The masses of Negroes ...particularly in the South, still breed carelessly and disastrously, with the result that the increase among Negroes, even more than among whites, is from that portion of the population least intelligent and fit..." "The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the Minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Sanger believed that that the "dysgenic races" should include "Fundamentalists and Catholics" in addition to "blacks, Hispanics, (and) American Indians." "Birth control appeals to the advanced radical because it is calculated to undermine the authority of the Christian churches. I look forward to seeing humanity free someday of the tyranny of Christianity no less than Capitalism."
Professor Norman Cohn in his historical account of the Jewish Holocaust, "Warrant for Genocide." Professor Cohn chronicled the dark days of World War II, noting: Only about a third of the civilians killed by the Nazis and their accomplices were Jews ...Other peoples were marked out for decimation, subjugation, and enslavement, and the civilian losses of some of these (countries - Ed.) amounted to 11 per cent to 12 per cent of the total population." In addition to the 6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis, somewhere between 7 and 12 million non-Jews were also ruthlessly liquidated in Hitler's Germany.
David Graber, a research biologist with the National Park Service, was quoted in the Los Angeles Times Book Review Section, October 22, 1989, as saying: "Human happiness and certainly human fecundity are not as important as a wild and healthy planet. I know social scientists who remind me that people are part of nature, but it isn't true ... We have become a plague upon ourselves and upon the Earth ...Until such time as homo sapiens should decide to rejoin nature, some of us can only hope for the right virus to come along."
Michael Fox, when he was the vice-president of The Humane Society of the United States wrote, "Mankind is the most dangerous, destructive, selfish and unethical animal on the earth."
In "The First Global Revolution," published by The Council of the Club of Rome, an international elitist organization, the authors note that:
"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine, and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention ...The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."
Cornell University Professor David Pimentel, speaking before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, as saying that, "The total world population should be no more than 2 billion rather than the current 5.6 billion."
In the UNESCO Courier of November 1991, Jacques Cousteau wrote: "The damage people cause to the planet is a function of demographics - it is equal to the degree of development. One American burdens the earth much more than twenty Bangladeshes ... This is a terrible thing to say. In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it's just as bad not to say it."
Bertrand Russell, in his book, "The Impact of Science on Society," wrote,
"At present the population of the world is increasing ... War so far has had no great effect on this increase ... I do not pretend that birth control is the only way in which population can be kept from increasing. There are others ... If a Black Death could be spread throughout the world once in every generation, survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full ... the state of affairs might be somewhat unpleasant, but what of it? Really high-minded people are indifferent to suffering, especially that of others."
Yoko Ono on The Georgia Guidestones…
"I want people to know about the stones ...We're headed toward a world where we might blow ourselves up and maybe the globe will not exist ... it's a nice time to reaffirm ourselves, knowing all the beautiful things that are in this country, and The Georgia Stones symbolize that."
The "guides" reads: "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. (This-Ed.) Means the entire human race at its climax level for permanent balance with nature."
In the early 1960s by a group of environmentalists and population-control adherents. They set out to block the use of DDT for mosquito and malaria control after it had been found that the insecticide was extremely effective in saving human lives.
Alexander King, president of the Club of Rome, wrote, "My own doubts came when DDT was introduced. In Guyana, within two years, it had almost eliminated malaria. So my chief quarrel with DDT,in hindsight, is that it has greatly added to the population problem."
Dr. Wurster is reported to have replied: "So what? People are the cause of all the problems. We have too many of them. We need to get rid of some of them and this is as good a way as any." hen asked by the same reporter, "Doctor, how do you square the killing of people with the mere loss of some birds?" Dr. Wurster is reported to have replied, "It doesn't really make a lot of difference, because organo phosphate acts locally and only kills farmworkers and most of them are Mexicans and Negroes."
In addition to blocking intervention by neighboring nations, Madeline Albright also insisted that the word "genocide" must not be used, and that the United Nations forces stationed in Rwanda were not to be allowed to intervene. In the three months that followed, between one-half and three-quarters of a million Christians were systematically dismembered, hacked to death, and slaughtered in the bloody carnage that ensued. Tens of thousands of Christians were murdered in their churches; tens of thousands more were murdered in their hospitals and in their schools.
On several occasions, United Nations soldiers stationed in Rwanda actually handed over helpless Christians under their protection to members of the Hutu militia. They then stood by as their screaming charges were unceremoniously hacked to pieces.
Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834). In his "An Essay on the Principle of Population," Malthus wrote:
"All children born, beyond what would be required to keep up the population to a desired level, must necessarily perish, unless room may be made for them by the deaths of grown persons ...Therefore ...we should facilitate, instead of foolishly and vainly endeavoring to impede, the operations of nature in producing this mortality..."
Saint Paul's epistle to the Ephesians
Ephesians 6:12
For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.
Todd Callendar has a pleasant personality, and I'd like to think he's one of the good guys, but it's good to be skeptical. Karen Kingston is another one who makes extraordinary claims. Her claim to fame being having had experience reading patents. I'm glad you mentioned Mike Adams. The guy is just way too gloom and doom. I can't listen to him. Same thing with Michael Yon. Although his shtick is the immigrant invasion and an impending famine and not vaccines. Yes, the space is full of likeable but questionable people. Best to be on your guard, but I try not to be too black pilled. There are good people on this earth too, and sometimes the good guys win a few.
My superficial analysis of Kingston led me to kill her feed. It hurts my head to think too much about this stuff, which is their motive.
I have unsubscribed from a few doomstacks. There is only so much my spirit can take. I also know by now that there are many very slippery people out there.
Do you really believe that the US (and Europe) are not under siege from 'illegal immigrants', lavishly funded by the Globalist Cabal and indeed by the puppets in 'National' governments who fund them as well? Is speaking about one of the many 'Elephants in the room', avoided like the plague by the bought out and/or controlled MSM, being a 'Doom & Gloom' merchant who should be avoided, Ostrich-like?
He has been in the limited hangout space for a long time.
He has also been involved with creating alternate governance structures that could be used to entrap the unwary, who could find themselves facing imprisonment. Be wary.
I'm thankful you supplied credibility in the first comment, Meryl. I'm getting pushback already. It took me 30 hours of studying before I started figuring this guy out. ❤️❤️
Anyone could be facing imprisonment for praying outside abortion clinics, and for telling the truth, with the Globalist Luciferian Ghouls placing their puppets in our governments and everywhere else.
I agree that this guy has a hidden agenda, it's the reason I stopped listening to Dr. Lee Viliet. I also canned Meryl Nass after she defended Robert Malone and I think RFK, Jr. is compromised as well. (You do recall he had a party during the height of Covid and all had to have their papers in order). Just my opinion. I got taken in by Del Bigtree in 2020 and now my spidy senses are at a new level.
I also canned Meryl Nass after she defended Robert Malone
Her comment above brings her back on my list. Anyone can get fooled by a psychopath.
I've had enough interactions w RFK and company to believe in their sincerity. Any politician tailors their platform for the audience. What happens next will tell the true tale.
We're all going to use our own degrees of purity tests, but at some point these tests will fail us if we're intent on accepting only those who fully conform to our personal judgements. IMO, if there's anyone who deserves a pass and a heaping amount of gratitude, it's Meryl Nass.
IIRC, Nass was the one who looked at the WHO's trial that allegedly found that hydroxychloroquine was dangerous and she found that they were using lethal amounts of it. She put her findings out there and the trial was quickly terminated.
She's been working tirelessly exposing COVID BS, WEF/WHO (et al) BS, and losing her medical license and being attacked from all angles in the process. She's been doing this sort of work since she called out the anthrax BS, testifying to congress about it.
great comment
I kicked her to the curb for the exact same reason. I generally don't retrieve them after that happens either.
RFK Jr. is certainly compromised over his support for Israeli Genocide.
I couldn’t read your entire piece, too much gobbly gook :/
Todd C is no different than Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes , two British chaps that I found back in 2020 who claimed they had intelligence that no one else had and predicted a bunch of BS white hats Qanon nonsense. They had me spooked and hooked for awhile and then I hit unfollow.
Here is another comment from a friend who wanted to remain anon:
I can't say I've met enough limited hangout folks to know for sure but something sure didn't sit right with me from the get-go [with Callender].
I am glad you brought up Ana Mihalcea : I followed her Substack for a while, but it got pretty far fetched pretty quickly.
You smelled a rat.
You know the saying: Truth is stranger than fiction.
My gut is something is off….way off.
where do they find these people?
Anybody want to comment on A Midwestern Doctor and the claims about DMSO?
links? Here is my dmso post.
Yes he basically says it can cure just about anything but NEVER reveals the dosage/method of administering. Frustrating to say the least
The video interview is like night and day from this write up/hit piece. The video is a great conversation between two smart, interesting and intellectually curious people - a joy to listen to. But this write up essentially trashes Todd, does nothing, except for to solicit feedback saying "Todd is crazy". People said that about Howard Alliger, Kerri Rivera, Mark Grenon, Andreas Kalcker, Jim Humble, etc. Now they are all lauded as innovative geniuses, ahead of their time, and rightfully so.
Many people have been 'awake' and aware, for decades, and have moved on from the basic (oh shit, it really is true!) and those who come to this reality in the recent years, still have a long way to go. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. There is much still that we just don't know, that is not out in the public getting disinfected with sunlight. Truth really is stranger than fiction, and our government does some incredibly strange things in the quest for power, money and control. I now put nothing out of their reach no matter how sinister, innocuous or unbelievable it may be.
The past horrific government sponsored crimes (Tuskegee experiment, MK Ultra, vaxx testing with disabled kids and orphans, sending bad vaxx's to other countries killing and damaging thousands, the suppression of life saving drugs (ivermectin, HCQ), the same criminal treatment of Chlorine Dioxide, assassination of JFK, then RFK, the BS around Ukraine war, Building 7, government censoring social media & private communications, Fast & Furious (also a movie series, but also true story), Russia Gate, Hunter Biden's laptop, hell... COVID!) ... should prove to everyone that yes, evil surrounds us, in ways we often can't even imagine. Something we think is crazy today, is proven true tomorrow. At this point, it is a fools errand to say "impossible" about anything, even if you or your like minded friends can't validate it yourself.
Does life imitate art, or the other way around? Yes, all the time, this is nothing new. Government, military and medical are not exempt from this phenomenon.
Chorine dioxide itself, is such a "it cannot possibly be true, too good to be true, snake oil" situation, yet, after initially deriding it as bunk, one can easily prove the claims are true. Even Dr Yoho. Why is Chlorine Dioxide (and the others you now have seen the light on) the only topic that earns this treatment? Three years ago, 99 out of 100 doctors would say "get the covid vax, it is fine!". The subsequent research by some smart engineer/bluetooth guy, who we have no idea his level of awareness, nor if he still trusts Google, the government and "double blind, placebo controlled" studies as gospel, should not be conclusive end-of-the-story research, especially given what has been revealed the last few years.
Regarding paid opposition, infiltrators, limited hangouts.... how can any movement where 80% are fake, even continue to exist? As we have now discovered, an incredible amount of information and those who speak it, have been censored for years. We don't know what we don't know. What we've learned that "was" or is "still being" censored, is likely just the tip of the iceberg.
I'd encourage everyone to watch the video before assuming Todd is some psyop or whack job. So much information that was previously thought to be 'crazy conspiracy theory' has been proven true these last few years to be just "crazy conspiracy truth". Why would we not assume that there is even more to come that will blow our minds? My prediction is that in 6 months, Dr Yoho will say "wow, Todd was right after all".
Here is the link in case anyone missed it:
I'm smart enough to know that I don't know everything, I'm likely still naive regarding human nature, but I think the 'bait and switch' on this uncalled for hit piece belies the intent and spirit of the interview, and will only create a barrier to those that would have been great interview subjects. Two thumbs down.
But don't worry, I still like you and we can still hang out and be friends. :)
Michelle is my referral source for this guy. She is sincere, smart, and a leader who is motivated to change the world. I respect her and her products enough to contribute to her company's success by being likely her most productive affiliate (I remind readers that I give all my profits from this away). M: if you ghost me over this, I will still support your efforts and Snoot/FrontierPharma.
I want to publically thank her for writing this and broadening the discussion in this way.
My thinking evolved as I examined Callender closely after the interview with George's sophisticated help. As I noted, the interview itself may have "tells," and I thought about that, too. As I contemplated the array of evidence for 50-plus hours, I became convinced I was being lied to. As I wrote, I ghost anyone who does that.
I recommend that anyone with doubts about these issues to RTFB (look that up) again and decide based on their best judgment. I also encourage Michelle to reread my essay. I categorically deny it was a "hit" piece; every word I wrote was carefully referenced and backed by evidence. If you or anyone else has criticisms, you should state your specific objections and refute what I said rather than solely citing generalities and drawing conclusions based on them rather than using facts.
Michelle, your judgment is in the minority here, and of course, you have a prior relationship with this dude and fantasize he will help you. This is vanishingly unlikely.
To my readers, including Michelle: never underestimate your ability to be fooled by charming people. We all have this weakness and want to assume the best of everyone.
Adapting to new information and changing your mind about what you know is always painful. I have done this so much in the last few years that I almost have a knack for it, but I still find it agonizing.
Robert, your work is great and helps so much with catching up with who is who... Callenders statements are quite questionable, to me. BUT on the other hand if he successfully helped so many of the service members, that's an implication for some credibility too, in one area. The fact that DOE has all the hightech national labs doing the structural/functional work on all proteins/DNA/RNA, the fact that they initiated the Human Genome project, Brain INitiative, that they are the bridge which brings the pharma cartels to the results in all these labs, is also very important fact. But the nano-bots system installation via the injections is totally questionable, to me. Just one needs to remember Gates and Langer (MIT) do have patents for vaccines which are delivered in pulsating mode via microinjection. One way to 'blow' up the nanos would be via a GHz sonication pulse, using the same pathway they produce the size of the payloads ( and more..) The nanosdelivery is well documented, but making entire chip pf it, is a long way.
Overall, you said it very well:"We are in a hall of mirrors, and none of us has hands on the entire elephant. "
Just one word about EDTA and Dr, Love's hate of it... In this ONE topic I'm with Dr. Mihalcea, given my own experience in using it as a great chelator, equally used by MANY other MD's.
Now look at this:"One of the well-documented and widely known adverse events from EDTA “chelation” is DEATH, according to Mount Sinai." Well, according to this link here is their 'network' at :
That's the 'epi-center' of covid crimes at Elmhurst Hospital Center (Queens, NY)... They certainly told people to get the genetically modifying shots and no VItC, ivermectin or Zn instead. Do you want to believe a source like that????
ALso, PEGYLATED lipids might have a structure of a 'hydrogel' and if there are indeed metals (like Adams claims) holding that mesh together, than EDTA might be capable of taking it apart, dissolving it. But that is not to say you are dissolving nano-bots...., you are dissolving hydrogel.
Boy listening to these CD stories makes me like to try it...
Since we have SO MANY opinions, facts, sci-fi, and little time to untangle it all, maybe the best is to believe only those things one can see with own eyes???
Also, putting Tod into the sci-fi world, means taking away his great vision for the future... It would be a great pity to have a hell here instead of paradise..
This is my friend BAC. My reply is that we have to judge people and situations. If we do not, all we have is the media.
That's why to become 'unfaithful Thomas' in these troubled times with LIES everywhere, is a good thing.
I also viewed the statement from Mt Sinai regarding EDTA with a degree of skepticism. EDTA is still essentially an "alternative treatment", and as such, it will be attacked by mainstream sources such as Mt Sinai, whose treatments are part and parcel of what is probably the leading cause of death. Not to say that EDTA doesn't come with potential, serious risks. And ironically, one of the reasons why people resort to using it is to solve a health crisis that is ignored by the mainstream medical community and some of it is caused by the dental industry that Dr Yoho wrote about.
You are right; mainstream sources are unreliable and EDTA may have some value for something. Thanks for reference checking. I have been circling EDTA for mercury toxicity for some time and will not risk it. And another reference claims Ana does not use EDTA for herself despite her claims, but I cannot find it without a search.
Midwestern Doc recently mentioned EDTA as something that restores zeta potential.
Many of the bioinformtics research on Spike I did ever since Jan 2020, do show specific sequences which 'resemble' venom proteins, in particular around the C-terminal portion of it, so rich on cysteines. That was Dr. Ardis' friend's message to everyone, here just one publication confirming that and this one specifying the pieces:
And here you can see those venoms due to their zinc metalloproteolytic features are inactivated by EDTA: and many more...
I took EDTA, many times, made even suppositories out of it, according to Dr. Janossy, with some modifications, and I'm still here...
last thing, PLEASE check how many commercial products, edibles do contain EDTA, many. Just look up the MRM Nutrition "Cardio Chelate'. With one word, we are swimming in rivers of toxic heavy metals, and EDTA binds it best, but it needs to be taken properly, with LOT of water and other binders (charcoal, pectin) to guide the slurry out..
EDTA binds metals poorly. See this post for something that works invented by the foremost metals expert on the planet:
your above link is from JULY 2024, and you mention there to give an update how are you doing after all the alternative remedies. So are you now OVER with the Parkinsons after taking all the items you are mentioning in that post??? I hope you are:))) Discussion closed;)
Oh Dr. Haley has a FINANCIAL interest in promoting other compound, binding metals, compound he developed. That chelator of his has only 2 double bond oxygen groups, EDTA has 4, PLUS EDTA has additional 4 OH groups to catch the metals.. No matter what, chelating metals is extremely tricky, because you have to fish out the BAD heavy ones and while doing it, you also loose all the light essential GOOD ones, due to the same electrostatic power, the 'electronic valence'. On top of it Haley's compound carries benzoic group, absorbing LIGHT, EDTA does not do it! ANd if you take Dr. Ardis seriously, you need to embrace his venom theory AND the only one antidote to it, EDTA....
In one word, a CHEMIST promoting his own stuff, in my view is not different, than the Monsanto guy who came up with the 'glyphosate wonder'... I do hope I'm very wrong, because Dr. G. Cole DDS is extremely good, again, in my op-In-I-on.
What Dr. Nass said.
Nobody gets the minutes of their life back from those who willfully wasted it.
Trust no one or any commercial remedy or any comments.
"One who does not know astrology can not be a physician." HIPPOCRATES.
Time to revisit pre Rockefeller Medicine
and natural cures of the millenia.
SV 40 Simian virus was in the polio shot of the 60s causing cancer explosion in the boomers.
Read Dr. Mary's Monkey to learn about the demons of science and medicine
Firstenbergs Invisible Rainbow and
EMF causing "influenza,"due to 11 solar flare cycles is a starting point. The most recent began in 2019 with Covid.
Next in time for UN Agenda 2030.
This may be the hangout.
Thank you Dr. Y for writing this article. So much information to absorb. Not sure who is "telling the truth". I have not seen or read much about Callender. Nass was too much for me. I read her regularly in the beginning of Covid. Her multiple daily emails were too much! However, I believe in her sincerity and admire her unwavering efforts to treat patients and suffering the loss of her license to a corrupt Medical Board. Malone is tainted in my mind due to his past affiliation with BARDA and DARPA. My motto for seeking truth is simple. Trust no one, research and look at their actions/associates.
perfect philosophy. Make your own decisions. Like all else now, survive by your wits.
Thank you Robert!
I distrust the people who are attacking Ana far more than I distrust Ana.
thanks for commenting; I suppose this is a vote for Todd too?
I enjoyed the first two Terminator movies enormously and watched them several times. You must also be a fan.
I'm mostly just in it for the medical angle. I don't trust or go to doctors anymore. I ignore all the spiritual stuff some of these people get into.
I haven’t made up my mind yet on Todd. But I always enjoy listening to him.
It was good to hear from Todd Callender again. It has been a long absence.
I just wanted to pass on this 15 minute video by Dr. Mike Yeadon PhD titled "Silver Bullet"
Transcript included at the link.
We are at a turning point in our nation's and our world's history. Please pray without ceasing and try to not be made fearful for what we seeing happening in our world. Our Lord can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine.
Will share some quotes from world leaders and "influencers" over the last several decades. Yes, THEY are killing us and that is their full intention.
Source: "The First Global Revolution", A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome by Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider 1991.
"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat with demands the solidarity of all peoples. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap about which we have already warned namely mistaking systems for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."
Here are quotes on genocide for all.
"In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up."
Reverend Martin Niemoller
Margaret Sanger wrote of the necessity of: "the extermination of 'human weeds' ...the 'cessation of charity,' ... the segregation of 'morons, misfits, and the maladjusted,' and ... the sterilization of 'genetically inferior races.'" She targeted the 'unfit' for her crusade to 'save the planet.' "The masses of Negroes ...particularly in the South, still breed carelessly and disastrously, with the result that the increase among Negroes, even more than among whites, is from that portion of the population least intelligent and fit..." "The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the Minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Sanger believed that that the "dysgenic races" should include "Fundamentalists and Catholics" in addition to "blacks, Hispanics, (and) American Indians." "Birth control appeals to the advanced radical because it is calculated to undermine the authority of the Christian churches. I look forward to seeing humanity free someday of the tyranny of Christianity no less than Capitalism."
Professor Norman Cohn in his historical account of the Jewish Holocaust, "Warrant for Genocide." Professor Cohn chronicled the dark days of World War II, noting: Only about a third of the civilians killed by the Nazis and their accomplices were Jews ...Other peoples were marked out for decimation, subjugation, and enslavement, and the civilian losses of some of these (countries - Ed.) amounted to 11 per cent to 12 per cent of the total population." In addition to the 6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis, somewhere between 7 and 12 million non-Jews were also ruthlessly liquidated in Hitler's Germany.
David Graber, a research biologist with the National Park Service, was quoted in the Los Angeles Times Book Review Section, October 22, 1989, as saying: "Human happiness and certainly human fecundity are not as important as a wild and healthy planet. I know social scientists who remind me that people are part of nature, but it isn't true ... We have become a plague upon ourselves and upon the Earth ...Until such time as homo sapiens should decide to rejoin nature, some of us can only hope for the right virus to come along."
Michael Fox, when he was the vice-president of The Humane Society of the United States wrote, "Mankind is the most dangerous, destructive, selfish and unethical animal on the earth."
In "The First Global Revolution," published by The Council of the Club of Rome, an international elitist organization, the authors note that:
"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine, and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention ...The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."
Cornell University Professor David Pimentel, speaking before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, as saying that, "The total world population should be no more than 2 billion rather than the current 5.6 billion."
In the UNESCO Courier of November 1991, Jacques Cousteau wrote: "The damage people cause to the planet is a function of demographics - it is equal to the degree of development. One American burdens the earth much more than twenty Bangladeshes ... This is a terrible thing to say. In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it's just as bad not to say it."
Bertrand Russell, in his book, "The Impact of Science on Society," wrote,
"At present the population of the world is increasing ... War so far has had no great effect on this increase ... I do not pretend that birth control is the only way in which population can be kept from increasing. There are others ... If a Black Death could be spread throughout the world once in every generation, survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full ... the state of affairs might be somewhat unpleasant, but what of it? Really high-minded people are indifferent to suffering, especially that of others."
Yoko Ono on The Georgia Guidestones…
"I want people to know about the stones ...We're headed toward a world where we might blow ourselves up and maybe the globe will not exist ... it's a nice time to reaffirm ourselves, knowing all the beautiful things that are in this country, and The Georgia Stones symbolize that."
The "guides" reads: "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. (This-Ed.) Means the entire human race at its climax level for permanent balance with nature."
In the early 1960s by a group of environmentalists and population-control adherents. They set out to block the use of DDT for mosquito and malaria control after it had been found that the insecticide was extremely effective in saving human lives.
Alexander King, president of the Club of Rome, wrote, "My own doubts came when DDT was introduced. In Guyana, within two years, it had almost eliminated malaria. So my chief quarrel with DDT,in hindsight, is that it has greatly added to the population problem."
Dr. Wurster is reported to have replied: "So what? People are the cause of all the problems. We have too many of them. We need to get rid of some of them and this is as good a way as any." hen asked by the same reporter, "Doctor, how do you square the killing of people with the mere loss of some birds?" Dr. Wurster is reported to have replied, "It doesn't really make a lot of difference, because organo phosphate acts locally and only kills farmworkers and most of them are Mexicans and Negroes."
In addition to blocking intervention by neighboring nations, Madeline Albright also insisted that the word "genocide" must not be used, and that the United Nations forces stationed in Rwanda were not to be allowed to intervene. In the three months that followed, between one-half and three-quarters of a million Christians were systematically dismembered, hacked to death, and slaughtered in the bloody carnage that ensued. Tens of thousands of Christians were murdered in their churches; tens of thousands more were murdered in their hospitals and in their schools.
On several occasions, United Nations soldiers stationed in Rwanda actually handed over helpless Christians under their protection to members of the Hutu militia. They then stood by as their screaming charges were unceremoniously hacked to pieces.
Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834). In his "An Essay on the Principle of Population," Malthus wrote:
"All children born, beyond what would be required to keep up the population to a desired level, must necessarily perish, unless room may be made for them by the deaths of grown persons ...Therefore ...we should facilitate, instead of foolishly and vainly endeavoring to impede, the operations of nature in producing this mortality..."
Saint Paul's epistle to the Ephesians
Ephesians 6:12
For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.