What’s your book called? I have dry eye and if I open my eyes too quickly in the morning, I will get corneal abrasions. I tried some great drops from Russia that work by getting inside the mitochondria (if I’m remembering correctly) but I’m still having issues with dry eye.
I had an awful experience recently. I got new curtains for my bedroom and I closed them all the way before going to bed. We don't have a tv or any electrical appliances with a light in our room so it was pretty dark when I went to bed. In the middle of the night, I woke up with this sharp pain in my eye. My left eye has had some major issues with tearing up, dry eye, and corneal abrasions! So, I woke up after feeling this sharp pain. I opened my eyes and I could not see ANYTHING!! I turned my head and looked all around the room and I couldn't see anything. I was so freaked out. I said to myself "oh my gosh I've gone blind!!!!!!!!!!!" I reached for my bedside table switch to confirm if this was true and lo and behold it was NOT true. I was so happy but another part of me was so upset thinking I had gone blind. I couldn't sleep for two hours and didn't wake up till 11:00 am that day! Anyway, in hindsight it's pretty funny. But, praise God I'm ok!!
Getting older is not for sissy's. MD sucks and I am so thankful at 61 I don’t have it or any cornea problems! I take supplements for my eyes and believe they’re working. That being said, I’m trying the red light therapy and DMSO for my eyes! This substack was absolutely fascinating!! Keep us updated Dr Yoho!!
He was kind enough to send me the PDF. I gather he does not speak English and uses a translation program. I will read his book. Should I do an interview?
Dry eye often caused not by the failing of your tear ducts.. but but the oils in those glands around the eye.. often they respond to a little warmth from a flannel just soften the oil in those glands and back the natural secretions come…. at least try it before you give into the big pharma solution.. they ain’t interested in fixing anything.. just in capturing you as another life paying member.
Do you put saline ointment in your eye before bedtime? I used to get corneal abrasions as well but since I use the ointment- not one!! And that’s been at least 8 years. Muro 128 ointment is the brand name but it’s pretty pricey and sometimes hard to find. I use the knockoff brands that say “comparable to Muro 128” and have found they are fine.
So the case reports say that CDS eye drops twicea day cure macular degeneration at about 20 ppm. I've been in contact with Liu, and as you see, he has interesting perspectives and does not seem to give much credibility to oral use. Strange. I am considering injecting my arthritic ankles with CDS 3000 1/2 or 1/4 cc. He says it's painful. I have done hundreds of ankle injections, so it presents no problem technically. I am not recommending this for you.
I tried bioastin farmed from Hawaii.. and ended switching to the 12 mg version from piping rock.com… taken everyday for the last 18 months.. energy levels are amazing too.
Got so much out from this stack… .. I also found that astaxanthin provides more benefit than lutein and zeaxanthin which make up the macro nutrients sold in optometrists… reversed my eye pressure from 22 to 14 aged 67 .. the eyeball doc wondered how it was even possible…
Just so you know astaxanthin is a beta carotene from red algae.. and lutein and zeaxanthin are yellow carotenoids from fruits….
Maybe it’s what you take alongside Astaxanthin…should be opposite end of day to vitamin e (Tocotrienols) and fish oils.I take 12 mg and some days 24mg… with coconut oil some days.
Research Valasta…it has a carrier to help into cells.
Oh! Thanks so much. I have been taking everything at one go, including Astaxanthin, fish oil and vitamen E. I have always been curious about which supplements are contraindicated with which other supplements. Been too lazy to research each individual one since I take over 20 (about half superfoods). I wonder if someone has done that research for all the common supplements and compiled it in one place.
Not found anything in one place .. but keep researching and piece it all together… most supplements need a “carrier” to enable to get past the lipid barrier is a cell… olive oil … flaxseed oil are good because they are high in omega 3…. Coconut oil too but is a medium chain fat with antibacterial properties.
It is omega 6 which is highly inflammatory.. omega 3 is the antidote… it lowers inflammation throughout the body… astaxanthin is rich in omega 3 comes from warmer water..… krill oil comes from cold water and is predominantly omega 6.
You need to realise .. when everyone is telling you to eat fish high in omega 3 .. it’s what the fish eat that counts..and they always eat green and red algae .. so going to source makes you get the same benefits as fish.. capiche???
Veterinary ivermectin for injection into animals is available at any feed store, such as Tractor Supply. It can also be given orally. I'm not telling you what to do, but I would use it;
There is a doctor in England that has done studies on red light for the eyes, not for AMD specifically, just overall improvement of vision. A company developed a pair of red light glasses specifically for that purpose called “Eyepower Red” https://www.eye-power.co.uk/product/eyepower-red/. I’m a little paranoid about my eyes sine my mother and sister have glaucoma and AMD, so I felt more comfortable using something developed specifically for the eyes using the studied 670 nm. I’m not as brave as you are about just jumping in the deep end😊
Is that also where you get DMSO. I remember my mother using that probably 40 or more years ago. The main thing I remember was that it didn’t smell very good and she said that even when she used it externally, she could taste it.
I did buy them. With all of the good things published about red light therapy, I wondered if it would also be good for eyes so I started doing some research. I first found this info https://www.ophthalmologytimes.com/view/morning-exposure-to-deep-red-light-improves-declining-eyesight# and then found the company who makes the glasses, whom I believe collaborated with the doctor from the study. I use them a few times a week. Please note the study found that if improving vision is your goal, the red light is only helpful when used in the morning. Apparently, “mitochondria have shifting work patterns and do not respond in the same way to light in the afternoon”
Me too. I just ordered and I’m confident I’ll be able to tell as I have other issues (dry eye but not from MD it’s just a painful, dry eye that produces tears and corneal abrasions). Anyway, I feel very confident these are going to work!!
Looking through the replies helped me to remember something form my direct patent nursing care about 10 years ago. She was 62, morbidly obese bc of lipedema. Was having injections in eyes about every 3-4 months. Winter was ahead and I mentioned that she an her husband might take vitamin D 3, her 10k unit and him 4k( he is a small man). In the spring Dr stopped eye injections bc of great improvement, which continued for another year while I was caring for her. She said only change was vit D. Just a memory/thought. She was rarely outdoors.
Thinking back on it, I likely made the switch to coconut oil when or shortly before my AMD was first diagnosed, which was at least 15 years ago. As I mentioned in an earlier comment, it hasn't progressed since the initial diagnosis (knock on wood).
It seems to me that red light and chlorine dioxide would both provide energy to improve eye metabolism. Which would be similar to Tennant's use of scalar energy. I can imagine the DMSO potential helping to clear out whatever is getting gummed up to create the Drusen.
It'll be interesting to get your future updates on this.
I've made organic sulpher eye drops for my son who has been vaccine injured.
Very simple: 1/4 tsp OS per ounce of distilled water.
I used myself as a guinea pig. Non toxic. Zero side effects.
He prefers to stick to the prednisone pills and prednisole eye drops prescribed by his opthalmologist. (He continues to experience "flare ups")
He has recently been diagnosed with (Necrotizing) scleritis. He is 27 years old and is in danger of losing his eye.
I decided to do deep research once I was told. My friend's son, a Type 1 diabetic who is legally blind, underwent (botched) eye surgery. The inflammation he suffered, post surgery was unreal. (I have before surgery, after surgery, and photos of his eyes now.)
She got him on these eye drops and tells me he will never stop using them.
How do you use the coconut oil? I do oil pulling, and it allows me to ghost my dentist and dental hygienist. I swallow the darn stuff, but the "real" alternative medicine docs say this is a toxic no-no.
I use it in cooking and in my variation of bulletproof decaf coffee (once daily): coffee, coconut oil, heavy cream, collagen and 5,000-10,000 IUs of Vitamin D. I generally don't use organic coconut oil. I figure I'm near enough the center of the bell curve that going organic has less benefits for me than for those who are nearer to being outliers.
For oral health, I generally floss and brush three times per day. And about once a month I brush with baking soda and apple cider vinegar. The latter gets rid of any plaque that had built up that the flossing and brushing missed.
When I saw my dentist in 2017, after not having seen a dentist in around 7 years, they remarked what great shape my gums were in (despite every tooth being cracked from the health crisis that I was in). I did have some plaque, but probably not much worse than their average patient that they see every year (I added the ACV/baking soda after that visit). It's been a few years since my last visit, and I don't see any reason to go back, especially since she likes to do annual cone-beam x-rays. I'm not a fan of unnecessary radiation, and I suspect a cone-beam is way more radiation than a normal x-ray.
How toxic the coconut oil is after pulling depends upon the health of your mouth, and what it is killing off with its antimicrobial, antifungal, etc properties, and what sort of toxins they release when they die. If you've been at it for a while and do it daily, I suspect there aren't many critters that it is killing off, and thus swallowing would be unlikely to cause a significant problem.
Personally, I'm not a fan of trying to create a sterile environment inside the body. Having said that, I did use nebulized HP once for COVID, and it cleared up my decades-long chronically inflamed sinuses. The best explanation being that there was likely something lurking up there that was hiding in a biofilm, and the HP wiped out the biofilm. I would think it would work in the mouth, airways and lungs the same way it did in my sinuses.
If I were to do oil pulling, I likely would do it weekly at best. And if I did, I'd probably spit it out, just to be safe.
You are "pulling" stored toxins from your teeth into the coconut oil. Please spit into a wastebasket! Do not spit into sink-potential for plumbing issues and you would be depositing released toxins into water system. I have been acutely chemically sensitive for more than a decade. When I first tried coconut oil pulling I absolutely did NOT swallow and I still suffered herx symptoms (still had exposed metal from a crown at that time).
I watched my dad slowly lose his eyesite to due to the wet form of macula degeneration, as well as glaucoma. I have 3 sister now in their 60's - ALL have glaucoma to various degrees. I am 65 years old and rarely even need reading glasses, and no glasses of any sort. Sometimes I do need the readers - depending on the light in the room. My brother told me to skip optometrists (they sell glasses) and go directly to ophthalmologists for check ups. So far, they tell me no sign of glaucoma OR macula degeneration. About 15 years ago I started taking astaxanthin AND krill oil capsules. Is this what has kept my eyes healthy? As a side note, my husband also took up these supplements and he too rarely needs reading glasses and does not wear regular glasses. He is 67 years old. COINCIDENCE? I can't say for sure. At my last checkup I had 20/20 vision.
Thanks for this great article and sharing your personal journey. Your retina improvement sounds fantastic!
I wanted to tell you that my father in law did about 40 chelation treatments after a stroke when he immediately developed AMD. He had a terrible time reading. After these treatments his eyesight was restored and his eye Dr. couldn’t believe it. He never told him his solution feeling like he wouldn’t believe it.
I tried making Kalcker's recipe for use of CDS & DMSO in eyes, along with saline. It stung so bad I figured I must have made some mistake. I tried both gel and liquid DMSO. Then I read that Amandha Vollmer in her book Healing with DMSO says DMSO damages synthetic lenses that are installed after cataract surgery. I haven't tried again after reading this. Some people do not believe her assertion about damaging lenses. Thoughts?
Thank you Bob for sharing!! It's pity that you have to fight with such an issue, BUT it is always good to have a lesson of what we do wrong with our bodies, which then react in an unhealthy way...
Funny, but just today the NaturalHealth366 send out this article:
It's a good short overview. One thing which needs to be pointed out, due to the geoengginnering of our climate, due to constantly growing amount of 5G around us, we need to protect ourselves, like EMF protective clothing, hat, glasses, etc. That's why the sun gazing with currently the shortest UV present in daylight, I'd consider questionable, i.e. is not very good.. Just my opinion.
I had few extremely disturbing cases of vision interference, while driving or being in house with extreme amount of 5G... In the first case I stopped at TJ, got the organic CARROT JUICE, with LOT OF VIT. A and drunk it all. After about 10 min, the disturbed vision on one eye returned. It was extremely scary, but luckily quite few vision support supplements, like ASTAXANTIN, etc. , can and do help.
That article I pointed out, is talking about another RED pigment, saffron..
Also, the only cataract supplement I know of, is L-Carnosine. One can buy commercial drops with it, or you can do it alone, dissolving L-Carnosine powder in distilled water and making this way your own spray. Yes, protecting eyes is exrtremely important, eyes are largely WATER, and that water does NOT LIKE wi-fi..... Crystalline in cornea is getting turbid, due to unfolding of that protein while affecting its water bound molecules being ROTATED in the wi-fil/GHz range fields...
I also have wrinkles on my (R) retina, first noticed about 20 years ago. I have been off of seed oils and gluten 2for 15 years, after reading Dr. Mercola's blog. No vision problems other than worsening presbyopia. I think I will get a consult on the wrinkle, and up my PBM to face and eyes. Thanks for all the information.
I am 71 and had dry macular degeneration diagnosed on routine optometry examination 6 years ago. The
optometrists don’t necessarily tell you because they are taught it is age related and they don’t want to make you anxious! I found out it had been noted four years before I was told.
A friend said to me “no more margarine for you then” which set me on an internet search and I found the work of Dr Chris Knobbe, a Texan ophthalmologist, who says diet and particularly seed oils are the cause of the increasing incidence of AMD. He tried to get the ophthalmology institutions interested but without success.
I cooked in seed oils like Canola for about 40 years deceived by the “heart healthy” propaganda.
I still have 20/20 vision, just some distortion on the Amsler grid. I carefully avoid seed oils and the AMD has not progressed and the drusen have diminished a bit according to my optometrist.
Cafes and restaurants nearly all use seed oils so there might be nothing to pick besides a chia pot!
This stack has given me so much more to research, thank you.
I am also interested in HBOT for macular degeneration. We have our own 1.5 ATA soft shell chamber and about 30 sessions has been hugely beneficial for a Covid vaccine injured family member with fatigue and POTS.
Dr. Knobbe's book, The Ancestal Diet to Prevent or Reverse Macular Degeneration is a very solid work-that said, DO NOT use the Green Pasture fermented cod liver oil/butter oil blend recommended in his book. A PHD nutritionist had product tested by 5 independent labs and reported, "In 2015, I tested Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil at five of the world’s top laboratories because of mounting concerns about product safety and growing evidence of serious harm to consumers. I reviewed the data with many of the world’s leading marine oil and fats experts, all of whom concurred that it was rancid, putrid and low in the fat-soluble vitamins A, D and K. Furthermore, DNA testing showed the livers were not from Nordic cod, but from cheap Alaskan pollock, a case of mislabeling that many consumers consider fraud. Worse, the labs provided evidence that the product had been diluted with a vegetable oil that contained trans fats of a type found ONLY in vegetable oils." https://www.drkaayladaniel.com/blog/a-big-dose-of-codswallop
I tried to send a message through his website cureamd.org a few weeks ago and it would not all ow me to "send." Just checked again today and the site has been updated with a new look and the contact form worked. Will update here if I receive a response back.
Dr. Yoho, my mum, who is 92 now, was diagnosed with the most common ("untreatable") type of macular degeneration in 2004.
I was able to "reverse" it, within 2 years, with a simple change to her diet.
Her optometrist and opthalmologist, who'd initially diagnosed her, upon discovering it had been (so mysteriously) cured, by adding some simple greens and berries to her diet, then claimed "oh, she probably never had it"...
thank you so much for sharing this. i assume covid will cause annincrease in AMD...it affects eyes so much and nobody talking about this. love your thinking!!! and the text .
If your eyes aren't healthy, then clean up your liver. The liver and the eyes are inextricably connected. Chlorine Dioxide is good. DMSO is good. Buy Andreas Moritz book on the way to do a liver flush. You probably won't hear any of this from an MD or opthalmologist. No worries. Carry on, Dr Yoho.
What’s your book called? I have dry eye and if I open my eyes too quickly in the morning, I will get corneal abrasions. I tried some great drops from Russia that work by getting inside the mitochondria (if I’m remembering correctly) but I’m still having issues with dry eye.
I had an awful experience recently. I got new curtains for my bedroom and I closed them all the way before going to bed. We don't have a tv or any electrical appliances with a light in our room so it was pretty dark when I went to bed. In the middle of the night, I woke up with this sharp pain in my eye. My left eye has had some major issues with tearing up, dry eye, and corneal abrasions! So, I woke up after feeling this sharp pain. I opened my eyes and I could not see ANYTHING!! I turned my head and looked all around the room and I couldn't see anything. I was so freaked out. I said to myself "oh my gosh I've gone blind!!!!!!!!!!!" I reached for my bedside table switch to confirm if this was true and lo and behold it was NOT true. I was so happy but another part of me was so upset thinking I had gone blind. I couldn't sleep for two hours and didn't wake up till 11:00 am that day! Anyway, in hindsight it's pretty funny. But, praise God I'm ok!!
Getting older is not for sissy's. MD sucks and I am so thankful at 61 I don’t have it or any cornea problems! I take supplements for my eyes and believe they’re working. That being said, I’m trying the red light therapy and DMSO for my eyes! This substack was absolutely fascinating!! Keep us updated Dr Yoho!!
To all of our perfect health and wellbeing!!!
Chlorine dioxide is incredibly suppressed here, and even books about it are censored off major platforms. The FDA is part of the conspiracy.
He was kind enough to send me the PDF. I gather he does not speak English and uses a translation program. I will read his book. Should I do an interview?
Yes, an interview PLEASE!
Is it only digital or can I buy a hard copy?
Thanks for your praise--it keeps me going.
Dry eye often caused not by the failing of your tear ducts.. but but the oils in those glands around the eye.. often they respond to a little warmth from a flannel just soften the oil in those glands and back the natural secretions come…. at least try it before you give into the big pharma solution.. they ain’t interested in fixing anything.. just in capturing you as another life paying member.
Contact me
Do you put saline ointment in your eye before bedtime? I used to get corneal abrasions as well but since I use the ointment- not one!! And that’s been at least 8 years. Muro 128 ointment is the brand name but it’s pretty pricey and sometimes hard to find. I use the knockoff brands that say “comparable to Muro 128” and have found they are fine.
So the case reports say that CDS eye drops twicea day cure macular degeneration at about 20 ppm. I've been in contact with Liu, and as you see, he has interesting perspectives and does not seem to give much credibility to oral use. Strange. I am considering injecting my arthritic ankles with CDS 3000 1/2 or 1/4 cc. He says it's painful. I have done hundreds of ankle injections, so it presents no problem technically. I am not recommending this for you.
Let us know if 1. It’s painful when you do it. 2. If it helps! Please.
What brand of astaxanthin do you use?
I tried bioastin farmed from Hawaii.. and ended switching to the 12 mg version from piping rock.com… taken everyday for the last 18 months.. energy levels are amazing too.
I love Pure Synergy astaxanthin. Helps the brain. You'll notice it.
Got so much out from this stack… .. I also found that astaxanthin provides more benefit than lutein and zeaxanthin which make up the macro nutrients sold in optometrists… reversed my eye pressure from 22 to 14 aged 67 .. the eyeball doc wondered how it was even possible…
Just so you know astaxanthin is a beta carotene from red algae.. and lutein and zeaxanthin are yellow carotenoids from fruits….
How much astaxanthin do you take? I have been taking it and just maintaining, no improvement in eye pressure.
The original post was deleted. I assume you are refering to glaucoma.
Maybe it’s what you take alongside Astaxanthin…should be opposite end of day to vitamin e (Tocotrienols) and fish oils.I take 12 mg and some days 24mg… with coconut oil some days.
Research Valasta…it has a carrier to help into cells.
Thanks for replying but I dont understand your reply. What do you mean by "opposite end of day to..." ?
If you take astaxanthin in the morning.. do not take vitamin E supplements or fish oils… it affects absorption.
Oh! Thanks so much. I have been taking everything at one go, including Astaxanthin, fish oil and vitamen E. I have always been curious about which supplements are contraindicated with which other supplements. Been too lazy to research each individual one since I take over 20 (about half superfoods). I wonder if someone has done that research for all the common supplements and compiled it in one place.
Not found anything in one place .. but keep researching and piece it all together… most supplements need a “carrier” to enable to get past the lipid barrier is a cell… olive oil … flaxseed oil are good because they are high in omega 3…. Coconut oil too but is a medium chain fat with antibacterial properties.
I appreciate you guys.
Alternative healers have found that improving nutrition prevents AMD very effectively.
Wow! Never heard of liquid ivermectin drops, any hints where it can be purchased? Thank you, great article.
How awful these seed oils like canola/sunflower/rapeseed are causing us to lose eyesight and get fat.
It is omega 6 which is highly inflammatory.. omega 3 is the antidote… it lowers inflammation throughout the body… astaxanthin is rich in omega 3 comes from warmer water..… krill oil comes from cold water and is predominantly omega 6.
thanks not sure why original comment was deleted
Wanted to differentiate between cold water fish oil and plant derived oil from red algae.. but could not edit the original comment.thank you.
You need to realise .. when everyone is telling you to eat fish high in omega 3 .. it’s what the fish eat that counts..and they always eat green and red algae .. so going to source makes you get the same benefits as fish.. capiche???
Veterinary ivermectin for injection into animals is available at any feed store, such as Tractor Supply. It can also be given orally. I'm not telling you what to do, but I would use it;
There is a doctor in England that has done studies on red light for the eyes, not for AMD specifically, just overall improvement of vision. A company developed a pair of red light glasses specifically for that purpose called “Eyepower Red” https://www.eye-power.co.uk/product/eyepower-red/. I’m a little paranoid about my eyes sine my mother and sister have glaucoma and AMD, so I felt more comfortable using something developed specifically for the eyes using the studied 670 nm. I’m not as brave as you are about just jumping in the deep end😊
Where do you find injectable IVM?
tractor supply, the source of all good things
Is that also where you get DMSO. I remember my mother using that probably 40 or more years ago. The main thing I remember was that it didn’t smell very good and she said that even when she used it externally, she could taste it.
see my dmso post look it up in my archives
dmsostore.com is one source
Did you buy them? I’m going to!! Thank you for this link. How did you find out about this company?
I did buy them. With all of the good things published about red light therapy, I wondered if it would also be good for eyes so I started doing some research. I first found this info https://www.ophthalmologytimes.com/view/morning-exposure-to-deep-red-light-improves-declining-eyesight# and then found the company who makes the glasses, whom I believe collaborated with the doctor from the study. I use them a few times a week. Please note the study found that if improving vision is your goal, the red light is only helpful when used in the morning. Apparently, “mitochondria have shifting work patterns and do not respond in the same way to light in the afternoon”
I read that!! Thank you. It’s truly fascinating. Is it helping you?
My vision does seem sharper than it did before I started using them. I tend to avoid all doctors so I haven’t actually had any eye tests to verify.
Me too. I just ordered and I’m confident I’ll be able to tell as I have other issues (dry eye but not from MD it’s just a painful, dry eye that produces tears and corneal abrasions). Anyway, I feel very confident these are going to work!!
Ophthalmology literature is unreliable and underreports red light benefits. This group rec a $20,000 light
too much
Looking through the replies helped me to remember something form my direct patent nursing care about 10 years ago. She was 62, morbidly obese bc of lipedema. Was having injections in eyes about every 3-4 months. Winter was ahead and I mentioned that she an her husband might take vitamin D 3, her 10k unit and him 4k( he is a small man). In the spring Dr stopped eye injections bc of great improvement, which continued for another year while I was caring for her. She said only change was vit D. Just a memory/thought. She was rarely outdoors.
Thinking back on it, I likely made the switch to coconut oil when or shortly before my AMD was first diagnosed, which was at least 15 years ago. As I mentioned in an earlier comment, it hasn't progressed since the initial diagnosis (knock on wood).
It seems to me that red light and chlorine dioxide would both provide energy to improve eye metabolism. Which would be similar to Tennant's use of scalar energy. I can imagine the DMSO potential helping to clear out whatever is getting gummed up to create the Drusen.
It'll be interesting to get your future updates on this.
I've made organic sulpher eye drops for my son who has been vaccine injured.
Very simple: 1/4 tsp OS per ounce of distilled water.
I used myself as a guinea pig. Non toxic. Zero side effects.
He prefers to stick to the prednisone pills and prednisole eye drops prescribed by his opthalmologist. (He continues to experience "flare ups")
He has recently been diagnosed with (Necrotizing) scleritis. He is 27 years old and is in danger of losing his eye.
I decided to do deep research once I was told. My friend's son, a Type 1 diabetic who is legally blind, underwent (botched) eye surgery. The inflammation he suffered, post surgery was unreal. (I have before surgery, after surgery, and photos of his eyes now.)
She got him on these eye drops and tells me he will never stop using them.
Those drops cost $10 US per 1 ounce bottle. Until very recently.
The company has hiked the price enormously, as you will see...
I learned how to make it for myself, for my son (who won't use it) and for a friend, costing pennies per ounce.
Ivermectin, CDS, and DMSO have the huge track record.
How do you use the coconut oil? I do oil pulling, and it allows me to ghost my dentist and dental hygienist. I swallow the darn stuff, but the "real" alternative medicine docs say this is a toxic no-no.
Shouldn't swallow doctor.
Once you've oil pulled, spit into tissue and dispose of.
The stuff is toxic.
He cannot swallow it!!! OMG! That’s gross too. lol.
I use it in cooking and in my variation of bulletproof decaf coffee (once daily): coffee, coconut oil, heavy cream, collagen and 5,000-10,000 IUs of Vitamin D. I generally don't use organic coconut oil. I figure I'm near enough the center of the bell curve that going organic has less benefits for me than for those who are nearer to being outliers.
For oral health, I generally floss and brush three times per day. And about once a month I brush with baking soda and apple cider vinegar. The latter gets rid of any plaque that had built up that the flossing and brushing missed.
When I saw my dentist in 2017, after not having seen a dentist in around 7 years, they remarked what great shape my gums were in (despite every tooth being cracked from the health crisis that I was in). I did have some plaque, but probably not much worse than their average patient that they see every year (I added the ACV/baking soda after that visit). It's been a few years since my last visit, and I don't see any reason to go back, especially since she likes to do annual cone-beam x-rays. I'm not a fan of unnecessary radiation, and I suspect a cone-beam is way more radiation than a normal x-ray.
How toxic the coconut oil is after pulling depends upon the health of your mouth, and what it is killing off with its antimicrobial, antifungal, etc properties, and what sort of toxins they release when they die. If you've been at it for a while and do it daily, I suspect there aren't many critters that it is killing off, and thus swallowing would be unlikely to cause a significant problem.
Personally, I'm not a fan of trying to create a sterile environment inside the body. Having said that, I did use nebulized HP once for COVID, and it cleared up my decades-long chronically inflamed sinuses. The best explanation being that there was likely something lurking up there that was hiding in a biofilm, and the HP wiped out the biofilm. I would think it would work in the mouth, airways and lungs the same way it did in my sinuses.
If I were to do oil pulling, I likely would do it weekly at best. And if I did, I'd probably spit it out, just to be safe.
great comment
I oil pull several times a day, but since all I do is type, it is not inconvenient. I don't need to floss...
You are "pulling" stored toxins from your teeth into the coconut oil. Please spit into a wastebasket! Do not spit into sink-potential for plumbing issues and you would be depositing released toxins into water system. I have been acutely chemically sensitive for more than a decade. When I first tried coconut oil pulling I absolutely did NOT swallow and I still suffered herx symptoms (still had exposed metal from a crown at that time).
Do Not Swallow. Do not even spit it in the sink .
I watched my dad slowly lose his eyesite to due to the wet form of macula degeneration, as well as glaucoma. I have 3 sister now in their 60's - ALL have glaucoma to various degrees. I am 65 years old and rarely even need reading glasses, and no glasses of any sort. Sometimes I do need the readers - depending on the light in the room. My brother told me to skip optometrists (they sell glasses) and go directly to ophthalmologists for check ups. So far, they tell me no sign of glaucoma OR macula degeneration. About 15 years ago I started taking astaxanthin AND krill oil capsules. Is this what has kept my eyes healthy? As a side note, my husband also took up these supplements and he too rarely needs reading glasses and does not wear regular glasses. He is 67 years old. COINCIDENCE? I can't say for sure. At my last checkup I had 20/20 vision.
I'm in but I take so many damn supplements already
Thanks for this great article and sharing your personal journey. Your retina improvement sounds fantastic!
I wanted to tell you that my father in law did about 40 chelation treatments after a stroke when he immediately developed AMD. He had a terrible time reading. After these treatments his eyesight was restored and his eye Dr. couldn’t believe it. He never told him his solution feeling like he wouldn’t believe it.
Great story and this works for some cases of heart disease also. ss
I would love more research on curing cataracts without surgery.
If it were me: I would look into DMSO, colloidal silver and MSM (organic sulphur).
Thank you! I will.
I tried making Kalcker's recipe for use of CDS & DMSO in eyes, along with saline. It stung so bad I figured I must have made some mistake. I tried both gel and liquid DMSO. Then I read that Amandha Vollmer in her book Healing with DMSO says DMSO damages synthetic lenses that are installed after cataract surgery. I haven't tried again after reading this. Some people do not believe her assertion about damaging lenses. Thoughts?
I only use a 1/4 tsp per ounce of distilled water.
No salt.
Thank you Bob for sharing!! It's pity that you have to fight with such an issue, BUT it is always good to have a lesson of what we do wrong with our bodies, which then react in an unhealthy way...
Funny, but just today the NaturalHealth366 send out this article:
It's a good short overview. One thing which needs to be pointed out, due to the geoengginnering of our climate, due to constantly growing amount of 5G around us, we need to protect ourselves, like EMF protective clothing, hat, glasses, etc. That's why the sun gazing with currently the shortest UV present in daylight, I'd consider questionable, i.e. is not very good.. Just my opinion.
I had few extremely disturbing cases of vision interference, while driving or being in house with extreme amount of 5G... In the first case I stopped at TJ, got the organic CARROT JUICE, with LOT OF VIT. A and drunk it all. After about 10 min, the disturbed vision on one eye returned. It was extremely scary, but luckily quite few vision support supplements, like ASTAXANTIN, etc. , can and do help.
That article I pointed out, is talking about another RED pigment, saffron..
Also, the only cataract supplement I know of, is L-Carnosine. One can buy commercial drops with it, or you can do it alone, dissolving L-Carnosine powder in distilled water and making this way your own spray. Yes, protecting eyes is exrtremely important, eyes are largely WATER, and that water does NOT LIKE wi-fi..... Crystalline in cornea is getting turbid, due to unfolding of that protein while affecting its water bound molecules being ROTATED in the wi-fil/GHz range fields...
we all have to pick our poisons ha
can't do everything
this comment is my friend BAC
I also have wrinkles on my (R) retina, first noticed about 20 years ago. I have been off of seed oils and gluten 2for 15 years, after reading Dr. Mercola's blog. No vision problems other than worsening presbyopia. I think I will get a consult on the wrinkle, and up my PBM to face and eyes. Thanks for all the information.
I am 71 and had dry macular degeneration diagnosed on routine optometry examination 6 years ago. The
optometrists don’t necessarily tell you because they are taught it is age related and they don’t want to make you anxious! I found out it had been noted four years before I was told.
A friend said to me “no more margarine for you then” which set me on an internet search and I found the work of Dr Chris Knobbe, a Texan ophthalmologist, who says diet and particularly seed oils are the cause of the increasing incidence of AMD. He tried to get the ophthalmology institutions interested but without success.
I cooked in seed oils like Canola for about 40 years deceived by the “heart healthy” propaganda.
I still have 20/20 vision, just some distortion on the Amsler grid. I carefully avoid seed oils and the AMD has not progressed and the drusen have diminished a bit according to my optometrist.
Cafes and restaurants nearly all use seed oils so there might be nothing to pick besides a chia pot!
This stack has given me so much more to research, thank you.
I am also interested in HBOT for macular degeneration. We have our own 1.5 ATA soft shell chamber and about 30 sessions has been hugely beneficial for a Covid vaccine injured family member with fatigue and POTS.
This is a link to comprehensive interviews of Dr Knobbe.
thanks and that HBOT is a superpower for you
What’s HBOT?
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Dr. Knobbe's book, The Ancestal Diet to Prevent or Reverse Macular Degeneration is a very solid work-that said, DO NOT use the Green Pasture fermented cod liver oil/butter oil blend recommended in his book. A PHD nutritionist had product tested by 5 independent labs and reported, "In 2015, I tested Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil at five of the world’s top laboratories because of mounting concerns about product safety and growing evidence of serious harm to consumers. I reviewed the data with many of the world’s leading marine oil and fats experts, all of whom concurred that it was rancid, putrid and low in the fat-soluble vitamins A, D and K. Furthermore, DNA testing showed the livers were not from Nordic cod, but from cheap Alaskan pollock, a case of mislabeling that many consumers consider fraud. Worse, the labs provided evidence that the product had been diluted with a vegetable oil that contained trans fats of a type found ONLY in vegetable oils." https://www.drkaayladaniel.com/blog/a-big-dose-of-codswallop
I never have used that oil but thank you for the information. I wonder if Dr Knobbe knows.
I tried to send a message through his website cureamd.org a few weeks ago and it would not all ow me to "send." Just checked again today and the site has been updated with a new look and the contact form worked. Will update here if I receive a response back.
Dr. Yoho, my mum, who is 92 now, was diagnosed with the most common ("untreatable") type of macular degeneration in 2004.
I was able to "reverse" it, within 2 years, with a simple change to her diet.
Her optometrist and opthalmologist, who'd initially diagnosed her, upon discovering it had been (so mysteriously) cured, by adding some simple greens and berries to her diet, then claimed "oh, she probably never had it"...
thank you so much for sharing this. i assume covid will cause annincrease in AMD...it affects eyes so much and nobody talking about this. love your thinking!!! and the text .
I edit these for typically 40 hours. The next one, I may have 60 hours into it. I learn a lot every week.
If your eyes aren't healthy, then clean up your liver. The liver and the eyes are inextricably connected. Chlorine Dioxide is good. DMSO is good. Buy Andreas Moritz book on the way to do a liver flush. You probably won't hear any of this from an MD or opthalmologist. No worries. Carry on, Dr Yoho.
Like a magician pulling yet another rabbit out of his hat, you continue to astound me with simple solutions to common health problems.
You can do the same research, but it takes full-time effort.