Humble did the walk and Kerri and klack were spin offs important spin offs but we have humble and his church to thank

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Hi, Dr. Yoho,

Non sequitur : I can never say your name without singing A Pirate's Life for Me


Anyway I just watched this episode and then I watched part 2 which was buried over on Rumble but for some reason not here. I guess I was supposed to see it.

At the very end of part 2, you asked the million dollar question. Which Mike Adams the Health Ranger also asked Kerri on one of his shows a while back.

And both times the leads got buried.

You asked her about silica water and brought up Dr. Exley. I have much to discuss with you about this because if you haven't seen Dennis Crouse's book about aluminum and silica, it's amazing...

But I have to tell you, as an "OG" biohacker, since I started drinking silica water WITH chlorine dioxide, I only need 5 hours of sleep. Yes, 5. I literally got 21 hours a week back. So I'm learning French.

Anyway, I've been doing this for about 2 years -- and when I skip either the CDS or the silica water (which I learned to make at home following Crouse's recipe) or don't do enough of either one, I go back to needing 8 hours of sleep.

When I get enough of the CDS + silica water, I spring out of be at 3 am after 5 hours of sleep.

OK I'm going to go watch your Exley video now. Binge watching...

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For awareness, Zeolite Clinoptilolite can not work in a liquid form based on scientific fact. Touchstone is an MLM and according to the person who brought zeolite powder to this country, Touchstone's claims are not accurate.

It's not possible for zeolite powder, which is a negatively charged crystalline structure, to be suspended in water. It can not dissolve in water like salt and sugar. If crushed to nano size particles (as Touchstone claims) the structure would be broken. The structure needs to be intact to bind to the positively charged toxins from these shots and for any positively charged toxins. Dr. Howard Peiper has worked with zeolite powder for decades. He has a book called Zeolite that's on amazon - get it. It's only $7 and it'll teach you a lot. He's got three websites (zeolite dosing dot com, zeolite facts dot org, and zeolite testimonials dot com). On his facts website, he mentions why the liquid can't possibly work. Take a look.

Dosing is key with zeolite powder. zeohealth dot com was the first one to bring zeolite to this country. It's the purest zeolite according to Dr. Peiper. The purer the better for detoxing. Zeolite binds to toxins AND removes them from the body. Other binder do not remove the toxins they bind to from the body. And, other removing supplements do not bind to the toxins.

Regarding the shots and zeolite powder: I know of several people who have taken zeolite powder and their symptoms went away completely (nightmares, fatigue, joint pain, gut issues, seizures). It's been almost a year and a half for two people I suggested it to.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thank you Dr. Y.

I am sharing this post and ordering CDS!


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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Autism is a direct result of heavy metal accumulation in the brain. Have a read of The Brain Saver book by Anthony William the medical medium.

For fungus on toes, bath in a solution of warm water and tea tree oil (at least a couple of times a day.)

I am still not sure about Chlorine Dioxide it is used as a cleaning and water purification agent. Is it possible that diluted it becomes more like a homeopathic version. I would try homeopathic version first before I started becoming a chemical mixer in my kitchen. Good luck to those who are brave enough. I prefer to detox via Anthony Williams methods, heavy metal detox smoothie helps me a lot.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

As always, thank you Dr Yoho, for sharing invaluable information and resources. Loved the interview with Kerri Rivera. I will definitely pass on to a mom friend who has an autistic child, and may consult with her myself for chronic Lyme disease, mold toxicity and probable underlying parasites.

I noticed Autism.org has a page entitled “Warning Against Chorine Dioxide Use”, which, in short, compares CD to Clorox bleach and advises against using CD or “MMS”. Too sad.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

so thrilled to be able to connect you and Kerri! She is a powerhouse! Her experience as a mom, and a practitioner, is priceless! Thanks for expanding her audience!

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Oh, Dear Doc! As you have no way of knowing that "NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE US" (sorry for the caps, but this is important and I save them for that use...), combined with your way of stating this as if it's a hard and cold truth (and it's a pretty important thought), it throws into question all your other lesser important proclamations of what you perceive as "truth".

Just saying something so obvious I imagined you could see it, too. Hubris is a bitch goddess.

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Facebook and Meta premote death and destruction of humanity. Marky is another Satin in disguise.

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Bravo Dr. Yoho, with fabulous informative essays & books like yours and guests like Kerri Rivera on your podcast, you are doing a yeomans work in the dicey realm of health care, sir!

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Great interview, super respect to both of you. Honesty rules.

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Organic oregano oil will kill nail fungus every time. Don’t overdo it in eagerness like I did which resulted in me burning the skin around the nail. It will work but practice caution.

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Speaking of autism... many years ago, I read a book called Son Rise. About a family who devised a special program for the boy, who later grew up normal. I think his name was Raun Kaufman. I have never heard any later reports on this particular therapy, and whether it worked for other families...

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)


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The above is a financial video important to all of us, by an insider who understands the system well. This is part of the multi-faceted understanding that we all have to come to, to find our way through this. Please find the time to watch.

Regarding CDS, I'm going with the MMS version as it's so much easier to prepare: https://rumble.com/vlwgdc-training-video-1-mms-history-and-demonstration-making-mms1.html

Thank you, and good luck!

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