My husband has prostate cancer. He's had two rounds of radiation. First round in prostate and second round on lymph nodes in the lower abdomen. He also is on luperon. ( Which is awful stuff). I put him on feben. And also alternate with ivermectin. He has had two follow-up appointments with undetectable PSA. After this next visit, I hope he will quit the luperon if he is undetectable for cancer a third time.
read hormone secrets about using estradiol for prostate cancer. Lupron is horrible and the Rouzier school of treating prostate cancer advises against using it
word search this for prostate cancer and word search Butchered by Healthcare for Lupron.
I use food-grade diatomaceous earth or DE-Earth in my hen's food, coop and run, and Probiotics in their water. They stay healthy that way. So why don't Chicken/Turkey factories use it to stop the culling of birds and loss of billions of dollars, along with food shortages, that just raise the prices to Depression level for middle and low incomes?
Farmer Exposes Behind the Scenes Food Industry Scandals
This is tragic! Grocery store meat is being gassed red. Behind the scenes to the meat, egg, and agricultural industry.
I have been considered for fecal transplant for constipation but when I considered it, I found that he donors were VAXED! Tell me about probiotics and DE
Having dealt with Gastroparesis diarrhea and not liking the drugs, I tried the Probiotics. Figuring out the dosage took time.
Store brands are not strong enough. Use an online source you trust. Probiotics replace the good bacteria in the gut ruined by antibiotics and other things. You want a multi-strain of at least 8-12 strains, and between 30-40 Billion in strength. If you need an antibiotic take extra Probitiocs about 2 hrs later. Consider adding a Prebiotic too. Dr. Eric Berg, like most he has his own brand, I just wanted the info.
Check out others that explain it too, I like to have others to compare with. I like his explanations they are simple enough that most beginning the Gut recovery journey can understand.
There are others that don't get mentioned for bones, We are generally told just Calcium 1,000 mg. But there are the other two components Magnesium Citrate and Strontium Citrate about half the Non-rock form of Calcium. I use Coral Calcium, less intestinal gas. Magnesium Oxide just doesn't absorb well and can give you diarrhea.
I prefer Selinum 200-400 mcg over Melation, as it is a broader spectrum micronutrient.
Magnesium citrate has my elderly mother moving her bowels more frequently. She's been pretty constipated and consuming Psyllium Husk Powder isn't her cup of tea - nor was it as effective as magnesium. We're all somewhat deficient since basically the soil is devoid of it, as well as the ground water, and thus we just don't consume enough within our diet. And blood tests for Mag only check for the 1% that's in the bloodstream! The rest goes to bone and soft tissue.
The BIG Magnesium MISTAKE 50%+ People Are Making! [+4 BIG SECRETS]
I hope it helps. I did a lot of reading and got the main types that were needed but had to figure the dosages out myself. Same with the bone for OP. I've had falls bad enough to break a hip, all I had were achy muscles or skinned knees. Bone Density test went from OP to Osteopenia. Now they've stopped doing them.
Neither condition of constipation nor diarrhea is pleasant. And it is all natural.
I skim-read parts, Estrogens have NEVER liked my GI Tract. And at 75, you are cut off.
My new Primary is actually making progress on righting the Blue dye issue for my Synthroid. He prescribed 2 pills that are not blue for a 1.00 mcg and a 50 mcg. And switched the high dose of Humalog to mornings and, the low to nights. After the BS dropped to call the EMT stage. I've lost a pant size, course we are eating less, as Dean is still recovering from his two bad falls and doesn't want anything but small meals.
Thanks so much. Good stuff to know. Already I have found when offering this concept to people already with cancer it is similar to telling them about early covid treatment with iver or hydroxy....most eyes glaze over and they turn away, expressing no curiosity. A few ask for more info.
I never have any plans of taking chemo (but will happily try fenbendazole and ivermectin if ever I am diagnosed with cancer, but you have me wondering which five cancers respond to chemo.
Never entirely count regular medicine out. Some lymphomas, testicular cancer, pancreatic cancer, and amyloidosis all respond (improve mortality) with chemo or monoclonal antibody agents. There are other diseases that are helped. Keep your thinking flexible and do your research.
Of course cancer doctors have to downplay the possibility that alternatives reverse cancer! They and big pharma would be put out of business if they didn’t have their toxic overpriced concoctions to peddle to the sick and dying. Thanks to JD Rockefeller. I was told about LDN, “if we didn’t learn about it in med school, then we don’t know anything about it.” Ostrich mentality amongst (most) doctors.
A cured patient, or a healthy human, is lost income.
What would the medical mafia's multi-billion dollar cancer industry do if we were all curing ourselves of dis-ease using nutritious unadulterated food and cheap over the counter "animal" meds and dietary supplements?
That industry would soon go out of business, and the millions of folks involved in that industry, in one way or another, would need to find other employment... (What a tragedy eh?)
Doctors do have their place, and their usefulness mind you. Am not knocking good old ethical country doctors, if they still exist.
But with that said, other than emergency surgeries (say a ruptured appendix or a labour gone awry), or a heart repair, or life saving procedures due to an accident of some sort, or the setting of broken bones, etc, (can name more reasons but you get the gist) I have long questioned the need for so much of today's "ill health care" industry.
In my particular case, and am not a "health fanatic" by any stretch of the imagination: other than a (still vivid) memory of having had my tonsils removed at the age 5 (probably an unnecessary procedure, as it turns out...) and an emergency caesarian section 26 years ago, I've not spent a day in hospital and at age 65 am on zero prescription medications.
I've known, for instance, (grossly) overweight "diabetics" who preferred to inject themselves with daily insulin rather than radically modify their diets, including cutting out desserts and the gallons of "sugar free" (deadly) aspartame sweetened Coke they consumed on a weekly basis. (Just saying... RIP.)
Stand by any Walmart self check out line sometime, just for curiosity. Observe. Especially in North America.
Hint: it's a pretty sad state of affairs.
Thanks for providing more data on fenbendazole Robert. I'll definitely pay it forward to the 3 folks I still communicate with. 😉
Another anti-parasitic drug with significant off-label--and with the CDC screaming in the background "OFF SPECIES"--benefits.
The level of criminality our USA agencies, and apparently other government health agencies participate in is no longer surprising. Thank you for this Substack, Dr. Yoho.
Am I to understand this drug is over the counter in pet stores across the country? Even in Gov Jay Inslee's Neo-Marxist People's Republic of Washington State?
Sources and doses are listed near the end of the article. You can use a lot of it with little risk; It is close to harmless. But do your research and make your own decisions.
Also iron... I took omeprazole for years due to a stricture in my esophagus. Stopped due to fatigue. Now stricture is back and having trouble with food getting stuck in my esophagus again...
That was going to be my question as well. Prilosec is a much more powerful H+ reducer than Tagamet, so if acid reduction is the problem, it would seem any proton pump inhibitor should be discontinued.
The paper by Mansoori, S., Fryknäs, M., Alvfors, C., Loskog, A., Larsson, R., Nygren, P., on closer inspection, is related to Repos Pharma. Repos Pharma is The company offers re-profiling drugs for treating additional forms of cancer, enabling cancer patients to begin their treatment and get successful cures for cancer.
Fantastic article. Forwarded it to someone I know using this and ivermectin to treat metastatic cancer. From breast to bones and I think liver. Force jabbed to get cancer help In Canada and had been cancer free for years. I am wondering if she is taking it wrong as it seems to be on fire. Suggested she order spooky 2 rife Gen x pro so she can do a biofeedback and find out what her body is actually fighting.
I am just re reading this again in DETAIL to help a friend who randomly developed aggressive Stage 4 colon cancer despite regular normal colonoscopy screenings and no risk factors! ( other than her SHOTS and booster!) Her docs are baffled of course and she is willing to try ANYTHING since it has metastasized to the liver and despite liver surgery/colectomy...she is fighting for her life. I listened to Joe's interview on Greg Dennis show as well.... wanted to see how to mix the feben in oil. Thanks Robert!
My daughter has just been discharged after 5 & half years having had Hodgkin's. So I asked the consultant if they'd looked into fenben it's a university & research hospital in UK, obviously No. So I explained briefly, she said if it worked at all they'd be all over it, it would be the holy grail they've been looking for. Yeah right, I said I think it's because they can't make enough money. They'd just tweek it and rebrand, she said and she doesn't know why people put such rubbish on the internet. So there you have it, the official line.
My husband has prostate cancer. He's had two rounds of radiation. First round in prostate and second round on lymph nodes in the lower abdomen. He also is on luperon. ( Which is awful stuff). I put him on feben. And also alternate with ivermectin. He has had two follow-up appointments with undetectable PSA. After this next visit, I hope he will quit the luperon if he is undetectable for cancer a third time.
read hormone secrets about using estradiol for prostate cancer. Lupron is horrible and the Rouzier school of treating prostate cancer advises against using it
word search this for prostate cancer and word search Butchered by Healthcare for Lupron.
Here is how to obtain the complete versions of my ebooks. Either buy them on any book platform or click to download Butchered by “Healthcare.” This is a minor viral hit. For Hormone Secrets, the download is Cassandra’s Memo is, and a podcast about it is Paperback versions of the first two are on Amazon: Hormone Secrets is and Butchered by “Healthcare” is Here is the secret link on Amazon for Cassandra’s Memo:
It is also available on Barnes and Noble here:
Excellent news. ❤
Just keep at it.
Thank you 🙏
I use food-grade diatomaceous earth or DE-Earth in my hen's food, coop and run, and Probiotics in their water. They stay healthy that way. So why don't Chicken/Turkey factories use it to stop the culling of birds and loss of billions of dollars, along with food shortages, that just raise the prices to Depression level for middle and low incomes?
Farmer Exposes Behind the Scenes Food Industry Scandals
This is tragic! Grocery store meat is being gassed red. Behind the scenes to the meat, egg, and agricultural industry.
I have been considered for fecal transplant for constipation but when I considered it, I found that he donors were VAXED! Tell me about probiotics and DE
Having dealt with Gastroparesis diarrhea and not liking the drugs, I tried the Probiotics. Figuring out the dosage took time.
Store brands are not strong enough. Use an online source you trust. Probiotics replace the good bacteria in the gut ruined by antibiotics and other things. You want a multi-strain of at least 8-12 strains, and between 30-40 Billion in strength. If you need an antibiotic take extra Probitiocs about 2 hrs later. Consider adding a Prebiotic too. Dr. Eric Berg, like most he has his own brand, I just wanted the info.
DE Earth food grade works on parasites in the gut. And yes humans can use it. Dr Eric Berg
Check out others that explain it too, I like to have others to compare with. I like his explanations they are simple enough that most beginning the Gut recovery journey can understand.
There are others that don't get mentioned for bones, We are generally told just Calcium 1,000 mg. But there are the other two components Magnesium Citrate and Strontium Citrate about half the Non-rock form of Calcium. I use Coral Calcium, less intestinal gas. Magnesium Oxide just doesn't absorb well and can give you diarrhea.
I prefer Selinum 200-400 mcg over Melation, as it is a broader spectrum micronutrient.
Super helpful I'll do this
Magnesium citrate has my elderly mother moving her bowels more frequently. She's been pretty constipated and consuming Psyllium Husk Powder isn't her cup of tea - nor was it as effective as magnesium. We're all somewhat deficient since basically the soil is devoid of it, as well as the ground water, and thus we just don't consume enough within our diet. And blood tests for Mag only check for the 1% that's in the bloodstream! The rest goes to bone and soft tissue.
The BIG Magnesium MISTAKE 50%+ People Are Making! [+4 BIG SECRETS]
great video too
you can get powdered versions cheaply
it works for me
I hope it helps. I did a lot of reading and got the main types that were needed but had to figure the dosages out myself. Same with the bone for OP. I've had falls bad enough to break a hip, all I had were achy muscles or skinned knees. Bone Density test went from OP to Osteopenia. Now they've stopped doing them.
Neither condition of constipation nor diarrhea is pleasant. And it is all natural.
I'll try it thanks... Did you read Hormone Secrets?
I skim-read parts, Estrogens have NEVER liked my GI Tract. And at 75, you are cut off.
My new Primary is actually making progress on righting the Blue dye issue for my Synthroid. He prescribed 2 pills that are not blue for a 1.00 mcg and a 50 mcg. And switched the high dose of Humalog to mornings and, the low to nights. After the BS dropped to call the EMT stage. I've lost a pant size, course we are eating less, as Dean is still recovering from his two bad falls and doesn't want anything but small meals.
I use DE in my garden and take it regularly and give to my pets. The simple things work best.
What is DE?
diatomaceous earth
Thanks so much. Good stuff to know. Already I have found when offering this concept to people already with cancer it is similar to telling them about early covid treatment with iver or hydroxy....most eyes glaze over and they turn away, expressing no curiosity. A few ask for more info.
Many alternative cures for cancer and only five cancers respond to chemo
I never have any plans of taking chemo (but will happily try fenbendazole and ivermectin if ever I am diagnosed with cancer, but you have me wondering which five cancers respond to chemo.
Never entirely count regular medicine out. Some lymphomas, testicular cancer, pancreatic cancer, and amyloidosis all respond (improve mortality) with chemo or monoclonal antibody agents. There are other diseases that are helped. Keep your thinking flexible and do your research.
(Click On The 4:26:41 Mark)
Fl Summit on Covid, Food, Family & Medical Freedom:
Oh well. You did your civic duty and will probably be attending their funerals.
Of course cancer doctors have to downplay the possibility that alternatives reverse cancer! They and big pharma would be put out of business if they didn’t have their toxic overpriced concoctions to peddle to the sick and dying. Thanks to JD Rockefeller. I was told about LDN, “if we didn’t learn about it in med school, then we don’t know anything about it.” Ostrich mentality amongst (most) doctors.
A cured patient, or a healthy human, is lost income.
What would the medical mafia's multi-billion dollar cancer industry do if we were all curing ourselves of dis-ease using nutritious unadulterated food and cheap over the counter "animal" meds and dietary supplements?
That industry would soon go out of business, and the millions of folks involved in that industry, in one way or another, would need to find other employment... (What a tragedy eh?)
Doctors do have their place, and their usefulness mind you. Am not knocking good old ethical country doctors, if they still exist.
But with that said, other than emergency surgeries (say a ruptured appendix or a labour gone awry), or a heart repair, or life saving procedures due to an accident of some sort, or the setting of broken bones, etc, (can name more reasons but you get the gist) I have long questioned the need for so much of today's "ill health care" industry.
In my particular case, and am not a "health fanatic" by any stretch of the imagination: other than a (still vivid) memory of having had my tonsils removed at the age 5 (probably an unnecessary procedure, as it turns out...) and an emergency caesarian section 26 years ago, I've not spent a day in hospital and at age 65 am on zero prescription medications.
I've known, for instance, (grossly) overweight "diabetics" who preferred to inject themselves with daily insulin rather than radically modify their diets, including cutting out desserts and the gallons of "sugar free" (deadly) aspartame sweetened Coke they consumed on a weekly basis. (Just saying... RIP.)
Stand by any Walmart self check out line sometime, just for curiosity. Observe. Especially in North America.
Hint: it's a pretty sad state of affairs.
Thanks for providing more data on fenbendazole Robert. I'll definitely pay it forward to the 3 folks I still communicate with. 😉
The alternatives have a great deal to offer. I recommend going to one of their conferences and speak to all the venders. I have.
Wi$h there were po$$ible but ala$...
(Click On The 4:26:41 Mark)
Fl Summit on Covid, Food, Family & Medical Freedom:
Yes, that was an excellent summary.
Vitamin D, ivermectin, fenbendazole and hydroxychloroquin will "kill the pharmaceutical iindustry".
That's why they had to smear those treatments.
The cancer industry would die.
Thank you for posting this! I use Fbz but have had trouble finding information for how to pulse it, as many have apparently done.
Great information! Thank You.
Another anti-parasitic drug with significant off-label--and with the CDC screaming in the background "OFF SPECIES"--benefits.
The level of criminality our USA agencies, and apparently other government health agencies participate in is no longer surprising. Thank you for this Substack, Dr. Yoho.
Am I to understand this drug is over the counter in pet stores across the country? Even in Gov Jay Inslee's Neo-Marxist People's Republic of Washington State?
Sources and doses are listed near the end of the article. You can use a lot of it with little risk; It is close to harmless. But do your research and make your own decisions.
yes, ive seen it in Eastern WA
I’m also in WA state.
yes, i’ve seen it in Eastern WA
Thank-you for this repost, Dr. Yoho. I evidently missed it the first time around. This is a very, very informative article.
A question in regards to Tagamet reducing stomach acid... would Prilosec be contraindicated when using Fenben?
I don't know but Prilosec should be avoided as it decreases magnesium levels.
Indeed, in absence of hydronium ion, its uptake is severely diminished.
Also iron... I took omeprazole for years due to a stricture in my esophagus. Stopped due to fatigue. Now stricture is back and having trouble with food getting stuck in my esophagus again...
That was going to be my question as well. Prilosec is a much more powerful H+ reducer than Tagamet, so if acid reduction is the problem, it would seem any proton pump inhibitor should be discontinued.
magnesium is critical
The paper by Mansoori, S., Fryknäs, M., Alvfors, C., Loskog, A., Larsson, R., Nygren, P., on closer inspection, is related to Repos Pharma. Repos Pharma is The company offers re-profiling drugs for treating additional forms of cancer, enabling cancer patients to begin their treatment and get successful cures for cancer.
Fantastic article. Forwarded it to someone I know using this and ivermectin to treat metastatic cancer. From breast to bones and I think liver. Force jabbed to get cancer help In Canada and had been cancer free for years. I am wondering if she is taking it wrong as it seems to be on fire. Suggested she order spooky 2 rife Gen x pro so she can do a biofeedback and find out what her body is actually fighting.
Many other cancer cures in Tijuana
I'm hearing credible rumors about ivermectin and fenbendazole being used together in large doses. Both have almost no side effects
I am just re reading this again in DETAIL to help a friend who randomly developed aggressive Stage 4 colon cancer despite regular normal colonoscopy screenings and no risk factors! ( other than her SHOTS and booster!) Her docs are baffled of course and she is willing to try ANYTHING since it has metastasized to the liver and despite liver surgery/colectomy...she is fighting for her life. I listened to Joe's interview on Greg Dennis show as well.... wanted to see how to mix the feben in oil. Thanks Robert!
My daughter has just been discharged after 5 & half years having had Hodgkin's. So I asked the consultant if they'd looked into fenben it's a university & research hospital in UK, obviously No. So I explained briefly, she said if it worked at all they'd be all over it, it would be the holy grail they've been looking for. Yeah right, I said I think it's because they can't make enough money. They'd just tweek it and rebrand, she said and she doesn't know why people put such rubbish on the internet. So there you have it, the official line.
"Ivermectin, Fenbendazole & Hydroxychloroquine Kill The Pharma Industry Better Than They Can Kill A Virus"
(Click On The 4:26:41 Mark)
Fl Summit on Covid, Food, Family & Medical Freedom:
How long does it take typically to recover from cancer using Fenbendazole to work?
Tennessee: Sen Nicely is trying to prevent the addition of vaccines into our food
‘Sen. Nicely is trying to Prevent vaccines from being put in our food. Vaccine lettuce’ bill, aiming to classify food containing a vaccine as a drug, passes in Tennessee