As we said in the “ anti-amalgam heyday” of the 90s, exposure to amalgam’s components occurs far more when it is cut/removed than when simply chewing on it. My amalgam is resting quietly in my teeth, and can last a long time. And i knew to keep using it occasionally. The tooth tells you what it needs and won’t accept, if you have a good …
As we said in the “ anti-amalgam heyday” of the 90s, exposure to amalgam’s components occurs far more when it is cut/removed than when simply chewing on it. My amalgam is resting quietly in my teeth, and can last a long time. And i knew to keep using it occasionally. The tooth tells you what it needs and won’t accept, if you have a good sense of the art and science of dental structure repair. And respect for the human being and delicate nervelike tissue under it.
Here’s why: the demand for white materials in teeth, especially in the 90s, fuelled a boom in iatrogenic pulpal disease and tons of suffering and expense in the form of root canal treatments and extractions. And for all its glory, implants are not the natural thing they claim to be.
I never got onto the white filling bandwagon at first: it was a disaster. You think those plastics were biocompatible? Lasting, poison-free? Think again. Only in the last few years have we had access to resins that are BPA plasticizer-free and decay-preventive too; placement requires technical expertise. Prior to that, composite materials were changing every 3 months: “new and improved”. We couldn’t keep up with the rate of replacement they required. It was an experiment, driven by foolish cosmetics and the notion that all our health problems were caused by silver amalgam, from which traces of its components like mercury upon chewing were detectable by sophisticated means. Did those fillings dissolve? No. They could serve well for decades. Nobody ever provided proof there was a health issue there. There was, however, an effort to promote plastics as wonderful technology. Our colleges, if they had a shred of integrity, should have stopped this expensive, painful experiment on human beings and allowed only materials that were proven to be good, ie wait a decade or so. That never happened. Instead dentists were suffering from worry about what these plastics would do long-term not only for those hapless teeth but to the people at their other end. And worse, it became unfashionable to suggest otherwise, what with artificially-induced demand for white plastics in back teeth where they were subject to forces they could barely withstand. And often fail to bond, seal and protect from recurring disease/decay especially against the typical north american diet of cariogenic everything. Processed, fake sweetened food to which we had become addicted. While the home-based topically properly applied fluorides protecting teeth were being banished without proof of harm, or failing as bacteria got smarter. And BTW, dental decay is still the most preventable epidemic and needs no government lies nor “Assistance” .
I retired early as I had done my time and the covidscam revealed some very nasty reptilians among my trusted and valued patients. Overnight the hysteria was evident. The fear. The lack of critical thinking. The sea of stupidity( in the Bonhoeffer sense) that could ruin a pleasant, meaningful, beautiful career and turn a purposeful caring profession into a woke mess.
I never married my esteemed profession. Good thing. It was far too dogmatic, stiff. Integrity and freedom of thought are far more valuable. Recognizing the clever and caring but misguided fools we call typical orthodontists, ignoring the root causes of malocclusion. I delved into the beautiful world of functional facial development in kids, the truth of the craniosacral system and the application of kinesiologic and osteopathic principles for the comfort and healing of fellow humans. All when it was absolutely heretical to do so; the colleges took decades to catch up. Therefore I miss only the camaraderie of my staff, the opportunity to learn and re-learn the miracle that is the human body, to contribute to people’s lives meaningfully, and the feeling of blessed accomplishment that only a humble healer can know.
2) The history of composites is interesting; thanks. All driven by economics. We now have virtually biologically inert materials. (but I said this about breast implant silicone, see post dropping soon for how I was fooled). Saremco, Admira, and the new zirconia implants are examples. No metal in any of it and relatively durable. Requires skill to place as you noted.
3) thinking amalgams do not dissolve is wrong. See the references in Gammal's recent post and my other dental posts in my archives. 50 percent of their 54 percent mercury goes into your body within 25 years. Here are my dental links:
mercury is the most toxic non-radioactive metal and using it intra orally is insane. Keeping even one in your mouth is crazy too. Some people have dramatic remediation of various symptoms after removal of even one.
I'm a newbie here but have the advantage of studying the rest of medical corruption and also no preconceptions about dentists. I trusted them and lived to regret it.
As we said in the “ anti-amalgam heyday” of the 90s, exposure to amalgam’s components occurs far more when it is cut/removed than when simply chewing on it. My amalgam is resting quietly in my teeth, and can last a long time. And i knew to keep using it occasionally. The tooth tells you what it needs and won’t accept, if you have a good sense of the art and science of dental structure repair. And respect for the human being and delicate nervelike tissue under it.
Here’s why: the demand for white materials in teeth, especially in the 90s, fuelled a boom in iatrogenic pulpal disease and tons of suffering and expense in the form of root canal treatments and extractions. And for all its glory, implants are not the natural thing they claim to be.
I never got onto the white filling bandwagon at first: it was a disaster. You think those plastics were biocompatible? Lasting, poison-free? Think again. Only in the last few years have we had access to resins that are BPA plasticizer-free and decay-preventive too; placement requires technical expertise. Prior to that, composite materials were changing every 3 months: “new and improved”. We couldn’t keep up with the rate of replacement they required. It was an experiment, driven by foolish cosmetics and the notion that all our health problems were caused by silver amalgam, from which traces of its components like mercury upon chewing were detectable by sophisticated means. Did those fillings dissolve? No. They could serve well for decades. Nobody ever provided proof there was a health issue there. There was, however, an effort to promote plastics as wonderful technology. Our colleges, if they had a shred of integrity, should have stopped this expensive, painful experiment on human beings and allowed only materials that were proven to be good, ie wait a decade or so. That never happened. Instead dentists were suffering from worry about what these plastics would do long-term not only for those hapless teeth but to the people at their other end. And worse, it became unfashionable to suggest otherwise, what with artificially-induced demand for white plastics in back teeth where they were subject to forces they could barely withstand. And often fail to bond, seal and protect from recurring disease/decay especially against the typical north american diet of cariogenic everything. Processed, fake sweetened food to which we had become addicted. While the home-based topically properly applied fluorides protecting teeth were being banished without proof of harm, or failing as bacteria got smarter. And BTW, dental decay is still the most preventable epidemic and needs no government lies nor “Assistance” .
I retired early as I had done my time and the covidscam revealed some very nasty reptilians among my trusted and valued patients. Overnight the hysteria was evident. The fear. The lack of critical thinking. The sea of stupidity( in the Bonhoeffer sense) that could ruin a pleasant, meaningful, beautiful career and turn a purposeful caring profession into a woke mess.
I never married my esteemed profession. Good thing. It was far too dogmatic, stiff. Integrity and freedom of thought are far more valuable. Recognizing the clever and caring but misguided fools we call typical orthodontists, ignoring the root causes of malocclusion. I delved into the beautiful world of functional facial development in kids, the truth of the craniosacral system and the application of kinesiologic and osteopathic principles for the comfort and healing of fellow humans. All when it was absolutely heretical to do so; the colleges took decades to catch up. Therefore I miss only the camaraderie of my staff, the opportunity to learn and re-learn the miracle that is the human body, to contribute to people’s lives meaningfully, and the feeling of blessed accomplishment that only a humble healer can know.
Great comment by a dentist! Here is my take.
1) start a substack
2) The history of composites is interesting; thanks. All driven by economics. We now have virtually biologically inert materials. (but I said this about breast implant silicone, see post dropping soon for how I was fooled). Saremco, Admira, and the new zirconia implants are examples. No metal in any of it and relatively durable. Requires skill to place as you noted.
3) thinking amalgams do not dissolve is wrong. See the references in Gammal's recent post and my other dental posts in my archives. 50 percent of their 54 percent mercury goes into your body within 25 years. Here are my dental links:
mercury is the most toxic non-radioactive metal and using it intra orally is insane. Keeping even one in your mouth is crazy too. Some people have dramatic remediation of various symptoms after removal of even one.
I'm a newbie here but have the advantage of studying the rest of medical corruption and also no preconceptions about dentists. I trusted them and lived to regret it.
best and thanks for your contribution
It was all a matter of “picking your poison” for 3decades. Ideally, nothing artificial should be needed to fill teeth at all, of course.
and avoiding dentists who filled pits as mine did when I was ten. And picking parents who were skeptical, a difficult task
Thank you for this inside story!