She has witnessed MS and other diseases healed when metals, particular mercury amalgams, were removed from peoples' bodies. I am hoping this will help my newly diagnosed Parkinson's disease.
Dr. Joseph Mercola has done a lot of research on metal toxicity and some on Parkinson’s. I believe he went to a clinic in Mexico for his dental care and detoxification. I’m convinced Parkinson’s is both preventable and curable, especially when diagnosed early on like you have been. I’m always looking forward to updates concerning your progress. But I must admit, for most Americans without the knowledge or ability to follow the science, resources or access to proper diagnostics and detoxification methods, it’s extremely overwhelming, especially for active duty soldiers and veterans who only have military doctors or the horrific Veterans Administration to turn to—who insist we must be vaccinated and do not use proper methods or offer real options for detoxification, whatsoever. We soldiers and veterans are in fact America’s number two and three out of four of the most misguided and mistreated lad-rats on earth, the first being prison inmates, then the general population. Personally, I must constantly readjust my at home self-treatment methods with endless research, and without proper diagnostics for intelligent adjustments or changes. I’ve been saving for years, and I figure I’m about two million dollars short at this point to even attempt professional trial and error surgeries and detoxification protocols. Perhaps saying it’s overwhelming is an understatement. However, it’d be impossible without great doctors like you and Joe Mercola—two of about a thousand doctors, researchers and clinicians I follow.
I'm new to all this and am going at it 50 hours a week. Writing it all up helps clarify my ideas. My clearest idea now is that PD is aluminum and possibly mercury related. Aluminum can be detoxed with Fiji water (see draft post wile mercury can be eliminated by biological dentists taking all the darn garbage out of your mouth and replacing it with ceramics. And of course, no vaccines or bioweapons or anything like that ever again. Stay tuned and best.
And the proper chelation protocol ... which is in itself a whole new subject to explore! I am just a couple months in myself. Thank you for this excellent post and interview.
In the 1980’s there were two areas in the world with the highest incidences of ALS ( Guam and Tunisia). Guam also had high levels of PD . The soil was very high in ... aluminum ! It would not surprise me if different heavy metals , alone or in combination may contribute to similar oxidizing stress in delicate brain tissues . Also implicated are possibly certain pesticides.
I believe you’ve stated you were jabbed with the gene editing trash, correct? I may have you confused with another of my favorite Stackers but just in case I’m correct, in addition to the xeolite etcetera, follow Dr McCullough’s Base COVID Detox. I’m finally getting my taste and smell back with his regimen. I was not jabbed but I did contract something in October of 21 that was horrible and unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. I followed Dr. Chetty’s protocol but it still took three months to get my energy back. My taste and smell remained extremely muted. I suspect that I was “spiked” by some jabbed LNP-modRNA shedder. It pains me to hear if your recent diagnosis but since neurological pathologies are a major symptom of spike toxicity, it cannot hurt you to try the BCD. To your health, sir. Keep the Stacks coming please.
have not gotten the covid bioweapon but had a mercury flu shot about ten years ago. best and thanks for your feedback. McCullough is the dude by xeolyte is questionable. see upcoming post or have a preview here:
Me too. My GP vaxxed me for flu in 2010 and also inflicted the hepatitis B trash upon me at the same time ostensibly because I traveled so much at the time. I’m sure it had more to do with her getting direct deposits from Pfizer or whatever Pharma company make this garbage. I became hypertensive, had a really painful case of plantar fasciitis, got tinnitus and a small spot of eczema on my elbow. It took me years to figure out that these were vaccine injuries. I complained of these symptoms to her but she just wanted to give me pills and more pills. I fired her in Sept of 2020 when she forced me to muzzle myself while in her office and suggested I get the jab. Then she retired, although she’s younger than me! Maybe she grew a conscious or woke the hell up. Anyway I stopped vaccinating all of my four legged patients completely. I had avoided jabbing them for years because it just didn’t seem right but March of 2020 was the freight train that slammed me into full reality as to what was happening. I guess it takes a long time for some of us to “get it” after the full indoctrination of medical school.
Thankyou! Yes I had all of my mercury amalgams removed in 2006. Just recently I threw out all of my under arm deodorant, aluminum cooking pans, aluminum foil, and anything else that contains aluminum. I’ll be going and buying cases of Fiji water now, so thank you for that tip! I bought a jar of xeolite, but I haven’t taken it because of the controversial nature of that particular detoxifier. As I said before I have found McCullough’s Spike support to be helpful with my smell and taste. It does take a little while, however. One of my friends is determined to have me purchase some nicotine patches per Dr. Brian Ardis. Overall, I’m much healthier and I feel very good about the fact that I’m not contributing to the deterioration of my patients’ health. I see way too many cancers in young animals that shouldn’t be there.
Selenium 200 micrograms a day supposedly helps too and I ordered it. Zeolites are no good but again I'm a newby here. According to Dennis Crouse. Post soon.
If you are mercury toxic you are very likely aluminum toxic as the former causes the body to retain the latter. By detoxing mercury your body will begin to shed aluminum as well. See "Maybe It's Mercury"... and the Mercury Detoxification Manual
They may work on moving mercury around the body but if they are incapable of trapping it for the length of its half life then the zeolite will simply redistribute it around the body... and of course, also the brain.
I had my mercury amalgams removed in 2002 partly because I had neurofibromas in my c spine and had 2 operations in 93 and 98 to reduce/remove them. I didn’t notice any obvious improvement in my condition but I didn’t need another operation until 2011 so I had a good run but they had to put titanium posts and pins to support my vertebrae. Unfortunately I needed a shoulder fusion in 2017 and had titanium. I am concerned about being an aerial now! I’ve noticed my blood pressure plummets when I stand and iron in the room near my consumer unit and I become faint. I can’t have the titanium removed but so do try to reduce my exposure to EMFs.
Regarding the Parkinson’s symptoms please have a look at nicotine patches. Nicotine has some promise with PD and it’s worth your time to research. I have seen it help some sufferers but not all.
Yes thanks for the info but I’m not prepared to go through hours of dangerous surgery and I’m afraid the NHS wouldn’t pay for it. What’s done is done but I may be able to take some other remedial action.
You can always test your reaction to metals... there is a blood test that is extensive (but one simple draw). This is one company that does them:
You can know once and for all if you are reactive to the metals in your body.
No, do not check out the Andy Cutler protocol! It is incredibly dangerous and there have been many damaged by his methods or left bedridden.
DMSA chelation at home methods should not be recommended because people do get harmed. Detox or chelation of mercury should be tailored to the individual and done under the supervision of a specialist with experience with the removal of mercury.
There is no generic advice on this topic that won’t harm some people permanently. Inappropriate detox of mercury with dmsa can ruin lives.
Many have been harmed by DMSA chelation of Mercury and you certainly don’t want to be the person who recommends something which then causes someone permanent and debilitating health issues.
Ochratoxin is implicated in Parkinson's Disease. Check out the research. Ochratoxin is a mycotoxin released by Aspergillus and Penicillium which are extremely common molds found in homes, most often growing on the back sides of dry wall. Yes, the side we never see. You can get dna testing of dust in your home to determine. Air tests as well. Tape tests as well. Work with a building biologist to determine if this is a potential source of toxin for you.
Very interesting. It could also be that mercury toxicity, which sends the body's immune system haywire - notably, many many mercury toxic people also suffer from candida infections - simply can't hold any mycotoxin infection at bay.
Candida is a mechanism of protection from heavy metals . Sometimes practitioners make problems worse by trying to rid a body of Candida , which is always a secondary issue. Release of heavy metals that Candida is sequestering might be a bad idea ...
First and foremost, all the dental sensitivity went away. I couldn’t put anything cold in my mouth ever. Since I was a kid. Migraines have not returned. I needed a crown put on a live tooth that had been destroyed by mercury amalgam and had it made from what they call zirconia. It’s very hard and translucent, like a real tooth. This has enabled me to chew on that side again. Amalgam doesn’t bond to the tooth. It’s placed inside the crown under an enamel undercut and kills the anaerobic and aerobic bacteria that get underneath and around it via the toxic mercury environment created within the crown of your tooth. Like other metals, the amalgam swells and contracts depending upon temperature. Under pressure you can see the mercury leaching out from the filling, if you’re placing a filling into a cavity prep. At an IAOMT meeting I attended in Chicago about 15 years ago, a speaker said that we’re flushing mercury down the toilet every day from the amalgams in our mouth. That the American Dental Association owns or owned the patent to amalgam for dental products. I don’t know if that’s still true but the safest place for mercury to be cannot be in your mouth!
👏👏👏👏👏💥💥Most excellent piece and thank you for sharing your journey and learning. I was aware of the correlation between heavy metals and Parkinson's, Dr DK's work (although I didn't know about his EMF caveat), and thimerosal in the shots, etc.
I had no idea that Thimerosal was in contact solutions 😯😯☹🤐😐🤦♀️
I never fail to be astonished at the depth of negligent practices and disregard within the manufacturing and regulatory industries.🤔🤦♀️🤦♀️🙏🙏🙏
Thanks. I wish I could say nothing shocks me but I'm floored every week. Stay tuned for 2 posts about aluminum. The commentators here are some of the most sophisticated metal injury people on the planet.
Thank you for this timely advice. I broke a tooth on an olive pit of all things and half is sheered away. It has amalgam. I’ve been putting off dealing with it. I won’t any more.
Anyone thinking about getting dental amalgam removed should contact the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine for more information about the proper protocols.
My humble thoughs on this. Hope I can contribute, feel like carrying owls to athens. Well.
I want to start that I feel the unvaccinated are under constant heavy attack, because they are not “waned” to spike. So I encourage them (and myself) to constantly detox from spike. Like I-PREVENT or just some maintenance CDS cure. Many possibilities.
Detoxing (heavy) metals:
Bring toxins, especially metals, in circulation by ClO2(aq) called CDS or the more ancestral version MMS. Use some protocol. Start slowly and increment in factors to watch for your herxheimer level.
I think any inorganic antiseptic has this effect, but ClO2 is the one with the best effect and tolerability for this.
Read about natural water high in silicon.
Was it by you?
If dissolved and in circulation, it may just settle again. So we can bind it eg by gelation therapy and or just by healing clay I combine with fine zeolite and psyllium seel husk powder.
To mix without clotting just throw in a marble in a plastic cup with lid and close lid and shake 10secs.. For it to go down fast, I warm the water a bit before pouring it in.
Have something ready you look forward to drinking afterwards :))
(General approach for me:
Just use telegram and search a nice group discussing detox. Or CDS. Or H2O2 etc…)
Have you found artemisia annua and moringa leaf powder to be helpful?
See by Dr. Hirth on their A3 breed of artemisa with constant high level of artemisin and a high leaf yield. Buy hand-plucked without pollen or stem.
The precision medicine side could be found in an universal approach be Ronald N. Kostoff that showed how to do patient centred precision medicine on Alzheimers there:
Prevention and reversal of Alzheimer's disease: treatment protocol
As he stated in the beginning it is just an example he used Alzheimers.
Generally, I would start using a CDS or MMS protocol for brain cancer, I think you just prepare some fresh activated MMS1 solution add DMSO and rub it onto the scalp. Only do it insides a protocol.
I am interested how we could bring short chained hyaluron into the brain, any chance like DIY micellarly packaging, or is it just too big?
Healing (neuronal) tissue I found only DMSO, and progesterone in human form (nature-identical, our RIMKUS-hormonal-therapists call it, see )
BBB also could improve tightness by L-Glutamine I found for leaky guts. Have to verify this.
Walnut leafs do me something very good, perhaps because they contain 10^-6 human progesterone. Which is not much for therapay. ( Still blood contains only 10^-9 :)
And they are anti-* :)
Is any of de-wormers like fenben also traversing the blood-brain-barrier and acting in the brain and having similar properties like ivermectin, that only works up to the blood-brain barrier and insides brain, makes spasm and tremors forma pity?
Once I read that PD is from plaques from crystalline Defensines, like little scars, witnesses of fights the brain fought against infections or parasites (eg toxoplasmosis by toxoplasma gondii).
So target is to
- make blood brain barrier as tight as possible (L-glutamine?) IBS or leaky guts therapy approaches might also help there)
- help immune system to ward off any pathogens so no infection has to be killed off by defensines in brain. I would take this as first goal, and dinsomething like alternate HIV therapy.
- detox , against parasites as well
See Dr. Klinghardt on these topics.
Also, on healing the biome:
According to Dr. Sabine Hazan, our limits are written by status of biome, we serving it in ideal, she perceives herself as a vessel for the biome, which is the “higher being” :), so do intense prebiotic cures to
- heighten bifido content and number of species (not any but accepted by immune system)
- bring up diversity in biome
A friend said as bifidos reside in large colon, why not use some little enema or similar to feed them specifically?
But this would be an intervention one has to think over. Side effects if directly tampering with our bifidos? Well, we do it all the time - by our diet. May it be “appropriate to the species”, and perceive you are the 1 member of the species :))
After some searching, I found prebiotics specifically for bifidos, like inoline and oligofructose I think. And certain plant fibres. Have to get broccoli powder.
I found most prebiotics useless, as they do not contain whole biomes my own self could enrich from by including some
- by chance - fitting species into the family circle of my biome.
Mostly, we find that in family members and their rooms, but also in naturally existing rich biomes like grown fermented products that were NOT started by industrial starter culteres often containing only little diversity or only a few species.
Look into Effective Microorganisms (by the Japanese inventor of them, Teruo Higa, and try out a few. Yes, they write “for plants and cleaning purposes”, but I was shown one can take just a little gulp and it improves many things.
Also, you can DIY.
Or use sour dough that stems from a natural biome (as I said, rooms have one, the bakery room defines the taste of the sour dough ray bread after you set up a new dough. But normally, it is preserved by the drying method, you just take dough, ray flour and rub little pills where the bacteria get dry stress and encapsulate in stasis form.
In this form it is also exchangeable, eg by letter, and indeed we have sour dough exchange networks. :)
For a pity, people are not yet advanced enough to do that with their own biome.
Except the pioneers in precision medicine. Not available to me.
After thinking this over, before my son had to take some antibiotics (unnecessary, as we have CDS and DMSO, but well, I’m living in deadly medical traditions in family) we just preserved his biome by placing little pieces of stool probe in a glass with clay and putting it in fridge.
After drying out, one could freeze it also. We did not, as we just made a pill from non stomach-acid solveable pill and placed some crumbs in, done.
But of course this is way too inexpensive and HEALTH PRESERVING to be done in normal medicine that denies its own findings 5mm next to them.
The forgotten side of Water
Please dive into energetic water (see amidwesterndoctor, search for water in archive in his substack, where you find Dr. Seneff’s paper in this).
I would like to measure it. Ideas welcome.
Also, I found we need the spiritual side of healing, I found eg in russian information therapy. But you have to resonate with some tradition or healing system enough to compensate you were not raised in it to truly help you.
Please add your topics of interest, if you want to dig deeper into some thing, I will set up my filters for you and try to help :) !
All the best!
Dr. Klinghardt has a prerequisite for treating patients:
Get rid of wlan and LTE exposure as best as possible.
Reduce online time, whether wlan or not.
(50 hours could be the cause of your problems. Travel somewhere offline to heal. )
Minimize radio buzzing:
We found we can plug in little USB-C hubs with LAN port in smartphones and give them internet via cable. Then you can even switch to ”wlan telephony” in mobile telephony settings, and switch off all transmitters. You will phone via LAN.
As LTE is directional to each client, I estimate one could place some
LTE device or antenna some distance away and roll out a cable for the last meters. But I’m only beginning to ask myself questions like: how narrow is the transmitting cone of one comm burst between mobile device and base station, respectively? I fear we have to get some space sideways like 20-30m, but I may be wrong.
If you live far away from a tower, your own device has to ramp up Power. If you live close, your own needs only tiny power, but you get exposed to many other participants tx from base in the same radio directional transmit space configuration than you are. Clever system of quite constant exposure, imho.
But Inhabe always to remember:
The worst thing making us ill is fear of fear.
Right now I’m still happily doing WLAN and LTE, but try to switch it off many hours a day and in the nights. Calm.
I did a shortcut command in ios to switch off bt and wlan and lte. Then did a shortcut on desktop of ios., you canncall by siri. THIS stays off.
If you do it from quick access command center swiping down from upper right corner, it comes back later. And does not switch bt off completely, as air drop and even hotspot requests from family devices still work.
THANKS for your thoughts. Unfortunately substack comments do not allow for paragraphs, and your contribution is pretty long. You have writing talent but anyone can improve. I think you should start a substack. Here are some tips:
All I can REALLY contribute so far is multi-drug multi-target inhalation remedies — that I all tried out. The above was a bit digging into what flew to me and what I read elsewhere.
Get well soon !
I think of you as of now and transform the picture of you into the state “already well”, and you slide into that future.
Of course YOU have to try this out, and if you like it, it will heal. :)
(It is like a prayer, and taught in russian information therapy. I can not do it or have not so far, but I think it is not difficult, demands only some intensity. An it is open to any belief system the patient or therapist may be living in, though it is having christian roots.
Can you read German? My only source is in DE, by Olga Häusermann : Russische Informationsmedizin …)
He has a book called The Mercury Detoxification Manual and it is extremely informative. There is also a Facebook group. He only uses Alpha Lipoic Acid and DMSA or DMPS. Be very careful if you do any of these other methods. Many people have posted horror stories about using Klinghardt procedures on the FB group. There are also some YouTube videos with Andy explaining everything.
I’ve helped several patients over the years damaged by using DMSA detoxification protocols. DMSA pulls mercury from the blood but not the cells. (Professor of chemistry and mercury expert, Boyd Haley will verify this) DMSA takes mercury through the kidneys and they are not designed for large molecules of mercury and therefore, can cause renal failure. DMSA depletes the body of essential minerals.
There are far safer methods of detoxification. DMSA and DMPS chelation/detoxification is outdated. Please listen to my podcast where I explain and give alternative treatments.
Well, for sure DMSA and DMPS are outdated... if you are using IV. Oral chelation is no such thing and the best chance we all have at regaining our health.
How interesting that you have helped several patients over the years and yet never considered using ALA. How were you able to remove the mercury from their brain, since neither DMSA nor DMPS can do so? Just curious.
From my personal experience of taking oral DMSA and from the many I’ve helped since 2007, damaged from using oral DMSA, it’s far better to consider using safer options.
I NEVER suggest chelating/detoxing at home as it’s far too dangerous. I always refer patients to a clinician experienced in environmental toxicity and safe detoxification . Please listen to my podcast.
Drawbacks of Most Popular Chelating Agents for Mercury
Boyd Haley, Professor of chemistry, discusses the drawbacks of using dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) or 2,3-dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid (DMPS) to detoxify mercury — the two most commonly used chemical chelators. According to Haley, they are in fact not true chelators. Rather they form a "sandwich complex" where each molecule of mercury will have two DMSA molecules attached to it, opposed to just one.
A significant problem is their ability to translocate mercury from the blood and other organs and concentrating it in the kidneys, thereby causing renal failure. What's more, most of the mercury is not in your blood but rather in your cells, and neither DMPS nor DMSA can enter the cell, Haley claims. They only remove mercury from your blood.
You are giving advice to people which has caused a lot harm. And sooner or later someone will be harmed by your advice. If you had the experience to being giving out advice on this you would not be recommending DMSA at home treatments. You would be recommending people go to a specialist with experience in this and that their chelation/detoxification is tailored to them, tailored to the metals being removed and done in a way it won’t harm that patient
I people are being harmed by DMSA at home treatments
I have to take you to task Sez777. I was exposed to mercury in the workplace for 7yrs in the 60s/70s. I mixed dental amalgams in my hand and inhaled the mercury vapour when we went from manual to machine mixing. Whilst instruction was given in how to dispose of the mercury safely, there were no measures in place to protect me, either when using or discarding mercury. Finding Becky Dutton in 2010 was a lifesaver. The experts around her took me in hand. My health was so severely affected, that measures to restore it had to be taken very slowly and carefully. One measure was the removal of a couple of amalgam fillings. For me Sez777, mercury WAS the equivalent of radioactive fallout, and had to be treated as such. I was lucky that the dentist Becky put me in contact with, was professional in every way. Safety protocols protected not only me, but him and his assistant. My health had been compromised due to a lack of protection, and I had fought in vain for 40yrs for that to be recognised and to get help with the longterm impact on my health. Why would I accept less than special safety protocols? A casual 'bread and butter' attitude to mercury removal, is totally unacceptable in these supposedly enlightened times.
Drawbacks of Most Popular Chelating Agents for Mercury
Boyd Haley, Professor of chemistry, discusses the drawbacks of using dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) or 2,3-dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid (DMPS) to detoxify mercury — the two most commonly used chemical chelators. According to Haley, they are in fact not true chelators. Rather they form a "sandwich complex" where each molecule of mercury will have two DMSA molecules attached to it, opposed to just one.
A significant problem is their ability to translocate mercury from the blood and other organs and concentrating it in the kidneys, thereby causing renal failure. What's more, most of the mercury is not in your blood but rather in your cells, and neither DMPS nor DMSA can enter the cell, Haley claims. They only remove mercury from your blood.
Dr. Joseph Mercola has done a lot of research on metal toxicity and some on Parkinson’s. I believe he went to a clinic in Mexico for his dental care and detoxification. I’m convinced Parkinson’s is both preventable and curable, especially when diagnosed early on like you have been. I’m always looking forward to updates concerning your progress. But I must admit, for most Americans without the knowledge or ability to follow the science, resources or access to proper diagnostics and detoxification methods, it’s extremely overwhelming, especially for active duty soldiers and veterans who only have military doctors or the horrific Veterans Administration to turn to—who insist we must be vaccinated and do not use proper methods or offer real options for detoxification, whatsoever. We soldiers and veterans are in fact America’s number two and three out of four of the most misguided and mistreated lad-rats on earth, the first being prison inmates, then the general population. Personally, I must constantly readjust my at home self-treatment methods with endless research, and without proper diagnostics for intelligent adjustments or changes. I’ve been saving for years, and I figure I’m about two million dollars short at this point to even attempt professional trial and error surgeries and detoxification protocols. Perhaps saying it’s overwhelming is an understatement. However, it’d be impossible without great doctors like you and Joe Mercola—two of about a thousand doctors, researchers and clinicians I follow.
I'm new to all this and am going at it 50 hours a week. Writing it all up helps clarify my ideas. My clearest idea now is that PD is aluminum and possibly mercury related. Aluminum can be detoxed with Fiji water (see draft post wile mercury can be eliminated by biological dentists taking all the darn garbage out of your mouth and replacing it with ceramics. And of course, no vaccines or bioweapons or anything like that ever again. Stay tuned and best.
And the proper chelation protocol ... which is in itself a whole new subject to explore! I am just a couple months in myself. Thank you for this excellent post and interview.
In the 1980’s there were two areas in the world with the highest incidences of ALS ( Guam and Tunisia). Guam also had high levels of PD . The soil was very high in ... aluminum ! It would not surprise me if different heavy metals , alone or in combination may contribute to similar oxidizing stress in delicate brain tissues . Also implicated are possibly certain pesticides.
Crouse is convinced PD is aluminum. He convincingly proved Alzheimer's is.
Thank you, and always, doc.
I believe you’ve stated you were jabbed with the gene editing trash, correct? I may have you confused with another of my favorite Stackers but just in case I’m correct, in addition to the xeolite etcetera, follow Dr McCullough’s Base COVID Detox. I’m finally getting my taste and smell back with his regimen. I was not jabbed but I did contract something in October of 21 that was horrible and unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. I followed Dr. Chetty’s protocol but it still took three months to get my energy back. My taste and smell remained extremely muted. I suspect that I was “spiked” by some jabbed LNP-modRNA shedder. It pains me to hear if your recent diagnosis but since neurological pathologies are a major symptom of spike toxicity, it cannot hurt you to try the BCD. To your health, sir. Keep the Stacks coming please.
have not gotten the covid bioweapon but had a mercury flu shot about ten years ago. best and thanks for your feedback. McCullough is the dude by xeolyte is questionable. see upcoming post or have a preview here:
Insidious how they still hide mercury in vaccines...
Me too. My GP vaxxed me for flu in 2010 and also inflicted the hepatitis B trash upon me at the same time ostensibly because I traveled so much at the time. I’m sure it had more to do with her getting direct deposits from Pfizer or whatever Pharma company make this garbage. I became hypertensive, had a really painful case of plantar fasciitis, got tinnitus and a small spot of eczema on my elbow. It took me years to figure out that these were vaccine injuries. I complained of these symptoms to her but she just wanted to give me pills and more pills. I fired her in Sept of 2020 when she forced me to muzzle myself while in her office and suggested I get the jab. Then she retired, although she’s younger than me! Maybe she grew a conscious or woke the hell up. Anyway I stopped vaccinating all of my four legged patients completely. I had avoided jabbing them for years because it just didn’t seem right but March of 2020 was the freight train that slammed me into full reality as to what was happening. I guess it takes a long time for some of us to “get it” after the full indoctrination of medical school.
You can remediate mercury: see post. Like me, you likely have aluminum as well. See this preview which will drop in a few days.
Get the MELISA.ORG test too.
Thankyou! Yes I had all of my mercury amalgams removed in 2006. Just recently I threw out all of my under arm deodorant, aluminum cooking pans, aluminum foil, and anything else that contains aluminum. I’ll be going and buying cases of Fiji water now, so thank you for that tip! I bought a jar of xeolite, but I haven’t taken it because of the controversial nature of that particular detoxifier. As I said before I have found McCullough’s Spike support to be helpful with my smell and taste. It does take a little while, however. One of my friends is determined to have me purchase some nicotine patches per Dr. Brian Ardis. Overall, I’m much healthier and I feel very good about the fact that I’m not contributing to the deterioration of my patients’ health. I see way too many cancers in young animals that shouldn’t be there.
Selenium 200 micrograms a day supposedly helps too and I ordered it. Zeolites are no good but again I'm a newby here. According to Dennis Crouse. Post soon.
If you are mercury toxic you are very likely aluminum toxic as the former causes the body to retain the latter. By detoxing mercury your body will begin to shed aluminum as well. See "Maybe It's Mercury"... and the Mercury Detoxification Manual
Mike Adams also looked at various zeolite treatments and rated them poorly, but this time he did not give brand names, which I found extremely annoying ( He usually does a better job (for instance his tests of water filters, or municipal water). (
Wishing you a safe trip and successful surgery!
thanks for your encouragement
Dr. Crouse, far more credible than the promoters, thinks zeolytes are a scam
Thank you for this link!
They may work on moving mercury around the body but if they are incapable of trapping it for the length of its half life then the zeolite will simply redistribute it around the body... and of course, also the brain.
He is not. most in his family are. He knows the detox info.
Wow!! I look forward to your posts?daily. What a learning school you are so kindly giving us. Thank you.
Great compliment! Sign up your friends...
I try to post every third day. Here is an upcoming one:
Yes.I saw that one. Will do.
This needs to be shared far and wide.
I had my mercury amalgams removed in 2002 partly because I had neurofibromas in my c spine and had 2 operations in 93 and 98 to reduce/remove them. I didn’t notice any obvious improvement in my condition but I didn’t need another operation until 2011 so I had a good run but they had to put titanium posts and pins to support my vertebrae. Unfortunately I needed a shoulder fusion in 2017 and had titanium. I am concerned about being an aerial now! I’ve noticed my blood pressure plummets when I stand and iron in the room near my consumer unit and I become faint. I can’t have the titanium removed but so do try to reduce my exposure to EMFs.
Regarding the Parkinson’s symptoms please have a look at nicotine patches. Nicotine has some promise with PD and it’s worth your time to research. I have seen it help some sufferers but not all.
Or I could smoke ha... There are alternatives to titanium including ceramics and coatings.
Yes thanks for the info but I’m not prepared to go through hours of dangerous surgery and I’m afraid the NHS wouldn’t pay for it. What’s done is done but I may be able to take some other remedial action.
continue to study the situation if you want to be healthy
Good advice but health is a relative concept when you have chronic disease. Pros and cons have to be considered
no course is without risk but staying where you are is often the worst
You can always test your reaction to metals... there is a blood test that is extensive (but one simple draw). This is one company that does them:
You can know once and for all if you are reactive to the metals in your body.
this is another good test that I had
I'm trying to also get the test as well before my dental work.
Check out the Andy Cutler Protocol (
No, do not check out the Andy Cutler protocol! It is incredibly dangerous and there have been many damaged by his methods or left bedridden.
DMSA chelation at home methods should not be recommended because people do get harmed. Detox or chelation of mercury should be tailored to the individual and done under the supervision of a specialist with experience with the removal of mercury.
There is no generic advice on this topic that won’t harm some people permanently. Inappropriate detox of mercury with dmsa can ruin lives.
Many have been harmed by DMSA chelation of Mercury and you certainly don’t want to be the person who recommends something which then causes someone permanent and debilitating health issues.
Ochratoxin is implicated in Parkinson's Disease. Check out the research. Ochratoxin is a mycotoxin released by Aspergillus and Penicillium which are extremely common molds found in homes, most often growing on the back sides of dry wall. Yes, the side we never see. You can get dna testing of dust in your home to determine. Air tests as well. Tape tests as well. Work with a building biologist to determine if this is a potential source of toxin for you.
Thanks another freaking reading assignment!
Very interesting. It could also be that mercury toxicity, which sends the body's immune system haywire - notably, many many mercury toxic people also suffer from candida infections - simply can't hold any mycotoxin infection at bay.
Candida is a mechanism of protection from heavy metals . Sometimes practitioners make problems worse by trying to rid a body of Candida , which is always a secondary issue. Release of heavy metals that Candida is sequestering might be a bad idea ...
PS. I had all my mercury amalgams removed in 2006. One of the best things I ever did for myself...
what happened
First and foremost, all the dental sensitivity went away. I couldn’t put anything cold in my mouth ever. Since I was a kid. Migraines have not returned. I needed a crown put on a live tooth that had been destroyed by mercury amalgam and had it made from what they call zirconia. It’s very hard and translucent, like a real tooth. This has enabled me to chew on that side again. Amalgam doesn’t bond to the tooth. It’s placed inside the crown under an enamel undercut and kills the anaerobic and aerobic bacteria that get underneath and around it via the toxic mercury environment created within the crown of your tooth. Like other metals, the amalgam swells and contracts depending upon temperature. Under pressure you can see the mercury leaching out from the filling, if you’re placing a filling into a cavity prep. At an IAOMT meeting I attended in Chicago about 15 years ago, a speaker said that we’re flushing mercury down the toilet every day from the amalgams in our mouth. That the American Dental Association owns or owned the patent to amalgam for dental products. I don’t know if that’s still true but the safest place for mercury to be cannot be in your mouth!
Jeez thanks
👏👏👏👏👏💥💥Most excellent piece and thank you for sharing your journey and learning. I was aware of the correlation between heavy metals and Parkinson's, Dr DK's work (although I didn't know about his EMF caveat), and thimerosal in the shots, etc.
I had no idea that Thimerosal was in contact solutions 😯😯☹🤐😐🤦♀️
I never fail to be astonished at the depth of negligent practices and disregard within the manufacturing and regulatory industries.🤔🤦♀️🤦♀️🙏🙏🙏
Thanks. I wish I could say nothing shocks me but I'm floored every week. Stay tuned for 2 posts about aluminum. The commentators here are some of the most sophisticated metal injury people on the planet.
Please keep posting on this topic. It affects at least half of the people in the country who have had fillings.
Here's a preview
more like all to some degree. more posts to come
Thank you for this timely advice. I broke a tooth on an olive pit of all things and half is sheered away. It has amalgam. I’ve been putting off dealing with it. I won’t any more.
Get someone who is skilled to put a composite on it. Saremco is non metallic but there are others.
Anyone thinking about getting dental amalgam removed should contact the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine for more information about the proper protocols.
Please find a qualified dentist to do this procedure or you may end up in a worse situation:
Thanks there is so much to learn.. fluoride? have you done that?
Here are all my dental posts and one on fluoride:
See my three dental posts ref in this article and see the preview post in the comment above. best...
My humble thoughs on this. Hope I can contribute, feel like carrying owls to athens. Well.
I want to start that I feel the unvaccinated are under constant heavy attack, because they are not “waned” to spike. So I encourage them (and myself) to constantly detox from spike. Like I-PREVENT or just some maintenance CDS cure. Many possibilities.
Detoxing (heavy) metals:
Bring toxins, especially metals, in circulation by ClO2(aq) called CDS or the more ancestral version MMS. Use some protocol. Start slowly and increment in factors to watch for your herxheimer level.
I think any inorganic antiseptic has this effect, but ClO2 is the one with the best effect and tolerability for this.
Read about natural water high in silicon.
Was it by you?
If dissolved and in circulation, it may just settle again. So we can bind it eg by gelation therapy and or just by healing clay I combine with fine zeolite and psyllium seel husk powder.
To mix without clotting just throw in a marble in a plastic cup with lid and close lid and shake 10secs.. For it to go down fast, I warm the water a bit before pouring it in.
Have something ready you look forward to drinking afterwards :))
(General approach for me:
Just use telegram and search a nice group discussing detox. Or CDS. Or H2O2 etc…)
Have you found artemisia annua and moringa leaf powder to be helpful?
See by Dr. Hirth on their A3 breed of artemisa with constant high level of artemisin and a high leaf yield. Buy hand-plucked without pollen or stem.
The precision medicine side could be found in an universal approach be Ronald N. Kostoff that showed how to do patient centred precision medicine on Alzheimers there:
Prevention and reversal of Alzheimer's disease: treatment protocol
Try to get the supplemental pdf’s as well
Then apply his method to you.
As he stated in the beginning it is just an example he used Alzheimers.
Generally, I would start using a CDS or MMS protocol for brain cancer, I think you just prepare some fresh activated MMS1 solution add DMSO and rub it onto the scalp. Only do it insides a protocol.
There is also the intesive protocols there: (Auto translate from DE)
I am interested how we could bring short chained hyaluron into the brain, any chance like DIY micellarly packaging, or is it just too big?
Healing (neuronal) tissue I found only DMSO, and progesterone in human form (nature-identical, our RIMKUS-hormonal-therapists call it, see )
I would include the two in therapy.
And hyalurone, too, helping restore (tightness of) Blood Brain Barrier bbb.
BBB also could improve tightness by L-Glutamine I found for leaky guts. Have to verify this.
Walnut leafs do me something very good, perhaps because they contain 10^-6 human progesterone. Which is not much for therapay. ( Still blood contains only 10^-9 :)
And they are anti-* :)
Is any of de-wormers like fenben also traversing the blood-brain-barrier and acting in the brain and having similar properties like ivermectin, that only works up to the blood-brain barrier and insides brain, makes spasm and tremors forma pity?
Once I read that PD is from plaques from crystalline Defensines, like little scars, witnesses of fights the brain fought against infections or parasites (eg toxoplasmosis by toxoplasma gondii).
So target is to
- make blood brain barrier as tight as possible (L-glutamine?) IBS or leaky guts therapy approaches might also help there)
- help immune system to ward off any pathogens so no infection has to be killed off by defensines in brain. I would take this as first goal, and dinsomething like alternate HIV therapy.
- detox , against parasites as well
See Dr. Klinghardt on these topics.
Also, on healing the biome:
According to Dr. Sabine Hazan, our limits are written by status of biome, we serving it in ideal, she perceives herself as a vessel for the biome, which is the “higher being” :), so do intense prebiotic cures to
- heighten bifido content and number of species (not any but accepted by immune system)
- bring up diversity in biome
A friend said as bifidos reside in large colon, why not use some little enema or similar to feed them specifically?
But this would be an intervention one has to think over. Side effects if directly tampering with our bifidos? Well, we do it all the time - by our diet. May it be “appropriate to the species”, and perceive you are the 1 member of the species :))
After some searching, I found prebiotics specifically for bifidos, like inoline and oligofructose I think. And certain plant fibres. Have to get broccoli powder.
I found most prebiotics useless, as they do not contain whole biomes my own self could enrich from by including some
- by chance - fitting species into the family circle of my biome.
Mostly, we find that in family members and their rooms, but also in naturally existing rich biomes like grown fermented products that were NOT started by industrial starter culteres often containing only little diversity or only a few species.
Look into Effective Microorganisms (by the Japanese inventor of them, Teruo Higa, and try out a few. Yes, they write “for plants and cleaning purposes”, but I was shown one can take just a little gulp and it improves many things.
Also, you can DIY.
Or use sour dough that stems from a natural biome (as I said, rooms have one, the bakery room defines the taste of the sour dough ray bread after you set up a new dough. But normally, it is preserved by the drying method, you just take dough, ray flour and rub little pills where the bacteria get dry stress and encapsulate in stasis form.
In this form it is also exchangeable, eg by letter, and indeed we have sour dough exchange networks. :)
For a pity, people are not yet advanced enough to do that with their own biome.
Except the pioneers in precision medicine. Not available to me.
After thinking this over, before my son had to take some antibiotics (unnecessary, as we have CDS and DMSO, but well, I’m living in deadly medical traditions in family) we just preserved his biome by placing little pieces of stool probe in a glass with clay and putting it in fridge.
After drying out, one could freeze it also. We did not, as we just made a pill from non stomach-acid solveable pill and placed some crumbs in, done.
But of course this is way too inexpensive and HEALTH PRESERVING to be done in normal medicine that denies its own findings 5mm next to them.
The forgotten side of Water
Please dive into energetic water (see amidwesterndoctor, search for water in archive in his substack, where you find Dr. Seneff’s paper in this).
I would like to measure it. Ideas welcome.
Also, I found we need the spiritual side of healing, I found eg in russian information therapy. But you have to resonate with some tradition or healing system enough to compensate you were not raised in it to truly help you.
Please add your topics of interest, if you want to dig deeper into some thing, I will set up my filters for you and try to help :) !
All the best!
Dr. Klinghardt has a prerequisite for treating patients:
Get rid of wlan and LTE exposure as best as possible.
Reduce online time, whether wlan or not.
(50 hours could be the cause of your problems. Travel somewhere offline to heal. )
Minimize radio buzzing:
We found we can plug in little USB-C hubs with LAN port in smartphones and give them internet via cable. Then you can even switch to ”wlan telephony” in mobile telephony settings, and switch off all transmitters. You will phone via LAN.
As LTE is directional to each client, I estimate one could place some
LTE device or antenna some distance away and roll out a cable for the last meters. But I’m only beginning to ask myself questions like: how narrow is the transmitting cone of one comm burst between mobile device and base station, respectively? I fear we have to get some space sideways like 20-30m, but I may be wrong.
If you live far away from a tower, your own device has to ramp up Power. If you live close, your own needs only tiny power, but you get exposed to many other participants tx from base in the same radio directional transmit space configuration than you are. Clever system of quite constant exposure, imho.
But Inhabe always to remember:
The worst thing making us ill is fear of fear.
Right now I’m still happily doing WLAN and LTE, but try to switch it off many hours a day and in the nights. Calm.
I did a shortcut command in ios to switch off bt and wlan and lte. Then did a shortcut on desktop of ios., you canncall by siri. THIS stays off.
If you do it from quick access command center swiping down from upper right corner, it comes back later. And does not switch bt off completely, as air drop and even hotspot requests from family devices still work.
THANKS for your thoughts. Unfortunately substack comments do not allow for paragraphs, and your contribution is pretty long. You have writing talent but anyone can improve. I think you should start a substack. Here are some tips:
All my best
All I can REALLY contribute so far is multi-drug multi-target inhalation remedies — that I all tried out. The above was a bit digging into what flew to me and what I read elsewhere.
Get well soon !
I think of you as of now and transform the picture of you into the state “already well”, and you slide into that future.
Of course YOU have to try this out, and if you like it, it will heal. :)
(It is like a prayer, and taught in russian information therapy. I can not do it or have not so far, but I think it is not difficult, demands only some intensity. An it is open to any belief system the patient or therapist may be living in, though it is having christian roots.
Can you read German? My only source is in DE, by Olga Häusermann : Russische Informationsmedizin …)
The joke is: trilingual is 3 languages, bilingual is two, and one language is American.
Thanks for your encouragement. The Goddess is networking me a detox provider and my dentist told me to not detox for a month. Here he is (draft post)
Before anyone undertakes mercury detox or chelation they need to read about Andy Cutlers procedure for doing this.
He has a book called The Mercury Detoxification Manual and it is extremely informative. There is also a Facebook group. He only uses Alpha Lipoic Acid and DMSA or DMPS. Be very careful if you do any of these other methods. Many people have posted horror stories about using Klinghardt procedures on the FB group. There are also some YouTube videos with Andy explaining everything.
I’ve helped several patients over the years damaged by using DMSA detoxification protocols. DMSA pulls mercury from the blood but not the cells. (Professor of chemistry and mercury expert, Boyd Haley will verify this) DMSA takes mercury through the kidneys and they are not designed for large molecules of mercury and therefore, can cause renal failure. DMSA depletes the body of essential minerals.
There are far safer methods of detoxification. DMSA and DMPS chelation/detoxification is outdated. Please listen to my podcast where I explain and give alternative treatments.
Well, for sure DMSA and DMPS are outdated... if you are using IV. Oral chelation is no such thing and the best chance we all have at regaining our health.
How interesting that you have helped several patients over the years and yet never considered using ALA. How were you able to remove the mercury from their brain, since neither DMSA nor DMPS can do so? Just curious.
Becky Dutton
From my personal experience of taking oral DMSA and from the many I’ve helped since 2007, damaged from using oral DMSA, it’s far better to consider using safer options.
I NEVER suggest chelating/detoxing at home as it’s far too dangerous. I always refer patients to a clinician experienced in environmental toxicity and safe detoxification . Please listen to my podcast.
Drawbacks of Most Popular Chelating Agents for Mercury
Boyd Haley, Professor of chemistry, discusses the drawbacks of using dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) or 2,3-dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid (DMPS) to detoxify mercury — the two most commonly used chemical chelators. According to Haley, they are in fact not true chelators. Rather they form a "sandwich complex" where each molecule of mercury will have two DMSA molecules attached to it, opposed to just one.
A significant problem is their ability to translocate mercury from the blood and other organs and concentrating it in the kidneys, thereby causing renal failure. What's more, most of the mercury is not in your blood but rather in your cells, and neither DMPS nor DMSA can enter the cell, Haley claims. They only remove mercury from your blood.
Becky has volunteered to help me with these decisions after I get my amalgams out.
You are giving advice to people which has caused a lot harm. And sooner or later someone will be harmed by your advice. If you had the experience to being giving out advice on this you would not be recommending DMSA at home treatments. You would be recommending people go to a specialist with experience in this and that their chelation/detoxification is tailored to them, tailored to the metals being removed and done in a way it won’t harm that patient
I people are being harmed by DMSA at home treatments
thanks. I'll report on my whole experience too.
I have to take you to task Sez777. I was exposed to mercury in the workplace for 7yrs in the 60s/70s. I mixed dental amalgams in my hand and inhaled the mercury vapour when we went from manual to machine mixing. Whilst instruction was given in how to dispose of the mercury safely, there were no measures in place to protect me, either when using or discarding mercury. Finding Becky Dutton in 2010 was a lifesaver. The experts around her took me in hand. My health was so severely affected, that measures to restore it had to be taken very slowly and carefully. One measure was the removal of a couple of amalgam fillings. For me Sez777, mercury WAS the equivalent of radioactive fallout, and had to be treated as such. I was lucky that the dentist Becky put me in contact with, was professional in every way. Safety protocols protected not only me, but him and his assistant. My health had been compromised due to a lack of protection, and I had fought in vain for 40yrs for that to be recognised and to get help with the longterm impact on my health. Why would I accept less than special safety protocols? A casual 'bread and butter' attitude to mercury removal, is totally unacceptable in these supposedly enlightened times.
Haha. I could not remember the other 3 letter term you used. DFL. Of course!!
the ignorance is stunning
I am so thrilled to hear that!!
I share your posts to as many friends as I can. But some are in the DFR category.
Drawbacks of Most Popular Chelating Agents for Mercury
Boyd Haley, Professor of chemistry, discusses the drawbacks of using dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) or 2,3-dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid (DMPS) to detoxify mercury — the two most commonly used chemical chelators. According to Haley, they are in fact not true chelators. Rather they form a "sandwich complex" where each molecule of mercury will have two DMSA molecules attached to it, opposed to just one.
A significant problem is their ability to translocate mercury from the blood and other organs and concentrating it in the kidneys, thereby causing renal failure. What's more, most of the mercury is not in your blood but rather in your cells, and neither DMPS nor DMSA can enter the cell, Haley claims. They only remove mercury from your blood.