Robert - sorry that happened to you. At least you got some initial exposure from them.

We both know that you had a "deal with the devil." I'm in tech and have been developing web sites almost as long as amazon has existed. I don't know what they were like initially, although I was working in the web, we hadn't yet heard of them. I'm guessing the same megalomaniac mentality that has pervaded their 2,000's explosion was always there. It's a horrible company run by a Lex Luther both in appearance and mentality. No billionaire (including musk or trump) cares about anyone but themselves. Probably not even their children that much.

Being away from them has its short term downsides for you, but I am confident the freedom it grants will ultimately be cathartic for you.

I bristle every time someone says either "get it on amazon" or "google it" as if that's the only choices available. They prey on human laziness to feed their machine.

I do sometimes buy from amazon or use google, but only as last resorts when absolutely "necessary." My family makes the effort to avoid them. We cannot break the cabal by supporting these onerous evil businesses.

People: make some effort to stay away from these places as much as possible and support small businesses, preferably locally, and support Robert's new gracious freebie model. We all win that way!

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Is there any search engine that does not direct the results

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Here's the search engine story:

There are many search engines. To my knowledge, all are window dressing. The first component of search is "spidering" or "crawling" the web. That's visiting every page of every billion plus sites on the web. Moments after starting, some pages that were just crawled have had content changed, so it's a continuous daunting task. When I started in tech (pre google), there were directories like yahoo and some fledgling search engines like alta vista. There were not even 50,000 web sites then. So as google evolved and grew massively with the web's massive growth, they became the defacto crawler. Any search engine I know of (99% sure including bing) use google's crawl data, which they make available for free (I believe to skirt anti-trust laws) because the crawling task is almost impossible for anyone else to spin up with the size of today's web.

HOWEVER!!! However, google in providing free crawl data, are not restricted from censoring, manipulating, or filtering the crawled data they provide. So, to answer your question, it will be very hard to find a search engine, even ones that want to be unfiltered and transparent, from not having manipulated or missing results. They are starting out with "bad data." That's why I said "window dressing."

This is where Steve Kirsch, fully understanding this and what is being censored, could step up and do some good. Don't hold your breath.

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wow I thought there were a few that were not beholden to Google

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Even Bing is significantly better than Google in my experience

Mojeek – The only true search engine (rather than metasearch engine) that has its own crawler and index (based in the UK).


Put in " JFK conspiracy" into mojeek and see how different the results are to almost any other search engine

YaCy – A decentralized, open source, peer-to-peer search engine


Personally I think Yandex is significantly better than Google if not perfect

AVG browser let me get to websites in Russia even when the US tried to block them all in the early days of the Russian Ukrainian invasion

Which browser do you use currently?

Brave or Firefox?

Braves default search is significantly better than Google









Presearch is decentralized and pretty cool IMO



Giga last is very cool imo


Metasearch engines, like Searx and Metager, pull search results from hundreds of different sources, so they reflect a different set of biases from Google and Bing. Metasearch engines can be a bit clunky to use, but they’re an interesting option for anyone who wants to delve deeper into the possibilities of search.







Why Google Made the NSA

Inside the secret network behind mass surveillance, endless war, and Skynet




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Here's some more




SearchFree - The world's first conservative and libertarian search engine



Billed as an AI search engine you control

I did this a little over a year ago

Searching “holocaust is a hoax” in various search engines and ranking the first result from a “holocaust denial” site:

Google: 46th Organic Result

Yahoo: 2nd Organic Result

Bing: 2nd Organic Result

Yandex: 1st Organic Result

DuckDuckGo: 4th Organic Result

Searching “vaccines cause autism” in various search engines and ranking the first “anti-vaccination” result:

Google: >50th result

Yahoo: 19th Organic Result

Bing: 16th Organic Result

Yandex: 1st Organic Result

DuckDuckGo: 1st Organic Result


It's called " Tusk " browser


Another good one is exalead


Newslookup let's you search just news


onelook.com is a very cool super dictionary

Million short is cool bc it lets you filter out very popular websites


Faganfinder offers lots of different search engines to choose from


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I use yandex the Russian search engine

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I'm pretty sure Silicon Valley /big tech was always intended to be a panopticon



It's also a real shame how obviously superior ideas seemingly never gain traction



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The Truth can be delayed but never destroyed.

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Can, & will, Amazon eliminate our books on Kindle? I’ve wondered about this for years.

Just as govmint could shut down digital currency (our own bank account) on a whim I’d think Amazon could do the same re: our Kindle collections.

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I don't think they do that yet but if you redownload them too many times they sometimes vanish

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Reminds me of the book burning in Germany. Don’t allow what the government doesn’t want you to read. I guess you have to link a copy and let the people pass it around. Too bad you won’t cash in on the book but hopefully that wasn’t the aim in the first place

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no money in the author biz

I think the stat is that there are only 1000 authors in all Amazon who make over $100,000

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Link to your book and I will spread to what’s left of my social media. Leave the original name and the chapter about the TS. I’ve only read bits and pieces of the book via your Substack but feel people should have access to books like yours even if it’s on a computer in pdf format. Maybe it will generate enough contributions to forlay your costs.

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I will promote Cassandra's Memo to my lists, and to the community around Vox Day. We will route around this censorship, building out our own networks. Speaking of Vox, ChatGPT wrote explaining his success:

Multiple platforms and formats: Vox Day has worked across various formats and platforms, such as books, blogs, podcasts, and video games. By diversifying his content, he can reach a wider audience and establish a presence in different domains.

Persistence and consistency: Vox Day has been active for many years, consistently creating and promoting his work. Over time, this has helped him build a loyal following that shares and supports his ideas.

Targeting a niche audience: Vox Day's work often appeals to a specific audience that shares his beliefs and values. By focusing on this niche, he has been able to build a dedicated community that engages with and supports his work.

Networking and collaboration: Vox Day has collaborated with other prominent figures, which has helped him expand his reach and influence.

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is this a website or what?

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Besides the website, a publisher of books http://www.castaliahouse.com/authors/vox-day/

, video https://unauthorized.tv/ and comics https://www.arkhaven.com/

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A website: http://voxday.net/

The quote from ChatGPT is from the post: https://voxday.net/2023/03/26/mailvox-even-ai-lives-in-fear/

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Rabbit hole.

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Amazon is an evil company. So much the better for you that you are not associated with them. They get you the same way big Pharma got those who were reluctant to inject poison into themselves to agree to let it happen, by comfort and convenience. Comfort and convenience are the signposts on the road to hell. Best to get off that road.

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Amazon is bad. Google is worse. See last post.

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I am so sorry for this..and sad that you have to bear a corporation shitting down your free speech tights because they csnnot sbide a diffetent perspective. Shame on them. I will...and whete can we donate?

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Duchess you have a bit of a potty mouth but I like you anyway and so do I ha... thanks for your comment

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You can donate on any of my book upload links but I would rather you spread those links far and wide. best

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Ok Dr. Yoho!

Will do!

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Doc should get hardcore and ship from his Garage. It's going to take dedicated grassroots efforts to fight this. Total BS. Support you 100%.

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the print on demand is available on Barnes and Noble at the link best

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Do you know where and how Amazon began?

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Think I read recently it was In-Q-Tel backed, basically in Silicon Valley. looks like Tech Giant but is feeding DoD info. Think of all the data tracking they can do!

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In-Q-Tel is a CIA bastard child.

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I sent the book link for Cassandra's Memo out to 10 people today 3-27. I will try to get to the others as time permits.

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thanks and be sure to download the other books. best

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Unreal. You have worked unbelievably hard and long, so discouraging. This is no longer America. Really sorry Dr. Yoho.

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Both original versions are still up on Barnes and Noble, a much smaller platform. They would censor it too but they are not as well organized. They kept The Real Anthony Fauci out of bookstores.

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I downloaded Cassandra’s Memo awhile back -and will do my best to help distribute it further. Looking forward to reading your other 2 books! Especially knowing pharma doesn’t approve!

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I'm going to send out Hormone Secrets today.

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thanks for your efforts! if this goes through a few iterations, these books will get some more traction...

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The First Amendment doesn't apply to Amazon because it isn't a federal agency.

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yes we all know that but we never in history have had such a monopoly

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Amazon isn't on the list at ministryoffear.wordpress.com/2009/01/28/10-greatest-monopolies/

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Meaning Amazon isn't the size of monopoly claimed.

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Kindly source your claim that there "never in history have had such a monopoly."

Most of (we) are completely unaware of that.

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reread the article the stats are there

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has there been a publisher that has well over half of the market share? of course not

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Which stats?

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I am thoroughly enjoying reading CASSANDRA'S MEMO on My.BookFunnel.com. Well. actually the material is so very disturbing, enjoying is not the correct word. I think I am beginning to wake up from the lovely LA LA LAND I have loved living in for many years. I recommend you make a big donation to Dr. Yoho for all his work putting these books together to get the truth out and get your download on BookFunnel.

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Thanks and donations are a tangible flattery. I worked a year on that thing and heavily edited it. If you send the link to your lists, it should go viral because recipients are encouraged to send to their lists and so on down the line.

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In regard to the copies that have already been downloaded, are the chapters on transgendered people still there?

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I'm a bit confused... I was just able to order Cassandra's Memo in Paperback from Amazon (March 27, 2023 at 12:15pm EDT) - there was NOT a Kindle option, but paperback was fine...

I also see both "Hormone Secrets" and "Butchered by Healthcare" available via Kindle, Audio or Paperback... so is the whole issue not being able to get Cassandra's Memo via Kindle?

Seems very strange that Amazon would refuse to publish via one channel but make available via the others...

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I just went to Amazon and posted a "review" - asking them why they are blocking via Kindle and telling them they should release it via that channel. maybe a LOT of us should do that (assuming that they will post my review).

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I'd rather you not contact Amazon. thanks

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this is an error on their part; this link may be taken down.

I have no access to my author's website, cannot use amazon ads, and they refused to publish the book as an ebook.

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“The conscience is a faculty of the soul that either accuses or defends our ethical choices. This biblical text tells us the relationship between morality, conscience, the Ten Commandments, and future Judgment.”

Yes, the big push has been to make man think he is an animal and does not have a soul. The eternal soul is where the intellect and free will is located and all human beings have a soul because they are made in the image and like ness of God.

When I was learning about the beginnings of the Illuminati and how the moneyed elites and intellectuals took control of the “reading rooms” (libraries) in Europe in the eighteenth century. More and more of the unwashed masses were learning to read and to think and were Christians and that was a threat to the privileged classes so intellectual ideas and the printed word had to be tightly controlled. At the same time the intellectuals in the monasteries and seminaries had to be infiltrated with Enlightenment thought, freemasonic antichrist thought.

I am able to get quality teaching regarding philosophy and true Christianity by listening to the early Youtube Channel videos described below.

Go to “What Catholics Believe - Holy Mass Livestream” channel and press on Videos tab.


Then scroll all the way down to the earliest video on this channel for videos uploaded either 9 years ago or to 6 years ago. Look for the videos where the thumbnail photo shows the picture of either Bishop Clarence Kelly, Bishop Donald Sanborn and Father William Jenkins. If the photo includes one or more of these individuals’ photos, you will be getting quality teaching. These are videos that were originally aired in early 1990s on local public access TV and I think on the BET national network.

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