The real fog has been created by a false idea that modern medicine actually works. And that pharmaceuticals are effective at bringing health to people. It goes that deep. Many of the truth tellers re the vax still deeply accept the basic idea their life’s work was real and good. For a Malone etc to come to grips with the fact that almost nothing they did was even moderately helpful is a giant bridge to cross. The general public too still accepts in most cases health comes from a pill. It clearly doesn’t and can’t. We all must come to that place to truly separate fact from fiction. Can the odd pill help a bit? Probably. But to think that ever can be the basis of health is just an error. A gigantic one.

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About half of medicine is effective

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What works, works. If I crash my motorcycle don’t take me to a homeopath please. Lots of surgery does. Emergency work is often really good. But a sizable percentage of ‘take this every day for the rest of your life’ medicine is harmful.

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I’ve had a number of friends over the past twenty years caring for their elderly parents at some point take all their medicine and toss it in the garbage and then watch their bright sharp Mom or Dad re-emerge from the fog. Their energy comes back, clarity returns, etc.

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I’m sympathetic to doctors. I really am. But any doctor pushing the vax turned their brains and morals off some time ago. I know some really good well intentioned doctors. They still write prescriptions though for statins. And anti depressants. And give Ritalin to boys who come from fatherless homes. At some point they have to say ‘this won’t do it’. Their payment model though requires 30-40 of those a day. There is no health in that.

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Doctors have been trained and indoctrinated for the last 50 years about the implementation of vaccines and therefore would seldom question their use. Most doctors didn't even know VAERS existed before covid came along.

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Knowing what we know now, it's all hard to believe.

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Very True. It's as if they want you to believe that the ONLY reason your are not in good health is because of the lack of big pharma poisons.

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‘If only I had one more pill to take’.

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Just think....the fake pandemic and tsunami of disinformation, lies and propaganda would never have gotten off the ground without the Internet, the TV media and print media. If you happened to avoid most of these sources of information/disinformation, you could have gone on living a mostly normal life.

You could have avoided most of the fear, panic and trauma and that IS the only thing that drives a pandemic. Not some silly invented virus that cannot be found, or properly tested for its existence in the body...before or after death. Unless you became freaked out by your neighbors, friends or coworkers, your sanity would have been spared.

If there ever was a REAL deadly virus, there is nothing that would save you. It would wipe out most of mankind before anything could be done. It seemed like within a week, covid suddenly popped up in 100 countries or more.

If SARS CoV-2 can really spread that fast, do you think the CDC could react fast enough to protect us? Aren't those bums supposed to be ahead of the curve? Aren't they supposed to have an entire manifest of proven actions to take to save the country from deadly viruses?

Sorry, there ONLY reason for the CDC's existence is to promote fake pandemics and virus fears so that big pharma can have an excuse to pump you full of ITS deadly poisons, not save your life.

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I don't even think the plandemic is from a virus. I think it from a poison that was put in our water, airborne and in the vaccines. It makes more sense to me the way it spread so quickly and moved back and forth between countries and hit certain groups of people. I hope we get to the truth about this and soon!!

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Thank you for the truly sound advice Dr. I intend to reread and listen to more mentioned in your article. 👍

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Read Dr. Yoho, Ret. book Butchered by Healthcare, a real eye-opener. Well worth a few $$ on Kindle.

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Here's a copy you don't have to pay for https://dl.bookfunnel.com/4kliod8a9z

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That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun. - Ecclesiastes 1:9

The following Excerpts from “America's Secret Establishment” by Antony C. Sutton, will help the readers understand what is the Hegelian dialectic process and how it’s been used by the elites throughout history to create favorable outcomes to further their agendas


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Wonderful comment!

Thank you!

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Excellent share, Robert! Besides great selection of concepts and references, I've come to appreciate your alpha male style of telling your readers what to do, ha ha! (Read this for three minutes. Scan this for a minute. ...)

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Interesting. I just joined you with a paid subscription due to seeing you post your book at Ponerology (that's my way of paying you for your book and Substack at once). And then I see that you're sharing my interview, for which I thank you.

I believe that I was drawn in to circles that included handlers when my popularity blew up, but I found myself attacked constantly while those attacks (and most of my work) seemed of no consequence to those people. It's good to see that as I pull away, I'm not alone in seeing...signs that we cannot ignore, and should at least be investigating.

Edit: Your last minute is superb. Don't pin your hopes on iconoclasts, and triangulate your opinions.

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M I just saw this. I'm in the midst of rummaging through your material. Do you have any key posts that I can look at or suggestions about how to begin so I can best see the outlines? And yes, trolls are everywhere, certainly paid, and monitoring everything. I caught a bunch of posts from them in my writing about Malone. Gaslighting was the Miriam Webster word of the year 2022. Lies and deceptions are used to make us think we are beaten. Best and thsnks.

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Not everything is on the wiki yet, but I keep pages on the campfire.wiki to organize my writing. You can sort by topic.


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Am I the only one who had never heard the scenario outlined in the Tucker Carlson video? I was blown away! There was so much information that I had never heard and I was amazed Tucker had the courage to say those things out loud - unless everybody knew about it, but me!

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It is new to most of us in the past year. Welcome to team reality. I have a few in my circle who have been aware of most of Whitney Webb's book for a decade or more. (I have yet to read it but it's on my list). Some are so cynical that they literally believe nothing they hear. I haven't gotten there yet.

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Re controlled opposition. One side presents a unified face. All wrong, but it’s unified. We don’t. We are searching for truth. There is a ton of Misinformation. Some deliberately being spread. Calling someone part of the cabal when they’re obviously sacrificing a ton to speak out is malicious. EVEN IF THEY’RE WRONG ON SOME POINTS. Even big major ones. How many weren’t three years ago? The fact is if they’re firing across the gap at the other side they’re on our side.

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Some are malicious. You should make a judgment then flip your switch and ignore them from that point forward.

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The other thing is some of the first out of the gate have really annoying personalities. I doubt I could handle being around some of them. I like the work they’re doing but if I were in their social circle I would probably enjoy their basic obnoxiousness for twenty minutes here and there. But that would be it.

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Yeah. True.

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Thank you, Dr. Yoho!

Throw a rock into a pond and contemplatively watch the ripples. Dr. Astrid at the conference in Sweden? Dr. Jordon Walker on Project Veritas? One gazes at the seemingly ceaseless ripples and wonders.

And thank you, Lioness of Judah Ministry:

That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun. - Ecclesiastes 1:9

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I follow Dr Alexander. He hits hard and calls people out for the fraud. However, there is a glaring problem with his “hard hitting messaging”. Three years later and he STILL believes that Trump is a good guy, was simply tricked into supporting the vaccines, and that Trump should be elected again. He’s happy to call for the “hanging” of all the people involved in the Covid scamdemic, but constantly makes excuses for how Trump was and still is, doing what he does. That level of cognitive dissonance is pretty obvious to most people. It’s ridiculous enough that I can’t help but think Alexander is part of the controlled opposition. No one can be that irrational for so long without some ulterior motive. (Alexander or Trump)

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I know Alexander and he's real.

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Then he is not very intelligent. And he’s stuck trying to sell his book even though he still sees Trump selling the vaccine OVER 2 YEARS after It was known to be deadly. He makes the lamest excuses for Trump that I’ve ever heard but holds everyone else accountable. Talk about hypocrisy.

Almost everyone in America knows the “vaccines” are dangerous but somehow, Trump can’t quite figure it out... Yea, right. If Trump is that stupid, why would anyone want him near the presidency. It’s likely killed around half a million people. This is okay for him to brag about it being “his vaccine” still? And is still bragging that it’s saved millions of people? It’s not tone deaf. It’s a salesman’s line.

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As I understand, Alexander worked directly with Trump, personally. I would think he knows his character better than onlookers, such as us. I know nothing about Trump, am not from nor do I live in the US, but Alexander was a wonderful help at the Trucker’s Freedom fight last year and is a true hero, in my book. As well, nothing media reports is true at all, that would include what they say about Trump. Although, I do agree he needs to quit pushing the shots. However, we don’t know why he is doing this but there is more to it, no doubt.

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I’m a real

Estate developer. Not at Trumps level but I do build towers. I know people that know him. They say in person he’s quiet and a bit self effacing. But really really tough. His public persona is real but it is a part of him, it isn’t the whole of him.

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The way the globalists are trying to take him out seems some sort of evidence that he's the real thing. Every player can't be a shill.

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It’s fake opposition to make him look like he’s fighting for the little person. We will see him “persecuted” even more (FBI raids or other similar events) to help garner support for him before the election cycle. He’s owned by big pharma. Ask RFK jr. Trump agreed to let the data be evaluated to find vaccine injuries until he was given a donation to his campaign from Pfizer. He wouldn’t talk to RFK jr after that.

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If he were he would not have had the last election stolen from him.

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I disagree. It makes perfect sense that he wasn’t allowed to win the last election. Trump was promising to get the country back to normal and that was not the globalists plan. They needed more lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, money printing and war between Russia and Ukraine. Now, they are going to pretend like Trump will save us from all that insanity but if he wins, he will do exactly what he did last time and give lip service to what we want to hear but make excuses as to why he has to do something else. Interesting how he talked about early treatments but instead of putting together a team of doctors who were begging for the government to allow safe, effective, inexpensive treatments and letting them form an early treatment plan, he signed Operation Warp Speed instead. OWS essentially made sure early treatments would never be allowed by the government and it handed billions of dollars to the DOD and pharmaceutical companies to unleash a dang, novel, genetic therapy on the entire world. That wasn’t an accident and he wasn’t tricked.

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I think you are in cognitive dissonance as well. The “vaccine“ IS killing and maiming people and it was apparent from about one week after it was released (or during the trials now that we have that information). There is 0% chance Trump doesn’t know this. He gets booed by crowds when he starts selling it at his rallies. A person has to tie themselves in intellectual knots (as you did in your comment) to not see the roll Trump played in all of this. If he is elected again, which I think the globalists are trying to make happen, I’m sure it will result in CBDCs or another form of digital IDs. Fortunately, just like most people are figuring out the “vaccines” are a fraud, even the most ardent supporters of Trump are starting to see that he sold out to big pharma.

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Valid ideas. But we can't get captured by trying to dissect everything, and we can't see all ends.

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Trump is the most important part of the globalists plan. It’s not merely a small insignificant detail. People support him at our peril. What we can do is look back and see how we were all fooled by thinking Trump was fighting for us and learn from our mistake. It probably doesn’t matter because whoever gets elected is probably controlled by whatever or whoever is running this thing. But it’s foolish to continue supporting the person who did the most damage to the world. Operation Warp Speed was no accident.

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They sure are trying to tear him apart for someone who's supposed to be with us. I don't think we can tell.

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The tell is that he’s still pushing the vaccine. And, that he created Operation Warp Speed rather than a task force to find early treatments. It’s so obvious but people somehow still can’t see it. Like people still wearing masks, in their car.

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