Am I the only one who had never heard the scenario outlined in the Tucker Carlson video? I was blown away! There was so much information that I had never heard and I was amazed Tucker had the courage to say those things out loud - unless everybody knew about it, but me!
Am I the only one who had never heard the scenario outlined in the Tucker Carlson video? I was blown away! There was so much information that I had never heard and I was amazed Tucker had the courage to say those things out loud - unless everybody knew about it, but me!
It is new to most of us in the past year. Welcome to team reality. I have a few in my circle who have been aware of most of Whitney Webb's book for a decade or more. (I have yet to read it but it's on my list). Some are so cynical that they literally believe nothing they hear. I haven't gotten there yet.
Am I the only one who had never heard the scenario outlined in the Tucker Carlson video? I was blown away! There was so much information that I had never heard and I was amazed Tucker had the courage to say those things out loud - unless everybody knew about it, but me!
It is new to most of us in the past year. Welcome to team reality. I have a few in my circle who have been aware of most of Whitney Webb's book for a decade or more. (I have yet to read it but it's on my list). Some are so cynical that they literally believe nothing they hear. I haven't gotten there yet.